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Everything posted by WiBox

  1. Nervmind, I found a way, a hard way but it work
  2. It happened to me once, Take the go to [admin] and open the meta.xml file, add <meta> .... <aclrequest> <right name="general.ModifyOtherObjects" access="true"/> <right name="general.http" access="true"/> <right name="command.shutdown" access="true"/> <right name="command.mods" access="true"/> <right name="command.install" access="true"/> <right name="command.aexec" access="true"/> <right name="command.debugscript" access="true"/> <right name="command.upgrade" access="true"/> <right name="command.crun" access="true"/> <right name="command.srun" access="true"/> <right name="command.run" access="true"/> <right name="command.aclrequest" access="true"/> <right name="command.authserial" access="true"/> <right name="command.reloadacl" access="true"/> <right name="function.addBan" access="true"/> <right name="function.setUnbanTime" access="true"/> <right name="function.setBanAdmin" access="true"/> <right name="function.setBanReason" access="true"/> <right name="function.setBanNick" access="true"/> <right name="function.removeBan" access="true"/> <right name="function.reloadBans" access="true"/> <right name="function.executeCommandHandler" access="true"/> <right name="function.setServerPassword" access="true"/> <right name="function.getServerPassword" access="true"/> <right name="function.createResource" access="true"/> <right name="function.copyResource" access="true"/> <right name="function.addResourceMap" access="true"/> <right name="function.addResourceConfig" access="true"/> <right name="function.removeResourceFile" access="true"/> <right name="function.setResourceDefaultSetting" access="true"/> <right name="function.removeResourceDefaultSetting" access="true"/> <right name="function.aclReload" access="true"/> <right name="function.aclSave" access="true"/> <right name="function.aclCreate" access="true"/> <right name="function.aclDestroy" access="true"/> <right name="function.aclSetRight" access="true"/> <right name="function.aclRemoveRight" access="true"/> <right name="function.aclCreateGroup" access="true"/> <right name="function.aclDestroyGroup" access="true"/> <right name="function.aclGroupAddACL" access="true"/> <right name="function.aclGroupRemoveACL" access="true"/> <right name="function.aclGroupAddObject" access="true"/> <right name="function.aclGroupRemoveObject" access="true"/> <right name="function.refreshResources" access="true"/> <right name="function.setServerConfigSetting" access="true"/> <right name="function.updateResourceACLRequest" access="true"/> <right name="function.shutdown" access="true"/> <right name="general.adminpanel" access="true"/> <right name="general.tab_players" access="true"/> <right name="general.tab_resources" access="true"/> <right name="general.tab_maps" access="true"/> <right name="general.tab_server" access="true"/> <right name="general.tab_bans" access="true"/> <right name="general.tab_adminchat" access="true"/> <right name="command.kick" access="true"/> <right name="command.freeze" access="true"/> <right name="command.mute" access="true"/> <right name="command.setnick" access="true"/> <right name="command.shout" access="true"/> <right name="command.spectate" access="true"/> <right name="command.slap" access="true"/> <right name="command.setgroup" access="true"/> <right name="command.sethealth" access="true"/> <right name="command.setarmour" access="true"/> <right name="command.setmoney" access="true"/> <right name="command.setskin" access="true"/> <right name="command.setteam" access="true"/> <right name="command.giveweapon" access="true"/> <right name="command.setstat" access="true"/> <right name="command.jetpack" access="true"/> <right name="command.warp" access="true"/> <right name="command.setdimension" access="true"/> <right name="command.setinterior" access="true"/> <right name="command.createteam" access="true"/> <right name="command.destroyteam" access="true"/> <right name="command.givevehicle" access="true"/> <right name="command.repair" access="true"/> <right name="command.blowvehicle" access="true"/> <right name="command.destroyvehicle" access="true"/> <right name="command.customize" access="true"/> <right name="command.setcolor" access="true"/> <right name="command.setpaintjob" access="true"/> <right name="command.listmessages" access="true"/> <right name="command.readmessage" access="true"/> <right name="command.listresources" access="true"/> <right name="command.start" access="true"/> <right name="command.stop" access="true"/> <right name="command.stopall" access="false"/> <right name="command.delete" access="true"/> <right name="command.restart" access="true"/> <right name="command.execute" access="true"/> <right name="command.setpassword" access="true"/> <right name="command.setwelcome" access="true"/> <right name="command.setgame" access="true"/> <right name="command.setmap" access="true"/> <right name="command.setweather" access="true"/> <right name="command.blendweather" access="true"/> <right name="command.setblurlevel" access="true"/> <right name="command.setwaveheight" access="true"/> <right name="command.setskygradient" access="true"/> <right name="command.setgamespeed" access="true"/> <right name="command.setgravity" access="true"/> <right name="command.settime" access="true"/> <right name="command.setfpslimit" access="true"/> <right name="command.ban" access="true"/> <right name="command.unban" access="true"/> <right name="command.banip" access="true"/> <right name="command.unbanip" access="true"/> <right name="command.banserial" access="true" /> <right name="command.unbanserial" access="true" /> <right name="command.listbans" access="true" /> <right name="function.addaccount" access="true" /> </aclrequest> </meta> Then start the script, it will say that the scripts need acl approvment, write in console: aclrequest allow admin all Try it, it should work.
  3. https://imgur.com/a/OsN4BTn This picture is a grid list which I made, I need to calculate the MB which are downloaded, so I add, if the file exists at the client so it will give a value of "Yes" .... I need to select all those files which are downloaded and add, the point of what I'm doing is so the client know how much did he download until now. Any ideas? - Sorry for my bad English skills..
  4. I tried it using a simple code as a test: I tried in server side as: car = createVehicle( 411, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 , 0) function testing() warpPedIntoVehicle( source, car) end addCommandHandler("w", testing) In client side as: car = createVehicle( 411, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 , 0) function testing() warpPedIntoVehicle( localPlayer, car) end addCommandHandler("w", testing) At first I tried to warp only 1 player in the car, didn't work, in client side it's only for create peds as I saw at warpPedIntoVehicle but same at server side, it gave me nil at /debugscript 3
  5. I need to warp players into vehicles, 10 players... When I use warpPedIntoVehicle they gave me a warning at /debugscript 3 that's they want a Ped arguments and the player return to nil. Anyone has a idea?
  6. WiBox

    Animations stuff

    I need to ask, about triggerClientEvent which root should I use which represent server? Nope, also didn't work XD
  7. WiBox

    Animations stuff

    hm trying XD Nope, didn't work, as always the body move but others can't see the animation, only I can
  8. WiBox

    Animations stuff

    I tried to do it like this, well the animation worked, but couldn't see my friend making the animation... I understand that the function should be added at server side so all can see it but I'm still trying to find a way to make that work... if someone have a solution please share it with us. ( Us because that won't just help me, it will help too many other developers. )
  9. Hey, I've some problems in engineReplaceAnimation, I've added some new animations but the thing is I'm adding a walk style into it and I used the walk style id "69" it totaly worked using setElementData so I make a new walk style using the same walk style id but using setElementData so I can change the animations, but the thing is I tried to use setTimer, but it's like bugging because I've used engineReplaceAnimation and to set it back I used engineRestoreAnimation, so it's like: function test() if ( getElementData( localPlayer, "ModeOn" ) == "true" ) then local customBlockNames = "NewWalkStyle" local IFP = engineLoadIFP( "walkStyles/RIPeZpack.ifp", customBlockNames ) engineReplaceAnimation( localPlayer, "ped", "climb_idle", customBlockNames, "CLIMB_idle" ) elseif ( getElementData( localPlayer, "ModeOn" ) == "false" ) then engineRestoreAnimation( localPlayer, "ped", "climb_idle") end end setTimer( test, 1000, 0) When I do the animation of climb_idle .. Sometimes it do it twice sometimes and too many other problems, I knew that it's from the setTimer because on checking each 1 second it will replace the animation each 1 second so I need to find a way another of setTimer, ofc not onClientRender because it will bug the animation ? already tested, so I wanted to ask if I can make something like add a event handler which is, "onClientChangeWalkStyle" so any ideas?
  10. Thanks a lot, I'll go check about it at the MTA wiki pedia..
  11. I need to check if a key has been pressed.. Example I need to check if the key " space " has been pressed then it's like..; function theBinds() if ( is the key space has been pressed.. ) then -- bindKey( "arrow_u", "down", a) bindKey( "arrow_d", "down", b) bindKey( "arrow_l", "down", c) bindKey( "arrow_r", "down", d) else unBindKey( "arrow_u", "down", a) unBindKey( "arrow_d", "down", b) unBindKey( "arrow_l", "down", c) unBindKey( "arrow_r", "down", d) end end addEvent("setBinds", true) addEventHandler("setBinds", root, theBinds) Is there a way that will make me check if a key has been pressed?
  12. WiBox

    Animations stuff

    Thank you all, now I understand, you mean the setPedAnimation should be at Server Side, because if it was on Client Side only the player will see it. Thanks again
  13. WiBox

    Animations stuff

    Well yeah, that's the problem
  14. WiBox

    Animations stuff

    It's in a folder.. folder name is parkourFiles It work fine but the thing is if you do the animation, only you can see yourself making that animation... Another player will see you moving not animating
  15. local customBlockName = "parkour" local parkourIFP = engineLoadIFP( "parkourFiles/parkour.ifp", customBlockName ) function setanimation( _, animationName ) if ( parkourIFP ) then setPedAnimation( localPlayer, customBlockName, animationName ) end end addCommandHandler( "animation", setanimation ) I was testing the parkour.ifp, the file is from https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/EngineReplaceAnimation , anyway I downloaded that parkour.ifp file and I add it..... but the problem is while I'm using example /animation HandPlant I don't see him doing the animation, I see his body moving nothing else.. Can anyone help me?
  16. Thanks a lot, you're helpful as ever.
  17. Hey guys I'm trying to add on my server a new walk style but the things.. I'm trying to find a way to add a new ID for walkstyles.. Is there a way so I can do that?
  18. I've a script editor script, it will let me edit scripts in-game, but there's something I'm thinking of, is it possible to make like that in a editor( I don't know what to call it so I'll just describe ): function local if elseif else end while do return break repeat Is it possible so I add those things inside a script editor? I mean those things get written in the blue color... and the math.random in pink.. Because if it possible, I would add it. Because your eyes can focus on those things and...
  19. WiBox


    Explaining what I need: I need when I jump, the gravity changes to 0.0045, at gravity 0.0045 I got the perfect the distance and the high of the jump which I need, I tried to use setGravity it worked perfectly, but what happend is the grenade is effected from the gravity.. the grenade get throw for a longer distance.. I just want when he jump he'll jump a bit higher and a for an higher distance..
  20. WiBox


    function weedEffect( player ) setPedStat( player, 139, 1000) setPedStat( player, 140, 1000) end addCommandHandler("test", weedEffect) I was testing it.. The jump distance and the jump high didn't change 1%..
  21. WiBox


    Thank you, I appreciate that
  22. WiBox


    That's a new thing to me, thanks a lot! But I need to ask, that's jump is so high ?, it can't be changed?
  23. WiBox


    function weed() if ( getElementData( localPlayer, "onWeed") == true) then if ( isPedDoingTask( localPlayer, "TASK_SIMPLE_JUMP" ) ) then setGravity(0.0045) else setGravity(0.008) end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, weed) I've a drugs system.. I want only when the player jump the gravity goes 0.0045.. I used that code but not working, any ideas?
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