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  1. Yes it's for saving all weapons and ammo for player on account data and give the player on spawn the exact same weapons and ammo that he had before he dies/quit (all weapons not the weapon that was in the player hands before he dies)
  2. Bad argument @ 'giveWeapon' [Expected number at argument 3, got boolean]
  3. GrinningTrout


    function getPedWeapons(ped) ammoPlayer={} playerWeapons = {} for i=2,9 do local amo=getPedAmmoInClip ( source,i) if amo and amo ~= 0 then table.insert(ammoPlayer,amo) setAccountData( getPlayerAccount ( source ),"ammo",amo) end end for i=2,9 do local wep = getPedWeapon(source,i) if wep and wep ~= 0 then table.insert(playerWeapons,wep) setAccountData( getPlayerAccount ( source ),"weapons",wep) end else return false end return playerWeapons end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,getPedWeapons) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",root,getPedWeapons) function poi() wapon=getAccountData( getPlayerAccount ( source ),"weapons") aimo=getAccountData( getPlayerAccount ( source ),"ammo") for i,wapon in ipairs(playerWeapons) do giveWeapon ( source, wapon,aimo) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,poi) addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn",root,poi) i just give up, can anyone help me in this code, the problem is with the ammo
  4. hello can i move info from side to another like iget player name in server-side can i use it in client-side if it doesnt exist in the client-side
  5. come on guys , any thing
  6. GrinningTrout


    so i want to make lobby like ffs and twisted any tips or how should i start to make it?
  7. thnx that works but it gives theplayer just the ammo of the weapon which was in his hands right before dies, i want it to give all the weapons that he has
  8. GrinningTrout


    function hp(source) ammo=getPedTotalAmmo(source) weapon=getPedWeapon(source) playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) setAccountData(playeraccount,"playerWeapon",weapon) setAccountData(playeraccount,"playerammo",ammo) giveWeapon(source,weapon,ammo) end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),hp) addCommandHandler("wer",hp) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn",getRootElement(),function () playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) weapon=getAccountData(playeraccount,"playerWapon") ammo=getAccountData(playeraccount,"playerammo") giveWeapon(source,weapon,ammo) end) can u guys fix this to me i want when player die save his weapons and ammo, when spawn give player what he had before die
  9. how can i setGravity for only one player ?
  10. Using: loadstring But it is a complex process/project, I do not recommend you to start building it. (and no it isn't just loadstring, it is much more than that) can u give me an example ?
  11. What do you mean by "start mod" and "some players"? i mead start mod like deathmatch, race.... like arena.
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