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Everything posted by محمود

  1. مش بيسجل الشخصيه للائسف
  2. يعني الادمن بس الي يستخدم الكومند
  3. السلام عليكم ازاي اخليها لا اس ال معين امسو SDL function unmuteOurPlayer(player, command, unmutedguy) if unmutedguy then local unmuted = getPlayerFromName(unmutedguy) if unmuted then if isPlayerMuted(unmuted) then setPlayerMuted(unmuted, false) setElementData(unmuted, "Muted", 0) setElementData(unmuted, "MutedTime", 0) removeElementData(unmuted, "Reason") outputChatBox("#ADFF2F"..getPlayerName(unmuted).."#FFFFFF Adli Oyuncunun Mutesi Acildi!#ADFF2F "..getPlayerName(player).."#FFFFFF. ", getRootElement(),255, 255, 255, true) end end else outputChatBox("UNAMUTE SYNTAX: /unamute <victim>", player) end end addCommandHandler("unamute", unmuteOurPlayer)
  4. السلام عليكم انا جديد هنا و جبت المود دا من عن طريق النت بس بتواجهني مشكله فيه انو لما الاعب بيقفل و يفتح البس مش بيتسجل علي شخصيه سي جي ممكن حد يساعدني addEvent( "onChangeClothesCJ", true ) addEventHandler( "onChangeClothesCJ", root, function ( CJClothesTable, CJClothesString ) if ( CJClothesTable ) then for int, index in pairs( CJClothesTable ) do local texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex ( int, index ) if ( texture ) then addPedClothes ( source, texture, model, int ) if (int == 0) then exports.:SAD(getPlayerAccount(source), "cjclothesShirtType", int) exports.:SAD(getPlayerAccount(source), "cjclothesShirtIndex", index) end end end outputDebugString(CJClothesString) exports.:SAD(getPlayerAccount(source), "cjclothes", CJClothesString) end end ) addEvent( "onPlayerBougtSkin", true ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerBougtSkin", root, function ( thePrice ) if ( thePrice ) then takePlayerMoney( source, tonumber(thePrice), "CJ Clothes" ) end end ) function setClothesOnLogin(_, acc) local skin = exports.:GAD(acc, "skin") if (skin == 0) then local CJCLOTTable = fromJSON( tostring( exports.:GAD(acc, "cjclothes" ) ) ) if CJCLOTTable then for theType, index in pairs( CJCLOTTable ) do local texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex ( theType, index ) if ( texture and model ) then addPedClothes ( source, texture, model, theType ) end end end local shirt = exports.:GAD(acc, "cjclothesShirtType") if (shirt and shirt == 0) then local shirtIndex = exports.:GAD(acc, "cjclothesShirtIndex") local text, mod = getClothesByTypeIndex ( shirt, shirtIndex ) if ( text and mod) then addPedClothes ( source, text, mod, shirt ) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, setClothesOnLogin)
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