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Everything posted by Vunili

  1. local allowedWeapons = { [22] = "9mm", [23] = "silenced", [24] = "deagle" , [25] = "shotgun", [27] = "combat_shotgun", [28] = "micro_smg", [29] = "mp5", [30] = "ak47", [31] = "m4", [32] = "micro_smg", [34] = "sniper_rifle", } local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local rsx, rsy = sx / 1280, sy / 1024 local selectedOption = 0 local isRendering = false local sourceMarker = nil local selectedWeapon = nil local isTraining = false local winW = rsx * 250 local winX = rsx * 30 local winH = rsy * 220 local winY = (sy/2)-(winH/2) local progWidth = 0 local progNum = 0 local training = { } local dummyPeds = { } local trainingWeapon = true addEvent ( "NGAmmunation:Module->Training:onClientHitMarker", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGAmmunation:Module->Training:onClientHitMarker", root, function ( s ) if isTraining then return end local w = getPedWeapon ( localPlayer ) local d = getElementData ( localPlayer, "NGSQL:WeaponStats" ) if not ( d[allowedWeapons[w]] ) then return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "This weapon isn't allowed to be trained.", 255, 255, 0 ) end if ( d[allowedWeapons[w]] > 90 ) then return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "This weapon has maximum efficiency!", 255, 255, 0 ) end sourceMarker = s local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( s ) setElementPosition ( localPlayer, x, y, z + 0.2 ) setPedRotation ( localPlayer, 0 ) if not isRender then addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, Training_OnRender ) end isRender = true showCursor ( true ) bindKey ( "arrow_d", "down", Training_Binds ) bindKey ( "arrow_u", "down", Training_Binds ) bindKey ( "space", "down", Training_Binds ) selectedOption=0 trainingWeapon = w addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerLeave", s, Training_OnMarkerLeave ) end ) local windowX = rsx * 10 local windowW = rsx * 250 local windowH = rsy * 400 local windowY = ( sy / 2 - windowH / 2 ) local info = { accept = { x = windowX+(rsx*20), y = windowY+(rsy*300) }, exit = { x = windowX+(rsx*20), y = windowY+(rsy*345) }, rect = { } } info.rect.y = info.accept.y function Training_OnRender ( ) if not isRender or getKeyState("backspace") then Training_CloseWindow ( ) return end dxDrawRectangle ( windowX, windowY, windowW, windowH, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 150 ) ) dxDrawBorderedText ( "Training", windowX, windowY-(rsy*25), windowX+windowW, windowY+windowH, tocolor(255,255,255,255), rsy*2, "beckett", "center", "top", false, false, false, false, false ) dxDrawText ( "Here at the Ammu-nation weapon training center, you can increase your weapon skills. Most of the weapons (Shown in F3 -> Stats) have a weapon rank of 0-100. Here, you can increase the weapon so that they can shoot faster, you can have duel, or many others.", windowX + ( rsx * 20 ), windowY + ( rsy * 40 ), ( windowX+windowW)-(rsx * 20 ), (windowY+windowH)-(rsy*50), tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), rsy*1.1, "default-bold", "left", "top", false, true ) dxDrawText ( "Selected Weapon: N/A\nSkill: 0/100\nSession Cost: $1,200", windowX + ( rsx * 20 ), windowY + ( rsy * 225 ), ( windowX+windowW)-(rsx * 20 ), (windowY+windowH)-(rsy*280), tocolor ( 255, 200, 65, 255 ), rsy*1.1, "default-bold", "left", "top", false, true ) dxDrawRectangle ( windowX+(rsx*20), info.rect.y, windowW-(rsx*40), rsy*35, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 150 ) ) dxDrawText ( "Accept & Train", info.accept.x, info.accept.y, windowX+(windowW-(rsx*40)), info.accept.y+(rsy*35), tocolor(255,255,255,255), rsy*1.2, "default-bold", "center", "center" ) dxDrawText ( "Exit", info.exit.x, info.exit.y, windowX+(windowW-(rsx*40)), info.exit.y+(rsy*35), tocolor(255,255,255,255), rsy*1.2, "default-bold", "center", "center" ) if ( selectedOption == 0 ) then if ( info.rect.y ~= info.accept.y ) then if ( info.rect.y > info.accept.y ) then info.rect.y = info.rect.y - ( rsy * 2 ) if ( info.rect.y < info.accept.y ) then info.rect.y = info.accept.y end else info.rect.y = info.rect.y + ( rsy * 2 ) if ( info.rect.y > info.accept.y ) then info.rect.y = info.accept.y end end end else if ( info.rect.y ~= info.exit.y ) then if ( info.rect.y > info.exit.y ) then info.rect.y = info.rect.y - ( rsy * 2 ) if ( info.rect.y < info.exit.y ) then info.rect.y = info.exit.y end else info.rect.y = info.rect.y + ( rsy * 2 ) if ( info.rect.y > info.exit.y ) then info.rect.y = info.exit.y end end end end end function Training_CloseWindow ( doBinds ) if ( isRender ) then removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, Training_OnRender ) end if ( doBinds == nil ) then doBinds = true end isRender = false selectedWeapon = nil isTraining = false showCursor ( false ) info.rect.y = info.accept.y unbindKey ( "arrow_d", "down", Training_Binds ) unbindKey ( "arrow_u", "down", Training_Binds ) unbindKey ( "space", "down", Training_Binds ) if ( training.IsStatsRendering ) then training.IsStatsRendering = false removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, Training_UserStats ) end for i, v in pairs ( dummyPeds ) do if ( isElement ( v ) ) then destroyElement ( v ) end dummyPeds[i] = nil end if doBinds then toggleControl ( "next_weapon", true ) toggleControl ( "previous_weapon", true ) toggleControl ( "aim_weapon", true ) toggleControl ( "fire", true ) toggleControl("forwards", true) toggleControl("backwards", true ) toggleControl("left", true ) toggleControl ( "right", true ) toggleControl ( "jump", true ) toggleControl ( "crouch", true ) end if ( isElement ( sourceMarker ) ) then removeEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerLeave", sourceMarker, Training_OnMarkerLeave ) sourceMarker = nil end end function Training_Binds ( k, s ) if ( k == "space" ) then playSoundFrontEnd ( 33 ) if ( selectedOption == 1 ) then Training_CloseWindow ( true ) elseif ( selectedOption == 0 ) then if ( not allowedWeapons [ getPedWeapon ( localPlayer ) ] ) then return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "This weapon isn't allowed" ) end if ( getPlayerMoney ( ) < 1200 ) then return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You don't have $1,200 to train this weapon", 255, 255, 0 ) end Training_CloseWindow ( false ) Training_StartTraining ( ) end return end playSoundFrontEnd ( 32 ) if selectedOption == 0 then selectedOption = 1 else selectedOption = 0 end end function Training_StartTraining ( ) if isTraining then return end isTraining = true toggleControl ( "next_weapon", false ) toggleControl ( "previous_weapon", false ) toggleControl ( "aim_weapon", false ) toggleControl ( "fire", false ) toggleControl("forwards", false) toggleControl("backwards", false ) toggleControl("left",false ) toggleControl ( "right", false ) toggleControl ( "jump", false ) toggleControl ( "crouch", false ) training.textHeight = sy training.remainingTimeForCountdown = 5 training.RequiredPeds = 15 training.TargetShot = 0 training.IsStatsRendering = false progNum = 0 progWidth = 0 addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, Training_CountdownRender ) setTimer ( function ( ) training.remainingTimeForCountdown = training.remainingTimeForCountdown - 1 end, 1000, 5 ) Training_SpawnDummyPeds ( ) triggerServerEvent ( "NGAmmunation:Modules->Training:TakePlayerMoney", localPlayer, localPlayer, 1200 ) end --[[ -- For developers addCommandHandler ( 'rest', function ( ) toggleControl ( "next_weapon", true ) toggleControl ( "previous_weapon", true ) toggleControl ( "forwards", true ) toggleControl ( "backwards", true ) toggleControl ( "left", true ) toggleControl ( "right", true ) toggleControl ( "aim_weapon", true ) toggleControl ( "crouch", true ) toggleControl ( "jump", true ) toggleControl ( "sprint", true ) toggleControl ( "fire", true ) end ) ]] function Training_UserStats ( ) if not training.IsStatsRendering or not isTraining then return removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, Training_UserStats ) end dxDrawRectangle ( winX, winY, winW, winH, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 150 ) ) local prog = 0 local killed = training.TargetShot local required = training.RequiredPeds local prog = 10 * ( (100 * killed) / ( required .. 0 ) ) if ( prog ~= progNum ) then if ( progNum < prog ) then progNum = progNum + 1 else progNum = progNum - 1 end end local prog2 = (winW-(rsx*58))*(prog*0.01) if ( progWidth ~= prog2 ) then if ( prog2 > progWidth ) then progWidth = progWidth + ( rsx * 1 ) if ( progWidth > prog2 ) then progWidth = prog2 end else progWidth = progWidth - ( rsx * 1 ) if ( progWidth < prog2 ) then progWidth = prog2 end end end if ( localPlayer.interior ~= 1 ) then Training_OnMarkerLeave ( ) end dxDrawText ( "Stats", winX, winY+(rsy*5), winX+winW, winY+winH, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), rsy*2, "default-bold", "center" ) dxDrawText ( "Killed Peds: "..tostring(training.TargetShot), winX+(rsx*25), winY+(rsy*50), 0, 0, tocolor ( 255, 160, 0, 255 ), rsy*1.5, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText ( "Required Peds: "..tostring(training.RequiredPeds), winX+(rsx*25), winY+(rsy*90), 0, 0, tocolor ( 255, 160, 0, 255 ), rsy*1.5, "default-bold" ) dxDrawRectangle ( winX+(rsx*25), (winY+winH)-(rsx*60), winW-(rsx*50), rsy*35, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 150 ) ) dxDrawRectangle ( winX+(rsx*29), (winY+winH)-(rsx*56), progWidth, rsy*27, tocolor ( 255, 140, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawText ( progNum.."%", winX+(rsx*25), (winY+winH)-(rsx*60), (winX+(rsx*25))+(winW-(rsx*50)), ((winY+winH)-(rsx*60))+(rsy*35), tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), rsy * 1.3, "default-bold", "center", "center" ) end local pedLocs = { { 297.59, -17.63, 1001.52, 180 }, { 294.49, -19.36, 1001.52, 180 }, { 292.03, -15.71, 1001.52, 180 }, { 290.52, -12.82, 1001.52, 180 }, { 291.51, -9.1, 1001.52, 180 }, { 296.64, -10.78, 1001.52, 180 }, { 298.07, -14.06, 1001.52, 180 }, { 286.5, -7.54, 1001.52, 180 }, { 293.74, -12.63, 1001.52, 180 }, { 288.79, -17.26, 1001.52, 180 }, { 286, -11.67, 1001.52, 180 }, { 296.87, -6.78, 1001.52, 180 }, { 295.56, -15.8, 1001.52, 180 }, { 287, -13.9, 1001.52, 180 }, { 288.47, -8.96, 1001.52, 180 }, { 290.22, -14.57, 1001.52, 180 }, { 293.42, -10.2, 1001.52, 180 }, { 292.02, -18, 1001.52, 180 }, { 286.01, -17, 1001.52, 180 }, } function Training_SpawnDummyPeds ( ) local usedIndexs = { } local int = getElementInterior ( localPlayer ) for i=1,training.RequiredPeds do local n = math.random ( #pedLocs ) while ( usedIndexs [ n ] ) do n = math.random ( #pedLocs ) end usedIndexs [ n ] = true local x, y, z, r = unpack ( pedLocs [ n ] ) local p = createPed ( 0, x, y, z ) setPedRotation ( p, r ) setElementInterior ( p, int ) p.dimension = localPlayer.dimension addEventHandler ( "onClientPedDamage", p, Training_OnDummyDamage ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPedWasted", p, Training_OnDummyWasted ) dummyPeds[i] = p end end function Training_OnDummyWasted ( attacker ) if ( attacker and attacker == localPlayer ) then training.TargetShot = training.TargetShot + 1 if ( training.TargetShot == training.RequiredPeds ) then setTimer ( function ( ) Training_CloseWindow ( ) if ( trainingWeapon ~= getPedWeapon ( localPlayer ) ) then return exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You have changed your weapon.... No skills added.", 255, 0, 0 ) end local w = getPedWeapon ( localPlayer ) local d = getElementData ( localPlayer, "NGSQL:WeaponStats" ) d[allowedWeapons[w]] = d[allowedWeapons[w]] + 10 setElementData ( localPlayer, "NGSQL:WeaponStats", d ) exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "Weapon ranked up! New level: "..d[allowedWeapons[w]].."/100", 0, 255, 0 ) triggerServerEvent ( "NGAmmunation:Modules->Training:onClientLevelWeaponUp", localPlayer, allowedWeapons[w], d[allowedWeapons[w]], w ) -- weapon name , new skill level , weapon ID ) trainingWeapon = nil end, 1000, 1 ) end end end function Training_OnMarkerLeave ( ) Training_CloseWindow ( ) trainingWeapon = nil end function Training_CountdownRender ( ) local t = training.remainingTimeForCountdown local h = training.textHeight local alpha = 255 if not training.CountdownTextAlpha then training.CountdownTextAlpha = alpha else alpha = training.CountdownTextAlpha end if ( t == 0 ) then t = "Begin Shooting The Targets" if ( h > ( rsy * 75 ) ) then h = h - ( rsy * 10 ) training.textHeight = h end if not training.IsStatsRendering then training.IsStatsRendering = true addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, Training_UserStats ) toggleControl ( "aim_weapon", true ) toggleControl ( "fire", true ) toggleControl("forwards", true) toggleControl("backwards", true ) toggleControl("left",true ) toggleControl ( "right", true ) toggleControl ( "jump", true ) toggleControl ( "crouch", true ) return end if not training.removeCountdownTick then training.removeCountdownTick = getTickCount ( ) + 3000 elseif ( training.removeCountdownTick <= getTickCount ( ) ) then alpha = alpha - 2 training.CountdownTextAlpha = alpha if ( alpha < 20 ) then training.remainingTimeForCountdown = nil training.textHeight = nil training.CountdownTextAlpha = nil training.removeCountdownTick = nil removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, Training_CountdownRender ) return end end end dxDrawBorderedText ( tostring ( t ), 0, 0, sx, h, tocolor ( 255, 255, 0, alpha ), rsy*2.5, "pricedown", "center", "center", false, true ) end
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