I agree with Death. i think it was stupid of Thug to do this. Ren was the best leader we had. All thug did was get a server and webpage. I could have don'e that easly. I never seen him achelay playing. If ren wants to recruit n00bs, let him. If they are still n00bs in a week. Kick them. I never seen a bad DA player yet. I think thug did a worse job that REN. Ren helped out, organised clan mtaches, did 95% of the recruiting, Thug got a shitty webpage(no offense) and a 12 person server. Phuk did nothing realy, just played. I think it was a poor idea. If REn wants to keep DA going, I might be able to get a server, and can get a webpage. If REN still wants too, I'll help him keep it going. Mabe Thug, Nikateen, and mexico left, but DA is sytill here. So don't say lame ass comments about it splitting up. Say a leader left becasue he did nothing.