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dzek (varez)

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Posts posted by dzek (varez)

  1. hmm, i can uderstand if just you can fall throguht objects, (client-side loading lag, sometimes you need to wait to skyroads etc finish loading, when you spawned/teleported near) but not cars (this should be handled by the server, if they are not "your" (synced by you) cars?)

    tell me the position of one of objects.

  2. 1. The most annoying is spawning in that barnyard place (default?), how exactly do I change where I spawn?

    go into


    find a file called play.zip, unzip it content into new folder called "play"

    so you should have


    edit broph.lua file

    on 11 line you have something like that:

    spawnPlayer ( player, -711+math.random(1,5), 957+math.random(5,9), 12.4, 90, math.random(9,288)

    ingame type in chat "/gp" to get your position. now just replace -711 957 12.4 with your position :)

    2. When I do make my way to the dam, my work isn't there. How can I change that?

    You mean your map isnt loaded? Try "/votemap *" (if not working, try that in server console)

    3. Also, we find the GTA SA map far too large for two people. Apart from adding fences and sectioning off parts, can I create a map from scratch?

    you cannot destroy native GTA SA objects.

    you probably need to create a "skyland" then.

    I would do the tutorial but it keeps freezing during the objects part, a basic run through of how to save, edit options and load/play maps would be much appreciated.

    pressing "f" toggles between edit mode, and menu mode, on menu mode you will have icons at top of screen where you can create new/load/save new map, and have other options too.. i think its not possible to pass the tutorial xD i learned editor with just clicking everywhere :)

    Thanks! 8)

    no problem :)

  3. 2 questions:


    Anyone knows how to convert that IPL rotations into MTA? i know that was already asked 2 or more times, but maybe theres something new here? I found 2 converters, both cannot convert rotation. I know rotation have something with Quarternions (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quarternion), but hell, i cannot count that (or - "i dont understand single letter in this")! I hate math..


    Any chances to set visible distance over 500? I have custom object that is larger than 500 units in both directions :/ I used to do some 3D creating few years ago, BUT i think splitting this big object will take too much time, so im looking for easier way

    i saw code like this:

    setElementStreamable(obj_custom1, false)
    engineSetModelLODDistance(1630, 5500)

    but this is not working though :(

  4. I have one question.

    If i zip my resources, the client will download from server a zipped version? or server will send unpacked files? Probably the 2nd one, right? As the client downloads just client-side files.

  5. Hi,

    some guy showed me a "dangerous" bug.

    i don't want to tell it here, so please, any person who are from mta team, or something, contact me via pm.

    I probably know how to temporary fix it via lua scripts (not tested yet).

    This is NOT related directly to c++ or something


  6. @Gamesnert,

    actually I have replaced all values that should be loaded from map file by numbers (look at the code)

    moveObject (obj, 3000, -2494.3918457031, 1199.9107666016, 43.207420349121)


    i will keep trying.

    i use getElementData for reading addional attributes in map file (i think its ok?)

  7. hi

    i read somewhere here (cant find it ;/) that you cannot move objects that are stored in .map file.

    I'm asking becouse i did, and when i'm getting objects i can destroy it, it has type of "object" etc etc, but i cannot make it move

    and if i make same object via script, then move, its all ok.

    is that tru or there is something wrong here:

    function moveTo(obj, movX, movY, movZ, movTime, posX, posY, posZ)
    local test=createObject(3043, posX, posY+10, posZ)
    moveObject (test, 3000, posX, posY, posZ+10)
    moveObject (obj, 3000, -2494.3918457031, 1199.9107666016, 43.207420349121)
    --setTimer (moveTo, movTime+1000, 1, obj, posX, posY, posZ, movTime, movX, movY, movZ)
    local myElements = getElementsByType ("object", getRootElement())
    for key,val in ipairs(myElements) do
    local moving = getElementData(val, "moving")
    if (moving) then
    local posX = getElementData(val, "posX")
    local posY = getElementData(val, "posY")
    local posZ = getElementData(val, "posZ")
    local movX = getElementData(val, "movX")
    local movY = getElementData(val, "movY")
    local movZ = getElementData(val, "movZ")
    local movTime = getElementData(val, "movTime")
    	moveTo(val, movX, movY, movZ, movTime, posX, posY, posZ)

  8. hmm

    i will start from adding a handler on map change, then checking what is the name of new map, then using a "string.find(s, pattern [, init [, plain]])" for determinigh which map we are playing, the turning on/off desired modes..

    use wiki and google, and you can do that..

  9. - Approximately how many explosions are required to reproduce the crash?

    I'm not sure, sometimes about 30, sometimes just 2-3.. I'll try to find out how to reproduce bug. I'm bit busy in this week (exams), so I should anser more in detail on Monday evening.

    If you can, download mil_protection resource, and hide inside area51 base, rockets will be hitting on ground.. After some time it should crash.

    - Does it just happen to you or anyone else with the same problem?

    Not only for me, I'm asking for solution as admin, becouse it crashes for every player (lower PC performance is more chance to crash).

    - Are there any crash dumps? If there are, upload them.

    I'm not sure, I'm not at home right now, I'll look after dumps in 1-2 hours.

    You can cancel event onClientExplosion if there are too many explosions going on at the same time.

    Will this cause de-sync's? If I want car explode, and cancel event, car won't explode for just one player? How to count "actual explosions"?

  10. Michael_Tuner,

    start with simple script like when player hit marker, something will be outputted to console.

    just reading won't help you.

    you don't know what "test" mean?? :shock:

    test = run MTA, run your resource, and find your marker, and go into it..

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