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  1. bullshit :crazy: that movie isnt a stunt movie its just a tuned caddy that bounce everywhere if someone know how its easy to stunt whit the caddy its me i can fly over the city whit my caddy so this movie isnt so great
  2. did some one know how to edit the file main.scm ?
  3. just some change to the handling file but its hard to drive cauz the front wheel did'nt toutch the ground when u want to turn
  4. right clic n save az on that link for dld the movie its not the stretch its an other car but it was funn http://membres.lycos.fr/kevin678/bouncycorbillar.avi
  5. look what does it do when i try to put a link for dld the movie http://membres.lycos.fr/kevin678/bouncycorbillar.avi
  6. javascript:top.select_file(2);
  7. right clic n save az on that link for dld the movie its not the stretch its an other car but it was funn http://membres.lycos.fr/kevin678/bouncycorbillar.avi
  8. how to show a mvie on the forum ?
  9. theres 2 pic but dont look at the wheels its before i change somthing that cauz a bog
  10. yeah u can do that if you want to have ''unhandled exeption'' every time u see the car nbut u can make a really big monster truck whitout error but how did u will enter in the car ? ... n the car will bounce everywhere n finish by a big explosion i think ill do a racing caddy u no the big jump a the airport, if i want, i can tune a car n jump over the city whit that jump the only problem is the slowmotion when u jump
  11. it replace the love fist but like i say before its the same model i just change the texture n the handling file its 90000 of weight so u can bump any car u want it goes fast but if u control it its more a stunt car than a racing car n my next project is a caddy but i dont no what to do a racing caddy or monster caddy what's the best i-d ?
  12. ill try to have it in the next week but like i've said before ill formate my computer so i don no if it will be done ill do my best to send it early as possible ps: sorry for my english , im from quebec
  13. i can send it to you but maybe in a week cauz ill formate my computer n now i can install vice city why does when i look at my topic it says that i have 8 answer n i just can see ur answer ?
  14. what did u think about that car i no i just tuned the texture n the handling files but i was going well for stunting ill try to post a vid of stunt whit the car http://site.voila.fr/killer-creation/li ... 8189290926
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