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  1. it doesn't work on my hosted server console .
  2. Hey, where i put libmysqlclient.so.16 if i dont have /usr/lib i tried to create usr/lib inside x64 wont work.
  3. Hello i need help in this script pls , problem WARNING: anno\main.lua:971: Bad argument @ 'dxCreateTexture' [Expected elemant at argument 1, got boolean] WARNING: anno\main.lua:972: Bad argument @ 'dxConvertPixels' [Expected elemant at argument 1, got boolean] this is a part of the script addEvent("onTakeScreen", true) addEventHandler("onTakeScreen", root, function(pixels) PlayerTexture = dxCreateTexture(pixels) PlayerPixels = dxConvertPixels(pixels, "png") AddScreenLabel:setEnabled(true) AddScreenLabel:setText("To take a photo") end)
  4. hello is there is a way to fix this glitch ?? https://prnt.sc/lgw9b8
  5. Ekko

    [HELP]ifp demo

    Hello i need help on ifp demo script , i want to make it dont repeat the animation because the small animations repeat so fast and some times some of them moving while repeating this is the client side : local animationManagerWindow = nil local replaceAnimationLabel, playAnimationLabel = nil, nil local restoreDefaultsButton, stopAnimationButton = nil, nil local replaceAnimationGridList, playAnimationGridList = nil, nil local isShowingAnimationBlocksInPlayGridList = true local currentBlockNameSelected = nil local isLocalPlayerAnimating = false local function PopulatePlayAnimationGridListWithBlocks () isShowingAnimationBlocksInPlayGridList = true currentBlockNameSelected = nil guiGridListClear ( playAnimationGridList ) -- Add IFP blocks to the play animation gridlist for customAnimationBlockIndex, customAnimationBlock in ipairs ( globalLoadedIfps ) do local rowIndex = guiGridListAddRow ( playAnimationGridList, " + "..customAnimationBlock.friendlyName ) guiGridListSetItemData ( playAnimationGridList, rowIndex, 1, customAnimationBlockIndex ) end end local function PopulatePlayAnimationGridListWithCustomBlockAnimations ( ifpIndex ) isShowingAnimationBlocksInPlayGridList = false currentBlockNameSelected = globalLoadedIfps [ifpIndex].blockName guiGridListClear ( playAnimationGridList ) guiGridListAddRow ( playAnimationGridList, ".." ) -- Add IFP blocks to the play animation gridlist for _, customAnimationName in ipairs ( globalLoadedIfps [ifpIndex].animations ) do local rowIndex = guiGridListAddRow ( playAnimationGridList, " "..customAnimationName ) guiGridListSetItemData ( playAnimationGridList, rowIndex, 1, customAnimationName ) end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() triggerServerEvent ( "onCustomAnimationSyncRequest", resourceRoot, localPlayer ) outputChatBox ("Press 'X' to toggle Animation Manager", 255, 255, 255) animationManagerWindow = guiCreateWindow(118, 116, 558, 371, "Ekko's Animations", false) guiWindowSetSizable(animationManagerWindow, false) guiSetVisible ( animationManagerWindow, false ) replaceAnimationLabel = guiCreateLabel(12, 26, 245, 19, "Replace Animations With", false, animationManagerWindow) guiSetFont(replaceAnimationLabel, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(replaceAnimationLabel, "center", false) replaceAnimationGridList = guiCreateGridList(12, 49, 245, 255, false, animationManagerWindow) guiGridListAddColumn(replaceAnimationGridList, "Animation Blocks", 0.9) stopAnimationButton = guiCreateButton(329, 314, 174, 41, "Stop Animation", false, animationManagerWindow) playAnimationGridList = guiCreateGridList(294, 49, 245, 255, false, animationManagerWindow) guiGridListAddColumn(playAnimationGridList, "Animation Blocks", 0.9) -- load IFP files and add them to the play animation gridlist for customAnimationBlockIndex, customAnimationBlock in ipairs ( globalLoadedIfps ) do local ifp = engineLoadIFP ( customAnimationBlock.path, customAnimationBlock.blockName ) if not ifp then outputChatBox ("Failed to load '"..customAnimationBlock.path.."'") end end -- now add replaceable ifps to the other grid list for _, ifpIndex in ipairs ( globalReplaceableIfpsIndices ) do local customAnimationBlock = globalLoadedIfps [ ifpIndex ] local rowIndex = guiGridListAddRow ( replaceAnimationGridList, customAnimationBlock.friendlyName ) guiGridListSetItemData ( replaceAnimationGridList, rowIndex, 1, ifpIndex ) end PopulatePlayAnimationGridListWithBlocks () end ) local function ReplacePedBlockAnimations ( player, ifpIndex ) local customIfpBlockName = globalLoadedIfps [ ifpIndex ].blockName for _, animationName in pairs ( globalPedAnimationBlock.animations ) do -- make sure that we don't replace a partial animation if not globalPedAnimationBlock.partialAnimations [ animationName ] then engineReplaceAnimation ( player, "ped", animationName, customIfpBlockName, animationName ) end end end local function HandleReplacedAnimationGridListDoubleClick () local replacedAnimGridSelectedRow, replacedAnimGridSelectedCol = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( replaceAnimationGridList ); if replacedAnimGridSelectedRow and replacedAnimGridSelectedRow ~= -1 then local ifpFriendlyName = guiGridListGetItemText( replaceAnimationGridList, replacedAnimGridSelectedRow, replacedAnimGridSelectedCol ) local ifpIndex = guiGridListGetItemData(replaceAnimationGridList, replacedAnimGridSelectedRow, replacedAnimGridSelectedCol ) ReplacePedBlockAnimations ( localPlayer, ifpIndex ) triggerServerEvent ( "onCustomAnimationReplace", resourceRoot, localPlayer, ifpIndex ) outputChatBox ("Replaced 'ped' block animations with '"..ifpFriendlyName.."'", 255, 255, 255) end end local function HandlePlayAnimationGridListDoubleClick () local playAnimGridSelectedRow, playAnimGridSelectedCol = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( playAnimationGridList ); if playAnimGridSelectedRow and playAnimGridSelectedRow ~= -1 then local itemText = guiGridListGetItemText( playAnimationGridList, playAnimGridSelectedRow, playAnimGridSelectedCol ) if isShowingAnimationBlocksInPlayGridList then local ifpIndex = guiGridListGetItemData(playAnimationGridList, playAnimGridSelectedRow, playAnimGridSelectedCol ) PopulatePlayAnimationGridListWithCustomBlockAnimations ( ifpIndex ) else if itemText == ".." then PopulatePlayAnimationGridListWithBlocks ( ) else local animationName = guiGridListGetItemData(playAnimationGridList, playAnimGridSelectedRow, playAnimGridSelectedCol ) setPedAnimation ( localPlayer, currentBlockNameSelected, animationName ) triggerServerEvent ( "onCustomAnimationSet", resourceRoot, localPlayer, currentBlockNameSelected, animationName ) isLocalPlayerAnimating = true end end end end addEventHandler( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", resourceRoot, function ( button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY ) if button == "left" and state == "up" then if source == replaceAnimationGridList then HandleReplacedAnimationGridListDoubleClick ( ) elseif source == playAnimationGridList then HandlePlayAnimationGridListDoubleClick ( ) end end end ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", resourceRoot, function ( button, state ) if button == "left" and state == "up" then if source == restoreDefaultsButton then -- restore all replaced animations of "ped" block engineRestoreAnimation ( localPlayer, "ped" ) triggerServerEvent ( "onCustomAnimationRestore", resourceRoot, localPlayer, "ped" ) outputChatBox ("Restored ped block animations", 255, 255, 255) elseif source == stopAnimationButton then setPedAnimation ( localPlayer, false ) triggerServerEvent ( "onCustomAnimationSet", resourceRoot, localPlayer, false, false ) end end end ) bindKey ( "X", "down", function ( key, keyState ) if ( keyState == "down" ) then local isAnimationMangerWindowVisible = guiGetVisible ( animationManagerWindow ) guiSetVisible ( animationManagerWindow, not isAnimationMangerWindowVisible ) showCursor ( not isAnimationMangerWindowVisible ) end end ) addEvent ("onClientCustomAnimationSyncRequest", true ) addEventHandler ("onClientCustomAnimationSyncRequest", root, function ( playerAnimations ) for player, anims in pairs ( playerAnimations ) do if isElement ( player ) then if anims.current then setPedAnimation ( player, anims.current[1], anims.current[2] ) end if anims.replacedPedBlock then ReplacePedBlockAnimations ( player, anims.replacedPedBlock ) end end end end ) addEvent ("onClientCustomAnimationSet", true ) addEventHandler ("onClientCustomAnimationSet", root, function ( blockName, animationName ) if source == localPlayer then return end if blockName == false then setPedAnimation ( source, false ) return end setPedAnimation ( source, blockName, animationName ) end ) addEvent ("onClientCustomAnimationReplace", true ) addEventHandler ("onClientCustomAnimationReplace", root, function ( ifpIndex ) if source == localPlayer then return end ReplacePedBlockAnimations ( source, ifpIndex ) end ) addEvent ("onClientCustomAnimationRestore", true ) addEventHandler ("onClientCustomAnimationRestore", root, function ( blockName ) if source == localPlayer then return end engineRestoreAnimation ( source, blockName ) end ) setTimer ( function () if isLocalPlayerAnimating then if not getPedAnimation (localPlayer) then isLocalPlayerAnimating = false triggerServerEvent ( "onCustomAnimationStop", resourceRoot, localPlayer ) end end end, 100, 0 )
  6. Ekko


    did you found the solution ?
  7. Hey i wanto to change the siterocket with this png help me pls .https://image.ibb.co/iPwuAA/rocket.png
  8. thanks man it work perfectly your the best
  9. when i add it specifically pls her is the tp marker = {} marker[1] = createMarker(1906.501953125, -2294.4736328125, 13.75768661499, "corona", 1.5, 100, 0, 100, 100) setElementInterior(marker[1], 56) setElementDimension (marker[1], 44 ) function TelePort(Element, hitElement) setElementInterior(Element, 0) setElementDimension (Element, 0) setElementInterior(hitElement, 0) setTimer(setElementInterior, 10, 1, Element, 0) setTimer(setElementInterior, 10, 1, hitElement, 0) setElementPosition(Element, 1335.4150390625, 446.3466796875, 20.284374237061, true) setElementFrozen(Element, true) setTimer(setElementFrozen, 1000, 1,Element, false) setElementRotation ( Element, 0, 0, 248.84687805176 ) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",marker[1], function (player) if getElementType(player)=="player" then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if vehicle then local pTeam = getPlayerTeam(player) if pTeam and getTeamName(pTeam) == 'Gendarmerie Royale' then TelePort(vehicle, player) return end outputChatBox ('You are not in this Faction!',player, 255, 0, 0 ) else outputChatBox ('You need to be in Vehicle to enter this Garage!',player, 255, 0, 0 ) end end end)
  10. the object still dont show inside the garage (dimension/interior)
  11. i mean when i enter an elevator to tp to a garage the object disappear
  12. damn you are so good wow , can you make it when i enter elevetor the object dont disappear pls !! ?
  13. Ekko


    ok bro thanks ill try it
  14. Ekko


    i want a guiClick to stop the first script , the fist script is a video starts when player join the server i want when the player click the gui button he skip it (stop it) so he can select his character and spawning pls help me
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