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Everything posted by Tando
yeaa not message i need command in it like t/tando <tex> t/tando hello everybody
so do it lool if you don't need to say so don't reply
Hello, I need help in Server .lua Logo: Client: sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize () addEvent ("onNotificationWindowHide",false) addEvent ("onNotificationWindowShow",false) box = false function showBox(value, str) if str and type(str) == "table" and #(str) > 0 then box = true if value == "info" then showTipBox (table.concat(str," "),"img/info.png") outputConsole ("[INFO]" .. table.concat(str," ")) --[[elseif value == "error" then showTipBox (str,"img/error.png") outputConsole ("[ERROR]" .. str) elseif value == "warning" then showTipBox (str,"img/warning.png") outputConsole ("[WARNING]" .. str)]]-- end end end addEvent("CreateBox", true) addEventHandler("CreateBox", getRootElement(), showBox) addEventHandler ("onNotificationWindowHide",getRootElement(), function () box = false end ) tipBox = {} tipBox.path = "" tipBox.show = false tipBox.state = nil tipBox.string = nil tipBox.starTick = nil tipBox.currentY = nil tipBox.time = 800 tipBox.next = nil tipBox.nextPath = "" tipBox.timer = nil tipBox.startY = sy+256 tipBox.stopY = sy-150 function showTipBox (str,path) if str then if path == nil then path = "img/info.png" end if fileExists (path) then if tipBox.show == true then tipBox.next = str tipBox.nextPath = path else tipBox.path = path tipBox.show = true tipBox.state = "starting" tipBox.string = str tipBox.startTick = getTickCount() triggerEvent ("onNotificationWindowShow",getRootElement()) end end end end addEvent("CreateTipBox", true) addEventHandler("CreateTipBox", getRootElement(), showTipBox) addEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function () if tipBox.show == true and tipBox.string then local width = dxGetTextWidth (tipBox.string, 1, "default-bold") if width then if tipBox.state == "starting" then local progress = ((getTickCount() - tipBox.startTick) / tipBox.time)*0.5 local intY = interpolateBetween ( tipBox.startY,0,0, tipBox.stopY,0,0, progress,"OutElastic" ) if intY then tipBox.currentY = intY else tipBox.currentY = 100 end if progress > 1 then tipBox.state = "showing" tipBox.timer = setTimer ( function () tipBox.startTick = getTickCount() tipBox.state = "hiding" end ,string.len(tipBox.string)*45+800,1) end elseif tipBox.state == "showing" then tipBox.currentY = tipBox.stopY elseif tipBox.state == "hiding" then local progress = (getTickCount() - tipBox.startTick) / (tipBox.time) local intY = interpolateBetween ( tipBox.stopY,0,0, tipBox.startY,0,0, progress,"Linear" ) if intY then tipBox.currentY = intY else tipBox.currentY = 100 end if progress > 1 then triggerEvent ("onNotificationWindowHide",getRootElement()) if tipBox.next then if isTimer(tipBox.timer) then killTimer(tipBox.timer) end tipBox.show = true tipBox.state = "starting" tipBox.string = tipBox.next tipBox.startTick = getTickCount() tipBox.next = nil tipBox.path = tipBox.nextPath return else tipBox.show = false tipBox.state = nil tipBox.string = nil return end end else return end local width = 400 local x,y = sx - width - 5, tipBox.currentY local textX,textY = x+100,tipBox.currentY+34.375 local textWidth,textHeight = 273.59375,82.8125 dxDrawImage(x,y,width,200,tipBox.path,0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255),true) dxDrawText(tipBox.string,textX,textY,textX+textWidth,textY+textHeight,tocolor(255,255,255),1,"default-bold","center","center",false,true,true) end end end ) First this system same as message but this with logo and will be under screen Server.lua = Command <text> for show inside Logo under screen Like Info for players ingame NOTE: Sry for spam posts i just want be finish my verison OF SAUG:RPG 3.5
Hello, How to make Cops Spawn in pds [LSPD/LVPD/SFPD] Cops Team[Government/Police] And plz add in it this cop in LV Spawn at LVPD not LSPD or SFPD , other too
yea +1 he using SAUGInventory stolen no one help him plz
These days I've been thinking about creating a RPG server from scratch. I know it's not easy but since May +/- I have been learning LUA (MTA) and I'm already familiar with the process, however, I'll need someone else to help me in this new adventure! I need to get interested and trusted people to take this protect forward, including: DX Profesional Programmer (to work with me) Designer (Photoshop) Resources The server should have: Jobs Bank Temporary Vehicles spawner Vehicle Shops Inventory Trade system Used vehicles shop (players can trade vehicles with other players) Jail (Map + Script) Drug delivery and other criminal scripts VIP system Bank Robbery Casino Robbery Other scripts... All advanced scripts will be scheduled by the server programmers, only the most basic will be downloaded from the community! All scripts will be based on MySQL to work. This is because all the information is gathered in one place so accessible from anywhere in the world, while SQLite is just a file that can only be "treated" by the game... Screen Shots Conclusion I Just want make server have much players and be the top of servers I need help in news Like Players Record : 35 Players per day : 30/200
Thanks For Talk to him <3 Hello everybody, We are sorry for Close we had some problems and we fixed some of it still inventory we using our powers to get it or make it SAUG:RPG 3.5 will come Soon Plz wait us, And who saying our Server copycat i hope to tell you all servers copycat !! and if you don't like SAUG so don't waste your time with reply
i can't pay if easy so where is it ?
Hello everybody, I Tired from Work in Inventory to Put DrugEffect/Drug Draw Time As i know only @_DrXenon , @Oussema have inventory oF STORM/SAEG Client .lua May i get Help in it May i get Help in DrugEffect/DrugDXDraw For Time here or get Full Inventory ! Client: local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() addEvent("Hiddeny",true) addEventHandler("Hidden", root, function(items) if not isElement(invwdw) then invwdw = guiCreateWindow((sx - 291)/2,(sy - 445)/2, 291, 445, "SAUG Inventory", false) guiWindowSetSizable(invwdw, false) logo = guiCreateStaticImage(70, 22, 149, 56, ":SAUGLogin/logo.png", false, invwdw) invgrid = guiCreateGridList(9, 81, 273, 311, false, invwdw) guiGridListAddColumn(invgrid, "Item", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(invgrid, "Quantitiy", 0.5) for i,v in ipairs(items) do row = guiGridListAddRow(invgrid) guiGridListSetItemText(invgrid, row, 1, v["item"], false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(invgrid, row, 2, v["quant"].." unit(s)", false, false) end closebtn = guiCreateButton(213, 396, 69, 39, "Close", false, invwdw) infolabel = guiCreateLabel(10, 396, 196, 36, "Double mouse 'Right' click to use!\nDouble mouse 'Left' click to drop!", false, invwdw) guiSetFont(infolabel, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(infolabel, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(infolabel, "center") else destroyElement(invwdw) end end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,function() if isElement(invwdw) then if source == closebtn then destroyElement(invwdw) end end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick",root,function() if isElement(invwdw) then if source == invgrid then local sel = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(invgrid) local item = guiGridListGetItemText(invgrid,sel,1) local quan = guiGridListGetItemText(invgrid,sel,2) local quan = string.gsub(quan,"unit(s)","") local quan = tonumber(quan) triggerServerEvent("useItem",localPlayer,item) end end end) addEvent("updateInvGridList",true) addEventHandler("updateInvGridList",root,function(items) if isElement(invwdw) then destroyElement(invgrid) --local items = getElementData(localPlayer,"inventoryitems") invgrid = guiCreateGridList(9, 81, 273, 311, false, invwdw) guiGridListAddColumn(invgrid, "Item", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(invgrid, "Quantitiy", 0.5) for i,v in ipairs(items) do row = guiGridListAddRow(invgrid) guiGridListSetItemText(invgrid, row, 1, v["item"] or v[1], false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(invgrid, row, 2, (v["quant"] or v[2]).." unit(s)", false, false) end end end)
Forum added : saugmta.cf New helppanel (F3) Breaked record , Next record [+30] Weapson Factory Added Fixed bugs !!
About Us: Welcome to San Andreas United Gaming (SAUG) Server Information: Server Owner: Tando/FireWall/Nox Server Forum : saugrpg.com Server Discord : https://discord.gg/fwSTUhu Server Verison : 4.0 FB Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/141559259848558/ STAUTS : OPENED Server Record: Server Record : +35 Server Record gift : VIP / Money / events Server System: HUD: UCP: Inventory: HelpPanel: Phone: SkinShop: Ammunation: Jobs: Spawners: Lottery: Login: Bus: SAUG Updates: Regards SAUG Staff Team