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Everything posted by WiBox

  1. WiBox


    I found the task name.. "TASK_SIMPLE_JUMP" but I didn't know what function should I use so I check if the player is jumping.. Help, please? Nevermind found it...
  2. I'm trying to change the balaclava mask texture.. But I can't find the ID of it, and as you know the balaclava mask is only for 'CJ SKIN ID:0' so.. Is there a way I can add a balaclava mask on any skin? Thanks.
  3. Thanks, I know that part, but I didn't know how to check if a player has shot using shotgun with getElementData.... Nevermind I found the way using setElementData and getElementData, thanks a lot!
  4. I tried 4.. 5.. times to do it by my own but I'm still failing.. I want to check if a player has shot 3 shots of shotgun..
  5. WiBox

    About ban...

    Thanks guys, but I think I found it, @JeViCo as you said if the player has been banned using banPlayer the ban will show, but if I used setAccountData of using banPlayer he'll can join but here's where I make my code so he can't login and.... Thanks guys
  6. WiBox

    About ban...

    As all know, when you get banned from a server and you try to rejoin, a GUI will open which say you're banned reason without joining the server, is there a way I can remove that GUI? I mean I want, if the player was banned he'll can join the server, but I didn't have any clue to do that Any help?
  7. I'm not working against you, I learn that mistake. I understand now that onClientPlayerWeaponFire for specify the player weapon, and I tried it, I've recheck my code but nothing, still bugged
  8. Are you kidding me right now? I post this code so if there's someone who can fix it, I tried what you told me but it also didn't work, so what the heck are you speaking of?
  9. I'm trying to make a anti-spam RPG timer but I'm failing over and over.. That's my code: Client Side: local antiSpamRPG = {} function cancelRPGShots(creator) if ( creator and creator == localPlayer ) then local theType = getProjectileType(source) if ( theType == 19 or theType == 35 or theType == 36 ) then if ( isTimer(antiSpamRPG[creator]) ) then setElementPosition( source, 0, 0, 10000) -- ignore that line.. else antiSpamRPG[creator] = setTimer(function() if ( theType == 19 or theType == 35 or theType == 36 ) then toggleControl("fire", false) toggleControl("aim_weapon", false) else toggleControl("aim_weapon", true) toggleControl("fire", true) end end, 20000, 1) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientWeaponFire", root, cancelRPGShots) I don't understand where the wrong part in this.. if someone can help I'll appreciate that, thanks~
  10. It is possible. Server Side: function onPlayerChangeNicks() outputChatBox("You're not allowed to change your nick name.", source, 255, 0, 0) cancelEvent() end addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", root, onPlayerChangeNicks) If I'm not wrong you can make it like that, using: cancelEvent() will cancel a specific event, when I used: addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", root, onPlayerChangeNicks) When I used "onPlayerChangeNick" and " cancelEvent() " I cancel the event with a message..
  11. Because I'm making as with a click of a button the player get added to donator ACL Group, and if the player is already in the donate acl group i want to disable the button I made a panel with a button which I want from it with a click of a button it add a player in the donator acl group, but I want if the player already in that acl group the button will be disable so he don't repress it, that's why I need to check if the player already in the Donator acl group or not and use it in Client Side so I can use guiSetProperty
  12. I need to check if the player is in Donator acl group in Client Side not server side
  13. I used: function isPlayerDonator(plr) accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(plr)) if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accName, aclGetGroup("Donator")) then return true else return false end end addEvent("isPlayerDonator", true) addEventHandler("isPlayerDonator", root, isPlayerDonator) but I didn't know how to write in client side, if isPlayerDonator == true then if == false then... Any tips?
  14. I made a panel for add a thing to a group in ACL.. I want by a click of a button the player get added to that group and buy a click he get removed.. any ideas? My problem is to check if the player is already in that ACL group, what I want to do: button named: Buy Donator if he already got Donator then the button will be disabled with guiSetProperty but the thing is I need to know if the players isObjectInACLGroup but didn't work for me.. Any help please
  15. WiBox


    Oh, I see. Thanks I appreciate that
  16. WiBox


    Can you fix it? Because I don't know how to do any of what you said ..
  17. WiBox


    Hello, I'm trying to add a damageTimer as if the player was damaged last 20 second he can't use a specific command... damageTimer = {} function test() if ( isTimer(damageTimer) ) then killTimer(damageTimer) end setElementData(source, "damage", "yes") if ( getElementData(source,"damage") == "yes" ) then setElementData(source,"damage", "no") setTimer( function () removeCommandhandler("ldm") end end,15000,1) end addCommandhandler("ldm", LAJDM) end addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", test) Well, it didn't work shamefully, but I just need to know where are my mistakes... Thanks. " No error in /debugscript 3 "
  18. WiBox

    Save a memo

    To be honest you didn't help me with anything, I know what the functions needed I just don't know how to use them...
  19. WiBox

    Save a memo

    Sorry but I didn't understand anything from what you said.. If you can give a small example it would help a lot, as I understand you said, I can use a table to save inside it, how is it possible?
  20. WiBox

    Save a memo

    Hey, I made a panel with an memo.. But if I restart the script, what was written on that memo will disappear so is there a way I can save an memo even if I restart the script?
  21. Guys I've been wondering if we can add a new walk style which doesn't exist in the main files of GTA-sa/Mta-sa , so is there a way I can add that walkstyle and how, I'd appreciate who help me with an small example..
  22. WiBox


    I'll try it as soon as possible. Thanks!
  23. WiBox


    I'll try to explain better than before. function showZoneOutput() guiSetText(zoneCreator.edit[1], string.format('%.3f', x)) guiSetText(zoneCreator.edit[2], string.format('%.3f', y)) guiSetText(zoneCreator.edit[3], string.format('%.3f', w)) guiSetText(zoneCreator.edit[4], string.format('%.3f', d)) end The function showZoneOutput is in client side file. I want to trigger that function to server side and add it inside a table which is: zones = { --{id,name,owner,ctrl,price,objects,radio,x,y,sx,sy} --{id = 1, name = "Test zone", owner = "TsT", ctrl = "", price = 50000, objects = 0, radio = "", x = -1188.001, y = -438.446, sx = 19.328, sy = 22.896} } (from zones table) from the function showZoneOutput the x = x y = y sx = w sy = d __________________________________________________________________________________________ I want to insert X from the client side into the table zones = {} in the server side. That's all what I want..
  24. WiBox


    I want to add an client side coding inside a table in server side-,- I know what shoulf I use I just don't know how to add them inside the table! I know what should I use but I don't know how to make them. I tried so many times no errors but doesn't work -.-
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