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مشتغل addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function( ) if getElementInterior(localPlayer) == 5 then local uSound = playSound3D( 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7eowc6aIhM', 1231.35352, -808.49414, 1084.00781 ) setSoundMaxDistance( uSound, 100 ) end end )
--Client aMuteInputValue = guiCreateComboBox ( 35, y, 230, 250, "", false, aMuteInputForm ) guiComboBoxAddItem(aMuteInputValue, "تست 1") guiComboBoxAddItem(aMuteInputValue, "تست 2") local reason = guiComboBoxGetItemText(aMuteInputValue, guiComboBoxGetSelected(aMuteInputValue)) triggerServerEvent ( "aPlayer", getLocalPlayer(), "mute", reason )--تريقر للسيرفر جرب هذا
- وش وضع الرابط هنا كف احط اغنيتي انا مثلا بحط ذي
شلون ممكن مثال هاي اول مره استعملها
انا ابيه يجي مباشره من اليوتيوب مب احوله واركبه انا
كيف لما مود يشتغل يشغل رابط من الويتيوب او رابط mp3 تلقائي
ياعيال mta كل ما خش سيرفر احمل ويخلص التحميل يطلعني برا اللعبه
+Source|> replied to Mitsuki's topic in Arabic / العربية
امسحها وحملها من جديد- 1 reply
- 1
جعل اللوحة باسم حساب مساعدة في جعلل اللوحة باسم حساب
+Source|> replied to PleaseHelp's topic in البرمجة
addCommandHandler ( 'OpenPanel', function ( p ) -
function banAPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, hours, ...) if exports["integration"]:isPlayerTrialAdmin(thePlayer) then if not (targetPlayer) or not (hours) or not tonumber(hours) or tonumber(hours)<0 or not (...) then outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. commandName .. " [Player Partial Nick / ID] [Time in Hours, 0 = Infinite] [Reason]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14, true) else local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer) local targetPlayerSerial = getPlayerSerial(targetPlayer) local targetPlayerIP = getPlayerIP(targetPlayer) hours = tonumber(hours) if not (targetPlayer) then elseif (hours>168) then outputChatBox("You cannot ban for more than 7 days (168 Hours).", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14, true) else local thePlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(thePlayer) local targetPlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(targetPlayer) reason = table.concat({...}, " ") if (targetPlayerPower <= thePlayerPower) then -- Check the admin isn't banning someone higher rank them him local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, "hiddenadmin") local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer) local accountID = getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:id") local username = getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:username") or "N/A" local seconds = ((hours*60)*60) local rhours = hours -- text value if (hours==0) then hours = "Permanent" elseif (hours==1) then hours = "1 Hour" else hours = hours .. " Hours" end if hours == "Permanent" then reason = reason .. " (" .. hours .. ")" else reason = reason .. " (" .. hours .. ")" end exports['admin-system']:addAdminHistory(targetPlayer, thePlayer, reason, 2 , rhours) local banId = nil if (seconds == 0) then banId = addToBan(accountID, targetPlayerSerial, targetPlayerIP, getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id"), reason) if banId and tonumber(banId) then lastBan = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE id='"..banId.."'") if lastBanTimer and isTimer(lastBanTimer) then killTimer(lastBanTimer) lastBanTimer = nil end lastBanTimer = setTimer(function() lastBan = nil end, 1000*60*5,1) --5 minutes end else addBan(nil, nil, targetPlayerSerial, thePlayer, reason, seconds) end local adminUsername = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:username") local adminUserID = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id") local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer) makeForumThread(targetPlayerName or "N/A", username, hours, adminTitle , playerName, thePlayer, reason, adminUsername, adminUserID, banId ) for key, value in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getPlayerSerial(value) == targetPlayerSerial then kickPlayer(value, thePlayer, reason) end end adminTitle = exports.global:getAdminTitle1(thePlayer) if (hiddenAdmin==1) then adminTitle = "A hidden admin" end if string.lower(commandName) == "sban" then exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " silently banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")") exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".") elseif string.lower(commandName) == "forceapp" then outputChatBox("[FA] "..adminTitle .. " " .. playerName .. " forced app " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", value, 255,0,0, true ) hours = "Permanent" reason = "Failure to meet server standard. Please improve yourself then appeal on forums" outputChatBox("[FA]: Reason: " .. reason .. "." ,root, 255,0,0, true) else outputChatBox("[BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")", value, 255,0,0, true) outputChatBox("[BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".", value, 255,0,0, true) end end end end end end addCommandHandler("pban", banAPlayer, false, false) addCommandHandler("sban", banAPlayer, false, false) جرب
وش المشكله اللي تبي تصلحها ؟
function banAPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, hours, ...) if exports["integration"]:isPlayerTrialAdmin(thePlayer) then if not (targetPlayer) or not (hours) or not tonumber(hours) or tonumber(hours)<0 or not (...) then outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. commandName .. " [Player Partial Nick / ID] [Time in Hours, 0 = Infinite] [Reason]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14, true) else local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer) local targetPlayerSerial = getPlayerSerial(targetPlayer) local targetPlayerIP = getPlayerIP(targetPlayer) hours = tonumber(hours) if not (targetPlayer) then elseif (hours>168) then outputChatBox("You cannot ban for more than 7 days (168 Hours).", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14, true) else local thePlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(thePlayer) local targetPlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(targetPlayer) reason = table.concat({...}, " ") if (targetPlayerPower <= thePlayerPower) then -- Check the admin isn't banning someone higher rank them him local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, "hiddenadmin") local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer) local accountID = getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:id") local username = getElementData(targetPlayer, "account:username") or "N/A" local seconds = ((hours*60)*60) local rhours = hours -- text value if (hours==0) then hours = "Permanent" elseif (hours==1) then hours = "1 Hour" else hours = hours .. " Hours" end if hours == "Permanent" then reason = reason .. " (" .. hours .. ")" else reason = reason .. " (" .. hours .. ")" end exports['admin-system']:addAdminHistory(targetPlayer, thePlayer, reason, 2 , rhours) local banId = nil if (seconds == 0) then banId = addToBan(accountID, targetPlayerSerial, targetPlayerIP, getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id"), reason) if banId and tonumber(banId) then lastBan = mysql:query_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE id='"..banId.."'") if lastBanTimer and isTimer(lastBanTimer) then killTimer(lastBanTimer) lastBanTimer = nil end lastBanTimer = setTimer(function() lastBan = nil end, 1000*60*5,1) --5 minutes end else addBan(nil, nil, targetPlayerSerial, thePlayer, reason, seconds) end local adminUsername = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:username") local adminUserID = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:id") local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer) makeForumThread(targetPlayerName or "N/A", username, hours, adminTitle , playerName, thePlayer, reason, adminUsername, adminUserID, banId ) for key, value in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getPlayerSerial(value) == targetPlayerSerial then kickPlayer(value, thePlayer, reason) end end adminTitle = exports.global:getAdminTitle1(thePlayer) if (hiddenAdmin==1) then adminTitle = "A hidden admin" end if string.lower(commandName) == "sban" then exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " silently banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")") exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".") elseif string.lower(commandName) == "forceapp" then outputChatBox("[FA] "..adminTitle .. " " .. playerName .. " forced app " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", root, 255,0,0, true ) hours = "Permanent" reason = "Failure to meet server standard. Please improve yourself then appeal on forums" outputChatBox("[FA]: Reason: " .. reason .. "." ,root, 255,0,0, true) else outputChatBox("[BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")", root, 255,0,0, true) outputChatBox("[BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".", root, 255,0,0, true) end end end end end end addCommandHandler("pban", banAPlayer, false, false) addCommandHandler("sban", banAPlayer, false, false)
if string.lower(commandName) == "sban" then exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " silently banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")") exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".") elseif string.lower(commandName) == "forceapp" then outputChatBox("[FA] "..adminTitle .. " " .. playerName .. " forced app " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", root, 255,0,0) hours = "Permanent" reason = "Failure to meet server standard. Please improve yourself then appeal on forums.owlgaming.net" outputChatBox("[FA]: Reason: " .. reason .. "." ,root, 255,0,0) else outputChatBox("[BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")", root, 255,0,0) outputChatBox("[BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".", root, 255,0,0) end if string.lower(commandName) == "sban" then exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " silently banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")") exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("[SILENT-BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".") elseif string.lower(commandName) == "forceapp" then outputChatBox("[FA] "..adminTitle .. " " .. playerName .. " forced app " .. targetPlayerName .. ".", root, 255,0,0, true) hours = "Permanent" reason = "Failure to meet server standard. Please improve yourself then appeal on forums.owlgaming.net" outputChatBox("[FA]: Reason: " .. reason .. "." ,root, 255,0,0, true) else outputChatBox("[BAN] " .. adminTitle .. " banned " .. targetPlayerName .. ". (" .. hours .. ")", root, 255,0,0, true) outputChatBox("[BAN] Reason: " .. reason .. ".", root, 255,0,0, true) end
مساعدة في انظمة اللوحة Button الى Tab Panel مساعدة في تحويل الـ
+Source|> replied to PleaseHelp's topic in البرمجة
رح تحتاج 'onClientGUIClick' guiSetVisible -
طيب لو مثلا bindKey في مود مشفر كيف الغيها