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السلام عليكم و رحمه الله و بركاته انا الحين معاي سيرفر و ابي اسوي بالاف تي بي حقه اكونت و لاني بعطيه لشخص بحط المسار حقه بالريسورس بس لاني ابيه يقدر يرفع مودات بس ما ياخد من الاستضافه مودات نوع اللوحه Open Game Panel ممكن لو احد عنده خبره يفيديني كيف اسوي اكونت بالاف تي بي ؟ او اي حل اخر عشان اخليه يقدر يرفع مودات بس ما يقدر ياخد ..
السلام عليكم و رحمه الله و بركاته انا الحين معاي سيرفر و ابي اسوي بالاف تي بي حقه اكونت و لاني بعطيه لشخص بحط المسار حقه بالريسورس بس لاني ابيه يقدر يرفع مودات بس ما ياخد من الاستضافه مودات نوع اللوحه Open Game Panel ممكن لو احد عنده خبره يفيديني كيف اسوي اكونت بالاف تي بي ؟
سويت و مدري وين الخطا client -- function setStats ( player, god, speed, lsd, heroin, weed, steroids, mescaline ) if ( source == GUIEditor_Grid[1] ) then row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( GUIEditor_Grid[1] ) if ( row and col and row ~= -1 and col ~= -1 ) then local playername = guiGridListGetItemText ( GUIEditor_Grid[1], row, col ) local thePlayer = getPlayerFromName ( playername ) if ( thePlayer ) then guiSetText(lblGod, " God "..(tostring(god))) guiSetText(lblLSD, " LSD ".. (tostring(lsd) or 0)) guiSetText(lblHeroin, " Heroin ".. (tostring(heroin) or 0)) guiSetText(lblWeed, " Weed ".. (tostring(weed) or 0)) guiSetText(lblSteroids," Steroids "..(tostring(steroids) or 0)) guiSetText(lblMescaline, " Mescaline "..(tostring(mescaline) or 0 )) end end end end end addEvent("Drugs:showDrugsGUI", true) addEventHandler("Drugs:showDrugsGUI", localPlayer, setStats) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", root, setStats ) -- server function showDrugsGUI( thePlayer ) local playerAcc = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if ( playerAcc ) and not ( isGuestAccount ( playerAcc ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "Drugs:showDrugsGUI", thePlayer, ) local god = getAccountData(playerAcc, "god") local speed = getAccountData(playerAcc, "speed") local lsd = getAccountData(playerAcc, "lsd") local heroin = getAccountData(playerAcc, "heroin") local weed = getAccountData(playerAcc, "weed") local steroids = getAccountData(playerAcc, "steroids") local mescaline = getAccountData(playerAcc, "mescaline") end end addEvent("Drugs:showDrugsGUI", true) addEventHandler("Drugs:showDrugsGUI", localPlayer, showDrugsGUI)
ما ظبط للاسف الاكواد addEvent("Drugs:showDrugsGUI", true) function setStats1 ( player, god, speed, lsd, heroin, weed, steroids, mescaline ) if ( source == GUIEditor_Grid[1] ) then row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( GUIEditor_Grid[1] ) if ( row and col and row ~= -1 and col ~= -1 ) then local playername = guiGridListGetItemText ( GUIEditor_Grid[1], row, col ) local thePlayer = getPlayerFromName ( playername ) if ( thePlayer ) then guiSetText(lblGod, " God "..(tostring(god))) guiSetText(lblLSD, " LSD ".. (tostring(lsd) or 0)) guiSetText(lblHeroin, " Heroin ".. (tostring(heroin) or 0)) guiSetText(lblWeed, " Weed ".. (tostring(weed) or 0)) guiSetText(lblSteroids," Steroids "..(tostring(steroids) or 0)) guiSetText(lblMescaline, " Mescaline "..(tostring(mescaline) or 0 )) end end end end addEventHandler("Drugs:showDrugsGUI", localPlayer, setStats1) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", root, setStats1 )
الحين مشكلتي لما اضغط ع اسم اللاعب يجي مكان رقم المخدرات nil ممكن مساعده؟ [lua] function setStats ( player, god, speed, lsd, heroin, weed, steroids, mescaline ) if ( source == GUIEditor_Grid[1] ) then row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( GUIEditor_Grid[1] ) if ( row ~= -1 and col ~= -1 ) then local playername = guiGridListGetItemText ( GUIEditor_Grid[1], row, col ) local thePlayer = getPlayerFromName ( playername ) if ( thePlayer ) then guiSetText(lblGod, " God "..(tostring(god) or 0)) guiSetText(lblLSD, " LSD ".. (tostring(lsd) or 0)) guiSetText(lblHeroin, " Heroin ".. (tostring(heroin) or 0)) guiSetText(lblWeed, " Weed ".. (tostring(weed) or 0)) guiSetText(lblSteroids," Steroids"..(tostring(steroids) or 0)) guiSetText(lblMescaline, " Mescaline "..(tostring(mescaline) or 0 )) end end end end addEvent("Drugs:showDrugsGUI", true) addEventHandler("Drugs:showDrugsGUI", localPlayer, setStats) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", root, setStats ) [/lua]
طيب بجربها شكرا لكم اخوي .. جربتها طيب بس الحين يجي باللابل اسم المخدرات بعدها nil لما اضغط ع اللاعب الاكواد .. [lua] function setStats ( player, god, speed, lsd, heroin, weed, steroids, mescaline ) if ( source == GUIEditor_Grid[1] ) then row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( GUIEditor_Grid[1] ) if ( row ~= -1 and col ~= -1 ) then local playername = guiGridListGetItemText ( GUIEditor_Grid[1], row, col ) local thePlayer = getPlayerFromName ( playername ) if ( thePlayer ) then guiSetText(lblGod, " God "..(tostring(god) or 0)) guiSetText(lblLSD, " LSD ".. (tostring(lsd) or 0)) guiSetText(lblHeroin, " Heroin ".. (tostring(heroin) or 0)) guiSetText(lblWeed, " Weed ".. (tostring(weed) or 0)) guiSetText(lblSteroids," Steroids"..(tostring(steroids) or 0)) guiSetText(lblMescaline, " Mescaline "..(tostring(mescaline) or 0 )) end end end end addEvent("Drugs:showDrugsGUI", true) addEventHandler("Drugs:showDrugsGUI", localPlayer, setStats) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", root, setStats ) [/lua]