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  1. am not good in scripts.. and i understand then very hard.. if u can explication me .. please
  2. JeweL

    MTA DayZ Help.

    function playerLogin(username, pass, player) local playerID = getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player),"playerID") account = getPlayerAccount(player) local x,y,z = getAccountData(account,"last_x"),getAccountData(account,"last_y"),getAccountData(account,"last_z") local skin = getAccountData(account,"skin") createZombieTable (player) if getAccountData(account,"isDead") then spawnDayZPlayer(player) return end spawnPlayer (player, x,y,z, math.random(0,360), skin, 0, 0) fadeCamera (player, true) setCameraTarget (player, player) playerCol = createColSphere(x,y,z,1.5) setElementData(player,"playerCol",playerCol) attachElements ( playerCol, player, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementData(playerCol,"parent",player) setElementData(playerCol,"player",true) for i,data in ipairs(playerDataTable) do local elementData = getAccountData(account,data[1]) setElementData(player,data[1],elementData) end setElementData(player,"logedin",true) setPedStat ( thePlayer, 69, 1000 ) setPedStat ( thePlayer, 70, 1000 ) setPedStat ( thePlayer, 71, 1000 ) setPedStat ( thePlayer, 72, 1000 ) setPedStat ( thePlayer, 73, 1000 ) setPedStat ( thePlayer, 74, 1000 ) setPedStat ( thePlayer, 75, 1000 ) setPedStat ( thePlayer, 76, 1000 ) setPedStat ( thePlayer, 77, 1000 ) setPedStat ( thePlayer, 78, 1000 ) setPedStat ( thePlayer, 79, 1000 ) That script is good for MTA DayZ full stats for Weapons?
  3. I have any problem.. Zombies doesnt spawn... function zombieSpawning() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) local material, hitX, hitY, hitZ = isObjectAroundPlayer2(getLocalPlayer(), 30, 3) if material == 0 and not isInBuilding(x, y, z) then triggerServerEvent("createZomieForPlayer", getLocalPlayer(), hitX, hitY, hitZ) end end setTimer(zombieSpawning, 3000, 0)
  4. function zombieSpawning() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) local material,hitX, hitY, hitZ = isObjectAroundPlayer2 ( getLocalPlayer(), 30, 3 ) if material == 0 and not isInBuilding(x,y,z) then triggerServerEvent("createZomieForPlayer",getLocalPlayer(),hitX, hitY, hitZ) end end setTimer(zombieSpawning,3000,0) Another one bug ... zombie didnt spawn..
  5. It's already "false". function onPlayerRequestChangingStats(itemName,itemInfo,data) if data == "food" then if itemName == "Burger" then blood = 300 elseif itemName == "Pizza" then blood = 300 elseif itemName == "Cooked Meat" then blood = 800 elseif itemName == "Beans Can" then blood = 200 elseif itemName == "Pasta Can" then blood = 200 end setPedAnimation (source,"FOOD","EAT_Burger",nil,false,false,nil,false) setElementData(source,itemName,getElementData(source,itemName)-1) addPlayerStats (source,"blood",blood) addPlayerStats (source,data,gameplayVariables["foodrestore"]) -- Restores a random amount between 40-100 (hunger) - default: 100 elseif data == "thirst" then setElementData(source,itemName,getElementData(source,itemName)-1) addPlayerStats (source,data,gameplayVariables["thirstrestore"]) -- Restores a random amount between 40-100 (thirst) default: 100 setPedAnimation (source,"VENDING","VEND_Drink2_P",nil,false,false,nil,false) if itemName == "Water Bottle" then setElementData(source,"Empty Water Bottle",(getElementData(source,"Empty Water Bottle") or 0)+1) end end triggerClientEvent (source, "displayClientInfo", source,"Food",shownInfos["youconsumed"].." "..itemName,22,255,0) triggerClientEvent(source,"refreshInventoryManual",source) end addEvent("onPlayerRequestChangingStats",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerRequestChangingStats",getRootElement(),onPlayerRequestChangingStats)
  6. Can anyone help me too? The gamemode a5.5.6 DayZ MTA The animations get stuck when they give me a Medic Kit, food or water ... can someone help me please!
  7. JeweL

    MTA DayZ

    Howdy! I also have a problem, if anyone can help me. I don't have the backpack and the weapon in the back ... The gamemode is version 0.7!
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