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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. A: A rusty pair of scissors Q: One big chop or slow cutting?
  2. A: Right.... Q: Who thinks zion should be castrated for breaking BLAST rules?
  3. A: SanZor does Q: What will pulling your finger unleash?
  4. I like the idea of changing the smoke colours, perhaps adding the smoke feature to other vehicles would be good too, could use hydras and imitate the RAF Red Arrows
  5. A: We could do Q: Should we put him in a vacuum sealed bag then put him in the freezer?
  6. A: Yes, but we need something alot stronger Q: Should we get the local council to fumigate him?
  7. A: Just give him a block of lard Q: Should it be made from animal fat or the pus from SanZor's spotty face?
  8. A: Yes! (3000th Reply, STOLE ANOTHER THING FROM SANZOR!) Q: Is SanZor jealous of me getting the 3000th post?
  9. A: Perhaps we could visit Solide and get Ham Pie Q: Ham Pie or Ham Salad?
  10. A. Skipped question to SanZoR Q. Wanna get ham?
  11. A: People are currently munching there food ready for another journey! Q: Oh Noes, did I just pwn Lil'San^,^u<3 using a second account to answer himself to get to page 200?
  12. Brophy

    Common Questions

    We dont help people with pirated versions of the game
  13. This is the MTA Forum, and has nothing to do with SA-MP
  14. Clone the object then instead of creating it, if u need to mess with how high / low it is then use page up / down
  15. Yeah, i bet you guys would be the first on here complaining too if you encounted a bug
  16. Brophy


    Wanna keep upto date with this? then read their site..
  17. You know it will, you have been told in several threads. Now stop spamming before you get banned
  18. Brophy


    He was riding his horse through the trees, when he was hit by a nuke, fired from Syria.... The horse was ok, slighty bruised
  19. Brophy


    .. Race does not work on VC or GTA3, you will need MTA 0.5 and you should connect to 0.5 servers (can be found if you use ASE or press the servers tab on the 0.5 client)
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