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Rat (9/54)



  1. Ainda não consegii colocar o colete, falta apenas um codigo no final que nao ta funcionando
  2. Map = {} Map.__index = Map Map.instances = {} Map.damageEfect = {} local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() px,py = 1366,768 x,y = (sx/px), (sy/py) font = dxCreateFont("images/myriadproregular.ttf",20,true) function math.map(value, low1, high1, low2, high2) return low2 + (value - low1) * (high2 - low2) / (high1 - low1) end function Map.new(X,Y,W,H) local self = setmetatable({}, Map) self.x = X self.y = Y self.w = W self.h = H local pos = {getElementPosition(localPlayer)} self.posX = pos[1] self.posY = pos[2] self.posZ = pos[3] self.size = 90 self.color = {255,255,255,255} self.blipSize = x*18 self.drawRange = 220 self.map = dxCreateTexture("images/gtasa.png","dxt5") self.renderTarget = dxCreateRenderTarget(W, H, true) self.blips = {} for k=0, 63 do self.blips[k] = dxCreateTexture("images/icons/"..k..".png","dxt3") end if(#Map.instances == 0) then addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), Map.render) end table.insert(Map.instances, self) return self end function Map.render() for k,v in pairs(Map.instances) do if v.visible then if not v.style then v:draw() elseif v.style == 1 then v:draw2() end end end end function Map:setVisible(bool) self.visible = bool if bool == true then self:setPosition(getElementPosition(localPlayer)) end return true end function Map:isVisible() return self.visible end function Map:setPosition(x,y,z) self.posX = x self.posY = y self.posZ = z return true end function Map:getPosition() return self.posX, self.posY, self.posZ end function Map:setColor(r,g,b,a) self.color = {r,g,b,a} return true end function Map:getColor() return self.color end function Map:setSize(value) self.size = value return true end function dxDrawEmptyRec(absX,absY,sizeX,sizeY,color,ancho) dxDrawRectangle ( absX,absY,sizeX,ancho,color ) dxDrawRectangle ( absX,absY+ancho,ancho,sizeY-ancho,color ) dxDrawRectangle ( absX+ancho,absY+sizeY-ancho,sizeX-ancho,ancho,color ) dxDrawRectangle ( absX+sizeX-ancho,absY+ancho,ancho,sizeY-ancho*2,color ) end function Map:draw() dxSetRenderTarget(self.renderTarget, true) local player = getLocalPlayer() local centerX = (self.x) + (self.w/2) local centerY = (self.y) + (self.h/2) local pr = getPedRotation(player) local mapSize = 3000 / (self.drawRange/180) if getKeyState("num_add") then if self.drawRange > 120 then self.drawRange = self.drawRange - 8 end elseif getKeyState("num_sub") then if self.drawRange < 660 then self.drawRange = self.drawRange + 8 end elseif getKeyState("arrow_l") then self.posX = self.posX - (self.drawRange/100*10) elseif getKeyState("arrow_r") then self.posX = self.posX + (self.drawRange/100*10) elseif getKeyState("arrow_u") then self.posY = self.posY + (self.drawRange/100*10) elseif getKeyState("arrow_d") then self.posY = self.posY - (self.drawRange/100*10) end local mapPosX, mapPosY = -(math.map(self.posX+3000,0,6000,0,mapSize)-self.w/2), -(math.map(-self.posY + 3000, 0, 6000, 0, mapSize)-self.h/2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw map dxDrawRectangle(0,0,self.w,self.h,tocolor(0,120,210)) dxDrawImage(mapPosX, mapPosY, mapSize, mapSize, self.map, 0,0,0, tocolor(255,255,255)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw radar areas for i, area in ipairs (getElementsByType("radararea")) do local ex, ey = getElementPosition(area) local w, h = getRadarAreaSize(area) local areaX = (3000+ex) / 6000 * mapSize local areaY = (3000-ey) / 6000 * mapSize local scaledW = w / 6000*mapSize local scaledH = -(h / 6000*mapSize) areaX = areaX + mapPosX areaY = areaY + mapPosY local rr, gg, bb, alpha = 255,255,255,255 rr, gg, bb, alpha = getRadarAreaColor(area) if (isRadarAreaFlashing(area)) then alpha = alpha*math.abs(getTickCount()%1000-500)/500 end dxSetBlendMode("modulate_add") dxDrawRectangle(areaX, areaY, scaledW, scaledH,tocolor(rr,gg,bb,alpha)) dxSetBlendMode("blend") end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw arrow local local b = self.blipSize local ex,ey = getElementPosition(player) local blipX = (3000+ex) / 6000 * mapSize local blipY = (3000-ey) / 6000 * mapSize blipX = blipX + mapPosX blipY = blipY + mapPosY dxDrawImage(blipX-x*23/2, blipY-y*25/2,x*23,y*25, self.blips[2], (-pr)%360,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255)) dxSetRenderTarget() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw render target dxDrawEmptyRec(self.x-x*5, self.y-y*5, self.w+x*10, self.h+y*10,tocolor(0,0,0,150),5) dxDrawImage(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, self.renderTarget,0,0,0,tocolor(unpack(self.color))) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw blips for i, b in ipairs (getElementsByType('blip')) do if getElementDimension(b) == getElementDimension(player) and getElementInterior(b) == getElementInterior(player) then local elementAttached = getElementAttachedTo ( b ) if elementAttached ~= player then local ex, ey, ez = getElementPosition(b) local blipX = (3000+ex) / 6000 * mapSize local blipY = (3000-ey) / 6000 * mapSize blipX = blipX + mapPosX + self.x blipY = blipY + mapPosY + self.y if blipX < self.x then blipX = self.x end if blipX > self.x + self.w then blipX = self.x + self.w end if blipY < self.y then blipY = self.y end if blipY > self.y + self.h then blipY = self.y + self.h end local blipIcon = getBlipIcon(b) local rr,gg,bb,aa = 255,255,255,255 local blipSize = self.blipSize if (elementAttached) and (getElementType(elementAttached) == "vehicle") then blipSize = blipSize / 2 aa = 200 end local blipIcon = getBlipIcon(b) if blipIcon == 0 then rr, gg, bb, aa = getBlipColor(b) end local img = self.blips[blipIcon] if (elementAttached) and (getElementType(elementAttached) == "player") then img = self.blips[0] blipSize = blipSize / 1.6 end dxDrawImage(blipX-blipSize/2, blipY-blipSize/2, blipSize, blipSize, img,0,0,0,tocolor(rr,gg,bb,aa)) end end end end function Map:draw2() dxSetRenderTarget(self.renderTarget, true) local player = getLocalPlayer() local centerX = (self.x) + (self.w/2) local centerY = (self.y) + (self.h/2) local pr = getPedRotation(player) local mapSize = 3000 / (self.drawRange/180) local _, _, camRotZ = getElementRotation(getCamera()) if getKeyState("num_add") then if self.drawRange > 120 then self.drawRange = self.drawRange - 8 end elseif getKeyState("num_sub") then if self.drawRange < 660 then self.drawRange = self.drawRange + 8 end end self.posX, self.posY, self.posZ = getElementPosition(player) local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition(player) local mapPosX, mapPosY = -(math.map(self.posX+3000,0,6000,0,mapSize)-self.w/2), -(math.map(-self.posY + 3000, 0, 6000, 0, mapSize)-self.h/2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw map local cx,cy,_,tx,ty = getCameraMatrix() local north = findRotation(cx,cy,tx,ty) dxDrawRectangle(0,0,self.w,self.h,tocolor(0,120,210)) dxDrawImage(mapPosX, mapPosY, mapSize, mapSize, self.map, north, -mapSize/2 - mapPosX + self.w/2, -mapSize/2 - mapPosY + self.h/2, tocolor(255,255,255)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw wanted level effect if getPlayerWantedLevel(player) > 0 then if not old then old = getTickCount() wR,wG,wB = 0,0,255 end current = getTickCount () if current-old > 1500 then old = getTickCount() if wR == 255 then wR,wG,wB = 0,100,255 else wR,wG,wB = 255,0,0 end end dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, self.w, self.h,tocolor(wR,wG,wB,100)) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw radar areas for i, area in ipairs (getElementsByType("radararea")) do local ex, ey = getElementPosition(area) local w, h = getRadarAreaSize(area) local areaX = (3000+ex) / 6000 * mapSize local areaY = (3000-ey) / 6000 * mapSize local scaledW = w / 6000*mapSize local scaledH = -(h / 6000*mapSize) areaX = areaX + mapPosX areaY = areaY + mapPosY local rr, gg, bb, alpha = 255,255,255,255 rr, gg, bb, alpha = getRadarAreaColor(area) if (isRadarAreaFlashing(area)) then alpha = alpha*math.abs(getTickCount()%1000-500)/500 end dxSetBlendMode("modulate_add") dxDrawImage(areaX, areaY, scaledW, scaledH,self.blips[1], north, -scaledW/2 - areaX + self.w/2, -scaledH/2 - areaY + self.h/2,tocolor(rr,gg,bb,alpha)) dxSetBlendMode("blend") end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw blips for i, b in ipairs (getElementsByType('blip')) do if getElementDimension(b) == getElementDimension(player) and getElementInterior(b) == getElementInterior(player) then local elementAttached = getElementAttachedTo ( b ) if elementAttached ~= player then local ex, ey, ez = getElementPosition(b) local blipIcon = getBlipIcon(b) local rr,gg,bb,aa = 255,255,255,255 local blipSize = self.blipSize local blipX, blipY = getRadarFromWorldPosition(ex,ey,-x*40, -y*40, self.w+x*80, self.h+y*80,mapSize) if (elementAttached) and (getElementType(elementAttached) == "vehicle") then blipSize = blipSize / 2 aa = 200 end local blipIcon = getBlipIcon(b) if blipIcon == 0 then rr, gg, bb, aa = getBlipColor(b) end local img = self.blips[blipIcon] if (elementAttached) and (getElementType(elementAttached) == "player") then img = self.blips[0] blipSize = blipSize / 1.6 end dxDrawImage(blipX-blipSize/2, blipY-blipSize/2, blipSize, blipSize,img, 0,0,0,tocolor(rr,gg,bb,aa)) if (elementAttached) and (getElementType(elementAttached) == "player") and getPedOccupiedVehicle(elementAttached) and getVehicleType(getPedOccupiedVehicle(elementAttached)) == "Helicopter" then dxDrawImage(blipX-x*50/2, blipY-y*50/2, x*50, y*50, "images/H.png",north-getPedRotation(elementAttached)) dxDrawImage(blipX-x*50/2, blipY-y*50/2, x*50, y*50, "images/HR.png",getTickCount()%360) end end end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw arrow local local b = self.blipSize local ex,ey = getElementPosition(player) local blipX = (3000+ex) / 6000 * mapSize local blipY = (3000-ey) / 6000 * mapSize blipX = blipX + mapPosX blipY = blipY + mapPosY if getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) and getVehicleType(getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)) == "Helicopter" then dxDrawImage(blipX-x*50/2, blipY-y*50/2, x*50, y*50, "images/H.png",north-pr) dxDrawImage(blipX-x*50/2, blipY-y*50/2, x*50, y*50, "images/HR.png",getTickCount()%360) else dxDrawImage(blipX-x*23/2, blipY-y*25/2,x*23,y*25, self.blips[2], north-pr,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255)) end dxSetRenderTarget() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw render target if getElementInterior(player) == 0 then dxDrawImage(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, self.renderTarget,0,0,0,tocolor(unpack(self.color))) else dxDrawImage(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, "images/lostc.png") end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw damage effect for k, v in ipairs(Map.damageEfect) do v[3] = v[3] - (getTickCount() - v[1]) / 800 if v[3] <= 0 then table.remove(Map.damageEfect, k) else dxDrawImage(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, "images/mapred.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, v[3])) end end dxDrawImage(self.x-x*5, self.y-y*26, self.w+x*10, self.h+y*32, "images/mapbg.png",0,0,0,tocolor(unpack(self.color))) local zinColor = getKeyState("num_add") and tocolor(255,255,255,self.color[4]) or tocolor(172,211,115,self.color[4]) dxDrawImage(self.x+x*272, self.y-y*22,x*17,y*17, "images/zin.png",0,0,0,zinColor) local zoutColor = getKeyState("num_sub") and tocolor(255,255,255,self.color[4]) or tocolor(172,211,115,self.color[4]) dxDrawImage(self.x+x*296, self.y-y*22,x*17,y*17, "images/zout.png",0,0,0,zoutColor) local zoneText = getElementInterior(player) == 0 and "#acd373GPS: #FFFFFF"..getZoneName(playerX,playerY,playerZ) or "#acd373GPS:" dxDrawText(zoneText,self.x+x*32,self.y-y*24, x*100, y*100, tocolor(unpack(self.color)), x*0.6, font,"left","top",false,false,false,true) end function findRotation(x1, y1, x2, y2) local t = -math.deg(math.atan2(x2-x1,y2-y1)) if t < 0 then t = t + 360 end return t end function getPointAway(x, y, angle, dist) local a = -math.rad(angle) dist = dist / 57.295779513082 return x + (dist * math.deg(math.sin(a))), y + (dist * math.deg(math.cos(a))) end function getRadarFromWorldPosition(bx, by, x, y, w, h, scaledMapSize) local RadarX, RadarY = x + w/2, y + h/2 local RadarD = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(RadarX, RadarY, x, y) local px, py = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local _, _, crz = getElementRotation(getCamera()) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(px, py, bx, by) if dist > RadarD * 6000/scaledMapSize then dist = RadarD * 6000/scaledMapSize end local rot = 180 - findRotation(px, py, bx, by) + crz local ax, ay = getPointAway(RadarX, RadarY, rot, dist * scaledMapSize/6000) return ax, ay end function onClientPlayerDamage(attacker, weapon, _, bodypart) local part = attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" and getPedWeaponSlot(attacker) and getPedWeaponSlot(attacker) or false if attacker and attacker ~= source and not (part == 8 or (part == 7 and weapon ~= 38)) then Map.damageEfect[#Map.damageEfect + 1] = {getTickCount(), 0, math.min(25.5 * bodypart, 255)} else Map.damageEfect[#Map.damageEfect + 1] = {getTickCount(), 0, math.min(20 * bodypart, 255)} end if #Map.damageEfect > 18 then repeat table.remove(Map.damageEfect, 1) until #Map.damageEfect < 18 end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer,onClientPlayerDamage) local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() function DXGUI() local playerHealth = (getElementHealth(localPlayer)) --// Variavel obtendo a vida do Player --// DX-DRAW dxDrawRectangle(screenW * 0.0150, screenH * 0.9833, screenW * 0.1272 / 110* playerHealth, screenH * 0.0113, tocolor(172, 211, 115), false) --// Barra que exibe a vida do player; end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, DXGUI) só falta colocar a barra do colete e oxigênio ali no final, mas quando coloco desaparece o radar do mta...o objetivo é colocar colete vida e oxigênio de baixo do radar
  3. radar continua desaparecido, mesmo com isso ai, ele se aparece quando eu removo essa funçao
  4. function DXGUI () local playerArmor = getPedArmor(localPlayer) dxDrawRectangle(screenW * 0.4414, screenH * 0.4833, screenW * 0.1172 / 100* playerHealth, screenH * 0.0333, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) end addCommandHandler("onClientRender", root, DXGUI) oque tem de errado ?
  5. ? function showArmor (getPedArmor) showArmor (getPedArmor) local me = getLocalPlayer (1479.2451171875, -1735.8148193359, 12.754839897156)local me = getLocalPlayer (1479.2451171875, -1735.8148193359, 12.754839897156) local armor = getPedArmor (localPlayer)local armor = getPedArmor (localPlayer) outputChatBox( "Your armor: " .. armor ) end addCommandHandler ( "showarmor", showArmor ) e agora ?
  6. só nao to consguindo fazer o armor e oxigenio '-' local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() function DXGUI() local playerHealth = math.floor(getElementHealth(localPlayer)) --// Variavel obtendo a vida do Player --// DX-DRAW dxDrawRectangle(screenW * 0.0150, screenH * 0.9833, screenW * 0.1272 / 110* playerHealth, screenH * 0.0113, tocolor(172, 211, 115), false) --// Barra que exibe a vida do player; end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, DXGUI) local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() function DXGUI() local playerArmor = math.floor(getPedArmor(localPlayer)) --// Variavel obtendo a vida do Player --// DX-DRAW dxDrawRectangle(screenW * 0.4414, screenH * 0.4833, screenW * 0.1172 / 100* playerHealth, screenH * 0.0333, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) --// Barra que exibe a vida do player; end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, DXGUI)
  7. muito obrigado, vc é o cara, aproveitando gostaria de pedir para leu meu outro topic, onde pergunto como coloca barra de vida e colete em baixo do radar
  8. Estou fazendo um rada, queria sabe como faço pra colocar vida, colete e respiração na parte de baixo do radar
  9. como faço para substituir a tela de carregamento do mta por uma imagem qualquer, quando você entra em um servidor fica uma barrinha branca e um circulo pequeno girando, queria tirar isso e colocar imagens ou video, da uma força ai, por onde começo
  10. com licença...falando em chat acho que o meu tem algo errado, nao funciona -chat_client.lua chatGUI = { button = {x}, edit = {}, } chatbox = { {"Bem-vindo ao chat!","INFO"}, {"Pressione 'X' para escrever "," INFO"}, {"Nosso grupo -" ,"INFO"}, {"Наш сайт: dayz-start.ru","INFO"}, } local otChat = 0 local show = false local show_gui = false local sobbe = 1 --// 1 Global // 2 group // 3 radio local sW,sH = guiGetScreenSize() local chatRadius = 15 function startRollMessage(text, r, g, b) table.insert(chatbox,{text,"ATENÇÃO",133,53,53}) end addEvent("onRollMessageStart", true) addEventHandler("onRollMessageStart", getLocalPlayer(), startRollMessage) function startRollMessage2(head,text, r, g, b) table.insert(chatbox,{text,"ATENÇÃO",133,53,53}) end addEvent("displayClientInfo", true) addEventHandler("displayClientInfo", getLocalPlayer(), startRollMessage2) function drawChat() if not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then return end if getKeyState("enter") == true and show_gui == true then sendMes() end sY = 0 for i=1, #chatbox do if i > 6 then table.remove(chatbox,1) end if getElementData ( localPlayer, "GPS" ) >= 1 then wm = dxGetTextWidth(chatbox[2],1.02,"default-bold") dxDrawRectangle(sW*0.005, sH*0.5+sY, wm+10, 17,tocolor(chatbox[3],chatbox[4], chatbox[5],230)) nick = dxDrawText(chatbox[2]..": ",sW*0.007, sH*0.5+sY, 150, 30, tocolor ( 255,255,255,255), 1.02, "default" )-- apelido de saída wn = dxGetTextWidth(chatbox[2]..": ",1.02,"default-bold") dfx2 = dxDrawText(chatbox[1], sW*0.011+wn, sH*0.5+sY, 150, 30, tocolor ( 255,255,255,230), 1.02, "default-bold" ) --guiSetProperty(chatGUI.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") -- saída de mensagem else wm = dxGetTextWidth(chatbox[2],1.02,"default-bold") dxDrawRectangle(sW*0.005, sH*0.8+sY, wm+10, 17,tocolor(chatbox[3],chatbox[4], chatbox[5],230)) nick = dxDrawText(chatbox[2]..": ",sW*0.007, sH*0.8+sY, 150, 30, tocolor ( 255,255,255,255), 1.02, "default" )-- apelido de saída wn = dxGetTextWidth(chatbox[2]..": ",1.02,"default-bold") dfx2 = dxDrawText(chatbox[1], sW*0.011+wn, sH*0.8+sY, 150, 30, tocolor ( 255,255,255,230), 1.02, "default-bold" ) --guiSetProperty(chatGUI.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") -- saída de mensagem end sY = sY + 20 end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawChat) bindKey("x","down",function() createdGUI() if show_gui == false then creatChat() sobbe = 1 --else --closeChat() end end) --[[bindKey("u","down",function() local posX, posY, posZ = getElementPosition( source ) local chatSphere = createColSphere( posX, posY, posZ, chatRadius ) local nearbyPlayers = getElementsWithinColShape( chatSphere, "player" ) destroyElement( chatSphere ) createdGUI() if show_gui == false then creatChat() sobbe = 2 end for index, nearbyPlayer in ipairs( nearbyPlayers ) do if source == nearbyPlayer then table.insert(chatbox,{"Você não é um membro.!","",255,0,255,"","Servidor"}) end end)--]] function createdGUI() if show == false then -- if getElementData ( localPlayer, "GPS" ) >= 1 then chatGUI.button[2] = guiCreateButton((sW/2-sW/2)+325, sH/2+70, sW*0.054, sH*0.022, "FECHAR", false) form1s = guiCreateLabel((sW/2-sW/2)+113, sH/2+50,sW*0.15, sH*0.022, "Digite a mensagem:", false) chatGUI.edit[1] = guiCreateEdit((sW/2-sW/2)+110, sH/2+70, sW*0.15, sH*0.022, "", false) guiSetProperty(chatGUI.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") --end --guiSetProperty(chatGUI.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") guiBringToFront( chatGUI.edit[1] ) guiEditSetCaretIndex( chatGUI.edit[1], 1 ) setTimer(function () guiSetText ( chatGUI.edit[1], "" ) end,50,1) show = true addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",chatGUI.button[2],closeChat,false) guiEditSetMaxLength(chatGUI.edit[1],42) end end bindKey("enter","down",function() sendMes() end) function sendMes() if show_gui == true then local text = guiGetText(chatGUI.edit[1]) if otChat ~= 0 then return end if pregFind(text, "([0-9]{1,3})[^[:digit:]^[:cntrl:]]{1,3}([0-9]{1,3})[^[:digit:]^[:cntrl:]]{1,3}([0-9]{1,3})[^[:digit:]^[:cntrl:]]{1,3}([0-9]{1,3})") then return end if string.len(text) <= 0 then closeChat() return end triggerServerEvent("sendMessage",resourceRoot,getLocalPlayer(),"",text,sobbe) closeChat() otChat = 3 end end function updateChat() if otChat > 0 then otChat = otChat - 1 end end setTimer(updateChat,1000,0) function creatChat() guiSetVisible(chatGUI.button[2],true) guiSetVisible(chatGUI.edit[1],true) guiSetVisible(form1s,true) if getElementData ( localPlayer, "GPS" ) > 0 then guiSetPosition (chatGUI.button[2], sW*0.16, sH*0.47,false ) guiSetPosition (form1s, sW*0.008, sH*0.45, false) guiSetPosition (chatGUI.edit[1], sW*0.006, sH*0.47, false ) else guiSetPosition (chatGUI.button[2], sW*0.16, sH*0.77,false ) guiSetPosition (form1s, sW*0.008, sH*0.75, false) guiSetPosition (chatGUI.edit[1], sW*0.006, sH*0.77, false ) end--]] setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"enteredChat",true) showCursor(true) show_gui = true guiBringToFront( chatGUI.edit[1] ) guiEditSetCaretIndex( chatGUI.edit[1], 1 ) guiSetAlpha ( chatGUI.edit[1], 0.7 ) setTimer(function () guiSetText ( chatGUI.edit[1], "" ) end,50,1) end function closeChat() --guiSetVisible(chatGUI.button[1],false) guiSetVisible(chatGUI.button[2],false) guiSetVisible(chatGUI.edit[1],false) guiSetVisible(form1s,false) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"enteredChat",false) showCursor(false) show_gui = false end function addNewMessage(msg,name) table.insert(chatbox,{name,msg}) end addEvent("addNewMessage",true) addEventHandler("addNewMessage",getRootElement(),addNewMessage) -chat_server.lua function setNewChat(thePlayer, cmd, message, sobbe) msg = string.gsub(table.concat ( { message }, " " ),"","") local name = string.gsub(getPlayerName(thePlayer),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","") if sobbe == 1 then if (isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Admin"))) then r,g,b = 209,10,10 triggerClientEvent(root,"addNewMessage",root,name,msg,r,g,b) outputServerLog("[Chat][Admin]"..name..": "..msg) outputConsole("[Chat][Admin]"..name..": "..msg) else r,g,b = 209,10,10 if msg == "/kill" then triggerClientEvent(root,"addNewMessage",root,name,"está funcionando",r,g,b) end triggerClientEvent(root,"addNewMessage",root,name,msg,r,g,b) outputServerLog("[Chat]"..name..": "..msg) outputConsole("[Chat]"..name..": "..msg) --triggerClientEvent(root,"addNewMessage",root,name,msg,r,g,b,"","[-------------]") end elseif sobbe == 2 then local gangname = getElementData(thePlayer,"gang") if getElementData(thePlayer,"gang") == "None" then return end for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if gangname == getElementData(player,"gang") then r,g,b = 255,255,0 triggerClientEvent(root,"addNewMessage",root,name,msg,r,g,b,"","[Группа] ") end end end cancelEvent() end addEvent("sendMessage",true) addEventHandler("sendMessage",getRootElement(),setNewChat) local root = getRootElement() addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." logado!",255,255,255, "join") end ) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerJoin', root, function() triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." juntou к игре!",255,255,255, "join") end ) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerQuit', root, function() triggerClientEvent ( "onRollMessageStart", getRootElement(), getPlayerName(source).." fora do jogo!",255,255,255, "join") end ) -meta <meta> <info author="gabriel" type="misc" version="1.3.1" /> <script src="chat_client.lua" /> <script src="chat_server.lua" /> </meta>
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