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  1. Gomes

    Help with a code

    thx bru, but how I can make it without use any command? just by acl?
  2. Heyo, I'm using (sneak) script, to run with weapons, but I wanna make it for just ACL members, like.. If player1 is in acl "VIP" he will run with weapons. function changeWalkStyle(player) local accname = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount(ThePlayer)) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accName, aclGetGroup("Admin")) then setPedWalkingStyle(player,69) end end addEventHandler(changeWalkStyle, player)
  3. I've a command "/revis playerid", but I want to make this command in a dxpanel, how I do that? addEvent('Suspiro.getInteractions', true) addEventHandler('Suspiro.getInteractions', root, function (player, element) local interactions = {} local type = getElementType(element) table.insert(interactions, {'Fechar', 'files/icons/cross_x.png'}) if type == 'player' then table.insert(interactions, {'Enviar Dinheiro', 'files/icons/pay.png', 'Suspiro.payMoneyDX', client = true}) table.insert(interactions, {'Beijar', 'files/icons/kiss.png', 'Suspiro.KissSolicitation'}) table.insert(interactions, {'Revistar', 'files/icons/detector.png', 'Suspiro.revistarJogador'}) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup (config['ACLs'].policial)) then table.insert(interactions, {'Revistar Ilegais', 'files/icons/list.png', 'Armas'}) <<<<<<-- Instead of 'Armas" I want execute a command like (revis playerid)
  4. Hello, I would like help to create a function, how can I cancel the damage to the player if his health reaches 20? pls help me
  5. the best server confirmed the best dayz's server confirmed
  6. ===VK Dayz Brasil=== Servidor Dayz de MTA, venha conhecer! ✯ Sistemas ✯ Clans ✯ Bases ✯ Vips ✯ Tenda Gratis ✯ Promoções únicas ✯ Eventos ✯ PVP ✯ Vagas na Staff, entrar em contato comigo no discord para mais informação. ===VK Dayz Brasil=== IP do servidor: mtasa:// Convite do Discord: https://discord.gg/D5dcYus
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