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Everything posted by Amine#TN
bro the script working good but i need to make only seat 0 is private other seats are allowed for all
OK But now i need help
that is the problem i need only the driver seat is private other account names are allowed to use others seats
Not working any other idea and thanx
vehicle = createVehicle( 503, 1513.61328125, -1479.384765625, 9.7, 0, 0, 272 ) setVehicleColor( vehicle, 0, 0, 0 ) ID = 3 myBlip = createBlipAttachedTo ( vehicle, ID ) function lockPrivate( theplayer, seat, jacked ) if ( source == vehicle ) then local account = getPlayerAccount( theplayer ) local accountName = ( account and getAccountName ( account ) or "" ) if not( accountName == "Quiel1290" or accountName == "noOne" ) then cancelEvent() outputChatBox("#9E0000This vehicle is locked for following users:#0D9905 |GB|{Q}uiel #9E0000Shared With #0D9905NoOne ", theplayer, 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#0D9905Welcome to your vehicle, Sir!", theplayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), lockPrivate ) setVehicleDamageProof(vehicle, true) ------------ i need some one who can make only the driver seat private and other players can ride other seats
guys i use NGhospitals all know that script but i have a bug on it when player quit and he did not respawn yet (when he die ) all his guns desepear sorry about my bad english
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() exports [ "scoreboard" ]:addScoreboardColumn ( "Vehicle:", 3 ) end ) setTimer ( function ( ) local players = getElementsByType "player" for k, v in ipairs ( players ) do if ( isPedInVehicle(v) ) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(v) local carname = getVehicleName(vehicle) setElementData ( v, "Vehicle:", tostring(carname) ) else setElementData ( v, "Vehicle:", "On foot") end end end, 2500, 0 ) ------------ why this is not working
function carDestroy () if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then if (isPedInVehicle (source)) then if (getElementID(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)) == getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(source))) then setElementHealth (getElementData (source, "hisCar"), 0) destroyElement (getPedOccupiedVehicle (source)) removeElementData (source, "hisCar") outputChatBox ("Car Destroyed.", source, 255, 0, 0) else outputChatBox ("This not your car!", source, 255, 0, 0) end elseif (not (isPedInVehicle (source))) and (getElementData (source, "hisCar")) and (getElementData (source, "hisCar") ~= nil) then car=getElementData(source, "hisCar") destroyElement(car) outputChatBox ("Car Destroyed.", source, 255, 0, 0) removeElementData (source, "hisCar") end end end addEventHandler ("carDestroy", getRootElement(), carDestroy) ------------ last times no one gives help i hope that time one pro scripter give help i need when player use that fonction he will not use it again only after 10 min i try but i fail to add that timer
hi guys i wich all are fine i want a random script to replace the download bar and after that i will damage it to hide it (damage the client site to hide it on player screen ) can any one help me
BRO THAT will not help me i cant read russian letters
hey guys i need to spawn the player who join my server after finish all the download i need to spawn the player only when he download some scripts like scorebord and some panels and other scripts will downloaded next but i need to do not show the download bar on screen thanx for all help
bad argument in consol or not
local respawn = 30 local r addCommandHandler("rav",function(player) if isTimer(r) then resetTimer(r) outputDebugString("Timer Reset") return end outputChatBox("RESPAWNING ALL UNOCCUPIED VEHICLES IN ".. respawn.."SECONDS") outputDebugString("Cars Respawning") r = setTimer(function() for _, vehicle in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "vehicle" ) ) do -- For every vehicle do the following... if isEmpty( vehicle ) then resetVehicleIdleTime ( vehicle ) -- Reset the vehicle's idle time respawnVehicle ( vehicle ) end end outputDebugString("Cars Respawned") outputChatBox("ALL UNOCCUPIED VEHICLES RESPAWNED") end,respawn*1000,1) end) function isEmpty( vehicle ) local passengers = getVehicleMaxPassengers( vehicle ) if type( passengers ) == 'number' then for seat = 0, passengers do if getVehicleOccupant( vehicle, seat ) then return false end end end return true end i need a timer to restart the command respawn every 10min
can i get the function when player have case then remove his jetpack
do you have interiors without houses i need just guns shop and restaurent
i want a script to forbidden guns in interiors