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Everything posted by Gordon_G

  1. I recommand you to use : I've worked on Notepadd++ several months but, now, I script on Sublime Text, I prefer this, you should try
  2. As I said, use clients functions, no other way simplier.
  3. Hum... guiCreateLabel() Or a dxText
  4. If you want to do as NeXuS said, you will have to create a new admin panel or, modify the inclued panel. As you're saying, you can : - change the color of admin messages or notifications (to make a difference) - or create a new chatbox for admin logs
  5. You didn't understand me, I was saying that for the optional arguments inside the cancelEvent() function
  6. function sDog(source) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local theTeam = getPlayerTeam(source) theDog = exports.slothbot:spawnBot(x, y+1, z, 0, 50,0,0,theTeam,0,"following", source) setElementData(source, "hisDog", theDog) end function createTeams(source) if not getPlayerTeam(source) then local myTeam = getPlayerName(source) createTeam(myTeam) setPlayerTeam(source, getTeamFromName(myTeam)) print("Team set" .. getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source)) ) sDog(source) end end addCommandHandler( "my", createTeams) Try this on your server with the command /my It worked for me (when the bot spawn he doesn't move but, when I move, he moves). (it's just a test to identify the issue)
  7. In your first function, you don't define the value source. So, in your second code, put sDog(source) and set function sDog(source) in your first. instead of sDog() and function sDog()
  8. I see, I see. Slothbot works by team ; if you don't want to modify the slothbot's source code, put the player and the dog in the same team when the dog is created. createTeam() -- create a team where the player and the dog will be setPlayerTeam()-- set the player inside a team element spawnBot ( float x, float y, float z, int rotation = 0, [ int skinID = 0, int interior = 0, int dimension = 0, HERE PUT THE TEAM WHERE THE PLAYER AND DOG WILL BE, ... ] ) -- You can get the player team with to set it for the dog getPlayerTeam()
  9. The cancelEvent() function does not requiere arguments, excepted : [ bool cancel = true, string reason = "" ] and, to be honest, I've never used them
  10. You don't have to go client-side. Just put cancelEvent() Inside the function handled by the event onBotFindEnemy
  11. Hey, instead of just copy and past the code, try to learn the SQL : I learnt with this (you'll speedly understand) : https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_syntax.asp good luck
  12. Damn is he a kid to react like this ? You did not ask any help so, we undestand it is finish, that's all.
  13. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Slothman/Slothbot#onBotFindEnemy Just make a check for the source who is the Enemy, if you don't want him to be attacked use : cancelEvent()
  14. function rifleReloadCheck(_,weapon) if weapon ~= 33 then toggleControl ( "fire", true ) else toggleControl ( "fire", false ) end -- check if the player have a rifle in hands during the reloading, if it's not, enable the control state, else, disable end function rifleReloadTime(weapon,ammo) if weapon == 33 then -- Check player's weapon toggleControl ( "fire", false ) -- disable the shoot addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(),rifleReloadCheck) -- add a check to avoid the player can't shot with other weapon during reloading setTimer(function(source) -- Timer to disable the check, and toggle back the fire control toggleControl ( "fire", true ) removeEventHandler( "onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), rifleReloadCheck) end,1000,1,source) end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getlocalPlayer(), rifleReloadTime) I did'nt try but, I think it's correct @Fist
  15. Oh, i'm so stupid. Do it client-sided, it will be easier I think because no need to killTimer... "onClientPlayerWeaponFire" "onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch"
  16. Hum... The only way I see is to create a new HUD
  17. Or disable the "fire" when he try to shut during the dalay You'll need these functions : event : "onPlayerWeaponFire" -- when a player shoots setTimer() -- to set a delay (1000 for 1 seconde) setControlState() -- to disable the fire when he shoots setElementData() getElementData() event : "onPedWeaponSwitch" -- Like this, the player can shoot with others weapons during the delay -- Don't forget to set back off the control state when he re-switch to the rifle Good luck
  18. And you could use too the sloth bot ressource, it's easy to use : https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Slothman/Slothbot You can choose the bot mod as you can read in this wiki. But, as far I remember, the bot will'nt go in the you vehicle, so, use setPedControlState() (as TheMOG said) But, you'll need to check when a player go inside a vehicle (an event, so) : OnPlayerVehicleEnter Good luck !
  19. He'll never understand if you make everything for him just explain next time NeXus...
  20. Damn guy, you made 2 topics and you always say that. If you want help, you need to give a script or a try of script, we'll help you to make it work. If it's really your friend's server, tell him to ask help here himself or to give you the script.
  21. Oh, I did not noticed it, sorry. Thanks for you help !
  22. local example = "an example string . an other ." sentences_ = {} sentence = "" for i in string.gmatch(example, "%S+") do -- This string.gmatch cut the string at every word sentence = sentence.." "..i if i == "." then -- Cut the string at the point and insert it into a table table.insert(sentences_,sentence) sentence = "" end end for k,v in ipairs(sentences_) do print(v) end I did it myself with the help of : http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin But it's not really optimized, any other way ? Edit : Sorry for the double post, I can't edit anymore the firt.
  23. Hello guys, I want to do a new outputChatBox for every points in my string : Exemple : text = "I like potatoes. I like salad too." -- output in game : I like potatoes. -- output in game : I like salad too. Is it possible ? Thanks !
  24. One more information : In french we call this operation : Division euclidienne In english it's probably : Euclidean division
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