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  1. triggerKey = "tab" -- default button to open/close scoreboard settingsKey = "F7" -- default button to open the settings window drawOverGUI = true -- draw scoreboard over gui? seperationSpace = 80 -- the space between top/bottom screen and scoreboard top/bottom in pixels -- BUT DON'T TOUCH THESE scoreboardToggled = false scoreboardForced = false scoreboardDrawn = false forceScoreboardUpdate = false useAnimation = true scoreboardIsToggleable = false showServerInfo = false showGamemodeInfo = false showTeams = true useColors = true drawSpeed = 1 scoreboardScale = 1 teamHeaderFont = "clear" contentFont = "default-bold" columnFont = "default-bold" serverInfoFont = "default" rmbFont = "clear" cBlack = tocolor( 0, 0, 0 ) cWhite = tocolor( 255, 255, 255 ) cSettingsBox = tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 150 ) MAX_PRIRORITY_SLOT = 500 scoreboardColumns = {} resourceColumns = {} scoreboardDimensions = { ["width"] = 0, ["height"] = 0, ["phase"] = 1, ["lastSeconds"] = 0 } scoreboardTicks = { ["lastUpdate"] = 0, ["updateInterval"] = 500 } scoreboardContent = {} firstVisibleIndex = 1 sortBy = { ["what"] = "__NONE__", ["dir"] = -1 } -- -1 = dec, 1 = asc sbOutOffset, sbInOffset = 1, 1 sbFont = "clear" sbFontScale = 0.68 serverInfo = {} fontScale = { -- To make all fonts be equal in height ["default"] = 1.0, ["default-bold"] = 1.0, ["clear"] = 1.0, ["arial"] = 1.0, ["sans"] = 1.0, ["pricedown"] = 0.5, ["bankgothic"] = 0.5, ["diploma"] = 0.5, ["beckett"] = 0.5 } selectedRows = {} addEvent( "onClientPlayerScoreboardClick" ) addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ), function ( resource ) cScoreboardBackground = tocolor( defaultSettings.bg_color.r, defaultSettings.bg_color.g, defaultSettings.bg_color.b, defaultSettings.bg_color.a ) cSelection = tocolor( defaultSettings.selection_color.r, defaultSettings.selection_color.g, defaultSettings.selection_color.b, defaultSettings.selection_color.a ) cHighlight = tocolor( defaultSettings.highlight_color.r, defaultSettings.highlight_color.g, defaultSettings.highlight_color.b, defaultSettings.highlight_color.a ) cHeader = tocolor( defaultSettings.header_color.r, defaultSettings.header_color.g, defaultSettings.header_color.b, defaultSettings.header_color.a ) cTeam = tocolor( defaultSettings.team_color.r, defaultSettings.team_color.g, defaultSettings.team_color.b, defaultSettings.team_color.a ) cBorder = tocolor( defaultSettings.border_color.r, defaultSettings.border_color.g, defaultSettings.border_color.b, defaultSettings.border_color.a ) cServerInfo = tocolor( defaultSettings.serverinfo_color.r, defaultSettings.serverinfo_color.g, defaultSettings.serverinfo_color.b, defaultSettings.serverinfo_color.a ) cContent = tocolor( defaultSettings.content_color.r, defaultSettings.content_color.g, defaultSettings.content_color.b, defaultSettings.content_color.a ) bindKey( triggerKey, "down", "Toggle scoreboard", "1" ) bindKey( triggerKey, "up", "Toggle scoreboard", "0" ) bindKey( settingsKey, "down", "Open scoreboard settings", "1" ) addEventHandler( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawScoreboard ) triggerServerEvent( "onClientDXScoreboardResourceStart", getRootElement() ) readScoreboardSettings() triggerServerEvent( "requestServerInfo", getRootElement() ) colorPicker.constructor() end ) addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), function() selectedRows[source] = nil end ) function sendServerInfo( output ) serverInfo = output end addEvent( "sendServerInfo", true ) addEventHandler( "sendServerInfo", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ), sendServerInfo ) function toggleScoreboard( _, state ) state = iif( state == "1", true, false ) if scoreboardIsToggleable and state then scoreboardToggled = not scoreboardToggled elseif not scoreboardIsToggleable then scoreboardToggled = state end end addCommandHandler( "Toggle scoreboard", toggleScoreboard ) function openSettingsWindow() if scoreboardDrawn then local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize() if not (windowSettings and isElement( windowSettings ) and guiGetVisible( windowSettings )) then createScoreboardSettingsWindow( sX-323, sY-350 ) showCursor( true ) elseif isElement( windowSettings ) then destroyScoreboardSettingsWindow() end end end addCommandHandler( "Open scoreboard settings", openSettingsWindow ) addCommandHandler( "scoreboard", function () scoreboardToggled = not scoreboardToggled end ) function iif( cond, arg1, arg2 ) if cond then return arg1 end return arg2 end function doDrawScoreboard( rtPass, onlyAnim, sX, sY ) if #scoreboardColumns ~= 0 then -- -- In/out animation -- local currentSeconds = getTickCount() / 1000 local deltaSeconds = currentSeconds - scoreboardDimensions.lastSeconds scoreboardDimensions.lastSeconds = currentSeconds deltaSeconds = math.clamp( 0, deltaSeconds, 1/25 ) if scoreboardToggled or scoreboardForced then local phases = { [1] = { ["width"] = s(10), ["height"] = s(5), ["incToWidth"] = s(10), ["incToHeight"] = s(5), ["decToWidth"] = 0, ["decToHeight"] = 0 }, [2] = { ["width"] = s(40), ["height"] = s(5), ["incToWidth"] = calculateWidth(), ["incToHeight"] = s(5), ["decToWidth"] = s(10), ["decToHeight"] = s(5) }, [3] = { ["width"] = calculateWidth(), ["height"] = s(30), ["incToWidth"] = calculateWidth(), ["incToHeight"] = calculateHeight(), ["decToWidth"] = calculateWidth(), ["decToHeight"] = s(5) } } if not useAnimation then scoreboardDimensions.width = calculateWidth() scoreboardDimensions.height = calculateHeight() scoreboardDimensions.phase = #phases end local maxChange = deltaSeconds * 30*drawSpeed local maxWidthDiff = math.clamp( -maxChange, phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth - scoreboardDimensions.width, maxChange ) local maxHeightDiff = math.clamp( -maxChange, phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight - scoreboardDimensions.height, maxChange ) if scoreboardDimensions.width < phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth then scoreboardDimensions.width = scoreboardDimensions.width + maxWidthDiff * phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].width if scoreboardDimensions.width > phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth then scoreboardDimensions.width = phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth end elseif scoreboardDimensions.width > phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth and not scoreboardDrawn then scoreboardDimensions.width = scoreboardDimensions.width - maxWidthDiff * phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].width if scoreboardDimensions.width < phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth then scoreboardDimensions.width = phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth end end if scoreboardDimensions.height < phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight then scoreboardDimensions.height = scoreboardDimensions.height + maxHeightDiff * phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].height if scoreboardDimensions.height > phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight then scoreboardDimensions.height = phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight end elseif scoreboardDimensions.height > phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight and not scoreboardDrawn then scoreboardDimensions.height = scoreboardDimensions.height - maxHeightDiff * phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].height if scoreboardDimensions.height < phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight then scoreboardDimensions.height = phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight end end if scoreboardDimensions.width == phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth and scoreboardDimensions.height == phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight then if phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase + 1] then scoreboardDimensions.phase = scoreboardDimensions.phase + 1 else if not scoreboardDrawn then bindKey( "mouse2", "both", showTheCursor ) bindKey( "mouse_wheel_up", "down", scrollScoreboard, -1 ) bindKey( "mouse_wheel_down", "down", scrollScoreboard, 1 ) addEventHandler( "onClientClick", getRootElement(), scoreboardClickHandler ) if not (windowSettings and isElement( windowSettings )) then showCursor( false ) end triggerServerEvent( "requestServerInfo", getRootElement() ) end scoreboardDrawn = true end end elseif scoreboardDimensions.width ~= 0 and scoreboardDimensions.height ~= 0 then local phases = { [1] = { ["width"] = s(10), ["height"] = s(5), ["incToWidth"] = s(10), ["incToHeight"] = s(5), ["decToWidth"] = 0, ["decToHeight"] = 0 }, [2] = { ["width"] = s(40), ["height"] = s(5), ["incToWidth"] = calculateWidth(), ["incToHeight"] = s(5), ["decToWidth"] = s(10), ["decToHeight"] = s(5) }, [3] = { ["width"] = calculateWidth(), ["height"] = s(30), ["incToWidth"] = calculateWidth(), ["incToHeight"] = calculateHeight(), ["decToWidth"] = calculateWidth(), ["decToHeight"] = s(5) } } if scoreboardDrawn then unbindKey( "mouse2", "both", showTheCursor ) unbindKey( "mouse_wheel_up", "down", scrollScoreboard, -1 ) unbindKey( "mouse_wheel_down", "down", scrollScoreboard, 1 ) removeEventHandler( "onClientClick", getRootElement(), scoreboardClickHandler ) if not (windowSettings and isElement( windowSettings )) then showCursor( false ) end end scoreboardDrawn = false if not useAnimation then scoreboardDimensions.width = 0 scoreboardDimensions.height = 0 scoreboardDimensions.phase = 1 end local maxChange = deltaSeconds * 30*drawSpeed local maxWidthDiff = math.clamp( -maxChange, scoreboardDimensions.width - phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToWidth, maxChange ) local maxHeightDiff = math.clamp( -maxChange, scoreboardDimensions.height - phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToHeight, maxChange ) if scoreboardDimensions.width > phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToWidth then scoreboardDimensions.width = scoreboardDimensions.width - maxWidthDiff * phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].width if scoreboardDimensions.width < phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToWidth then scoreboardDimensions.width = phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToWidth end elseif scoreboardDimensions.width < phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToWidth then scoreboardDimensions.width = scoreboardDimensions.width - maxWidthDiff * phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].width if scoreboardDimensions.width > phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToWidth then scoreboardDimensions.width = phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToWidth end end if scoreboardDimensions.height > phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToHeight then scoreboardDimensions.height = scoreboardDimensions.height - maxHeightDiff * phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].height if scoreboardDimensions.height < phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToHeight then scoreboardDimensions.height = phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToHeight end elseif scoreboardDimensions.height < phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToHeight then scoreboardDimensions.height = scoreboardDimensions.height - maxHeightDiff * phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].height if scoreboardDimensions.height > phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToHeight then scoreboardDimensions.height = phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToHeight end end if scoreboardDimensions.width == phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToWidth and scoreboardDimensions.height == phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].decToHeight and scoreboardDimensions.width ~= 0 and scoreboardDimensions.height ~= 0 then scoreboardDimensions.phase = scoreboardDimensions.phase - 1 if scoreboardDimensions.phase < 1 then scoreboardDimensions.phase = 1 end end end -- -- Draw scoreboard background -- if (not rtPass or onlyAnim) and scoreboardDimensions.width ~= 0 and scoreboardDimensions.height ~= 0 then dxDrawRectangle( (sX/2)-(scoreboardDimensions.width/2), (sY/2)-(scoreboardDimensions.height/2), scoreboardDimensions.width, scoreboardDimensions.height, cScoreboardBackground, drawOverGUI ) end -- Check if anything else to do if not scoreboardDrawn or onlyAnim then return end -- -- Update the scoreboard content -- local currentTick = getTickCount() if (currentTick - scoreboardTicks.lastUpdate > scoreboardTicks.updateInterval and (scoreboardToggled or scoreboardForced)) or forceScoreboardUpdate then forceScoreboardUpdate = false scoreboardContent = {} local index = 1 local sortTableIndex = 1 local sortTable = {} local players = getElementsByType( "player" ) for key, player in ipairs( players ) do if not getPlayerTeam( player ) or not (showTeams or (serverInfo.forceshowteams and not serverInfo.forcehideteams)) or serverInfo.forcehideteams then sortTable[sortTableIndex] = {} for key, column in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do local content if column.name == "name" then local playerName = getPlayerName( player ) if serverInfo.allowcolorcodes then if string.find( playerName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) then local colorCodes = {} while( string.find( playerName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) ) do local startPos, endPos = string.find( playerName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) if startPos then colorCode = string.sub( playerName, startPos, endPos ) table.insert( colorCodes, { { getColorFromString( colorCode ) }, startPos } ) playerName = string.gsub( playerName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "", 1 ) end end content = { playerName, colorCodes } else content = playerName end else content = playerName end elseif column.name == "ping" then content = getPlayerPing( player ) else content = getElementData( player, column.name ) end content = iif( content and column.name ~= "name" and type( content ) ~= "table", tostring( content ), content ) if column.textfunction then if content and column.name == "name" and type( content ) == "table" then content[1] = column.textfunction( content[1], player ) else content = column.textfunction( content, player ) end end sortTable[sortTableIndex][column.name] = content sortTable[sortTableIndex]["__SCOREBOARDELEMENT__"] = player end sortTableIndex = sortTableIndex + 1 end end if sortBy.what ~= "__NONE__" then table.sort( sortTable, scoreboardSortfunction ) end for key, value in ipairs( sortTable ) do scoreboardContent[index] = value index = index + 1 end if (showTeams or (serverInfo.forceshowteams and not serverInfo.forcehideteams)) and not serverInfo.forcehideteams then -- And then the teams local teamSortTableIndex = 1 local teamSortTable = {} sortTableIndex = 1 sortTable = {} local teams = getElementsByType( "team" ) for key, team in ipairs( teams ) do -- Add teams to sorting table first teamSortTable[teamSortTableIndex] = {} for key, column in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do local content if column.name == "name" then local teamName = getTeamName( team ) local teamMemberCount = #getPlayersInTeam( team ) teamName = iif( teamName, tostring( teamName ), "-" ) teamMemberCount = iif( teamMemberCount, tostring( teamMemberCount ), "0" ) teamName = teamName .. " (" .. teamMemberCount .. " player" .. iif( teamMemberCount == "1", "", "s" ) .. ")" if serverInfo.allowcolorcodes then if string.find( teamName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) then local colorCodes = {} while( string.find( teamName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) ) do local startPos, endPos = string.find( teamName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) if startPos then colorCode = string.sub( teamName, startPos, endPos ) table.insert( colorCodes, { { getColorFromString( colorCode ) }, startPos } ) teamName = string.gsub( teamName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "", 1 ) end end content = { teamName, colorCodes } else content = teamName end else content = teamName end else content = getElementData( team, column.name ) end content = iif( content and column.name ~= "name" and type( content ) ~= "table", tostring( content ), content ) if column.textfunction then if content and column.name == "name" and type( content ) == "table" then content[1] = column.textfunction( content[1], team ) else content = column.textfunction( content, team ) end end teamSortTable[teamSortTableIndex][column.name] = content teamSortTable[teamSortTableIndex]["__SCOREBOARDELEMENT__"] = team end teamSortTableIndex = teamSortTableIndex + 1 -- and then the players sortTableIndex = 1 sortTable[team] = {} local players = getPlayersInTeam( team ) for key, player in ipairs( players ) do sortTable[team][sortTableIndex] = {} for key, column in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do local content if column.name == "name" then local playerName = getPlayerName( player ) if serverInfo.allowcolorcodes then if string.find( playerName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) then local colorCodes = {} while( string.find( playerName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) ) do local startPos, endPos = string.find( playerName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x" ) if startPos then colorCode = string.sub( playerName, startPos, endPos ) table.insert( colorCodes, { { getColorFromString( colorCode ) }, startPos } ) playerName = string.gsub( playerName, "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "", 1 ) end end content = { playerName, colorCodes } else content = playerName end else content = playerName end elseif column.name == "ping" then content = getPlayerPing( player ) else content = getElementData( player, column.name ) end content = iif( content and column.name ~= "name" and type( content ) ~= "table", tostring( content ), content ) if column.textfunction then if content and column.name == "name" and type( content ) == "table" then content[1] = column.textfunction( content[1], player ) else content = column.textfunction( content, player ) end end sortTable[team][sortTableIndex][column.name] = content sortTable[team][sortTableIndex]["__SCOREBOARDELEMENT__"] = player end sortTableIndex = sortTableIndex + 1 end if sortBy.what ~= "__NONE__" then table.sort( sortTable[team], scoreboardSortfunction ) end end if sortBy.what ~= "__NONE__" then table.sort( teamSortTable, scoreboardSortfunction ) end for key, content in ipairs( teamSortTable ) do local team = content["__SCOREBOARDELEMENT__"] scoreboardContent[index] = content index = index + 1 for key, value in ipairs( sortTable[team] ) do scoreboardContent[index] = value index = index + 1 end end end scoreboardTicks.lastUpdate = currentTick end -- -- Draw scoreboard content -- if scoreboardDrawn then scoreboardDimensions.height = calculateHeight() scoreboardDimensions.width = calculateWidth() local topX, topY = (sX/2)-(calculateWidth()/2), (sY/2)-(calculateHeight()/2) local index = firstVisibleIndex local maxPerWindow = getMaxPerWindow() if firstVisibleIndex > #scoreboardContent-maxPerWindow+1 then firstVisibleIndex = 1 end if firstVisibleIndex > 1 then dxDrawImage( sX/2-8, topY-15, 17, 11, "arrow.png", 0, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) end if firstVisibleIndex+maxPerWindow <= #scoreboardContent and #scoreboardContent > maxPerWindow then dxDrawImage( sX/2-8, topY+scoreboardDimensions.height+4, 17, 11, "arrow.png", 180, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) end local y = topY+s(5) if serverInfo.server and showServerInfo then dxDrawText( "Server: " .. serverInfo.server, topX+s(5), y, topX+scoreboardDimensions.width-s(10), y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ), cServerInfo, fontscale(serverInfoFont, s(0.75)), serverInfoFont, "left", "top", false, false, drawOverGUI ) end if serverInfo.players and showServerInfo then local players = getElementsByType( "player" ) local text = "Players: " .. tostring( #players ) .. "/" .. serverInfo.players local textWidth = dxGetTextWidth( text, fontscale(serverInfoFont, s(0.75)), serverInfoFont ) dxDrawText( text, topX+scoreboardDimensions.width-s(5)-textWidth, y, topX+scoreboardDimensions.width-s(5), y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ), cServerInfo, fontscale(serverInfoFont, s(0.75)), serverInfoFont, "left", "top", false, false, drawOverGUI ) end if (serverInfo.server or serverInfo.players) and showServerInfo then y = y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ) end if serverInfo.gamemode and showGamemodeInfo then dxDrawText( "Gamemode: " .. serverInfo.gamemode, topX+s(5), y, topX+scoreboardDimensions.width-s(10), y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ), cServerInfo, fontscale(serverInfoFont, s(0.75)), serverInfoFont, "left", "top", false, false, drawOverGUI ) end if serverInfo.map and showGamemodeInfo then local text = "Map: " .. serverInfo.map local textWidth = dxGetTextWidth( text, fontscale(serverInfoFont, s(0.75)), serverInfoFont ) dxDrawText( text, topX+scoreboardDimensions.width-s(5)-textWidth, y, topX+scoreboardDimensions.width-s(5), y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ), cServerInfo, fontscale(serverInfoFont, s(0.75)), serverInfoFont, "left", "top", false, false, drawOverGUI ) end if (serverInfo.gamemode or serverInfo.map) and showGamemodeInfo then y = y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ) end y = y+s(3) local textLength = dxGetTextWidth( "Hold RMB to enable scrolling/sorting", fontscale(rmbFont, s(0.75)), rmbFont ) local textHeight = dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(rmbFont, s(0.75)), rmbFont ) dxDrawText( "Hold RMB to enable scrolling/sorting", sX/2-(textLength/2), topY+scoreboardDimensions.height-textHeight-s(2), sX/2+(textLength/2), topY+scoreboardDimensions.height-s(2), cWhite, fontscale(serverInfoFont, s(0.75)), rmbFont, "left", "top", false, false, drawOverGUI ) local bottomX, bottomY = topX+scoreboardDimensions.width, topY+scoreboardDimensions.height textLength = dxGetTextWidth( "settings...", fontscale(sbFont, s(sbFontScale)), sbFont ) textHeight = dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(sbFont, s(sbFontScale)), sbFont ) dxDrawText( "settings...", bottomX-s(sbOutOffset+1+sbInOffset)-textLength, bottomY-s(sbOutOffset+1+sbInOffset)-textHeight, bottomX-s(sbOutOffset+1+sbInOffset), bottomY-s(sbOutOffset+1+sbInOffset), cSettingsBox, fontscale(sbFont, s(sbFontScale)), sbFont, "left", "top", false, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawLine( bottomX-s(sbOutOffset+2*sbInOffset+2)-textLength, bottomY-s(sbOutOffset+2*sbInOffset+1)-textHeight, bottomX-s(sbOutOffset+2*sbInOffset+2)-textLength, bottomY-s(sbOutOffset+1), cSettingsBox, 1, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawLine( bottomX-s(sbOutOffset+1), bottomY-s(sbOutOffset+2*sbInOffset+1)-textHeight, bottomX-s(sbOutOffset+1), bottomY-s(sbOutOffset+1), cSettingsBox, 1, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawLine( bottomX-s(sbOutOffset+2*sbInOffset+2)-textLength, bottomY-s(sbOutOffset+2*sbInOffset+1)-textHeight, bottomX-s(sbOutOffset+1), bottomY-s(sbOutOffset+2*sbInOffset+1)-textHeight, cSettingsBox, 1, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawLine( bottomX-s(sbOutOffset+2*sbInOffset+2)-textLength, bottomY-s(sbOutOffset+1), bottomX-s(sbOutOffset+1), bottomY-s(sbOutOffset+1), cSettingsBox, 1, drawOverGUI ) local x = s(10) for key, column in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do if x ~= s(10) then local height = s(5) if (serverInfo.server or serverInfo.players) and showServerInfo then height = height+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ) end if (serverInfo.gamemode or serverInfo.map) and showGamemodeInfo then height = height+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ) end height = height+s(3) dxDrawLine( topX+x-s(5), y+s(1), topX+x-s(5), y+scoreboardDimensions.height-height-s(2)-textHeight-s(5), cBorder, s(1), drawOverGUI ) end if sortBy.what == column.name then local _, _, _, a = fromcolor( cHeader ) dxDrawText( column.friendlyName or "-", topX+x+s(1+9), y+s(1), topX+x+s(1+column.width), y+s(1)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(columnFont, scoreboardScale), columnFont ), tocolor( 0, 0, 0, a ), fontscale(columnFont, s(1)), columnFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText( column.friendlyName or "-", topX+x+s(9), y, topX+x+s(column.width), y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(columnFont, scoreboardScale), columnFont ), cHeader, fontscale(columnFont, s(1)), columnFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawRectangle( topX+x, iif( sortBy.dir == 1, y+s(8), y+s(6) ), s(5), s(1), cWhite, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawRectangle( topX+x+s(1), y+s(7), s(3), s(1), cWhite, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawRectangle( topX+x+s(2), iif( sortBy.dir == 1, y+s(6), y+s(8) ), s(1), s(1), cWhite, drawOverGUI ) else local _, _, _, a = fromcolor( cHeader ) dxDrawText( column.friendlyName or "-", topX+x+s(1), y+s(1), topX+x+s(1+column.width), y+s(1)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(columnFont, scoreboardScale), columnFont ), tocolor( 0, 0, 0, a ), fontscale(columnFont, s(1)), columnFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText( column.friendlyName or "-", topX+x, y, topX+x+s(column.width), y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(columnFont, scoreboardScale), columnFont ), cHeader, fontscale(columnFont, s(1)), columnFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) end x = x + s(column.width + 10) end dxDrawLine( topX+s(5), y+s(1)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(columnFont, scoreboardScale), columnFont ), topX+scoreboardDimensions.width-s(5), y+s(1)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(columnFont, scoreboardScale), columnFont ), cBorder, s(1), drawOverGUI ) y = y+s(5)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(columnFont, scoreboardScale), columnFont ) while ( index < firstVisibleIndex+maxPerWindow and scoreboardContent[index] ) do local x = s(10) local element = scoreboardContent[index]["__SCOREBOARDELEMENT__"] local team, player if element and isElement( element ) and getElementType( element ) == "team" then dxDrawRectangle( topX+s(5), y, scoreboardDimensions.width-s(10), dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(teamHeaderFont, scoreboardScale), teamHeaderFont ), cTeam, drawOverGUI ) -- Highlight the the row on which the cursor lies on if checkCursorOverRow( rtPass, topX+s(5), topX+scoreboardDimensions.width-s(5), y, y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(teamHeaderFont, scoreboardScale), teamHeaderFont ) ) then dxDrawRectangle( topX+s(5), y, scoreboardDimensions.width-s(10), dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(teamHeaderFont, scoreboardScale), teamHeaderFont ), cHighlight, drawOverGUI ) end -- Highlight selected row if selectedRows[element] then dxDrawRectangle( topX+s(5), y, scoreboardDimensions.width-s(10), dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(teamHeaderFont, scoreboardScale), teamHeaderFont ), cHighlight, drawOverGUI ) end for key, column in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do local r, g, b, a = fromcolor( cContent ) if not useColors then r, g, b = 255, 255, 255 end local theX = x local content = scoreboardContent[index][column.name] if content and column.name == "name" then if useColors then r, g, b = getTeamColor( element ) end theX = x - s(3) end if content then if serverInfo.allowcolorcodes and type( content ) == "table" and column.name == "name" then local playerName = content[1] local colorCodes = content[2] local xPos = topX+theX for k, v in ipairs( colorCodes ) do local firstCodePos = v[2] local secondCodePos = colorCodes[k+1] and colorCodes[k+1][2]-1 or #playerName if firstCodePos ~= 1 and k == 1 then local secondPos = firstCodePos-1 local firstPos = 1 local partOfName = string.sub( playerName, firstPos, secondPos ) local textLength = dxGetTextWidth( partOfName, fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont ) dxDrawText( partOfName, xPos+s(1), y+s(1), topX+x+s(1+column.width), y+s(11)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(teamHeaderFont, scoreboardScale), teamHeaderFont ), tocolor( 0, 0, 0, a or 255 ), fontscale(teamHeaderFont, s(1)), teamHeaderFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText( partOfName, xPos, y, topX+x+s(column.width), y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(teamHeaderFont, scoreboardScale), teamHeaderFont ), tocolor( r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, a or 255 ), fontscale(teamHeaderFont, s(1)), teamHeaderFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) xPos = xPos + textLength end if useColors then r, g, b = v[1][1], v[1][2], v[1][3] end local partOfName = string.sub( playerName, firstCodePos, secondCodePos ) local textLength = dxGetTextWidth( partOfName, fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont ) dxDrawText( partOfName, xPos+s(1), y+s(1), topX+x+s(1+column.width), y+s(11)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(teamHeaderFont, scoreboardScale), teamHeaderFont ), tocolor( 0, 0, 0, a or 255 ), fontscale(teamHeaderFont, s(1)), teamHeaderFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText( partOfName, xPos, y, topX+x+s(column.width), y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(teamHeaderFont, scoreboardScale), teamHeaderFont ), tocolor( r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, a or 255 ), fontscale(teamHeaderFont, s(1)), teamHeaderFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) xPos = xPos + textLength end else dxDrawText( content, topX+theX+s(1), y+s(1), topX+x+s(1+column.width), y+s(11)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(teamHeaderFont, scoreboardScale), teamHeaderFont ), tocolor( 0, 0, 0, a or 255 ), fontscale(teamHeaderFont, s(1)), teamHeaderFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText( content, topX+theX, y, topX+x+s(column.width), y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(teamHeaderFont, scoreboardScale), teamHeaderFont ), tocolor( r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, a or 255 ), fontscale(teamHeaderFont, s(1)), teamHeaderFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) end end x = x + s(column.width + 10) end elseif element and isElement( element ) and getElementType( element ) == "player" then -- Highlight local player's name if element == getLocalPlayer() then dxDrawRectangle( topX+s(5), y, scoreboardDimensions.width-s(10), dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ), cSelection, drawOverGUI ) end -- Highlight the the row on which the cursor lies on if checkCursorOverRow( rtPass, topX+s(5), topX+scoreboardDimensions.width-s(5), y, y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ) ) then dxDrawRectangle( topX+s(5), y, scoreboardDimensions.width-s(10), dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ), cHighlight, drawOverGUI ) end -- Highlight selected row if selectedRows[element] then dxDrawRectangle( topX+s(5), y, scoreboardDimensions.width-s(10), dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ), cHighlight, drawOverGUI ) end for key, column in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do local r, g, b, a = fromcolor( cContent ) if not useColors then r, g, b = 255, 255, 255 end local theX = x local content = scoreboardContent[index][column.name] if content and column.name == "name" then if useColors then r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor( element ) end if getPlayerTeam( element ) and (showTeams or (serverInfo.forceshowteams and not serverInfo.forcehideteams)) and not serverInfo.forcehideteams then theX = x + s(12) end end if content then if serverInfo.allowcolorcodes and type( content ) == "table" and column.name == "name" then local playerName = content[1] local colorCodes = content[2] local xPos = topX+theX for k, v in ipairs( colorCodes ) do local firstCodePos = v[2] local secondCodePos = colorCodes[k+1] and colorCodes[k+1][2]-1 or #playerName if firstCodePos ~= 1 and k == 1 then local secondPos = firstCodePos-1 local firstPos = 1 local partOfName = string.sub( playerName, firstPos, secondPos ) local textLength = dxGetTextWidth( partOfName, fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont ) dxDrawText( partOfName, xPos+s(1), y+s(1), topX+x+s(1+column.width), y+s(11)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ), tocolor( 0, 0, 0, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText( partOfName, xPos, y, topX+x+s(column.width), y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ), tocolor( r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) xPos = xPos + textLength end if useColors then r, g, b = v[1][1], v[1][2], v[1][3] end local partOfName = string.sub( playerName, firstCodePos, secondCodePos ) local textLength = dxGetTextWidth( partOfName, fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont ) dxDrawText( partOfName, xPos+s(1), y+s(1), topX+x+s(1+column.width), y+s(11)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ), tocolor( 0, 0, 0, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText( partOfName, xPos, y, topX+x+s(column.width), y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ), tocolor( r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) xPos = xPos + textLength end elseif column.name == "Home" then dxDrawImage( topX+theX, y+s(1), 16, 11, content, 0, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) else dxDrawText( content, topX+theX+s(1), y+s(1), topX+x+s(1+column.width), y+s(11)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ), tocolor( 0, 0, 0, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText( content, topX+theX, y, topX+x+s(column.width), y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ), tocolor( r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) end end x = x + s(column.width + 10) end end local font = iif( element and isElement( element ) and getElementType( element ) == "team", teamHeaderFont, contentFont ) y = y + dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(font, scoreboardScale), font ) index = index + 1 end index = 1 end end end -- FUNCTIONS -- addColumn function scoreboardAddColumn( name, width, friendlyName, priority, textfunction, fromResource ) if type( name ) == "string" then width = width or 70 friendlyName = friendlyName or name priority = tonumber( priority ) or getNextFreePrioritySlot( scoreboardGetColumnPriority( "name" ) ) fixPrioritySlot( priority ) textfunction = textfunction or nil fromResource = sourceResource or fromResource or nil if not (priority > MAX_PRIRORITY_SLOT or priority < 1) then for key, value in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do if name == value.name then return false end end table.insert( scoreboardColumns, { ["name"] = name, ["width"] = width, ["friendlyName"] = friendlyName, ["priority"] = priority, ["textFunction"] = textfunction } ) table.sort( scoreboardColumns, function ( a, b ) return a.priority < b.priority end ) if fromResource then if not resourceColumns[fromResource] then resourceColumns[fromResource] = {} end table.insert ( resourceColumns[fromResource], name ) end return true end end return false end addEvent( "doScoreboardAddColumn", true ) addEventHandler( "doScoreboardAddColumn", getResourceRootElement(), function ( name, width, friendlyName, priority, fromResource ) scoreboardAddColumn( name, width, friendlyName, priority, nil, fromResource ) end ) -- removeColumn function scoreboardRemoveColumn( name ) if type( name ) == "string" then for key, value in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do if name == value.name then table.remove( scoreboardColumns, key ) for resource, content in pairs( resourceColumns ) do table.removevalue( content, name ) end return true end end end return false end addEvent( "doScoreboardRemoveColumn", true ) addEventHandler( "doScoreboardRemoveColumn", getResourceRootElement(), function ( name ) scoreboardRemoveColumn( name ) end ) -- clearColumns function scoreboardClearColumns() while ( scoreboardColumns[1] ) do table.remove( scoreboardColumns, 1 ) resourceColumns = {} end return true end addEvent( "doScoreboardClearColumns", true ) addEventHandler( "doScoreboardClearColumns", getResourceRootElement(), function () scoreboardClearColumns() end ) -- resetColumns function scoreboardResetColumns( fromServer ) while ( scoreboardColumns[1] ) do table.remove( scoreboardColumns, 1 ) resourceColumns = {} end if not fromServer then scoreboardAddColumn( "name", 200, "Name" ) scoreboardAddColumn( "ping", 40, "Ping" ) end return true end addEvent( "doScoreboardResetColumns", true ) addEventHandler( "doScoreboardResetColumns", getResourceRootElement(), function ( fromServer ) scoreboardResetColumns( iif( fromServer == nil, true, fromServer ) ) end ) -- setForced function scoreboardSetForced( forced ) scoreboardForced = forced end addEvent( "doScoreboardSetForced", true ) addEventHandler( "doScoreboardSetForced", getResourceRootElement(), function ( forced ) scoreboardSetForced( forced ) end ) --Compability setScoreboardForced = scoreboardSetForced --setSortBy function scoreboardSetSortBy( name, desc ) if name then if type( name ) == "string" then local exists = false for key, value in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do if name == value.name then exists = true end end if exists then desc = iif( type( desc ) == "boolean" and not desc, 1, -1 ) sortBy.what = name sortBy.dir = desc end end return false else sortBy.what = "__NONE__" sortBy.dir = -1 return true end end addEvent( "doScoreboardSetSortBy", true ) addEventHandler( "doScoreboardSetSortBy", getResourceRootElement(), function ( name, desc ) scoreboardSetSortBy( name, desc ) end ) --getColumnPriority function scoreboardGetColumnPriority( name ) if type( name ) == "string" then for key, value in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do if name == value.name then return value.priority end end end return false end --setColumnPriority function scoreboardSetColumnPriority( name, priority ) if type( name ) == "string" and type( priority ) == "number" then if not (priority > MAX_PRIRORITY_SLOT or priority < 1) then local columnIndex = false for key, value in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do if name == value.name then columnIndex = key end end if columnIndex then scoreboardColumns[columnIndex].priority = -1 -- To empty out the current priority fixPrioritySlot( priority ) scoreboardColumns[columnIndex].priority = priority table.sort( scoreboardColumns, function ( a, b ) return a.priority < b.priority end ) return true end end end return false end addEvent( "doScoreboardSetColumnPriority", true ) addEventHandler( "doScoreboardSetColumnPriority", getResourceRootElement(), function ( name, priority ) scoreboardSetColumnPriority( name, priority ) end ) --getColumnCount function scoreboardGetColumnCount() return #scoreboardColumns end --setColumnTextFunction function scoreboardSetColumnTextfunction( name, func ) if type( name ) == "string" then for key, value in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do if name == value.name then scoreboardColumns[key].textfunction = func return true end end end return false end function scoreboardGetTopCornerPosition() if scoreboardDrawn then local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize() local topX, topY = (sX/2)-(calculateWidth()/2), (sY/2)-(calculateHeight()/2) topY = topY - 15 -- Extra 15 pixels for the scroll up button return math.floor(topX), math.floor(topY+1) end return false end function scoreboardGetSize() if scoreboardDrawn then local width, height = calculateWidth(), calculateHeight() return width, height end return false end function scoreboardGetSelectedRows() local rows = {} for k, v in pairs( selectedRows ) do table.insert( rows, k ) end return rows end -- Other function calculateWidth() local width = 0 for key, value in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do width = width + s(value.width + 10) end return width + s(10) end function calculateHeight() local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize() local maxPerWindow = getMaxPerWindow() local index = firstVisibleIndex local height = s(5) if (serverInfo.server or serverInfo.players) and showServerInfo then height = height+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ) end if (serverInfo.gamemode or serverInfo.map) and showGamemodeInfo then height = height+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ) end height = height+s(3) height = height+s(5)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(columnFont, scoreboardScale), columnFont ) height = height+s(5)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(rmbFont, s(0.75)), rmbFont ) height = height+s(2) while ( index < firstVisibleIndex+maxPerWindow and scoreboardContent[index] ) do local element = scoreboardContent[index]["__SCOREBOARDELEMENT__"] if element and isElement( element ) and getElementType( element ) == "team" then height = height + dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(teamHeaderFont, scoreboardScale), teamHeaderFont ) else height = height + dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ) end index = index + 1 end return height end function showTheCursor( _, state ) if state == "down" then showCursor( true ) else if not (windowSettings and isElement( windowSettings )) then showCursor( false ) end end end function scrollScoreboard( _, _, upOrDown ) if isCursorShowing() then local index = firstVisibleIndex local maxPerWindow = getMaxPerWindow() local highestIndex = #scoreboardContent - maxPerWindow + 1 if index >= 1 and index <= highestIndex then local newIndex = math.max(1,math.min(index + upOrDown * serverInfo.scrollStep,highestIndex)) if index ~= newIndex then firstVisibleIndex = newIndex bForceUpdate = true end end end end function math.clamp( low, value, high ) return math.max( low, math.min( value, high ) ) end function fromcolor( color ) -- Propably not the most efficient way, but only way it works local colorCode = string.format( "%x", color ) local a = string.sub( colorCode, 1, 2 ) or "FF" local r = string.sub( colorCode, 3, 4 ) or "FF" local g = string.sub( colorCode, 5, 6 ) or "FF" local b = string.sub( colorCode, 7, 8 ) or "FF" a = tonumber( "0x" .. a ) r = tonumber( "0x" .. r ) g = tonumber( "0x" .. g ) b = tonumber( "0x" .. b ) return r, g, b, a end function scale( value ) return value*scoreboardScale end s = scale function fontscale( font, value ) return value*fontScale[font] end function scoreboardSortfunction( a, b ) local firstContent, secondContent local sortByA if a[sortBy.what] and type( a[sortBy.what] ) == "table" and sortBy.what == "name" then sortByA = a[sortBy.what][1] else sortByA = a[sortBy.what] end local sortByB if b[sortBy.what] and type( b[sortBy.what] ) == "table" and sortBy.what == "name" then sortByB = b[sortBy.what][1] else sortByB = b[sortBy.what] end if tonumber( sortByA ) then firstContent = tonumber( sortByA ) else if sortByA then firstContent = string.lower( tostring( sortByA ) ) else firstContent = "" end end if tonumber( sortByB ) then secondContent = tonumber( sortByB ) else if sortByB then secondContent = string.lower( tostring( sortByB ) ) else secondContent = "" end end if type( sortBy.dir ) == "number" then if type( firstContent ) == type( secondContent ) then else firstContent = string.lower( tostring( firstContent ) ) secondContent = string.lower( tostring( secondContent ) ) end return iif( sortBy.dir == 1, firstContent > secondContent, firstContent < secondContent ) end return false end function getMaxPerWindow() local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize() local availableHeight = sY-(seperationSpace*2)-s(5) if (serverInfo.server or serverInfo.players) and showServerInfo then availableHeight = availableHeight-dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ) end if (serverInfo.gamemode or serverInfo.map) and showGamemodeInfo then availableHeight = availableHeight-dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ) end availableHeight = availableHeight-s(3) availableHeight = availableHeight-s(5)-dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(columnFont, scoreboardScale), columnFont ) availableHeight = availableHeight-s(5)-dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(rmbFont, s(0.75)), rmbFont ) availableHeight = availableHeight-s(2) local index = firstVisibleIndex local count = 0 local height = 0 while ( scoreboardContent[index] ) do local element = scoreboardContent[index]["__SCOREBOARDELEMENT__"] if element and isElement( element ) and getElementType( element ) == "team" then height = height + dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(teamHeaderFont, scoreboardScale), teamHeaderFont ) else height = height + dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ) end if height >= availableHeight then return count end index = index + 1 count = count + 1 end return count end function scoreboardClickHandler( button, state, cX, cY ) if scoreboardDrawn and button == "left" and state == "down" then local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize() local topX, topY = (sX/2)-(calculateWidth()/2), (sY/2)-(calculateHeight()/2) local xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax = topX, topX+calculateWidth(), topY, topY+calculateHeight() local maxPerWindow = getMaxPerWindow() if cX >= xMin and cX <= xMax and cY >= yMin and cY <= yMax then local clickedOnColumn = false local x = s(10) local y = s(5)+s(3) if (serverInfo.server or serverInfo.players) and showServerInfo then y = y + dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ) end if (serverInfo.gamemode or serverInfo.map) and showGamemodeInfo then y = y + dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ) end for key, column in ipairs( scoreboardColumns ) do if cX >= topX+x and cX <= topX+x+s(column.width) and cY >= topY+y and cY <= topY+y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ) then clickedOnColumn = column.name end x = x + s(column.width + 10) end if clickedOnColumn then if sortBy.what == clickedOnColumn then -- last click was this column sortBy.dir = sortBy.dir + 2 if sortBy.dir > 1 then sortBy.what = "__NONE__" sortBy.dir = -1 end else sortBy.what = clickedOnColumn sortBy.dir = -1 end forceScoreboardUpdate = true end -- Settings button local bottomX, bottomY = topX+calculateWidth(), topY+calculateHeight() textLength = dxGetTextWidth( "settings...", fontscale(sbFont, s(sbFontScale)), sbFont ) textHeight = dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(sbFont, s(sbFontScale)), sbFont ) if cX >= bottomX-s(sbOutOffset+2*sbInOffset+2)-textLength and cX <= bottomX-s(sbOutOffset+1) and cY >= bottomY-s(sbOutOffset+2*sbInOffset+1)-textHeight and cY <= bottomY-s(sbOutOffset+1) then if not (windowSettings and isElement( windowSettings ) and guiGetVisible( windowSettings )) then createScoreboardSettingsWindow( sX-323, sY-350 ) elseif isElement( windowSettings ) then destroyScoreboardSettingsWindow() end end end -- Scroll buttons if firstVisibleIndex > 1 then if cX >= sX/2-8 and cX <= sX/2-8+17 and cY >= topY-15 and cY <= topY-15+11 then scrollScoreboard( nil, nil, -1 ) end end if firstVisibleIndex+maxPerWindow <= #scoreboardContent and #scoreboardContent > maxPerWindow then if cX >= sX/2-8 and cX <= sX/2-8+17 and cY >= topY+calculateHeight()+4 and cY <= topY+calculateHeight()+4+11 then scrollScoreboard( nil, nil, 1 ) end end -- Player/team click local y = topY+s(5) if (serverInfo.server or serverInfo.players) and showServerInfo then y = y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ) end if (serverInfo.gamemode or serverInfo.map) and showGamemodeInfo then y = y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(serverInfoFont, scoreboardScale), serverInfoFont ) end y = y+s(3) y = y+s(5)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(columnFont, scoreboardScale), columnFont ) if cY >= y and cX then local index = firstVisibleIndex local maxPerWindow = getMaxPerWindow() local topX, topY = (sX/2)-(calculateWidth()/2), (sY/2)-(calculateHeight()/2) local width = calculateWidth() while ( index < firstVisibleIndex+maxPerWindow and scoreboardContent[index] ) do local element = scoreboardContent[index]["__SCOREBOARDELEMENT__"] local font = iif( element and isElement( element ) and getElementType( element ) == "team", teamHeaderFont, contentFont ) if cX >= topX+s(5) and cX <= topX+width-s(5) and cY >= y and cY <= y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(font, scoreboardScale), font ) then local selected = (not selectedRows[element]) == true local triggered = triggerEvent( "onClientPlayerScoreboardClick", element, selected, cX, cY ) if triggered then selectedRows[element] = not selectedRows[element] end end y = y + dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(font, scoreboardScale), font ) index = index + 1 end end end end function removeResourceScoreboardColumns( resource ) if resourceColumns[resource] then while resourceColumns[resource][1] do local success = scoreboardRemoveColumn( resourceColumns[resource][1] ) if not success then break end end resourceColumns[resource] = nil end end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStop", getRootElement(), removeResourceScoreboardColumns ) Como pueden ver es el scoreboard default.
  2. Hola, cómo podría aumentar el tamaño de la altura de cada fila en el scoreboard? O sea que sea más separado entre las mismas, así:
  3. Muchas gracias, me sirvió.
  4. Buenas tardes, me podrían ayudar a cómo hacer para solucionar el siguiente problema, cuando realizo un panel y creo un Edit Box, al intentar ingresar texto en el Edit Box existe problemas con las teclas que tienen bind, por ejemplo con la t(para el say) o p(para el panel de admin). Este es el código de un ejemplo simple (Client): function asd() Panel = guiCreateWindow(216, 166, 942, 231, "", false) guiWindowSetSizable(Panel, false) Ingreso = guiCreateEdit(51, 41, 858, 68, "", false, Panel) showCursor (true) end addCommandHandler ("cp", asd) Aquí las SS del problema con la "t": http://prntscr.com/gw9g0z http://prntscr.com/gw9gp2 lo mismo pasa al presionar la "p" mientras se escribe en el Editbox: http://prntscr.com/gw9h3t ¿Cómo puedo hacer que sin importar la tecla que presione el bin de esa no se active del mismo modo que este ejemplo? http://prntscr.com/gw9hlm
  5. ¿Ayuda de cómo podría hacer que este recurso funcione de forma automática, es decir que cada cierto tiempo se muestre el mensaje? recurso: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=5812 Client: sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize () addEvent ("onNotificationWindowHide",false) addEvent ("onNotificationWindowShow",false) box = false function showBox(value, str) -- value 1 - Info -- value 2 - Error -- value 3 - warning --if box == false then if str and type(str) == "string" and string.len(str) > 0 then box = true if value == "info" then showTipBox (str,"img/info.png") outputConsole ("[INFO]" .. str) elseif value == "error" then showTipBox (str,"img/error.png") outputConsole ("[ERROR]" .. str) elseif value == "warning" then showTipBox (str,"img/warning.png") outputConsole ("[WARNING]" .. str) end end --else -- return false --end end addEvent("CreateBox", true) addEventHandler("CreateBox", getRootElement(), showBox) addEventHandler ("onNotificationWindowHide",getRootElement(), function () box = false end ) tipBox = {} tipBox.path = "" tipBox.show = false tipBox.state = nil tipBox.string = nil tipBox.starTick = nil tipBox.currentY = nil tipBox.time = 800 tipBox.next = nil tipBox.nextPath = "" tipBox.timer = nil tipBox.startY = -180 tipBox.stopY = 30 function showTipBox (str,path) if str then if path == nil then path = "img/info.png" end if fileExists (path) then if tipBox.show == true then tipBox.next = str tipBox.nextPath = path else local sound = playSound ("bip.mp3") setSoundVolume (sound,0.5) tipBox.path = path tipBox.show = true tipBox.state = "starting" tipBox.string = str tipBox.startTick = getTickCount() triggerEvent ("onNotificationWindowShow",getRootElement()) end end end end addEvent("CreateTipBox", true) addEventHandler("CreateTipBox", getRootElement(), showTipBox) addEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function () if tipBox.show == true and tipBox.string then local width = dxGetTextWidth (tipBox.string, 1, "default-bold") if width then if tipBox.state == "starting" then local progress = (getTickCount() - tipBox.startTick) / tipBox.time local intY = interpolateBetween ( tipBox.startY,0,0, tipBox.stopY,0,0, progress,"OutElastic" ) if intY then tipBox.currentY = intY else tipBox.currentY = 100 end if progress > 1 then tipBox.state = "showing" tipBox.timer = setTimer ( function () tipBox.startTick = getTickCount() tipBox.state = "hiding" end ,string.len(tipBox.string)*45+800,1) end elseif tipBox.state == "showing" then tipBox.currentY = tipBox.stopY elseif tipBox.state == "hiding" then local progress = (getTickCount() - tipBox.startTick) / (tipBox.time) local intY = interpolateBetween ( tipBox.stopY,0,0, tipBox.startY,0,0, progress,"Linear" ) if intY then tipBox.currentY = intY else tipBox.currentY = 100 end if progress > 1 then triggerEvent ("onNotificationWindowHide",getRootElement()) if tipBox.next then if isTimer(tipBox.timer) then killTimer(tipBox.timer) end tipBox.show = true tipBox.state = "starting" tipBox.string = tipBox.next tipBox.startTick = getTickCount() tipBox.next = nil tipBox.path = tipBox.nextPath return else tipBox.show = false tipBox.state = nil tipBox.string = nil return end end else return end local width = 512 local x,y = sx/2 - width/2, tipBox.currentY local textX,textY = x+128,tipBox.currentY+44 local textWidth,textHeight = 363,106 dxDrawImage (x,y,width,256,tipBox.path,0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255),true) dxDrawText (tipBox.string,textX,textY,textX+textWidth,textY+textHeight,tocolor(222,222,222),1,"default-bold","center","center",false,true,true) end end end ) Server: function showBox(player, value, str) if isElement(player) then triggerClientEvent(player, "CreateBox", getRootElement(), value, str) end end addCommandHandler( "an", showBox )
  6. En qué parte debo modificar y qué es lo que tengo que modificar ?
  7. Hola buenas a todos, por favor me podrían ayudar con un problema que tengo con un script, es el de banderas en el scoreboard, y es cierto que está en la comunidad, pero al momento de ejecutar no aparece la bandera solo el nonbre del país, de antemano muchas gracias... aquí el script... -- ScoreBoard Country Script by ToXiiC -- Skype: toxiic_eu countryNames = { ["IT"]="Italy", ["MX"]="Mexico", ["SA"]="SAUDI ARBIA", ["PK"]="Pakistan", ["AF"]="Afghanistan", ["DZ"]="Algeria", ["AS"]="American samoa", ["AU"]="Australlia", ["AO"]="Anqola", ["AI"]="Anquilla", ["AQ"]="Antarctica", ["AG"]="Antigua and Barbuda", ["AR"]="Argentina", ["AM"]="Armenia", ["AW"]="Aruba", ["AT"]="Austria", ["AZ"]="Azerbaijan", ["BS"]="Bahamas", ["BH"]="Bahrain", ["BD"]="Bangladesh", ["BB"]="Barbados", ["BY"]="Belarus", ["BE"]="Belgium", ["BZ"]="Belize", ["BJ"]="Benin", ["BM"]="Bermuda", ["BT"]="Bhutan", ["BO"]="Bolivia", ["BA"]="Bosnia", ["BH"]="Herzegovina", ["BW"]="Botswana", ["BR"]="Brazil", ["IO"]="British Indian Ocean Territory", ["VG"]="British Virgin Islands", ["BN"]="Brunei", ["BG"]="Bulgaria", ["BF"]="Burkina Faso", ["MM"]="Burma (Myanmar)", ["BI"]="Burundi", ["KH"]="Cambodia", ["CM"]="Cameroon", ["CA"]="Canada", ["CV"]="Cape Verde", ["KY"]="Cayman Islands", ["CF"]="Central African Republic", ["TD"]="Chad", ["CL"]="Chile", ["CN"]="China", ["CX"]="Christmas Island", ["CC"]="Cocos (Keeling) Islands", ["CO"]="Colombia", ["KM"]="Comoros", ["CK"]="Cook Islands", ["CR"]="Costa Rica", ["HR"]="Croatia", ["CU"]="Cuba", ["CY"]="Cyprus", ["CZ"]="Czech Republic", ["CD"]="Democratic Republic of the Congo", ["DK"]="Denmark", ["DJ"]="Djibouti", ["DM"]="Dominica", ["DO"]="Dominican Republic", ["EC"]="Ecuador", ["SV"]="El Salvador", ["GQ"]="Equatorial Guinea", ["ER"]="Eritrea", ["EE"]="Estonia", ["ET"]="Ethiopia", ["FK"]="Falkland Islands", ["FO"]="Faroe Islands", ["FJ"]="Fiji", ["FI"]="Finland", ["FR"]="France", ["PF"]="French Polynesia", ["GA"]="Gabon", ["GM"]="Gambia", ["GE"]="Georgia", ["DE"]="Germany", ["GH"]="Ghana", ["GI"]="Gibraltar", ["GR"]="Greece", ["GL"]="Greenland", ["GD"]="Grenada", ["GU"]="Guam", ["GT"]="Guatemala", ["GN"]="Guinea", ["GW"]="Guinea-Bissau", ["GY"]="Guyana", ["HT"]="Haiti", ["VA"]="Holy See (Vatican City)", ["HN"]="Honduras", ["HK"]="Hong Kong", ["HU"]="Hungary", ["IS"]="Iceland", ["IN"]="India", ["ID"]="Indonesia", ["IR"]="Iran", ["IQ"]="Iraq", ["IE"]="Ireland", ["IM"]="Isle of Man", ["IL"]="Israel", ["IT"]="Italy", ["CI"]="Ivory Coast", ["JM"]="Jamaica", ["JP"]="Japan", ["JE"]="Jersey", ["JO"]="Jordan", ["KZ"]="Kazakhstan", ["KE"]="Kenya", ["KI"]="Kiribati", ["KO"]="Kosovo", ["KW"]="Kuwait", ["KG"]="Kyrgyzstan", ["LA"]="Laos", ["LV"]="Latvia", ["LB"]="Lebanon", ["LS"]="Lesotho", ["LR"]="Liberia", ["LY"]="Libya", ["LI"]="Liechtenstein", ["LT"]="Lithuania", ["LU"]="Luxembourg", ["MO"]="Macau", ["MK"]="Macedonia", ["MG"]="Madagascar", ["MW"]="Malawi", ["MY"]="Malaysia", ["MV"]="Maldives", ["ML"]="Mali", ["MT"]="Malta", ["MH"]="Marshall Islands", ["MR"]="Mauritania", ["MU"]="Mauritius", ["YT"]="Mayotte", ["MX"]="Mexico", ["FM"]="Micronesia", ["MD"]="Moldova", ["MC"]="Monaco", ["MN"]="Mongolia", ["ME"]="Montenegro", ["MS"]="Montserrat", ["MA"]="Morocco", ["MZ"]="Mozambique", ["NA"]="Namibia", ["NR"]="Nauru", ["NP"]="Nepal", ["NL"]="Netherlands", ["AN"]="Netherlands Antilles", ["NC"]="New Caledonia", ["NZ"]="New Zealand", ["NI"]="Nicaragua", ["NE"]="Niger", ["NG"]="Nigeria", ["NU"]="Niue", ["NI"]="Norfolk Island", ["KP"]="North Korea", ["MP"]="Northern Mariana Islands", ["NO"]="Norway", ["OM"]="Oman", ["PK"]="Pakistan", ["PW"]="Palau", ["PA"]="Panama", ["PG"]="Papua New Guinea", ["PY"]="Paraguay", ["PE"]="Peru", ["PH"]="Philippines", ["PN"]="Pitcairn Islands", ["PL"]="Poland", ["PT"]="Portugal", ["PR"]="Puerto Rico", ["QA"]="Qatar", ["CG"]="Republic of the Congo", ["RO"]="Romania", ["RU"]="Russia", ["RW"]="Rwanda", ["BL"]="Saint Barthelemy", ["SH"]="Saint Helena", ["KN"]="Saint Kitts and Nevis", ["LC"]="Saint Lucia", ["MF"]="Saint Martin", ["PM"]="Saint Pierre and Miquelon", ["VC"]="Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", ["WS"]="Samoa", ["SM"]="San Marino", ["ST"]="Sao Tome and Principe", ["SA"]="Saudi Arabia", ["SN"]="Senegal", ["RS"]="Serbia", ["SC"]="Seychelles", ["SL"]="Sierra Leone", ["SG"]="Singapore", ["SK"]="Slovakia", ["SI"]="Slovenia", ["SB"]="Solomon Islands", ["SO"]="Somalia", ["ZA"]="South Africa", ["KR"]="South Korea", ["ES"]="Spain", ["LK"]="Sri Lanka", ["SD"]="Sudan", ["SR"]="Suriname", ["SJ"]="Svalbard", ["SZ"]="Swaziland", ["SE"]="Sweden", ["CH"]="Switzerland", ["SY"]="Syria", ["TW"]="Taiwan", ["TJ"]="Tajikistan", ["TZ"]="Tanzania", ["TH"]="Thailand", ["TL"]="Timor-Leste", ["TG"]="Togo", ["TK"]="Tokelau", ["TO"]="Tonga", ["TT"]="Trinidad and Tobago", ["TN"]="Tunisia", ["TR"]="Turkey", ["TM"]="Turkmenistan", ["TC"]="Turks and Caicos Islands", ["TV"]="Tuvalu", ["UG"]="Uganda", ["UA"]="Ukraine", ["AE"]="United Arab Emirates", ["GB"]="United Kingdom", ["US"]="United States", ["UY"]="Uruguay", ["VI"]="US Virgin Islands", ["UZ"]="Uzbekistan", ["VU"]="Vanuatu", ["VE"]="Venezuela", ["VN"]="Vietnam", ["WF"]="Wallis and Futuna", ["WB"]="West Bank", ["EH"]="Western Sahara", ["YE"]="Yemen", ["ZM"]="Zambia", ["ZW"]="Zimbabwe" } function OnResourceStart() call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"),"addScoreboardColumn","Country", getRootElement(), 10, 150) call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"),"addScoreboardColumn"," flag", getRootElement(), 9, 16) local tPlayers = getElementsByType('player') for _,uPlayer in ipairs(tPlayers) do local countryCode = exports["admin"]:getPlayerCountry(uPlayer) local name = "Unknown" if countryCode and countryNames[countryCode] then name = countryNames[countryCode] local sFlagImagePath = ':'..getResourceName( getThisResource() )..'/flags/'..string.lower(countryCode)..'.png' if fileExists(sFlagImagePath) then setElementData(uPlayer, "countryFlagImage", sFlagImagePath ) else setElementData(uPlayer, "countryFlagImage", "??" ) end end setElementData(uPlayer, "Country", name ) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), OnResourceStart) function OnPlayerJoin () local countryCode = exports["admin"]:getPlayerCountry(source) local name = "Unknown" if countryCode and countryNames[countryCode] then name = countryNames[countryCode] local sFlagImagePath = ':'..getResourceName( getThisResource() )..'/flags/'..string.lower(countryCode)..'.png' if fileExists(sFlagImagePath) then setElementData( source, "countryFlagImage", sFlagImagePath ) else setElementData( source, "countryFlagImage", "??" ) end end setElementData(source, "Country", name) outputChatBox("#00a8ff* [Join] #00a8ff" .. getPlayerName(source) .. "#00a8ff has joined the game from: #ECECEC" .. name, getRootElement(), 151, 151, 151, true) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), OnPlayerJoin)
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