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Everything posted by +Source|>

  1. الموضوع بسيط getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","")
  2. DieMessages = { {"#00FF00[DEATH]#00FFFFشد يا اخي وش المستوي المنوب ده"}, {"#00FF00[DEATH]#00FFFFاجيب ابوي يلعب مكانك يعني ولا وش"}, {"#00FF00[DEATH]#00FFFFوربي اخوي الصغير يلعب احسن منك!!"}, {"#00FF00[DEATH]#00FFFFيا الله شد يا اخي التيم الاخر يفوز وانت ترقص"}, {"#00FF00[DEATH]#00FFFFهتلعب جد ولا اجيبلك صافيناز ترقص معاها بلا مسخرة"}, } addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, function ( ) outputChatBox( "".. DieMessages[math.random(1, #DieMessages)][1] .."", source, 0, 0, 0, true ) end )
  3. مود جميل وتصميم اجمل استمر يكفو شكراً على لا إهداء
  4. حط الاكواد بمود التاجات حقك
  5. انا برأيي انك تسوي مود من جديد احسن لان هذي اكواد الديربي
  6. قصفه حره مباشره
  7. مدري صح او غلط بس جربء setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","no") setElementData(resourceRoot,"winMoney","0") addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",getRootElement(),function(message) if tostring(message) == "ديربي" and checkDuel(source) == "prestart" and ( not checkExistPlrOnDuel(source) ) then if getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(source),'forzaban') then if string.find(text,"ديربي") then return end end online = countPlayersOnDerby() if tonumber(online)+1 < 15 then setData(source,"onCrossMap","yes") setD(source) spawnOnMap(source) else outputChatBox("#ff0000-[ #ffffffForzaMission #ff0000]-:#FF0000 لم يتبق مكان في الفورزا الرجاء الانتظار",source,0,255,0,true) end end end) function checkDuel(p) if tostring(getElementData(resourceRoot,"map")) == "yes" then --outputChatBox("#ff0000-[ #ffffffForzaMission #ff0000]-:#FF0000 ",p,255,255,0,true) elseif tostring(getElementData(resourceRoot,"map")) == "no" then outputChatBox("#ff0000-[ #ffffffForzaMission #ff0000]-:#FF0000 الرجاء الانتظار حتى يبدأ الفورزا",p,255,255,0,true) end return tostring(getElementData(resourceRoot,"map")) end function checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) per = getElementData(p,"onCrossMap") if tostring(per) == "yes" then return true else return false end end function setData(element,key,vlr) setElementData(element,key,vlr) end function setD(element) setElementDimension(element,40) end function spawnOnMap(p) count = countPlayersOnDerby() spawned = "no" spawned = "yes" setElementDimension(source,40) setElementFrozen(source,true) setElementData(source,"creatorForza","yes") break if spawned == "no" then randomS = math.random("1","32") setElementDimension( source, 40 ) setElementFrozen( source, true ) setElementData( source, "creatorForza", "yes" ) break end toggleControl(p,"enter_exit", false ) setCameraTarget(p,p) end function countPlayersOnDerby() c = -1 for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then c = c+1 end end return tonumber(c) end function eventCheck () if checkExistPlrOnDuel(source) then toggleControl(source,"enter_exit",true ) setData(source,"onCrossMap","no") checkEnd() end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),eventCheck) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),eventCheck) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),function() exports.killmessages:outputMessage("",source,255,255,0,true) setData(source,"onCrossMap","no") end) for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do setData(p,"onCrossMap","no") end function checkEnd() c = 0 for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then c = c+1 winner = p end end if tonumber(c) == 1 then givePlayerMoney(winner,tonumber(getElementData(resourceRoot,"winMoney"))) n = string.gsub(getPlayerName(winner), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") exports.guimessages:outputServer( root,"#ff0000****************************************************",255,255,0,true) exports.guimessages:outputServer( root," ",255,255,0,true) exports.guimessages:outputServer( root,"#ff0000-[ #ffffffForzaMission #ff0000]-:#FF0000 في مهمة الفورزا" .. n .. "لقد فاز اللاعب ",root,255,255,0,true) exports.guimessages:outputServer( root," ",255,255,0,true) exports.guimessages:outputServer( root,"#ff0000****************************************************",root,255,255,0,true) setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","no") endDerby() setTimer(newDuel,1000,1) end end function newDuel() for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do setData(p,"onCrossMap","no") end setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","prestart") exports.guimessages:outputServer( root,"#ff0000****************************************************",255,255,0,true) exports.guimessages:outputServer( root," ",255,255,0,true) exports.guimessages:outputServer( root,"#ff0000-[ #ffffffForzaMission #ff0000]-:#FF0000 لدخول الفورزا اكتب في الشات دخول",255,255,0,true) exports.guimessages:outputServer( root," ",255,255,0,true) exports.guimessages:outputServer( root,"#ff0000****************************************************",255,255,0,true) RMoney = math.random("50000","300000") setElementData(resourceRoot,"winMoney",tonumber(RMoney)) setTimer(checkPlrs,60000,1) end function checkPlrs () c = 0 for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then c = c+1 end end if tonumber(c) > 1 then setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","yes") for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then setElementCollisionsEnabled(getPedOccupiedVehicle(p),true) outputChatBox("#ff0000-[ #ffffffForzaMission #ff0000]-:#FF0000 لقد بدأ الفورزا يمكنكم الانطلاق",p,0,255,0,true) setElementFrozen(getPedOccupiedVehicle(p),false) end end else endDerby() setElementData(resourceRoot,"map","no") exports.guimessages:outputServer( root,"#ff0000-[ #ffffffForzaMission #ff0000]-:#FF0000 لم يبدأ الفورزا لعدم توفر لاعبين",255,255,0,true) setTimer(newDuel,60000,1) end end setTimer(newDuel,60000,1) function onStartLoadSpawns () file = fileOpen("map.map") localFile = fileOpen("map.xml") fileWrite(localFile,"") data = fileRead(file,999999) fileWrite(localFile,data) fileClose(localFile) xml = xmlLoadFile("map.xml") c = 0 for i,data in pairs(xmlNodeGetChildren(xml)) do if xmlNodeGetName(data) == "spawnpoint" then c = c+1 end end for i,data in pairs(xmlNodeGetChildren(xml)) do if xmlNodeGetName(data) == "object" then m,xx,yy,zz,rxx,ryy,rzz = xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"model"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posX"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posY"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"posZ"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotX"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotY"),xmlNodeGetAttribute(data,"rotZ") object = createObject(m,xx,yy,zz,rxx,ryy,rzz) setElementDimension(object,40) end end end setTimer(onStartLoadSpawns,3000,1) function endDerby() for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then killPed(p) end end for i,v in pairs(getElementsByType("vehicle"))do if getElementData(v,"creatorDerby") then destroyElement(v) end end end setTimer(function() for i,p in pairs(getElementsByType("player"))do sea(p) resetHan(p) checkVeh(p) checkModel(p) end end,1000,0) outputChatBox("",getRootElement(),255,255,0,true) function sea(p) if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then x,y,z = getElementPosition(p) if tonumber(z) <= 0 then killPed(p) end end end function checkVeh(p) if (tonumber(getElementDimension(p)) == 40) and not (isPedInVehicle(p))then killPed(p) end end function resetHan(p) if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) then setVehicleHandling (getPedOccupiedVehicle(p), true ) end end function checkModel(p) if checkExistPlrOnDuel(p) and isPedInVehicle(p) then if tonumber(getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(p))) ~= 502 then killPed(p) end end end
  8. addEvent("Ranks:Buy1", true) addEventHandler("Ranks:Buy1", root, function() local Le3bA = getPlayerMoney(source) if Le3bA >= 250000 then local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then local accountName = getAccountName(account) if not isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accountName, aclGetGroup("VIP")) then takePlayerMoney(source, 250000) aclGroupAddObject(aclGetGroup("VIP"), "user."..accountName) outputChatBox( "Account "..accountName.." succesfully added to the VIP group", source) outputChatBox("You're in VIP group Now.", source, 255, 0, 0, true) setTimer( function() aclGroupRemoveObject(aclGetGroup("VIP"),"user."..accountName) end, 60000*5,1) else outputChatBox("You're already in VIP group.", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("You're not logged in.", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("You don't have $250000 to buy VIP", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end end ) يسحب رتبه بعد ٥ دقايق
  9. مع صوره ولا مع فيديو
  10. اعتقد الاستضافه مقفله ؟
  11. سيرفر addEvent("Ranks:Buy1", true) addEventHandler("Ranks:Buy1", root, function() local Le3bA = getPlayerMoney(source) if Le3bA >= 250000 then local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then local accountName = getAccountName(account) if not isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accountName, aclGetGroup("VIP")) then takePlayerMoney(source, 250000) aclGroupAddObject(aclGetGroup("VIP"), "user."..accountName) outputChatBox( "Account "..accountName.." succesfully added to the VIP group", source) outputChatBox("You're in VIP group Now.", source, 255, 0, 0, true) else outputChatBox("You're already in VIP group.", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("You're not logged in.", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("You don't have $250000 to buy VIP", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end end )
  12. سلام عليكم ابي استفسر عن استضافة سوكنق هوست هل يبيعون خوادم ؟ خوادم يعني اسوي منها سيرفرات ولو يبيعون , هل يقبلون السوا ؟
  13. ما اعتقد احد بيسويلك طلبك لان هذا المنتدى للتعليم انت حاول تسويه بنفسك والشيء الصعب تسأل عنه هنا
  14. استعمل ترايقر triggerClientEvent( source, "Sound", source )
  15. لو addCommandHandler هذا الأمر موجود في ملف الكلنت حق المود لازم في المود اللي بتسويه تحط executeCommandHandler لازم تكون بالكلنت
  16. جرب local bRespawn = nil function showRespawnButton(victimDropItem) showCursor(true) guiSetEnabled( bRespawn, false ) setTimer( function() guiSetEnabled( bRespawn, true ) end, 90000, 1 ) local width, height = 201,54 local scrWidth, scrHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local x = scrWidth/2 - (width/2) local y = scrHeight/1.1 - (height/2) bRespawn = guiCreateButton(x, y, width, height,"انتهى الوقت",false) guiSetFont(bRespawn,"sa-header") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bRespawn, function () if bRespawn then destroyElement(bRespawn) bRespawn = nil showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end triggerServerEvent("es-system:acceptDeath", getLocalPlayer(), getLocalPlayer(), victimDropItem) showCursor(false) end, false) end addEvent("es-system:showRespawnButton", true) addEventHandler("es-system:showRespawnButton", getLocalPlayer(),showRespawnButton)
  17. الكومند اللي في السيرفر executeCommandHanlder حطها بالسيرفر ولو الكلنت حطها بالكلنت
  18. اشتغل بس يجي 24:1500:10 يعد 10 ثواني يجي 23:1499:60
  19. Ranks = { -- الرتب {"Console"}, } addCommandHandler("givetime", function (player,cmd,PlayerName,Time) if PlayerName and Time then local thePlayer = getPlayerFromName(PlayerName) if isElement(thePlayer) then for i = 1, #Ranks do if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( player ) ), aclGetGroup ( Ranks[i][1] ) ) then if tonumber(Time) then t[thePlayer]["hour"] = tonumber(Time) outputChatBox("* DONE",player,0,255,0) else outputChatBox("* خطء في الوقت",player,255,0,0) end else outputChatBox("",player,255,0,0) end end else outputChatBox("",player,255,0,0) end end end )
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