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  1. now i have a gridlist that adds all online players to it , i need when i click button it gives all gridlist weapons or freeze them .. how to ?
  2. when i used triggerClientEvent in the function that adds the account to group its says attempt to get length of local 't' (a nil value) , my function is when i remove line 33 it works normaly but not refreshes the list . function getAccountsInGroup ( group ) if ( group and type ( group ) == "string" and aclGetGroup ( group ) ) then accounts = { } for _,v in ipairs ( aclGroupListObjects ( aclGetGroup ( group ) ) or { } ) do local data = split ( v , "." ) ; if ( data[1] == "user" ) then table.insert ( accounts , { acc = data[2] } ) end end end return accounts or { } end addEvent("done",true) -- thats when i click on button it displays all accounts -- addEventHandler ( "done" ,root, function ( player ) triggerClientEvent ( "addGridlist" , root , getAccountsInGroup ( "Police" ) ) end ) function addToGroup( group,text,player ) group = aclGetGroup( group ) if group == false or group == nil then end local account = getAccount ( text ) if ( account ~= false ) then local add = aclGroupAddObject( aclGetGroup("Police"), "user."..text ) if add then outputChatBox( "The object has been added successfully to the group", root, 0, 255, 0, true ) triggerClientEvent ("addGridlist",root,addToGroup) else outputChatBox( "This object is already in the group", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end else outputChatBox( "This account doesn't exists", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end addEvent( 'pe',true ) addEventHandler( 'pe',root,addToGroup)
  3. ok now i have a button to add accounts to Group , how to make when i added account to the group makes the gridlist refreshed and show the added account ??
  4. طيب ازاي ابدل الأمر اف 8 بالضغط علي زر؟
  5. تمام حبي، انا بدي لما اضغط علي زر معين ينفذ الوظيفة يعني ما بدي امر اف 8 واشكرك علي تعبك ياغالي
  6. hello everyone i made a panel to give permissions that's to give players "Police" rank ihave a gridlist with column , now i need to add all objects that's already in "Police" Acl Group to my gridlist how to do it ?? ,
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