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Everything posted by BulleTTime

  1. it seems i cannot scale - rotate them is that right
  2. so how are these models made? I basicly want to rotate the direction of a particle (y) but is that possible ??? thanks
  3. Can anyone tell me how to assign particles on a .dff inside 3dsmax?? What do i need as material? Thanks
  4. would u like to show a working example using next() talidan ? (on the same table structure as above) thanks
  5. Hi, i was wondering how i could get the next absolute slot of a table. i would need a function that is called like this: nextslot = getNextSlot(slot) For example i would have a table like below: table1 = {} table[3] = "filled" table[7] = "filled" table[9] = "filled" Now lets say that i got number "9", then the function should return "3" and when i got the number "3" it should return "7" well thanks for any help
  6. Anyone knows why there are special character like "$" not working with the following code: gButtons.bet_input = guiCreateEdit( 0.605, 0.965, 0.07, 0.0225, "other", true ) guiEditSetMaxLength (gButtons.bet_input, 128 ) characterBlackList = {"Q","W","E","R","T","Y","U","I","O","P","A","S","D","F","G","H","J","K","L","M","N","B","V","C","X","Z","q","w","e","r","t","y","u","i","o","p","a","s","d","f","g","h","j","k","l","z","x","c","v","b","n","m","|","!","@","#","$","%","^","&","*","(",")","-","=","+","_" } addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", gButtons.bet_input, function(element) for c,l in ipairs (characterBlackList) do if (string.find(guiGetText(element),l)) then local text = string.gsub(guiGetText(element),l,"") guiSetText(element,text) end end end)
  7. Thanks, It seems that it did not work cause of something wierd. When i put the code into a Timer, it does work
  8. this aint working for me, there's still collision. would u like to give an example? (that works) thanks
  9. Anyone seen this before? i need to have a ped sit down on a chair, so i basicly need to disable collision to get it into the right position Any help will be thankfull
  10. Hey, I have been searching for about a week into this problem, and i still cant get it. For some reason, onColShapeHit only works for a player when he is outside the vehicle (then i get the outPutChatBox message as check), but it should work on the vehicle (thecar) element only. - the positions inside the table's are fine - When i drive with the car into the shape, noting works, but when i exit the vehicle i do get the output in checkbox ( outputChatBox("garageid: " .. tostring(garages[garageid].id)) ) thecar = createVehicle(cars[carid].model, cars[carid].x,cars[carid].y, cars[carid].z, cars[carid].rx, cars[carid].ry, cars[carid].rz, cars[carid].plate) -- colshape front garage eventfrontgarageshape = createColCuboid(garages[garageid].x-5, garages[garageid].y-5, garages[garageid].z, 10, 10, 10) -- colshape inside garage eventinsidegarageshape = createColCuboid(garages[garageid].x_in-3, garages[garageid].y_in-3, garages[garageid].z_in, 6, 6, 6) --player reached garage function playerreachedgarage(theelement) -- something goes wrong here outputChatBox("garageid: " .. tostring(garages[garageid].id)) if (theelement == thecar ) then if (getVehicleOccupant(thecar)) then setGarageOpen(garages[garageid].id, true) end end end addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", eventfrontgarageshape, playerreachedgarage) ive pasted the full serverside script on pastebin: http://mta.pastebin.com/d780174de i could also put the client and xml files with positions if its needed I hope that anyone could notice whats wrong.
  11. Anyone knows where i can find the bank interriror? its not listed on the wiki aswell as in the mapeditor. thanks
  12. Could anyone post an example of how to use this lib? I tried the following but it wont work: dxText:create( txt, screenWidth/2, screenHeight/2 ) dxText:font("pricedown") dxText:type("border", 2, 0, 0, 0, 255)
  13. Anyone knows whats wrong with the following code? "Bad argument @ 'GetGaragePosition'" -- CLIENT function gotothegarage ( player, command, garageID ) local x, y, z = getGaragePosition (tonumber(garageID)) setElementPosition ( player, x, y, z ) end addCommandHandler ("gotogarage", gotothegarage)
  14. BulleTTime


    thanks, i hope sounds like the mission complete will be added soon
  15. BulleTTime


    Hi, im looking for the "mission passed" sound, where could i find the sound id? Thanks
  16. Hey, For my script, i need to create a ColCuboid to check if an vehicle is inside the garage. Is there any way to use the client functions for it, would anyone make an working example of that? Thanks
  17. im getting still the error,without the local
  18. Hi, could anyone explain why the "id" var cant be accesed right after the for loop. It always get me an error: "Bad argument @ 'outputChatBox'" when i trace the id inside the for loop it does work.. for num = 1,amount do if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(cords[num].x, cords[num].y, cords[num].z, x, y, z) < getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(cords[num-1].x, cords[num-1].y, cords[num-1].z, x, y, z)) then local id = cords[num].Id end end outputChatBox(id, source)
  19. i got the script working on another way. tanks for the help though
  20. seems that getCameraMatrix is not working serverside, but setCameraMatrix is not working clientside
  21. I'm trying to make a function were the camera moves from 1 point to another. I noticed it needs a player arg, but im still getting a nil value though ERROR: ...script.lua:97: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'pos2z' (a nil value) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player) local cx, cy, cz, lx, ly, lz = getCameraMatrix(player) cameraMovement(x,y,z+start_z,cx,cy,cz,x,y,z,player) function cameraMovement(pos1x,pos1y,pos1z,pos2x,pos2y,pos2z,pointx,pointy,pointz,player) local pos1z = pos1z - 0.3 if pos1z - pos2z >0 then setTimer ( cameraMovement, 100, 1, pos1x,pos1y,pos1z,pos2x,pos2y,pos2z,pointx,pointy,pointz,player) else setCameraMode (player, "player") end setCameraMatrix(player, pos1x,pos1y,pos1z,pointx,pointy,pointz) end
  22. Im having a problem with getCameraMatrix, it gives me an error like below: Bad argument @ 'getCameraMatrix' im using the function like this: local cx, cy, cz, lx, ly, lz = getCameraMatrix() anyone got an idea?
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