Recently me and a couple friends got together and desided to mess around with a camcorder. We started filming stuff and it became very humorous. We now have 5 videos and are planning to sell them.
REMOVED to view our site feel free to post on the forum we have alot of stuff on the forum some of it can be distubing. The videos will be editted soon and up for sale look for them soon on our site.
i got a admin account to that forum
and i screwed with the word filter if. spam the crap out of it . they think they can run my forum better than i can
hmmmm if this ever gets off the ground put the islands far away from each other and u have 2 use helicopter 2 get 2 the other game islands
cus GTA3 based on NYC and VC is based After Maiami
Or make a overpass conecting that incompleted tunnel in shore side vale
to the back of the stadium
gonna be sweet having dog fights in Hunters
i want to see gang missions.
team1 attacks a object team2 defends it
-=BACK alley BRAWLS=-
both teams meet in a narrow alley like in Chinatown
Team1 has to drive there car to the exstraction point
Team2 has to stop the car/cars from ariving(kind of like salvatores called a meeting)
-=Roof Top Rumble=-
All out Rumble on the Rooftop of the building in portland harbor Last man left on the roof wins(no weapons)
Last but not least no idea if this is posible
-=The Big Iowa Surf=-
Every one starts ontop of the train in portland
Team1 is in the back of the train Team2 is in the front Everything goes if you fall of you automaticly die
phills the redneck patriot arms dealer that was in the army that had 1 arm in gta3..... he owns a hummer so what the military base has the hunter"Apatche Helicopter"
I like your idea but xerox is rite thats alot of money also it would take some time mabey if i win a million dolars some how ill buy about 50 servers and hook them together
Yes Can you belive it im back after a couple of weeks and i got another new idea for a game type this one is off of "Destruction Durby 64"
for Nintendo 64.
All Players start in their respected cars.
One Player is randomly chosen as "IT"
"IT" has so much time lets say 2 minutes to hit another player
If "IT" does not ram any of the players in the selected time "IT's" car explodes
If It sucessfully rams a player the clocks remaining time is switched to the player that was hit and they become it.
Every time a "It's" Car Explodes another "It" Is randomly Chosen
Last player Standing i mean driving wins
All Dead players respawn after 1 player is left standing