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Everything posted by D7mas

  1. السكن يظهر يطيب ولكن المكان ما يظهر
  2. setCameraMatrix يقلي باد اريقمنت
  3. اخي شوف بأختصار مكان السكن ما يظهر لما تدوس اف4 او تسجل دخول بسيررفر مع انو الحداثيات صحيحه
  4. ليش اسوي شخصية , يا اخي الشخصية موجودة بس المكان لا مع انو الأحداثيات صح
  5. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة انا عندي مشكلة انو لما احط مكان للاعب يظهر الاعب ولكن ما يظهر المكان يعني بحر , مع انو الانترو وديمونت 0 انا جربت جميع الطرق وما زبط انا هنا بدي تصححولي الكود وتقلولي كود يخلي الاعب لما يدخل حقت تغير السكن ييجيه فريز وكل لاعب ييجيه ديمونشن مختلف الاكواد function drawTeamName() local ChangeSkin = setCameraMatrix(source, 903.46204, -904.05719, 62.611, 900.46204, -902.05719, 63.611 ) if sPed and team then local teamElement = getTeamFromName(team) local Model = getElementModel(sPed) if teamElement then local r, g, b = getTeamColor(teamElement) local x, y, z = getPedBonePosition(sPed, 4) local players = countPlayersInTeam(teamElement) local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() if Model == 10 or Model == 11 or Model == 12 or Model == 13 or Model == 9 then الكود مو كامل يب ادري بس اظن انو الاجزاء الباقية ما رح تفديكو
  6. طيب اشرحلي التريق سيرفر مع مثال وخلاص ما فهمت على ويكي
  7. حطيتو يا شيخ بس بقول بدو تسويلو ترق وانا مو عار اسوي ترق ركبي الترق انت وخلاص كلو سطر افا ومنو اتعلم
  8. شباب الترق حقي شغال ؟؟؟ triggerServerEvent("onPlayerSpawn", root, "onPlayerLogin", root)
  9. هو على السيرفر يا اخي ما في ملق كلنت اصلاً
  10. triggerServerEvent("onPlayerSpawn", root, "onPlayerLogin", root) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then for slot = 1, 12 do setAccountData(account, "WeaponID"..slot, getPedWeapon(source, slot)) setAccountData(account, "Ammo"..slot, getPedTotalAmmo(source, slot)) end end end); addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function(_, account) for slot = 1, 12 do local wep = getAccountData(account, "WeaponID"..slot) local ammo = getAccountData(account, "Ammo"..slot) if wep and ammo then giveWeapon(source, wep, ammo) end end end) زبطلي اياه
  11. ما تقدر تحطو في الكلنت سايد وتعطيني اياه ؟ افا , اوكي انتضر شخص يساعني غيرك
  12. كيف ابي احط سكربت كامل في الكلنت سايد
  13. بس ممكن تقلي كيف استثني الخلاط والسلحة الثقيلة؟؟ ما زبط الاكواد وش اسوي احطه بقروب الادمن ؟؟
  14. السلام عليكم بدون مقدمات انا متت وانا اكتب واحاول اسوي مود يحفظ السلحة عند الخروج من السيرفر بس ما يزبط بلله سرريع مساعدة ممكن تصلحو ؟ function saveWeaponsOnQuit() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local weapon0 = getPedWeapon(source,0) local weapon1 = getPedWeapon(source,1) local weapon2 = getPedWeapon(source,2) local weapon3 = getPedWeapon(source,3) local weapon4 = getPedWeapon(source,4) local weapon5 = getPedWeapon(source,5) local weapon6 = getPedWeapon(source,6) local weapon7 = getPedWeapon(source,7) local weapon8 = getPedWeapon(source,8) local weapon9 = getPedWeapon(source,9) local weapon10 = getPedWeapon(source,10) local weapon11 = getPedWeapon(source,11) local weapon12 = getPedWeapon(source,12) local ammo0 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,0) local ammo1 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,1) local ammo2 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,2) local ammo3 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,3) local ammo4 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,4) local ammo5 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,5) local ammo6 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,6) local ammo7 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,7) local ammo8 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,8) local ammo9 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,9) local ammo10 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,10) local ammo11 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,11) local ammo12 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,12) if not isGuestAccount(account) then setAccountData(account,"weapon0",weapon0) setAccountData(account,"weapon1",weapon1) setAccountData(account,"weapon2",weapon2) setAccountData(account,"weapon3",weapon3) setAccountData(account,"weapon4",weapon4) setAccountData(account,"weapon5",weapon5) setAccountData(account,"weapon6",weapon6) setAccountData(account,"weapon7",weapon7) setAccountData(account,"weapon8",weapon8) setAccountData(account,"weapon9",weapon9) setAccountData(account,"weapon10",weapon10) setAccountData(account,"weapon11",weapon11) setAccountData(account,"weapon12",weapon12) setAccountData(account,"ammo0",ammo0) setAccountData(account,"ammo1",ammo1) setAccountData(account,"ammo2",ammo2) setAccountData(account,"ammo3",ammo3) setAccountData(account,"ammo4",ammo4) setAccountData(account,"ammo5",ammo5) setAccountData(account,"ammo6",ammo6) setAccountData(account,"ammo7",ammo7) setAccountData(account,"ammo8",ammo8) setAccountData(account,"ammo9",ammo9) setAccountData(account,"ammo10",ammo10) setAccountData(account,"ammo11",ammo11) setAccountData(account,"ammo12",ammo12) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,saveWeaponsOnQuit) function saveWeaponsOnLogout(previousaccount,currentaccount) local weapon0 = getPedWeapon(source,0) local weapon1 = getPedWeapon(source,1) local weapon2 = getPedWeapon(source,2) local weapon3 = getPedWeapon(source,3) local weapon4 = getPedWeapon(source,4) local weapon5 = getPedWeapon(source,5) local weapon6 = getPedWeapon(source,6) local weapon7 = getPedWeapon(source,7) local weapon8 = getPedWeapon(source,8) local weapon9 = getPedWeapon(source,9) local weapon10 = getPedWeapon(source,10) local weapon11 = getPedWeapon(source,11) local weapon12 = getPedWeapon(source,12) local ammo0 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,0) local ammo1 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,1) local ammo2 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,2) local ammo3 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,3) local ammo4 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,4) local ammo5 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,5) local ammo6 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,6) local ammo7 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,7) local ammo8 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,8) local ammo9 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,9) local ammo10 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,10) local ammo11 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,11) local ammo12 = getPedTotalAmmo(source,12) setAccountData(previousaccount,"weapon0",weapon0) setAccountData(previousaccount,"weapon1",weapon1) setAccountData(previousaccount,"weapon2",weapon2) setAccountData(previousaccount,"weapon3",weapon3) setAccountData(previousaccount,"weapon4",weapon4) setAccountData(previousaccount,"weapon5",weapon5) setAccountData(previousaccount,"weapon6",weapon6) setAccountData(previousaccount,"weapon7",weapon7) setAccountData(previousaccount,"weapon8",weapon8) setAccountData(previousaccount,"weapon9",weapon9) setAccountData(previousaccount,"weapon10",weapon10) setAccountData(previousaccount,"weapon11",weapon11) setAccountData(previousaccount,"weapon12",weapon12) setAccountData(previousaccount,"ammo0",ammo0) setAccountData(previousaccount,"ammo1",ammo1) setAccountData(previousaccount,"ammo2",ammo2) setAccountData(previousaccount,"ammo3",ammo3) setAccountData(previousaccount,"ammo4",ammo4) setAccountData(previousaccount,"ammo5",ammo5) setAccountData(previousaccount,"ammo6",ammo6) setAccountData(previousaccount,"ammo7",ammo7) setAccountData(previousaccount,"ammo8",ammo8) setAccountData(previousaccount,"ammo9",ammo9) setAccountData(previousaccount,"ammo10",ammo10) setAccountData(previousaccount,"ammo11",ammo11) setAccountData(previousaccount,"ammo12",ammo12) takeAllWeapons(source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",root,saveWeaponsOnLogout) function loadWeaponsOnLogin(previousaccount,currentaccount) local weapon0 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"weapon0") local weapon1 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"weapon1") local weapon2 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"weapon2") local weapon3 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"weapon3") local weapon4 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"weapon4") local weapon5 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"weapon5") local weapon6 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"weapon6") local weapon7 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"weapon7") local weapon8 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"weapon8") local weapon9 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"weapon9") local weapon10 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"weapon10") local weapon11 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"weapon11") local weapon12 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"weapon12") local ammo0 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"ammo0") local ammo1 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"ammo1") local ammo2 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"ammo2") local ammo3 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"ammo3") local ammo4 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"ammo4") local ammo5 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"ammo5") local ammo6 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"ammo6") local ammo7 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"ammo7") local ammo8 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"ammo8") local ammo9 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"ammo9") local ammo10 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"ammo10") local ammo11 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"ammo11") local ammo12 = getAccountData(currentaccount,"ammo12") if (weapon0) and (weapon1) and (weapon2) and (weapon3) and (weapon4) and (weapon5) and (weapon6) and (weapon7) and (weapon8) and (weapon9) and (weapon10) and (weapon11) and (weapon12) and (ammo0) and (ammo1) and (ammo2) and (ammo3) and (ammo4) and (ammo5) and (ammo6) and (ammo7) and (ammo8) and (ammo9) and (ammo10) and (ammo11) and (ammo12) then giveWeapon(source,weapon0,ammo0) giveWeapon(source,weapon1,ammo1) giveWeapon(source,weapon2,ammo2) giveWeapon(source,weapon3,ammo3) giveWeapon(source,weapon4,ammo4) giveWeapon(source,weapon5,ammo5) giveWeapon(source,weapon6,ammo6) giveWeapon(source,weapon7,ammo7) giveWeapon(source,weapon8,ammo8) giveWeapon(source,weapon9,ammo9) giveWeapon(source,weapon10,ammo10) giveWeapon(source,weapon11,ammo11) giveWeapon(source,weapon12,ammo12) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,loadWeaponsOnLogin)
  15. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله انا عندي مود حفظ لالسلحة في السيرفر , لما اموت 10 مرات اسلحتي تبطل تنتهي ممكن تصلحو addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then for slot = 1, 12 do setAccountData(account, "WeaponID"..slot, getPedWeapon(source, slot)) setAccountData(account, "Ammo"..slot, getPedTotalAmmo(source, slot)) end local LauncherAmount = getElementData(source, "Launcher") or 0 setAccountData(account, "Launcher", LauncherAmount) end end) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function(_, account) local LauncherAmount = getAccountData(account, "Launcher") or 0 setElementData(source, "Launcher", LauncherAmount) for slot = 1, 12 do local wep = getAccountData(account, "WeaponID"..slot) local ammo = getAccountData(account, "Ammo"..slot) if wep and ammo then giveWeapon(source, wep, ammo) end end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then for slot = 1, 12 do setAccountData(account, "WeaponID"..slot, getPedWeapon(source, slot)) setAccountData(account, "Ammo"..slot, getPedTotalAmmo(source, slot)) end end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", root, function() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then for slot = 1, 12 do local wep = getAccountData(account, "WeaponID"..slot) local ammo = getAccountData(account, "Ammo"..slot) if wep and ammo then giveWeapon(source, wep, ammo) end end end end)
  16. ادري ادري , بس البيست ما يظهر اصلاً
  17. السلام عليكم اخبار الشباب أن شاء الله بخير ما اطول عليكو انا سويت مود بيست يختفي لما تددوس اف2 بس كما تعرفون بيست القروبات موجود في مود القروبات حاولت اخلي يختفي ويظهر مع اف2 بس خرب ممكن تساعدوني أكواد بيست القروبات function PointGroups() if getElementData(localPlayer,"BrossD") == false then if getElementData(localPlayer,"LoginTopP") then for i, valueT in ipairs(PointGroup) do dxDrawText( "Best Group : "..valueT[1].. " ( "..convertNumber(valueT[2]).." )", screenW * 0.0073, screenH * 0.4831, screenW * 0.1574, screenH * 0.5078, tocolor(193, 193, 193, 255), 1.00, "default-bold", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) PlayerBestGroup = valueT[1] end end end end function ShowBestGroups(stat) if not stat then stat = false end if stat == true then addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, PointGroups) else removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, PointGroups) end end
  18. مشكلتي انو اول ما اسوي القروب ما يقدرو يكتبو بشات غير لما يغيرو لون القروب انا بدي اول ما يسوي القروب يكون اللون اصفر مثلاً addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local data = data() exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn("Group", root, 3, 80) db = dbConnect("sqlite", "database.db") dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS groups (group_name, group_owner, group_members INT, members_limit, group_info, group_history, group_bank INT, turf_color, total_turf, skinID, MessageLeaved, Chat_color)") dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_ranks (group_name, group_rank_name, group_rank_permission, rank_type)") dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_members (group_name, member_account, member_name, member_status, member_rank, last_online, WL, mute, AFK)") dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_invite (group_name, player_account, byy)") dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_alliances (group_name1, group_name2, status)") dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_blackList (group_name, player_account, responsible, reason, time)") dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_history (group_name, action, data)") dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MessageLeaved (group_name, Time, Name, Account, Message)") for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local groupName = getPlayerGroup(player) if groupName then setElementData(player, "Group", groupName) setElementData(player, "GroupAlliances", getGroupAlliances(groupName)) setElementData(player, "GroupRank", {getGroupRanks(groupName), getPlayerGroupRank(player)}) dbExec(db, "UPDATE group_members SET member_name = ?, member_status = ?, last_online = ? WHERE group_name = ? AND member_account = ?", getPlayerName(player),"Yes",data,groupName,getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player))) else setElementData(player, "Group", false) setElementData(player, "GroupAlliances", false) setElementData(player, "GroupRank", false) end end end)
  19. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة اخباركم يا شباب ان شاء الله طيبين ابي سكايب لخادم تونسي مشان اشتر منو بالعملة التونسية
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