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  1. Hello guys, i download one gamemode and in it have a area 51 (area 69) a big door and you have a KEYCARD to open and acess that! but i dont know where is the resource at gamemode, i need this resource to my other gamemode. someone help me? LOOK THE PRINT SCREEN https://imgur.com/7SRk2VS
  2. Ahh shure! Brother you know how i see all commands server. i dont kwow hot to use or install the "getCommandsHandler"!
  3. Hello guys! I need help! Look, ai replace backpack texture! Shure! But at the game the backpack "turnaround" look ate screenshot -> https://prnt.sc/zihv64 I replace just this items -> https://prnt.sc/zii3l3 I don't know if it's a configuration here -> https://prnt.sc/zii9y8
  4. Hello guys, I am looking to invest in an MTA server in DAYZ mode. I played for many years on a Brazilian server that had a base build and raid system through shots and it was closed, so after a few years I want to open a server and I want to open with the same system but it is almost impossible to find this system on the internet for sale or download. So I am willing to pay anyone who creates one for me. - FARMING AND CRAFTING WOODEN WALLS - PUT ANYWHERE ON THE MAP - HAVE GATE WITH PASSWORD - BE DESTRUCTIBLE THROUGH X SHOTS ------------------- Olá pessoal, estou querendo investir em um servidor de MTA no modo DAYZ. Joguei por muitos anos em um servidor brasileiro que tinha um sistema de construção e raid de base através de tiros e foi fechado, por isso depois de alguns anos eu quero abrir um servidor e quero abrir com o mesmo sistema porem é quase impossível encontrar esse sistema na internet a venda ou a download. Por isso estou disposto a pagar para quem criar um pra mim. - FARMAR E CRAFTAR PAREDES DE MADEIRA - COLOCAR EM QUALQUER LUGAR DO MAPA - TER PORTÃO COM SENHA - SER DESTRUTIVEL ATRÁVES DE UM X DE TIROS
  5. Já conseguiu arrumar? Te mandei mensagem no privado de uma olhada
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