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![Rank: Snitch (10/54) Snitch](https://forum.multitheftauto.com/uploads/set_resources_22/84c1e40ea0e759e3f1505eb1788ddf3c_default_rank.png)
Snitch (10/54)
Eu ultilizei a funçao setTimer so que na hr de ultilizar o comando no servidor ele continua sem o tempo ainda queria por com 40 minutos ;x PegarArma = { } tempo = 4000000 function consoleGive ( thePlayer, commandName, weaponID, ammo ) local money = getPlayerMoney ( thePlayer ) if money >= 250 then if (PegarArma[thePlayerSource]) then return outputChatBox ( "Aguarde 40 minutos para pegar essa belezura", thePlayerSource, 225, 0, 0 ) end local status = giveWeapon ( thePlayer, 16, 1, true ) outputChatBox('#FFFF00Você acaba de pegar uma belezura bombinha', source, 0, 255, 0, true) takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, 200 ) PegarArma[thePlayerSource] = true setTimer( function(consoleGive) PegarArma[thePlayerSource] = false end, tempo, 1) else outputChatBox("Você tem que gastar 200 real apenas hoje pra pegar essa belezura(",thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end end addCommandHandler ( "pegarbomba", consoleGive )
Eu adicionei a função isObjectInACLGroup so que não foi fiz algo de errado help me Timer = {} ------------------------------------------------------------CARROS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local Veiculos = {474} -- IDs Carro = {} function CreateVehicle (source) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "staff" ) ) if getElementData (source, "Pegou", true) then return outputChatBox ('#FFFFFFEspere #00ffff10 Segundos #FFFFFFpara pegar outro carro !', source,255,255,255,true) end if Carro[source] then destroyElement(Carro[source]) Carro[source] = nil end local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local Cars = Veiculos[math.random(#Veiculos)] Carro[source] = createVehicle (Cars,x,y,z) setElementData(Carro[source],"creator",source) warpPedIntoVehicle (source,Carro[source]) outputChatBox ('#000000[#00ffff/carro#000000] #bebebeVocê pegou um carro !', source, 255, 255, 255, true) setElementData (source, "Pegou",true) Timer[source] = setTimer(function(player) if isElement(player) then setElementData(player,"Pegou",nil) end Timer[source] = nil end,10000,1,source) end addCommandHandler ("carro", CreateVehicle) ------------------------------------------------------------CARROS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------MOTOS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local Veiculos = {461} -- IDs dos Ve?culos. Moto = {} local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "staff" ) ) if getElementData(source, "Pegou", true) then return outputChatBox ('#FFFFFFEspere #00ffff10 Segundos #FFFFFFpara pegar outra moto !',source,255,255,255,true) end if Moto[source] then destroyElement(Moto[source]) Moto[source] = nil end local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local Cars = Veiculos[math.random(#Veiculos)] Moto[source] = createVehicle (Cars,x,y,z) setElementData(Moto[source],"creator",source) warpPedIntoVehicle (source,Moto[source]) outputChatBox ('#000000[#00ffff/moto#000000] #bebebeVocê pegou uma moto !', source, 255, 255, 255, true) setElementData (source, "Pegou",true) Timer[source] = setTimer(function(player) if isElement(player) then setElementData(player,"Pegou",nil) end Timer[source] = nil end,10000,1,source) end addCommandHandler ("moto", CreateVehicle) ------------------------------------------------------------MOTOS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function onVehicleExplode() local creator = getElementData(source,"creator") if isElement(creator) then if Moto[creator] and isElement(Moto[creator]) then if Moto[creator] == source then destroyElement(source) Moto[creator] = nil end end if Carro[creator] and isElement(Carro[creator]) then if Carro[creator] == source then destroyElement(source) Carro[creator] = nil end end end end addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode",resourceRoot,onVehicleExplode) function onPlayerQuit() if Moto[source] then destroyElement(Moto[source]) Moto[source] = nil end if Carro[source] then destroyElement(Carro[source]) Carro[source] = nil end if Timer[source] then if isTimer(Timer[source]) then killTimer(Timer[source]) end Timer[source] = nil end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,onPlayerQuit) Quem poder ajudar
addEvent ( "CrioDJ", true ) addEventHandler ( "CrioDJ", root, function ( who, Link, isCar ) if ( isElement ( stream ) ) then destroyElement ( stream ) end local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( who ) stream = playSound3D ( Link, x, y, z, true ) setElementInterior(stream, 3) setElementInterior(abrirpainel, 3) setElementDimension(abrirpainel, 0) setSoundVolume ( stream, 1 ) setSoundMinDistance (stream, 50 ) setSoundMaxDistance ( stream, 50 ) end ) Não sei se eu fiz errado mais aq kk faça um teste
Está cansado de outros servidores de MTA e quer jogar outro?? Então creio que esse servidor seja sua melhor opção! Freeroam + RP - Carros Modificados + Luxos + Motos + Carros da zueira - Gangues - Corporações - Teleportes Em quase todos os lugares - VIP LIBERADO (TEMPORARIAMENTE) - Arenas X1 - Sistema de neon - Sistema de caixinha de som para os jogadores ultilizarem - Staffs Responsáveis Ativos - PING 10~ 50~ - 100% COMPACTADO =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IP: mtasa:// Discord: discord.gg/yDMre4G Espero sua presença por la obrigado
Alguem help??
Assim? não entendo muito Lua mais vou tentar dar o meu melhor pra arrumar isso ok addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function( thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin ) if getAccountData ( theCurrentAccount, "carLicense" ) then setElementData ( source, "carLicense", true) end if getAccountData ( theCurrentAccount, "boatLicense" ) then setElementData ( source, "boatLicense", true) end if getAccountData ( theCurrentAccount, "aeroLicense" ) then setElementData ( source, "aeroLicense", true) end end ) function givePlayerLicense ( vehicleType ) local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if vehicleType == 1 then takePlayerMoney ( source, 1200 ) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "carLicense", "1" ) setElementData ( source, "carLicense", true) elseif vehicleType == 2 then takePlayerMoney ( source, 15000) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "aeroLicense", "1" ) setElementData ( source, "aeroLicense", true) elseif vehicleType == 3 then takePlayerMoney ( source, 7000 ) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "boatLicense", "1" ) setElementData ( source, "boatLicense", true) end end addEvent( "givePlayerLicenseClient", true ) addEventHandler( "givePlayerLicenseClient", getRootElement(), givePlayerLicense ) boats = { [430] = true, [446] = true, [452] = true, [453] = true, [454] = true, [472] = true, [473] = true, [484] = true, [493] = true, [595] = true } aero = { [417] = true, [425] = true, [447] = true, [460] = true, [469] = true, [476] = true, [487] = true, [488] = true, [497] = true, [511] = true, [512] = true, [513] = true, [519] = true, [520] = true, [548] = true, [553] = true, [563] = true, [577] = true, [592] = true, [593] = true } noNeedModels = { 448, 510, 462, 509, 481 } -- модели авто, которым не нужны права function isVehicleNoNeed (model) for i, v in ipairs ( noNeedModels ) do if v == model then return true end end return false end function enterVehicle ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) if seat == 0 then if ( boats[getElementModel ( source )] ) and ( not getElementData ( thePlayer, "boatLicense" ) ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você não possui uma licença para conduzir um Veiculo.", thePlayer, 255, 100, 100, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você pode comprar em San Fierro perto da escola de condução.. ", thePlayer, 255, 150, 140, true ) setControlState ( thePlayer, "enter_exit", false ) elseif ( aero[getElementModel ( source )] ) and ( not getElementData ( thePlayer, "aeroLicense" ) ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você não possui uma licença para operar o transporte aéreo.", thePlayer, 255, 100, 100, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você pode comprar em San Fierro perto da escola de condução.", thePlayer, 255, 150, 140, true ) setControlState ( thePlayer, "enter_exit", false ) elseif ( not getElementData ( thePlayer, "carLicense" ) and not isVehicleNoNeed ( getElementModel ( source )) ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você não tem uma licença para dirigir um carro.", thePlayer, 255, 100, 100, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você pode comprar em San Fierro perto da escola de condução.", thePlayer, 255, 150, 140, true ) setControlState ( thePlayer, "enter_exit", false ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), enterVehicle ) -- evento ativado quando o jogador entra no veiculo addEventHandler('onPlayerVehicleEnter', root, function() --// se o jogador não tenha a licença if not getElementData(source, 'carLicense') then local stars = getPlayerWantedLevel(source) -- se o nivel de procurados for menor que 6 if stars < 6 then -- checamos se as novas estrelas (atual+3) ultrapassa o numero 6, e corrigimos local newStars = stars+3 <= 6 and stars+3 or 6 --setamos o novo nivel de procurado setPlayerWantedLevel(source, newStars) --enviamos a mensagem no chat outputChatBox('Você não possui a carteira de motorista, então ganhou +3 niveis de procurado.', source) end end end) function showLicToPlayer ( player, cmd, name ) if name then local target = getPlayerFromName ( name ) if target then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você mostrou suas licenças para o jogador "..getPlayerName ( target ), player, 50, 255, 50 ) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( player ).."#18FB00#010101[#18FB00CVL#010101]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Mostrou suas licenças", target, 50, 255, 50 ) triggerClientEvent ( target, "showLicenses", target, getPlayerName ( player ), getElementData ( player, "carLicense" ), getElementData ( player, "aeroLicense" ), getElementData ( player, "boatLicense" ) ) else outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Jogador não encontrado", player, 255, 150, 140 ) end else triggerClientEvent ( player, "showLicenses", player, getPlayerName ( player ), getElementData ( player, "carLicense" ), getElementData ( player, "aeroLicense" ), getElementData ( player, "boatLicense" ) ) end end markersPos = { { 1430.1961669922,-1732.3830566406,13.3828125 }, { 1570.1900634766,-1732.2412109375,13.3828125 }, { 1689.6916503906,-1732.2646484375,13.390605926514 }, { 1689.4473876953,-1592.2133789063,13.380469322205 }, { 1431.3106689453,-1592.2973632813,13.3828125 }, { 1311.8825683594,-1569.7438964844,13.067909240723 }, { 1366.8762207031,-1403.9793701172,13.084270477295 }, { 1455.455078125,-1456.1663818359,13.0514917373661 }, { 1430.0189208984,-1594.8679199219,13.076377868652 }, { 1417.2650146484,-1651.0177001953,13.065340995789 }, { 1382.2708740234,-1651.2666015625,13.066918373108 }, } addCommandHandler ("showlic", showLicToPlayer ) addEvent( "markers", true ) function auto ( ) if getElementData ( source, "carLicense" ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você já passou No Teste!", source, 200, 0, 0, true ) else vedro = createVehicle ( 438, 1404.4088134766,-1732.1784667969,13.390607833862,0,0,0 ) acc = getPlayerAccount ( source ) setAccountData ( acc, "carLicense", "1" ) setElementData ( source, "carLicense", true) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, vedro ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você começou O Teste.", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Siga os Marcadores Vermelhos Para completar O Teste.", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Boa Sorte No Teste ", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) function killt(thePlayer) theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) id = getElementModel ( theVehicle ) if id == 438 then account = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) setAccountData ( acc, "carLicense", "0" ) setElementData ( thePlayer, "carLicense", false) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você completou o Teste.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true ) veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) destroyElement (veh) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartExit", getRootElement(), killt ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "startExaming", source ) end end addEventHandler( "markers", getRootElement(), auto ) function chek (elem) if getElementType ( elem ) == "vehicle" then local driver = getVehicleOccupant ( elem ) if driver then local markelem = getElementData ( driver, "drivingMarker" ) local markid = getElementData ( driver, "drivingMarkerID" ) if isElement ( markelem ) and markelem == source and markid then if markid == #markersPos then destroyElement (source) ac = getPlayerAccount ( driver ) setAccountData ( ac, "carLicense", "1" ) setElementData ( driver, "carLicense", true) destroyElement (elem) setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarker", false ) setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarkerID", false ) elseif markid < #markersPos then setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarkerID", markid + 1 ) setElementPosition ( markelem, markersPos[markid+1][1],markersPos[markid+1][2],markersPos[markid+1][3]) end else setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarker", false ) setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarkerID", false ) end end end end function finishExmanigAutoS () local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if isElement ( veh ) then destroyElement ( veh ) ac = getPlayerAccount ( source ) setAccountData ( ac, "carLicense", "1" ) setElementData ( source, "carLicense", true) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Parabéns! Você passou No Teste!", source, 0, 255, 0, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Aqui Esta A Sua Habilitação E não quebre as regras. (C.V.L)", source, 0, 255, 0, true ) end end addEvent( "finishExmanigAuto", true ) addEventHandler( "finishExmanigAuto", getRootElement(), finishExmanigAutoS ) local vZones = { {x = 1511.7828369141, y = -1479.7397460933, z = -2, width = 50, depth = 50, height = 7}, } local z = {} function initvZones() if vZones and #vZones ~= 0 then for _,v in ipairs (vZones) do if v then if v.x and v.y and v.z and v.width and v.depth and v.height then local c = createColCuboid (v.x, v.y, v.z, v.width, v.depth, v.height) if c then z[c] = true for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if isElementWithinColShape (v, c) then destroyElement(v) end end addEventHandler ("onElementDestroy", c, function() if z[source] then z[source] = nil end end ) addEventHandler ("onColShapeHit", c, function (h, d) if h and d and isElement(h) and getElementType (h) == "vehicle" then destroyElement (h) end end ) end end end end end end addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, initvZones) -- function enterVehicle ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) if seat == 0 then if ( boats[getElementModel ( source )] ) and ( not getElementData ( thePlayer, "boatLicense" ) ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você não possui uma licença para conduzir um Veiculo.", thePlayer, 255, 100, 100, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você pode comprar em San Fierro perto da escola de condução.. ", thePlayer, 255, 150, 140, true ) setControlState ( thePlayer, "enter_exit", false ) elseif ( aero[getElementModel ( source )] ) and ( not getElementData ( thePlayer, "aeroLicense" ) ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você não possui uma licença para operar o transporte aéreo.", thePlayer, 255, 100, 100, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você pode comprar em San Fierro perto da escola de condução.", thePlayer, 255, 150, 140, true ) setControlState ( thePlayer, "enter_exit", false ) elseif ( not getElementData ( thePlayer, "carLicense" ) and not isVehicleNoNeed ( getElementModel ( source )) ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você não tem uma licença para dirigir um carro.", thePlayer, 255, 100, 100, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você pode comprar em San Fierro perto da escola de condução.", thePlayer, 255, 150, 140, true ) setControlState ( thePlayer, "enter_exit", false ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), enterVehicle ) -- evento ativado quando o jogador entra no veiculo addEventHandler('onPlayerVehicleEnter', root, function() --// se o jogador não tenha a licença if not getElementData(source, 'carLicense') then local stars = getPlayerWantedLevel(source) -- se o nivel de procurados for menor que 6 if stars < 6 then -- checamos se as novas estrelas (atual+3) ultrapassa o numero 6, e corrigimos local newStars = stars+3 <= 6 and stars+3 or 6 --setamos o novo nivel de procurado setPlayerWantedLevel(source, newStars) --enviamos a mensagem no chat outputChatBox('Você não possui a carteira de motorista, então ganhou +3 niveis de procurado.', source) end end end) Opa aqui eu mais uma vez fiz novamente da uma verificada function enterVehicle ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) if seat == 0 then if ( boats[getElementModel ( source )] ) and ( not getElementData ( thePlayer, "boatLicense" ) ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você não possui uma licença para conduzir um Veiculo.", thePlayer, 255, 100, 100, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você pode comprar em San Fierro perto da escola de condução.. ", thePlayer, 255, 150, 140, true ) setControlState ( thePlayer, "enter_exit", false ) elseif ( aero[getElementModel ( source )] ) and ( not getElementData ( thePlayer, "aeroLicense" ) ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você não possui uma licença para operar o transporte aéreo.", thePlayer, 255, 100, 100, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você pode comprar em San Fierro perto da escola de condução.", thePlayer, 255, 150, 140, true ) setControlState ( thePlayer, "enter_exit", false ) elseif ( not getElementData ( thePlayer, "carLicense" ) and not isVehicleNoNeed ( getElementModel ( source )) ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você não tem uma licença para dirigir um carro.", thePlayer, 255, 100, 100, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você pode comprar em San Fierro perto da escola de condução.", thePlayer, 255, 150, 140, true ) setControlState ( thePlayer, "enter_exit", false ) end end end addEventHandler('onPlayerVehicleEnter', getRootElement(), enterVehicle ) --// se o jogador não tenha a licença if not getElementData(source, 'carLicense', 'aeroLicense', 'boatLicense') then local stars = getPlayerWantedLevel(source) -- se o nivel de procurados for menor que 6 if stars < 6 then -- checamos se as novas estrelas (atual+3) ultrapassa o numero 6, e corrigimos local newStars = stars+3 <= 6 and stars+3 or 6 --setamos o novo nivel de procurado setPlayerWantedLevel(source, newStars) --enviamos a mensagem no chat outputChatBox('Você não possui a carteira de motorista, então ganhou +3 niveis de procurado.', source) end end end)
Alguem de bom coraçao pra dar um help aq e que tipo eu tenho um sistema de detran e queria adicionar level de procurado pra quem não tem carteira exemplo entrei no carro apareçe a msg q n tenho carteira ganho +3 level procurado quem poder ajudar thanks lic.s.Lua addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function( thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin ) if getAccountData ( theCurrentAccount, "carLicense" ) then setElementData ( source, "carLicense", true) end if getAccountData ( theCurrentAccount, "boatLicense" ) then setElementData ( source, "boatLicense", true) end if getAccountData ( theCurrentAccount, "aeroLicense" ) then setElementData ( source, "aeroLicense", true) end end ) function givePlayerLicense ( vehicleType ) local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if vehicleType == 1 then takePlayerMoney ( source, 1200 ) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "carLicense", "1" ) setElementData ( source, "carLicense", true) elseif vehicleType == 2 then takePlayerMoney ( source, 15000) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "aeroLicense", "1" ) setElementData ( source, "aeroLicense", true) elseif vehicleType == 3 then takePlayerMoney ( source, 7000 ) setAccountData ( playeraccount, "boatLicense", "1" ) setElementData ( source, "boatLicense", true) end end addEvent( "givePlayerLicenseClient", true ) addEventHandler( "givePlayerLicenseClient", getRootElement(), givePlayerLicense ) boats = { [430] = true, [446] = true, [452] = true, [453] = true, [454] = true, [472] = true, [473] = true, [484] = true, [493] = true, [595] = true } aero = { [417] = true, [425] = true, [447] = true, [460] = true, [469] = true, [476] = true, [487] = true, [488] = true, [497] = true, [511] = true, [512] = true, [513] = true, [519] = true, [520] = true, [548] = true, [553] = true, [563] = true, [577] = true, [592] = true, [593] = true } noNeedModels = { 448, 510, 462, 509, 481 } -- модели авто, которым не нужны права function isVehicleNoNeed (model) for i, v in ipairs ( noNeedModels ) do if v == model then return true end end return false end function enterVehicle ( thePlayer, seat, jacked ) if seat == 0 then if ( boats[getElementModel ( source )] ) and ( not getElementData ( thePlayer, "boatLicense" ) ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você não possui uma licença para conduzir um Veiculo.", thePlayer, 255, 100, 100, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você pode comprar em San Fierro perto da escola de condução.. ", thePlayer, 255, 150, 140, true ) setControlState ( thePlayer, "enter_exit", false ) elseif ( aero[getElementModel ( source )] ) and ( not getElementData ( thePlayer, "aeroLicense" ) ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você não possui uma licença para operar o transporte aéreo.", thePlayer, 255, 100, 100, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você pode comprar em San Fierro perto da escola de condução.", thePlayer, 255, 150, 140, true ) setControlState ( thePlayer, "enter_exit", false ) elseif ( not getElementData ( thePlayer, "carLicense" ) and not isVehicleNoNeed ( getElementModel ( source )) ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você não tem uma licença para dirigir um carro.", thePlayer, 255, 100, 100, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você pode comprar em San Fierro perto da escola de condução.", thePlayer, 255, 150, 140, true ) setControlState ( thePlayer, "enter_exit", false ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), enterVehicle ) function showLicToPlayer ( player, cmd, name ) if name then local target = getPlayerFromName ( name ) if target then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você mostrou suas licenças para o jogador "..getPlayerName ( target ), player, 50, 255, 50 ) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( player ).."#18FB00#010101[#18FB00CVL#010101]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Mostrou suas licenças", target, 50, 255, 50 ) triggerClientEvent ( target, "showLicenses", target, getPlayerName ( player ), getElementData ( player, "carLicense" ), getElementData ( player, "aeroLicense" ), getElementData ( player, "boatLicense" ) ) else outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Jogador não encontrado", player, 255, 150, 140 ) end else triggerClientEvent ( player, "showLicenses", player, getPlayerName ( player ), getElementData ( player, "carLicense" ), getElementData ( player, "aeroLicense" ), getElementData ( player, "boatLicense" ) ) end end markersPos = { { 1430.1961669922,-1732.3830566406,13.3828125 }, { 1570.1900634766,-1732.2412109375,13.3828125 }, { 1689.6916503906,-1732.2646484375,13.390605926514 }, { 1689.4473876953,-1592.2133789063,13.380469322205 }, { 1431.3106689453,-1592.2973632813,13.3828125 }, { 1311.8825683594,-1569.7438964844,13.067909240723 }, { 1366.8762207031,-1403.9793701172,13.084270477295 }, { 1455.455078125,-1456.1663818359,13.0514917373661 }, { 1430.0189208984,-1594.8679199219,13.076377868652 }, { 1417.2650146484,-1651.0177001953,13.065340995789 }, { 1382.2708740234,-1651.2666015625,13.066918373108 }, } addCommandHandler ("showlic", showLicToPlayer ) addEvent( "markers", true ) function auto ( ) if getElementData ( source, "carLicense" ) then outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você já passou No Teste!", source, 200, 0, 0, true ) else vedro = createVehicle ( 438, 1404.4088134766,-1732.1784667969,13.390607833862,0,0,0 ) acc = getPlayerAccount ( source ) setAccountData ( acc, "carLicense", "1" ) setElementData ( source, "carLicense", true) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, vedro ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você começou O Teste.", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Siga os Marcadores Vermelhos Para completar O Teste.", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Boa Sorte No Teste ", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) function killt(thePlayer) theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) id = getElementModel ( theVehicle ) if id == 438 then account = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) setAccountData ( acc, "carLicense", "0" ) setElementData ( thePlayer, "carLicense", false) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você completou o Teste.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true ) veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) destroyElement (veh) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartExit", getRootElement(), killt ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "startExaming", source ) end end addEventHandler( "markers", getRootElement(), auto ) function chek (elem) if getElementType ( elem ) == "vehicle" then local driver = getVehicleOccupant ( elem ) if driver then local markelem = getElementData ( driver, "drivingMarker" ) local markid = getElementData ( driver, "drivingMarkerID" ) if isElement ( markelem ) and markelem == source and markid then if markid == #markersPos then destroyElement (source) ac = getPlayerAccount ( driver ) setAccountData ( ac, "carLicense", "1" ) setElementData ( driver, "carLicense", true) destroyElement (elem) setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarker", false ) setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarkerID", false ) elseif markid < #markersPos then setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarkerID", markid + 1 ) setElementPosition ( markelem, markersPos[markid+1][1],markersPos[markid+1][2],markersPos[markid+1][3]) end else setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarker", false ) setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarkerID", false ) end end end end function finishExmanigAutoS () local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if isElement ( veh ) then destroyElement ( veh ) ac = getPlayerAccount ( source ) setAccountData ( ac, "carLicense", "1" ) setElementData ( source, "carLicense", true) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Parabéns! Você passou No Teste!", source, 0, 255, 0, true ) outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Aqui Esta A Sua Habilitação E não quebre as regras. (C.V.L)", source, 0, 255, 0, true ) end end addEvent( "finishExmanigAuto", true ) addEventHandler( "finishExmanigAuto", getRootElement(), finishExmanigAutoS ) local vZones = { {x = 1511.7828369141, y = -1479.7397460933, z = -2, width = 50, depth = 50, height = 7}, } local z = {} function initvZones() if vZones and #vZones ~= 0 then for _,v in ipairs (vZones) do if v then if v.x and v.y and v.z and v.width and v.depth and v.height then local c = createColCuboid (v.x, v.y, v.z, v.width, v.depth, v.height) if c then z[c] = true for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if isElementWithinColShape (v, c) then destroyElement(v) end end addEventHandler ("onElementDestroy", c, function() if z[source] then z[source] = nil end end ) addEventHandler ("onColShapeHit", c, function (h, d) if h and d and isElement(h) and getElementType (h) == "vehicle" then destroyElement (h) end end ) end end end end end end addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, initvZones) lic.c.Lua function loadLicResource () licPickupLS = createPickup ( 1081.2216796875,-1696.7846679688,13.546875, 3, 1274 ) setElementInterior (dentro,3) setElementDimension (dentro,0) addEventHandler( "onClientPickupHit", licPickupLS, buyLicenseHit ) addEventHandler( "onClientPickupHit", licPickupSF, buyLicenseHit ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), loadLicResource ) function buyLicenseHit ( thePlayer, matchingDimension ) if thePlayer == localPlayer then showLicenseBuy () end end function showLicenseBuy () licenseWindow = guiCreateWindow(0.36, 0.36, 0.35, 0.55, "Auto Escola", true) guiWindowSetSizable(licenseWindow, false) guiSetAlpha(licenseWindow, 1.00) vehicleLabel = guiCreateLabel(0.12, 0.08, 1, 0.05, "Faça O Teste Para Obter sua Licença A/B!", true, licenseWindow) --guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(vehicleLabel, "center", false) aeroLabel = guiCreateLabel(0.12, 0.42, 1, 0.05, "Licença para Pilotar um avião", true, licenseWindow) guiSetFont(aeroLabel, "clear-normal") --guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(aeroLabel, "center", false) boatLabel = guiCreateLabel(0.12, 0.60, 1, 0.05, "Licença para dirigir um barco", true, licenseWindow) guiSetFont(boatLabel, "clear-normal") --guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(boatLabel, "center", false) vehicleRight = guiCreateButton(0.05, 0.13, 0.90, 0.12, "Faça o Teste", true, licenseWindow) if getElementData ( localPlayer, "carLicense" ) then guiSetEnabled ( vehicleButton, false ) guiSetText (vehicleButton, "Comprado") end guiSetProperty(vehicleButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") aeroButton = guiCreateButton(0.05, 0.48, 0.90, 0.12, "15.000", true, licenseWindow) if getElementData ( localPlayer, "aeroLicense" ) then guiSetEnabled ( aeroButton, false ) guiSetText (aeroButton, "Comprado") end guiSetProperty(aeroButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") boatButton = guiCreateButton(0.05, 0.66, 0.90, 0.12, "7.000", true, licenseWindow) if getElementData ( localPlayer, "boatLicense" ) then guiSetEnabled ( boatButton, false ) guiSetText (boatButton, "Comprado") end guiSetProperty(boatButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") closeButton = guiCreateButton(0.05, 0.82, 0.90, 0.12, "Fechar o painel", true, licenseWindow) guiSetProperty(closeButton, "NormalTextColour", "FF1E90FF") guiSetVisible ( licenseWindow, true ) showCursor ( true ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", vehicleButton, function () if getPlayerMoney () >= 500 then guiSetEnabled ( vehicleButton, false ) guiSetText (vehicleButton, "Comprado") triggerServerEvent ( "givePlayerLicenseClient", localPlayer, 1 ) else outputChatBox ( "#FF0000-Auto Escola-#FFFF00Você não tem dinheiro Suficiente!", 255, 150, 100 ) end end,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", aeroButton, function () if getPlayerMoney () >= 500 then guiSetEnabled ( aeroButton, false ) guiSetText (aeroButton, "Comprado") triggerServerEvent ( "givePlayerLicenseClient", localPlayer, 2 ) else outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00 Você não tem dinheiro Suficiente!", 255, 150, 100 ) end end,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", boatButton, function () if getPlayerMoney () >= 500 then guiSetEnabled ( boatButton, false ) guiSetText (boatButton, "Comprado") triggerServerEvent ( "givePlayerLicenseClient", localPlayer, 3 ) else outputChatBox ( "#FFFFFF[ #000000MINIGUN #FFFFFF]#010101-#F80000Auto Escola#FFFF00Você não tem dinheiro Suficiente!", 255, 150, 100 ) end end,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", vehicleRight, function () triggerServerEvent ( "markers", getLocalPlayer()) end,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", closeButton, function () showCursor ( false ) guiSetVisible ( licenseWindow, false ) destroyElement ( licenseWindow ) end,false) end --addEventHeandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), showLicenseBuy) function showLicensesC ( name, car, aero, boat) licenseWindow = guiCreateWindow(0.36, 0.36, 0.20, 0.20, "Лицензии игрока "..name, true) guiWindowSetSizable(licenseWindow, false) guiSetAlpha(licenseWindow, 1.00) carLic = "нету" if car then carLic = "есть" end aeroLic = "нету" if aero then aeroLic = "есть" end boatLic = "нету" if boat then boatLic = "есть" end vehicleLabel = guiCreateLabel(0.06, 0.17, 1, 0.11, "Licença para dirigir um carro: "..carLic, true, licenseWindow) aeroLabel = guiCreateLabel(0.06, 0.33, 1, 0.10, "Comprar Licença Aerea: "..aeroLic, true, licenseWindow) boatLabel = guiCreateLabel(0.06, 0.49, 1, 0.10, "Comprar Licença Maritima: "..boatLic, true, licenseWindow) closeButton = guiCreateButton(0.29, 0.68, 0.43, 0.18, "Fechar Painel", true, licenseWindow) guiSetProperty(closeButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", closeButton, function () showCursor ( false ) guiSetVisible ( licenseWindow, false ) destroyElement ( licenseWindow ) end,false) end addEvent( "showLicenses", true ) addEventHandler( "showLicenses", getRootElement(), showLicensesC ) addEvent( "knopka", true ) function show () guiSetEnabled ( vehicleRight, false ) guiSetText (vehicleRight, "Recebido") end addEventHandler( "knopka", getRootElement(), show ) markersPos = { { 1430.1961669922,-1732.3830566406,13.3828125 }, { 1570.1900634766,-1732.2412109375,13.3828125 }, { 1689.6916503906,-1732.2646484375,13.390605926514 }, { 1689.4473876953,-1592.2133789063,13.380469322205 }, { 1431.3106689453,-1592.2973632813,13.3828125 }, { 1311.8825683594,-1569.7438964844,13.067909240723 }, { 1366.8762207031,-1403.9793701172,13.084270477295 }, { 1455.455078125,-1456.1663818359,13.0514917373661 }, { 1430.0189208984,-1594.8679199219,13.076377868652 }, { 1417.2650146484,-1651.0177001953,13.065340995789 }, { 1382.2708740234,-1651.2666015625,13.066918373108 }, } function startExamingC () mark = createMarker ( 1430.3715820313,-1732.8745117188,13.070947647095, "checkpoint", 5, 255 ,0 ,0 ) outputChatBox ( "#FF0000-Auto Escola-#FFFF00Você foi aprovado No Teste!", source, 200, 0, 0, true ) setElementData ( source, "drivingMarker", mark ) setElementData ( source, "drivingMarkerID", 1 ) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", mark, chek) end addEvent( "startExaming", true ) addEventHandler( "startExaming", getRootElement(), startExamingC ) function chek (elem) --if getElementType ( elem ) == "vehicle" then --local driver = getVehicleOccupant ( elem ) local driver = elem if elem == localPlayer then local markelem = getElementData ( driver, "drivingMarker" ) local markid = getElementData ( driver, "drivingMarkerID" ) if isElement ( markelem ) and markelem == source and markid then if markid == #markersPos then triggerServerEvent ( 'finishExmanigAuto', localPlayer ) destroyElement (source) setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarker", false ) setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarkerID", false ) elseif markid < #markersPos then setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarkerID", markid + 1 ) setElementPosition ( markelem, markersPos[markid+1][1],markersPos[markid+1][2],markersPos[markid+1][3]) end else setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarker", false ) setElementData ( driver, "drivingMarkerID", false ) end end end
Obrigado kk foii Obrigado por me ajudar tbm foii ah quase esqueci thanks haha resolveram um problema mt pertubador
infelismente, não foi da pra explodir os carros fora da area verde atirando e tbm eles levam dano batendo contra a parede
Os jogadores ainda conseguem explodir o veiculo dentro da area verde atirando por fora dela tristin mais obrigado por tentar me ajudar
SkillZNT changed their profile photo
Opa e que tipo eu uso um mod de area verde deboas so q nele os veiculos levam dano da pra dar tiro fora da area verde e explodir o carro q ta dentro dela e tbm o carro leva dano batendo dentro da area verde se alguem poder ajudar client.Lua -- Protect greenzone'd players from getting attacked etcetera function onDamage() if getElementData(source, "greenzone") then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, onDamage) -- Prevent people from being knifed while in greenzone function onStealthKill(target) if getElementData(target, "greenzone") then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerStealthKill", localPlayer, onStealthKill) -- Render the "Greenzone protected" text above their heads function renderGreenzoneTag() local streamedPlayers = getElementsByType("player", root, true) if streamedPlayers and #streamedPlayers ~= 0 then local lpos = {getElementPosition(localPlayer)} for _, p in ipairs(streamedPlayers) do if p and isElement(p) then if getElementData(p, "greenzone") then local ppos = {getElementPosition(p)} if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(lpos[1], lpos[2], lpos[3], ppos[1], ppos[2], ppos[3]) <= 20 then local x, y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(ppos[1], ppos[2], ppos[3] + 1.2) if x and y then dxDrawText("Voce esta protegido", x + 1, y + 1, x, y, tocolor(0, 0, 0), 0.5, "bankgothic", "center") dxDrawText("Voce esta protegido", x, y, x, y, tocolor(0, 220, 0), 0.5, "bankgothic", "center") end end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderGreenzoneTag) -- The next 4 functions are for ghostmode (vehicles ramming greenzone'd players on foot, lifting them off, etcetera) -- This protection is important; they usually try to forklift you out of greenzone, spawn a vehicle on you and catch you inside/annoy-ram you, then TP off to a clear zone to kill you, etcetera. function onStreamIn() if not getElementData(localPlayer, "greenzone") then return end if getElementType(source) == "vehicle" then setElementCollidableWith(localPlayer, source, false) end end addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn", root, onStreamIn) function cleanUp() if not getElementData(source, "greenzoneveh") then return end if getElementType(source) == "vehicle" and isElementCollidableWith(localPlayer, source) == false then setElementCollidableWith(localPlayer, source, true) end end addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamOut", resourceRoot, cleanUp) function enterGreenzone() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local nearbyVehicles = getElementsWithinRange(x, y, z, 300, "vehicle") for i, v in ipairs(nearbyVehicles) do setElementCollidableWith(localPlayer, v, false) end end addEvent("onEnterGreenzone", true) addEventHandler("onEnterGreenzone", localPlayer, enterGreenzone) function leaveGreenzone(p) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local nearbyVehicles = getElementsWithinRange(x, y, z, 300, "vehicle") for i, v in ipairs(nearbyVehicles) do setElementCollidableWith(localPlayer, v, true) end end addEvent("onLeaveGreenzone", true) addEventHandler("onLeaveGreenzone", localPlayer, leaveGreenzone) -- This 'bug' is not expected to happen without some sort of interference, but is a generic safeguard. -- If player exits the greenzone after incidentally having the bugfix applied to them, all controls will be automatically re-enabled anyways (that mechanism is in serverside). function antiGreenzoneBug() if getElementData(localPlayer, "greenzone") then toggleControl("fire", false) toggleControl("action", false) toggleControl("aim_weapon", false) toggleControl("vehicle_fire", false) toggleControl("vehicle_secondary_fire", false) end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", localPlayer, antiGreenzoneBug) Server.Lua -- Format is: {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, width = 0, depth = 0, height = 0}, local greenzones = { {x = 2441.173, y = -1721.99, z = 1 , width = 130, depth = 120, height = 100}, -- Grove Street {x = 304.336, y = -1836.197, z = 1 , width = 130, depth = 120, height = 100}, -- Praia Los Santos {x = 1154.833, y = -1385.175, z = 1 , width = 70, depth = 100, height = 115}, -- Los Santos Hospital } -- Initialize all zones on resource start local z = {} function initGreenzones() if greenzones and #greenzones ~= 0 then for _, v in ipairs(greenzones) do if v then if v.x and v.y and v.z and v.width and v.depth and v.height then local c = createColCuboid(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.width, v.depth, v.height) local rarea = createRadarArea(v.x, v.y, v.width, v.depth, 0, 255, 0, 150) setElementParent(rarea, c) if c then z[c] = true for _, p in ipairs(getElementsWithinColShape(c, "player")) do setElementData(p, "greenzone", true) end for _, v in ipairs(getElementsWithinColShape(c, "vehicle")) do setElementData(v, "greenzoneveh", true) end addEventHandler("onElementDestroy", c, function() if z[source] then z[source] = nil end end ) addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", c, function(h) if h and isElement(h) and getElementType(h) == "player" then if getElementData(h, "colShapeFix_OUT") then setElementData(h, "colShapeFix_OUT", false) return end -- Hack to prevent shooting bug: if player teleports from one greenzone directly to another and fails to clean up (on time) if getElementData(h, "greenzone") then setElementData(h, "colShapeFix_IN", true) triggerClientEvent(h, "onEnterGreenzone", h) else setElementData(h, "greenzone", true) toggleControl(h, "fire", false) toggleControl(h, "aim_weapon", false) toggleControl(h, "vehicle_fire", false) toggleControl(h, "vehicle_secondary_fire", false) outputChatBox("Você esta na area verde", h, 0, 220, 0) triggerClientEvent(h, "onEnterGreenzone", h) end end end ) addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", c, function(h) if h and isElement(h) and getElementType(h) == "vehicle" then setElementData(h, "greenzoneveh", true) end end ) addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave", c, function(h) if h and isElement(h) and getElementType(h) == "player" then if getElementData(h, "colShapeFix_IN") then setElementData(h, "colShapeFix_IN", false) return end if getElementData(h, "greenzone") then setElementData(h, "greenzone", false) toggleControl(h, "fire", true) toggleControl(h, "aim_weapon", true) toggleControl(h, "vehicle_fire", true) toggleControl(h, "vehicle_secondary_fire", true) outputChatBox("[AREA] Você saiu da area verde", h, 220, 220, 0) triggerClientEvent(h, "onLeaveGreenzone", h) else setElementData(h, "colShapeFix_OUT", true) end end end ) addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave", c, function(h) if h and isElement(h) and getElementType(h) == "vehicle" then setTimer(setElementData, 350, 1, h, "greenzoneveh", false) end end ) end end end end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, initGreenzones) function resetGreenzoneData() for _, p in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if isElement(p) then removeElementData(p, "greenzone") end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStop", resourceRoot, resetGreenzoneData) Ajuda aew
Tem que ser Lua kkkkk Essa lingua não e Lua 'w'
Eu tava querendo um codigo meio q basico se alguem poder ajudar tipo eu uso /darveiculo Joao 404 ele da o veiculo pro jogador com o getPlayerFromPartialName sabe mais q o comando funcione apenas no grupo acl (console)
Alguma forma de colocar um time de 2 segundos pra ser removido
Tem ums carinhas que usam nome invisivel no meu servidor eu queria saber se existe algum resource que não permite que ele troque o nome pra #000000 ou #FFFFFF pra não ficar invisivel no tab Tipo um mod pra não permitir que pessoas usem #000000 ou Qualquer cor sem uma letra no final Obrigado a todos que me ajudarem com esse probleminha