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Everything posted by Doffy

  1. Hello, i wanna make zombie head shot with selected weapons Deagle , Sniper, Shotgun and when i set a weapon check code not working and no debug Code: --client function zombiedamaged ( attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if getElementType ( source ) == "ped" then if (getElementData (source, "zombie") == true) then if ( bodypart == 9 ) then triggerServerEvent ("headboom", source, source, attacker, weapon, bodypart ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPedDamage", getRootElement(), zombiedamaged ) --server addEvent( "headboom", true ) function Zheadhit ( ped,attacker, weapon, bodypart) if (getElementData (ped, "zombie") == true) then local w = getPlayerWeapon(attacker) if ( w == 34 ) and ( w == 24 ) and ( w == 25 ) then killPed ( ped, attacker, weapon, bodypart ) setPedHeadless ( ped, true ) end end end addEventHandler( "headboom", getRootElement(), Zheadhit )
  2. i wanna to save data in a account and show it in the grid list
  3. hello, how i can save table in account data with json and add rows in table and make it save my try it's not working : --server addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function( ) for i,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType("player") ) do local dd = getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(v),"SkinsT") if dd == false then setAccoountData(getPlayerAccount(v),"SkinsT", toJSON({"TT", "DF"})) else local s = fromJSON(dd) table.insert(dd, s) setAccoountData(getPlayerAccount(v),"SkinsT", toJSON(s)) end end end ) addCommandHandler("df", function( plr ) local dd = getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(plr),"SkinsT") local s = fromJSON(dd) triggerClientEvent(plr, "getSkins", plr, s ) end ) --client addEvent("getSkins",true) addEventHandler("getSkins",root, function( s ) guiGridListClear(myd) for i,v in ipairs( s ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(myd) guiGridListSetItemText(myd,row, 1, v,false,false) end end )
  4. ولكم باك مع اان بقالي فترة ملعبتش فيها اصلا **
  5. Hello Everyone Now i wanna do a first person aim like PUBG server and PUBG like this when i press mouse click 2 show the aim and press again return to the third person and how i can do this ? or the functions i will used ?
  6. نو انت القديم mr.x3 -- 2014 Domi:Omer -- 2014 MohamedGT -- 2014 /2015 #@RomanReigns.? -- 2015 Joker -- 2015 KinG_Himoo -- 2015 / 2016 #Himoo -- 2016 / 2018 !#DesTroyeR 2018 / 2019 .
  7. yep , i wanna to do like this but i can't do it because I don't understand the Shaders
  8. how can i type command in F8 and the shader start to only me and all players can saw it ?
  9. Hello everyone , today i'm trying to do weapon paintjob and i added a custom weapon of m4 and i wanna to added paintjob with shader substitute for txd , i have a problem , the weapon paint job is not shows when i added the shader to object it running , but when i trying to added it to my hand is not running ! code : local myShader_raw_data = [[ texture tex; technique replace { pass P0 { Texture[0] = tex; } } ]] local myShader6 = dxCreateShader(myShader_raw_data) -- create shader from raw data local myTexture6 = dxCreateTexture("image5.png") -- create texture from image file engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(myShader6, "hk416_d") dxSetShaderValue(myShader6, "tex", myTexture6) pic :
  10. Discord : !MoHaMMeD#3720 Facebook : Mohammed Ashraf
  11. الي بيتناسب مع مواصفات جهازك intel core i5-4460
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