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About Rix3#

  • Birthday 14/07/2000


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    Trade Marketing

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I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody.

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54)



  1. If it can be modified to be with players, players and zombies
  2. Hola, Soy Rix3# Vengo a compartirles esta creación que he realizado, sistema de medallas con imágenes para el scoreboard... recuerdo que habilito el link de descarga cuando se cumpla la meta de likes ♥ Hi, I'm Rix3 # I come to share this creation that I have made, a system of medals with images for the scoreboard ... I remember that I enable the download link when the goal of likes is met ♥ INFORMACIÓN / INFORMATION ESPAÑOL El Jugador tenga una cuenta o no, le aparecerá una medalla. Si utilizas el configurador de Zombie Kills solo los del grupo ACL “Console” puede abrirlo presionando la tecla “o”. Cada que realices la acción de dar ZK, el jugador debe matar un zombie para que se actualice la medalla en el Scoreboard Automáticamente. Si llegamos a 50 Likes comparto el Script Descompilado, por el momento las medallas irán de esta manera: .- 0 – 1099 Zombie Kills ( Rango 0-10 ) .- 1100 – 3099 Zombie Kills ( Rango 11-20 ) .- 3100 – 4099 Zombie Kills ( Rango 21-30 ) .- 4100 – 5099 Zombie Kills ( Rango 31-40 ) .- 5100 – 9999 Zombie Kills ( Rango 41-50 ) .- 10000 – 15000000 Zombie Kills ( RANGO LEVEL PRO ) Este Script es exclusivo para los Servidores ZOMBIES! Este Script en creado 100% por Rix3#, todos los Derechos Reservados. ENGLISH The Player has an account or not, a medal will appear. If you use the Zombie Kills configurator, only those in the ACL group "Console" can open it by pressing the "o" key. Each time you perform the ZK action, the player must kill a zombie in order for the medal to update automatically on the Scoreboard Automatically. If we reach 50 Likes I share the Decompiled Script, for the moment the medals will go like this: .- 0 – 1099 Zombie Kills ( Rank 0-10 ) .- 1100 – 3099 Zombie Kills ( Rank 11-20 ) .- 3100 – 4099 Zombie Kills ( Rank 21-30 ) .- 4100 – 5099 Zombie Kills ( Rank 31-40 ) .- 5100 – 9999 Zombie Kills ( Rank 41-50 ) .- 10000 – 15000000 Zombie Kills ( RANK LEVEL PRO ) This Script is exclusive for ZOMBIES Servers! This Script is created 100% by Rix #, all Rights Reserved. DEPENDENCIAS / DEPENDENCIES guitext scoreboard edited by Rix3# VIDEO
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