@Gourmet. No sir, u can go to Support forms, then speak to Choas about Old Version from owl, he will sale it for you
+ How did United Gaming going ?? .. How did Voltage Gaming Running with ??
@Gourmet. Yes sir, that's owl gaming script, is there any problam with?
@Bonsai , @MIKI785 Thank u for helping
how did you know that's "leaked scripts" sir ??.
if there's "leaked scripts", owl will n't sell it, right?
because i searched too much is there anyway to put ENB Series to my server?
Like http://www.gtainside.com/en/sanandreas/mods/104346-ultra-clear-hdr-quality-2017/
can anyone learn me how to use the SmoothMoveCamera code?
cause i've a small login screen and set the camera on "setCameraMatrix(2565.2, 136.3, 48.8, 2531, 93, 26.8)"
but i need it to be moved