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Everything posted by MA[S]RIY

  1. مب فاهم يعني اكتب اامر وبعديه التاج الي انا اابيه
  2. السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتو معي كود تاج فوق الراس عايز اعرف وين اكتب الاسم الي هيكون في التاج الي هيطلع فوق لراس وكيف احدد الاشخاص الي ابي التاج فوقهم الكود function iHateLamers ( thePlayer, commandName, playername ) -- This is a command handler that activates on text "lamer" followed by the playername -- in the console. The playername argument was added as an extra function argument to store the -- name of the player whose text will be changed. if not playername then -- Prevents the command from running if the player did not specify a value for playername dxDrawTextOnElement ( "You MUST define a player to change his name tag!", thePlayer ) else local culprit = getPlayerFromName ( playername ) -- This variable stores the result of trying to find the player associated with the playername -- that the user of the command specified if culprit then -- This checks to make sure a player nick was found. If it was not then the playername argument -- specified by the command user was not equivalent to the name of any players in the server setPlayerNametagText ( culprit, "IM_LAME" ) -- finally, the nickname text is changed since the command arguments were checked and are valid else dxDrawTextOnElement ( "Player does not exist!", thePlayer ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "lamer", iHateLamers )
  3. [السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتو] انا اعرف اشياء بالبرمجه لاكن مب اعرف اسوي فنكاشن ختي لو كان معي الكود لاكن لو معي الفنكشن اقدر اسوي المود انا عايز اتعلم البرمجه بجد ياريت اي واحد من الي مبرمجين محترفين يعطيني الفديوهات الي اتعلمو منها بالتدريج يعني من الاسهل للاصعب وشكرا
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