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About swag_k_dog

  • Birthday 03/03/2001


  • Occupation
    New Scripter, still learning
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Punk-@ss B*tch

Punk-@ss B*tch (12/54)



  1. I've edited a native GTA San Andreas .dff file, but I want to edit the .col file as well to replace them in MTA. any software or way to export original .col files of original .dff in the game? thanks
  2. I got stoned one time and had a though about creating an unique server which works like GTA5 Online. Basically you create missions that include characters from the San Andreas story-mode and continue the storyline or make it happen before the events of SA (with characters like Smoke and Ryder alive) Another feature that I would add to the server is heists, customized skins, vehicles, tuning, a leveling system and all that cool stuff. If you like my idea we could work on something similar as I'm a very good designer and I could help you with the visuals, UI and such. Reply and tell me what you think about it.
  3. @Tut cockroaches#4437 hit me on discord so we can talk about it not using Skype, text me over discord
  4. basically I've made a new model for the money, and it works correctly in DFF viewer but when I put it in the game, here's what it looks like: Here's the script: addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() outputChatBox ( "Test") local txd = engineLoadTXD('models/money.txd',true) engineImportTXD(txd, 1872) local dff = engineLoadDFF('models/money.dff', 0) engineReplaceModel(dff, 1872) end ) Any idea why this is happening? And how to fix it?
  5. @Tunner you should check this out, it's the most unique gamemode I've seen in this game
  6. I joined the server and I am already impressed ! waiting for more players, give it a try!
  7. tag me when you find a good server, looking for same thing
  8. CLIENT: local Key = 'F5' vehiclesTable = { { 'Super GT', 506, 10000, {551.31152, -1285.07727, 18.87188, 560.67841, -1284.27649, 17.24824} }, { 'Windsor', 555, 66600, {551.31152, -1285.07727, 18.87188, 560.67841, -1284.27649, 17.24824} }, { 'Lamborghini', 415, 450000, {551.31152, -1285.07727, 18.87188, 560.67841, -1284.27649, 17.24824} }, }; local buyingMarker = createMarker( 551.51257, -1262.61926, 16.25465, 'cylinder', 1.2, 200, 150, 50, 255 ) local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() Cplayer = getLocalPlayer( ) setElementData( Cplayer, 'VehiclesSystem;WarpToVehicle', nil ) setElementData( root, 'vehiclesSystem;dimension', 1 ) GUIEditor = { checkbox = {}, label = {}, button = {}, window = {}, gridlist = {} } GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 700) / 2, (screenH - 374) / 2, 700, 374, ". : Vehicles System : .", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) GUIEditor.gridlist[1] = guiCreateGridList(10, 32, 511, 332, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "ID", 0.2) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Vehicle", 0.3) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Price", 0.3) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Subscription", 0.3) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(531, 42, 156, 24, "Create Vehicle", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[1], "NormalTextColour", "FFFEFB00") GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(531, 76, 156, 24, "Destroy Vehicle", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[2], "NormalTextColour", "FFFEFB00") GUIEditor.button[3] = guiCreateButton(531, 125, 156, 24, "Lock/Unlock Vehicle", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[3], "NormalTextColour", "FF00ADFE") GUIEditor.button[4] = guiCreateButton(531, 159, 156, 24, "On/Off Engine", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[4], "NormalTextColour", "FF00ADFE") GUIEditor.button[5] = guiCreateButton(532, 193, 155, 24, "On/Off Lights", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[5], "NormalTextColour", "FF00ADFE") GUIEditor.button[6] = guiCreateButton(532, 242, 155, 24, "Warp To Buy Place", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[6], "NormalTextColour", "FFFE7100") GUIEditor.button[7] = guiCreateButton(533, 340, 154, 24, "X", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[7], "NormalTextColour", "FFFE0000") GUIEditor.button[8] = guiCreateButton(532, 276, 154, 24, "Sell Vehicle", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.button[8], "NormalTextColour", "FFFE7100") GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(531, 100, 156, 15, "ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 176, 176, 176) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "bottom") GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(531, 217, 156, 15, "ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[2], "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[2], 176, 176, 176) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[2], "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(GUIEditor.label[2], "bottom") GUIEditor.checkbox[1] = guiCreateCheckBox(553, 309, 133, 21, "Warp To Vehicle", false, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.checkbox[1], "NormalTextColour", "FFF9F000") ----------#Window2 buyplace = guiCreateWindow(screenW - 266 - 10, (screenH - 491) / 2, 266, 491, ". : Vehicles System : .", false) guiWindowSetSizable(buyplace, false) guiSetAlpha(buyplace, 1.00) guiSetVisible(buyplace, false) list_buyplace = guiCreateGridList(10, 29, 246, 313, false, buyplace) guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(list_buyplace, false) guiGridListAddColumn(list_buyplace, "#", 0.11) guiGridListAddColumn(list_buyplace, "Vehicle", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(list_buyplace, "Price", 0.5) buy_buyplace = guiCreateButton(46, 352, 172, 22, "Buy Vehicle", false, buyplace) guiSetProperty(buy_buyplace, "NormalTextColour", "FF00FE00") rent_buyplace = guiCreateButton(46, 423, 172, 22, "Rent Vehicle", false, buyplace) guiSetProperty(rent_buyplace, "NormalTextColour", "FFF5FD00") label_buyplace = guiCreateLabel(10, 384, 246, 29, "Note : You Can Also Rent Vehicle,\nRent Time : 5 Minutes, Price : 1,000$ .", false, buyplace) guiLabelSetColor(label_buyplace, 254, 84, 0) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label_buyplace, "center", false) x_buyplace = guiCreateButton(46, 455, 172, 22, "X", false, buyplace) guiSetProperty(x_buyplace, "NormalTextColour", "FFFE0005") function addCarsToBuy( ) guiGridListClear( list_buyplace ) for _, vehicle in ipairs( vehiclesTable ) do local Price, value = string.gsub( vehicle[3], '^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)', '%1,%2' ) local item = guiGridListAddRow( list_buyplace ) local cN = guiGridListSetItemText( list_buyplace, item, 2, vehicle[1], false, false ) local cP = guiGridListSetItemText( list_buyplace, item, 3, Price..'$', false, false ) local num = guiGridListSetItemText( list_buyplace, item, 1, _..'-', false, false ) local cD1 = guiGridListSetItemData( list_buyplace, item, 1, vehicle[4] ) local cD2 = guiGridListSetItemData( list_buyplace, item, 2, vehicle[2] ) local cD3 = guiGridListSetItemData( list_buyplace, item, 3, vehicle[3] ) guiGridListSetItemColor( list_buyplace, item, 2, 200, 200, 50 ) guiGridListSetItemColor( list_buyplace, item, 3, 50, 200, 200 ) guiGridListSetItemColor( list_buyplace, item, 1, 200, 100, 0 ) end end addCarsToBuy( ) function clickElements( ) if ( source == GUIEditor.button[7] ) then guiSetVisible( GUIEditor.window[1], false ) showCursor( false ) elseif ( source == GUIEditor.checkbox[1] ) then local Sel = guiCheckBoxGetSelected( GUIEditor.checkbox[1] ) if ( Sel == true ) then setElementData( Cplayer, 'VehiclesSystem;WarpToVehicle', 'Enabled' ) else setElementData( Cplayer, 'VehiclesSystem;WarpToVehicle', nil ) end elseif ( source == x_buyplace ) then fadeCamera( false ) setTimer( fadeCamera, 1500, 1, true ) guiSetVisible( buyplace, false ) showCursor( false ) setTimer( setCameraTarget, 1500, 1, Cplayer ) triggerServerEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;createViewVehicle', Cplayer, nil, nil, nil, nil, 'close' ) setElementDimension( Cplayer, 0 ) addCarsToBuy( ) elseif ( source == list_buyplace ) then local Sel = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( list_buyplace ) if ( Sel == -1 ) then return end local Data = guiGridListGetItemData( list_buyplace, Sel, 1 ) local x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = unpack( Data ) setCameraMatrix( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 ) if ( isElement( viewvehicle ) ) then if ( getElementModel( viewvehicle ) ) == guiGridListGetItemData( list_buyplace, Sel, 2 ) then return end destroyElement( viewvehicle ) end triggerServerEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;createViewVehicle', Cplayer, guiGridListGetItemData( list_buyplace, Sel, 2 ), x2, y2, z2, 'view' ) elseif ( source == rent_buyplace ) then local Sel = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( list_buyplace ) if ( Sel == -1 ) then outputChatBox( '#FF0000*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #FF0000 : #FFFFFFError, Please select vehicle #FF0000!', 255, 255, 255, true ) return end local ID = guiGridListGetItemData( list_buyplace, Sel, 2 ) if ( getPlayerMoney( Cplayer ) < 1000 ) then outputChatBox( '#FF0000*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #FF0000 : #FFFFFFError, You don\'t have enough money #FF0000!', 255, 255, 255, true ) return end guiSetVisible( buyplace, false ) showCursor( false ) setTimer( setCameraTarget, 1500, 1, Cplayer ) triggerServerEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;createRentVehicle', Cplayer, ID, guiGridListGetItemText( list_buyplace, Sel, 2 ) ) triggerServerEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;createViewVehicle', Cplayer, nil, nil, nil, nil, 'close' ) elseif ( source == buy_buyplace ) then local Sel = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( list_buyplace ) if ( Sel == -1 ) then outputChatBox( '#FF0000*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #FF0000 : #FFFFFFError, Please select vehicle #FF0000!', 255, 255, 255, true ) return end local ID = guiGridListGetItemData( list_buyplace, Sel, 2 ) local vN = guiGridListGetItemText( list_buyplace, Sel, 2 ) local Pr = guiGridListGetItemData( list_buyplace, Sel, 3 ) if ( getPlayerMoney( Cplayer ) < Pr ) then outputChatBox( '#FF0000*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #FF0000 : #FFFFFFError, You don\'t have enough money #FF0000!', 255, 255, 255, true ) return end triggerServerEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;buyCurrentCar', Cplayer, ID, vN, Pr ) elseif ( source == GUIEditor.button[1] ) then local Sel = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) if ( Sel == -1 ) then outputChatBox( '#FF0000*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #FF0000 : #FFFFFFError, Please select vehicle #FF0000!', 255, 255, 255, true ) return end local ID = guiGridListGetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], Sel, 1 ) triggerServerEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;createPersonalVehicle', Cplayer, ID ) guiSetVisible( GUIEditor.window[1], false ) showCursor( false ) guiSetEnabled( GUIEditor.button[1], false ) setTimer( guiSetEnabled, 2000, 1, GUIEditor.button[1], true ) elseif ( source == GUIEditor.button[2] ) then triggerServerEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;destroyPersonalVehicle', Cplayer ) guiSetEnabled( GUIEditor.button[2], false ) setTimer( guiSetEnabled, 2000, 1, GUIEditor.button[2], true ) elseif ( source == GUIEditor.button[3] ) then triggerServerEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;lock/unlockPersonalVehicle', Cplayer ) guiSetEnabled( GUIEditor.button[3], false ) setTimer( guiSetEnabled, 2000, 1, GUIEditor.button[3], true ) elseif ( source == GUIEditor.button[4] ) then triggerServerEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;off/onPersonalVehicle', Cplayer ) guiSetEnabled( GUIEditor.button[4], false ) setTimer( guiSetEnabled, 2000, 1, GUIEditor.button[4], true ) elseif ( source == GUIEditor.button[5] ) then triggerServerEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;off/onLightsPersonalVehicle', Cplayer ) guiSetEnabled( GUIEditor.button[5], false ) setTimer( guiSetEnabled, 2000, 1, GUIEditor.button[5], true ) elseif ( source == GUIEditor.button[8] ) then local Sel = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) if ( Sel == -1 ) then outputChatBox( '#FF0000*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #FF0000 : #FFFFFFError, Please select vehicle #FF0000!', 255, 255, 255, true ) return end local ID = guiGridListGetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], Sel, 1 ) triggerServerEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;sellMyPersonalVehicle', Cplayer, tonumber(ID), guiGridListGetItemData( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], Sel, 3 ) ) guiSetEnabled( GUIEditor.button[8], false ) setTimer( guiSetEnabled, 2000, 1, GUIEditor.button[8], true ) elseif ( source == GUIEditor.button[6] ) then fadeCamera( false ) setTimer( fadeCamera, 1500, 1, true ) setTimer( setElementPosition, 1500, 1, Cplayer, 550.72430, -1247.76538, 17.83468 ) guiSetVisible( GUIEditor.window[1], false ) showCursor( false ) end end addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', root, clickElements ) function refreshMyList( Table ) guiGridListClear( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) for i, _ in ipairs( Table ) do local Price, value = string.gsub( Table[i].vehPrice / 2, '^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)', '%1,%2' ) local item = guiGridListAddRow( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) guiGridListSetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], item, 1, Table[i].vehID, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], item, 2, Table[i].vehName, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], item, 3, Price..'$', false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], item, 4, Table[i].Subscription, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemData( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], item, 3, Table[i].vehPrice / 2 ) end end addEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;putMyVehicles', true ) addEventHandler( 'VehiclesSystem;putMyVehicles', root, refreshMyList ) addEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;gridListAddRent', true ) addEventHandler( 'VehiclesSystem;gridListAddRent', root, function( ID, veh ) rentRow = guiGridListAddRow( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) guiGridListSetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], rentRow, 1, ID, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], rentRow, 2, veh, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], rentRow, 3, '1,000$', false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], rentRow, 4, '5 Minutes', false, false ) guiSetEnabled( buy_buyplace, false ) guiSetEnabled( rent_buyplace, false ) guiSetEnabled( list_buyplace, false ) setTimer( function( ) guiGridListRemoveRow( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], rentRow ) guiSetEnabled( buy_buyplace, true ) guiSetEnabled( rent_buyplace, true ) guiSetEnabled( list_buyplace, true ) end, 300000, 1 ) end ) addEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;hideBuyWindow', true ) addEventHandler( 'VehiclesSystem;hideBuyWindow', root, function( ) guiSetVisible( buyplace, false ) showCursor( false ) end ) addEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;emptyMyList', true ) addEventHandler( 'VehiclesSystem;emptyMyList', root, function( ) guiGridListClear( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) end ) addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function( ) triggerServerEvent( 'refreshMyListS', Cplayer ) end ) addEventHandler( 'onClientMarkerHit', buyingMarker, function( hitElement ) if ( hitElement == Cplayer and getElementDimension( hitElement ) == 0 ) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition( Cplayer ) if ( z <= 20.25465 ) then guiGridListSetSelectedItem( list_buyplace, 0, 1 ) local Sel = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( list_buyplace ) if ( Sel == -1 ) then return end local Data = guiGridListGetItemData( list_buyplace, Sel, 1 ) local x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = unpack( Data ) fadeCamera( false ) setTimer( fadeCamera, 1500, 1, true ) setTimer( setCameraMatrix, 1500, 1, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 ) if ( isElement( viewvehicle ) ) then if ( getElementModel( viewvehicle ) ) == guiGridListGetItemData( list_buyplace, Sel, 2 ) then return end destroyElement( viewvehicle ) end triggerServerEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;createViewVehicle', Cplayer, guiGridListGetItemData( list_buyplace, Sel, 2 ), x2, y2, z2, 'view' ) setTimer( guiSetVisible, 1500, 1, buyplace, not guiGetVisible( buyplace ) ) setTimer( showCursor, 1500, 1, not isCursorShowing( ) ) end end end, false ) bindKey( Key, 'down', function( ) guiSetVisible( GUIEditor.window[1], not guiGetVisible( GUIEditor.window[1] ) ) showCursor( not isCursorShowing( ) ) end ) SERVER: createBlip ( 551.51257, -1262.61926, 16.25465, 55, 2, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 400.0, getRootElement( ) ) local vehDB = dbConnect( 'sqlite', 'Vehicles System - Database.db' ) dbExec( vehDB, ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `VehiclesSystem_Players` (pSerial, vehID, vehName, vehPrice, Subscription) ' ) --dbExec( vehDB, ' DROP TABLE `VehiclesSystem_Players` ' ) vehPers = { }; vehview = { }; function refreshMyList( ) local check = dbQuery( vehDB, ' SELECT * FROM `VehiclesSystem_Players` ' ) local results = dbPoll( check, -1 ) if ( type( results ) == 'table' and #results == 0 or not results ) then triggerClientEvent( root, 'VehiclesSystem;emptyMyList', root ) return end triggerClientEvent( root, 'VehiclesSystem;putMyVehicles', root, results ) end addEvent( 'refreshMyListS', true ) addEventHandler( 'refreshMyListS', root, refreshMyList ) function viewVehiclex( ID, x, y, z, state ) if ( state == 'close' ) then if ( isElement( vehview[source] ) ) then destroyElement( vehview[source] ) end elseif ( state == 'view' ) then if ( isElement( vehview[source] ) ) then if ( getElementModel( vehview[source] ) ) == ID then return end destroyElement( vehview[source] ) end vehview[source] = createVehicle( ID, x, y, z + 0.2, 0, 0, 10 ) setElementDimension( vehview[source], getElementData( root, 'vehiclesSystem;dimension' ) or 1 ) setElementDimension( source, getElementData( root, 'vehiclesSystem;dimension' ) or 1 ) setElementData( root, 'vehiclesSystem;dimension', getElementData( root, 'vehiclesSystem;dimension' ) + 1 or 1 ) end end addEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;createViewVehicle', true ) addEventHandler( 'VehiclesSystem;createViewVehicle', root, viewVehiclex ) addEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;destroyPersonalVehicle', true ) addEventHandler( 'VehiclesSystem;destroyPersonalVehicle', root, function( ) if ( isElement( vehPers[source] ) ) then destroyElement( vehPers[source] ) end end ) addEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;createRentVehicle', true ) addEventHandler( 'VehiclesSystem;createRentVehicle', root, function( ID, vehName ) if ( isElement( vehPers[source] ) ) then destroyElement( vehPers[source] ) end vehPers[source] = createVehicle( ID, -1633.87439, 1208.09277, 7.03906 + 1, -0, 0, 224.5189666748 ) fadeCamera( source, false ) setTimer( fadeCamera, 1500, 1, source, true ) takePlayerMoney( source, 1000 ) setElementDimension( vehPers[source], 0 ) setElementDimension( source, 0 ) setTimer( warpPedIntoVehicle, 1500, 1, source, vehPers[source] ) setTimer( destroyElement, 300000, 1, vehPers[source] ) setTimer( function( ) outputChatBox( '#FF0000*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #FF0000 : #FFFFFFWarning, Your subscription has been ended #FF0000!', source, 255, 255, 255, true ) end, 300000, 1 ) triggerClientEvent( source, 'VehiclesSystem;gridListAddRent', source, ID, vehName ) end ) addEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;lock/unlockPersonalVehicle', true ) addEventHandler( 'VehiclesSystem;lock/unlockPersonalVehicle', root, function( ) if ( not isElement( vehPers[source] ) ) then outputChatBox( '#FF0000*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #FF0000 : #FFFFFFError, You don\'t have vehicle #FF0000!', source, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end if ( isVehicleLocked( vehPers[source] ) == true ) then setVehicleLocked( vehPers[source], false ) outputChatBox( '#2BFF00*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #2BFF00 : #FFFFFFSuccess, Your vehicle has been unlocked #2BFF00!', source, 255, 255, 255, true ) else setVehicleLocked( vehPers[source], true ) outputChatBox( '#2BFF00*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #2BFF00 : #FFFFFFSuccess, Your vehicle has been locked #2BFF00!', source, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end ) addEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;off/onPersonalVehicle', true ) addEventHandler( 'VehiclesSystem;off/onPersonalVehicle', root, function( ) if ( not isElement( vehPers[source] ) ) then outputChatBox( '#FF0000*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #FF0000 : #FFFFFFError, You don\'t have vehicle #FF0000!', source, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end if ( getVehicleEngineState( vehPers[source] ) == true ) then setVehicleEngineState( vehPers[source], false ) outputChatBox( '#2BFF00*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #2BFF00 : #FFFFFFSuccess, Your vehicle has been turned off #2BFF00!', source, 255, 255, 255, true ) else setVehicleEngineState( vehPers[source], true ) outputChatBox( '#2BFF00*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #2BFF00 : #FFFFFFSuccess, Your vehicle has been turned on #2BFF00!', source, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end ) addEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;off/onLightsPersonalVehicle', true ) addEventHandler( 'VehiclesSystem;off/onLightsPersonalVehicle', root, function( ) if ( not isElement( vehPers[source] ) ) then outputChatBox( '#FF0000*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #FF0000 : #FFFFFFError, You don\'t have vehicle #FF0000!', source, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end if ( getVehicleLightState( vehPers[source], 0 ) == 0 and getVehicleLightState( vehPers[source], 1 ) == 0 ) then setVehicleLightState( vehPers[source], 0, 1 ) setVehicleLightState( vehPers[source], 1, 1 ) setVehicleLightState( vehPers[source], 2, 1 ) setVehicleLightState( vehPers[source], 3, 1 ) outputChatBox( '#2BFF00*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #2BFF00 : #FFFFFFSuccess, Your vehicle lights turned off #2BFF00!', source, 255, 255, 255, true ) else setVehicleLightState( vehPers[source], 0, 0 ) setVehicleLightState( vehPers[source], 1, 0 ) setVehicleLightState( vehPers[source], 2, 0 ) setVehicleLightState( vehPers[source], 3, 0 ) outputChatBox( '#2BFF00*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #2BFF00 : #FFFFFFSuccess, Your vehicle lights turned on #2BFF00!', source, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end ) addEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;sellMyPersonalVehicle', true ) addEventHandler( 'VehiclesSystem;sellMyPersonalVehicle', root, function( ID, price ) local check = dbQuery( vehDB, ' SELECT * FROM `VehiclesSystem_Players` WHERE pSerial = ? AND vehID = ? ', getPlayerSerial( source ), ID ) local results = dbPoll( check, -1 ) if ( type( results ) == 'table' and #results == 0 or not results ) then outputChatBox( '#FF0000*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #FF0000 : #FFFFFFError, This vehicle is not permanently for you, You cannot sell it #FF0000!', source, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end if ( isElement( vehPers[source] ) ) then destroyElement( vehPers[source] ) end dbExec( vehDB, ' DELETE FROM `VehiclesSystem_Players` WHERE pSerial = ? AND vehID = ? ', getPlayerSerial( source ), ID ) refreshMyList( ) givePlayerMoney( source, price ) outputChatBox( '#2BFF00*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #2BFF00 : #FFFFFFSuccess, Your vehicle has been sold successfully #2BFF00!', source, 255, 255, 255, true ) end ) addEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;createPersonalVehicle', true ) addEventHandler( 'VehiclesSystem;createPersonalVehicle', root, function( ID ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition( source ) if ( isElement( vehPers[source] ) ) then destroyElement( vehPers[source] ) end vehPers[source] = createVehicle( ID, x + 2, y + 2, z + 1 ) if ( getElementData( source, 'VehiclesSystem;WarpToVehicle' ) == 'Enabled' ) then warpPedIntoVehicle( source, vehPers[source] ) setElementData( vehPers[source], 'myPersVehicle', getPlayerName( source ) ) end end ) addEvent( 'VehiclesSystem;buyCurrentCar', true ) addEventHandler( 'VehiclesSystem;buyCurrentCar', root, function( ID, Name, Price ) local check = dbQuery( vehDB, ' SELECT * FROM `VehiclesSystem_Players` WHERE pSerial = ? AND vehID = ? ', getPlayerSerial( source ), ID ) local results = dbPoll( check, -1 ) if ( type( results ) == 'table' and #results == 0 or not results ) then dbExec( vehDB, ' INSERT INTO `VehiclesSystem_Players` VALUES(?,?,?,?,?) ', getPlayerSerial( source ), tonumber(ID), Name, Price, 'Permanent Subscription' ) vehPers[source] = createVehicle( ID, 550.72430, -1247.76538, 18.13468 + 1, -0, 0, 224.5189666748 ) warpPedIntoVehicle( source, vehPers[source] ) takePlayerMoney( source, Price ) setTimer(setCameraTarget, 1500, 1, source ) setElementDimension( vehPers[source], 0 ) setElementDimension( source, 0 ) fadeCamera( source, false ) setTimer( fadeCamera, 1500, 1, source, true ) triggerClientEvent( source, 'VehiclesSystem;hideBuyWindow', source ) viewVehiclex( nil, nil, nil, nil, 'close' ) refreshMyList( ) else outputChatBox( '#FF0000*#FFFF00 Vehicles System #FF0000 : #FFFFFFError, This vehicle is already exists in your list #FF0000!', source, 255, 255, 255, true ) return end end ) the script is from the comunity. I want it the script to save the upgrades and customization applied to the car, and when you press button GUIEditor.button[1], the car will spawn with the modifications you made
  9. @IIYAMA still doesnt work. allright :O it, is it possible to draw a png image at the back of the car? if yes, how?
  10. @IIYAMA https://imgur.com/a/RBDrz here is the issue, the fire does not rotate and not placed on the exhaust
  11. well thank you but it works exactly as before. the fire particles are above the car and they do not rotate.
  12. @IIYAMA I tried those and still dont know where to put the code or how to make it work. basically I need to shoot fire at my exhaust. local x,y,z = getElementPosition(vehicle) fxAddGunshot(x, y+0.5, z+1, -10, 0, 0, true) fxAddSparks(x, y+0.5, z+1, -10, 0, 0) fxAddBulletImpact(x, y+0.5, z+1, -10, 0, 0, 2, 15, 5) fxAddTankFire(x, y, z, -10, 0, 0) I made this but, the fire appears above or inside the car, and always faces one direction. the fire does not rotate when the car does. help? sorry i am bad at scripting
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