Hi, I found a resource on how to put a text in a ped, but I can't find a way to move the text, so that it is not on the waist but on the head.
The code is the following:
local ped_id = 285 -- La ID del skin [http://adf.ly/hMF9l]
local px, py, pz = 2492.12598, -1669.97876, 13.33595 -- La posicion y rotacion [http://adf.ly/hMFFZ]
local ped_rotation = 0 -- La posicion y rotacion [http://adf.ly/hMFFZ]
local texto = "Texto del ped" -- El texto que tendra el ped
local texto_alcanze = 25 -- Distancia de donde se vera el texto
local R, G, B = 255, 255, 255 -- Color del texto [http://adf.ly/hMFT8] esta en blanco.
local Text_Opacidad = 255 -- (DEFAULT: 255 [min: 0 - max: 255]) Es la opacidad osea lo trasparente
local fuente = "sans" -- El tipo de lectra esta: "default", ["default-bold", "clear", "arial", "sans", "pricedown", "bankgothic", "diploma", "beckett"]
local size = 2 -- El tamaño del texto [DEFAULT: 2]
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local rootElement = getRootElement()
local NPC = createPed(ped_id, px, py, pz, ped_rotation)
local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize()
function NPCnametag()
local pedX,pedY,pedZ = getElementPosition(NPC)
local sx,sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition (pedX,pedY,pedZ)
local cameraX,cameraY,cameraZ = getCameraMatrix()
if sx then
if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(cameraX,cameraY,cameraZ,pedX,pedY,pedZ) <= texto_alcanze then
dxDrawText(texto,sx,sy,screenWidth, screenHeight,tocolor ( R, G, B, Text_Opacidad ), size,fuente)
function HandleTheRendering()
addEventHandler("onClientRender",rootElement, NPCnametag)
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",rootElement, HandleTheRendering)