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Everything posted by iMr.WiFi..!

  1. طيب شرايك تجمعهم الطالب والخ المهم في استقبال واحد يعني رساله الطالب المساعدة ل البلاير يكون في استقبال واحد في الكلينت مو استقبالين
  2. addEvent("Request_Message", true) addEventHandler("Request_Message", root, function (Msg) acc = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) local time = getRealTime () local hour = time.hour local minute = time.minute local second = time.second if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("Console")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("Admin")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("Support")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("LVL1")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("LVL2")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("LVL3")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("LVL4")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("LVL5")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("Leader")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("Hoster")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("LVL1")) then triggerClientEvent(root, "Send_Support_Msg", source, Msg, hour, minute, second) else triggerClientEvent(root, "Send_Player_Msg", source, Msg, hour, minute, second) end end ) جرب بس احذف استقبال ال "Send_Help_Msg" في الكلينت Edit <<
  3. addEvent("Request_Message", true) addEventHandler("Request_Message", root, function (Msg) acc = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) local time = getRealTime () local hour = time.hour local minute = time.minute local second = time.second if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("Console")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("Admin")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("Support")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("LVL1")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("LVL2")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("LVL3")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("LVL4")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("LVL5")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("Leader")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("Hoster")) or isObjectInACLGroup ( "user."..acc, aclGetGroup("LVL1")) then triggerClientEvent(root, "Send_Support_Msg", source, Msg, hour, minute, second) else triggerClientEvent(root, "Send_Player_Msg", source, Msg, hour, minute, second) end end ) جرب بس احذف استقبال ال "Send_Help_Msg" في الكلينت Edit <<
  4. Cars = { {"Hunter",100} -- {"TextCar", iDCar} } بعدين تاخذ ذذ الفنكشن guiGridListSetItemText -- عشان تطلع الاسم guiGridListGetItemData -- عشان تاخذ الايدي وتصنع السيارة ..
  5. Cars = { {"Hunter",100} -- {"TextCar", iDCar} } بعدين تاخذ ذذ الفنكشن guiGridListSetItemText -- عشان تطلع الاسم guiGridListGetItemData -- عشان تاخذ الايدي وتصنع السيارة ..
  6. تسوي لوب للمواتر الي تبيها ..
  7. تسوي لوب للمواتر الي تبيها ..
  8. هذي صعب عليك قصدي تسوي سباون والحركات ذذي كيف قصدك تسوي سباون ؟ بس الفنكشنات : سحب السيارة اتوقع انك تقصد تجيبها عندك -- Loob للمواتر getElementPosition -- ناخذ احداثيات اللاعب setElementPosition -- نحط سياره قرب اللاعب للانتقال اليها getElementPosition -- ناخذ احداثيات السيارة setElementPosition -- ننتقل اليها هذا الفنكشنات لو تبي اللاعب يدخل السيارة مباشرة triggerServerEvent warpPlayerIntoVehicle
  9. هذي صعب عليك قصدي تسوي سباون والحركات ذذي كيف قصدك تسوي سباون ؟ بس الفنكشنات : سحب السيارة اتوقع انك تقصد تجيبها عندك -- Loob للمواتر getElementPosition -- ناخذ احداثيات اللاعب setElementPosition -- نحط سياره قرب اللاعب للانتقال اليها getElementPosition -- ناخذ احداثيات السيارة setElementPosition -- ننتقل اليها هذا الفنكشنات لو تبي اللاعب يدخل السيارة مباشرة triggerServerEvent warpPlayerIntoVehicle
  10. Skins = { {"285","Army",285} -- {"TextID","TextSkin",SkinID} } والفنكشن الي بتحتاجه guiGridListSetItemText
  11. Skins = { {"285","Army",285} -- {"TextID","TextSkin",SkinID} } والفنكشن الي بتحتاجه guiGridListSetItemText
  12. سلام عليكم ورحمة الله -[Line4Host]- تمت افتتاح عروض جديدة ": ملحوظة الخطط تنطبق على جميع الالعاب * الخطة الاولى عدد اللاعبين: 1000 موقع السيرفر: فرنسى مساحة : 1 جيجا اللوحة: Open Game Panel مدة الاشتراك: شهري السعر: 10 جنيه الخطة الثانية عدد اللاعبين: 2000 موقع السيرفر: فرنسى مساحة : 3 جيجا اللوحة: Open Game Panel مدة الاشتراك: شهري السعر: 25 جنيه , 10 سوا الخطة الثالثة عدد اللاعبين: 3000 موقع السيرفر: فرنسى مساحة : 7 جيجا اللوحة: Open Game Panel مدة الاشتراك: شهرين السعر: 40 جنيه , 20 سوا عدد اللاعبين: 4000 موقع السيرفر: فرنسى مساحة : غير محدوده اللوحة: Open Game Panel مدة الاشتراك: شهرين السعر: 50 جنيه , 50 سوا --- المميزات : الحماية من الدوس اتاك ضمان استرجاع السيرفر بعد نسيانه ,, يدعم جميع اللالعاب يدعم اغلب طرق الدفع ولكن لم تتم ذكرها -- الدعم الفني : الدعم الفني يمكنك التواصل مع الدعم الفني لمدة 24 ساعةة Skype : Mohmmad15551 Email : [email protected] -- وسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتةة
  13. سلام عليكم ورحمة الله -[Line4Host]- تمت افتتاح عروض جديدة ": ملحوظة الخطط تنطبق على جميع الالعاب * الخطة الاولى عدد اللاعبين: 1000 موقع السيرفر: فرنسى مساحة : 1 جيجا اللوحة: Open Game Panel مدة الاشتراك: شهري السعر: 10 جنيه الخطة الثانية عدد اللاعبين: 2000 موقع السيرفر: فرنسى مساحة : 3 جيجا اللوحة: Open Game Panel مدة الاشتراك: شهري السعر: 25 جنيه , 10 سوا الخطة الثالثة عدد اللاعبين: 3000 موقع السيرفر: فرنسى مساحة : 7 جيجا اللوحة: Open Game Panel مدة الاشتراك: شهرين السعر: 40 جنيه , 20 سوا عدد اللاعبين: 4000 موقع السيرفر: فرنسى مساحة : غير محدوده اللوحة: Open Game Panel مدة الاشتراك: شهرين السعر: 50 جنيه , 50 سوا --- المميزات : الحماية من الدوس اتاك ضمان استرجاع السيرفر بعد نسيانه ,, يدعم جميع اللالعاب يدعم اغلب طرق الدفع ولكن لم تتم ذكرها -- الدعم الفني : الدعم الفني يمكنك التواصل مع الدعم الفني لمدة 24 ساعةة Skype : Mohmmad15551 Email : [email protected] -- وسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتةة
  14. جابر اتمنى ما تسوي تعليقات مثل هذي حركات عليها مخالفه .. او مشاركتين مزدوجة يعني مع بعض ..
  15. جابر اتمنى ما تسوي تعليقات مثل هذي حركات عليها مخالفه .. او مشاركتين مزدوجة يعني مع بعض ..
  16. sec = {{{{{{},{},{},{}}}}}} local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") GUIEditor = { label = {} } DrugUseWindow = guiCreateWindow(227, 111, 357, 332, "", false) guiWindowSetSizable(DrugUseWindow, false) guiSetAlpha(DrugUseWindow, 0.00) guiSetVisible(DrugUseWindow,false) UseDrug = guiCreateButton(335, 370, 118, 73, "", false) guiSetAlpha(UseDrug, 0.00) GUIEditor.label[6] = guiCreateLabel(483, 415, 91, 18, "© Ja[b]er[X]Pro", false,DrugUseWindow) WeedRadioButton = guiCreateCheckBox(236, 160, 189, 15, "Weed (جاذبية منخفضة)", false, DrugUseWindow) guiSetFont(WeedRadioButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(WeedRadioButton, "NormalTextColour", "FF50DD2F") GodRadioButton = guiCreateCheckBox(236, 194, 189, 15, "God (دم 200)", false, DrugUseWindow) guiSetFont(GodRadioButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(GodRadioButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFFD0E0E") SpeedRadioButton = guiCreateCheckBox(236, 227, 189, 15, "Speed (سرعة كبيرة)", false, DrugUseWindow) guiSetFont(SpeedRadioButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(SpeedRadioButton, "NormalTextColour", "FF2ACCE0") LSDRadioButton = guiCreateCheckBox(236, 261, 189, 15, "LSD (تشويش الرؤية)", false, DrugUseWindow) guiSetFont(LSDRadioButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(LSDRadioButton, "NormalTextColour", "FF93B950") SteroidsRadioButton = guiCreateCheckBox(236, 294, 189, 15, "Steroids (كل 8 تواني +2 دم)", false, DrugUseWindow) guiSetFont(SteroidsRadioButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(SteroidsRadioButton, "NormalTextColour", "FF1478F4") HeroinRadioButton = guiCreateCheckBox(236, 328, 189, 15, "Herion (يجعل تقشيرك صعب)", false, DrugUseWindow) guiSetFont(HeroinRadioButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(HeroinRadioButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFEFE718") bindKey("F2", "down", function DxOpen() if getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) and not guiGetVisible(DrugUseWindow) then outputChatBox("You can not use drugs while in a vehicle!",source, 255, 0, 0) return end dxDrawLine(228 - 1, 112 - 1, 228 - 1, 146, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, true) dxDrawLine(578, 112 - 1, 228 - 1, 112 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, true) dxDrawLine(228 - 1, 146, 578, 146, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, true) dxDrawLine(578, 146, 578, 112 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, true) dxDrawRectangle(228, 112, 350, 34, tocolor(224, 226, 28, 255), true) dxDrawLine(229 - 1, 113 - 1, 229 - 1, 443, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine(579, 113 - 1, 229 - 1, 113 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine(229 - 1, 443, 579, 443, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine(579, 443, 579, 113 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawRectangle(229, 113, 350, 330, tocolor(247, 17, 17, 100), false) dxDrawText("Drug System", 301, 103, 406, 141, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 3.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, true, false, false) dxDrawRectangle(340, 377, 103, 56, tocolor(239, 231, 24, 170), true) dxDrawText("Use", 368, 387, 473, 444, tocolor(183, 55, 207, 255), 2.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, true, false, false) guiSetVisible(DrugUseWindow, not guiGetVisible(DrugUseWindow)) showCursor(guiGetVisible(DrugUseWindow)) end ) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, DxOpen) DrugBuyWindow = guiCreateWindow(sx/2-(550/2), sy/2-(310/2), 600, 310, "Drugs by Price for GTW-RPG", false) guiWindowSetSizable(DrugBuyWindow, false) guiSetVisible(DrugBuyWindow, false) guiSetAlpha(DrugBuyWindow, 0.98) WeedBuyLabel = guiCreateLabel(25, 38, 205, 15, "Weed (Low gravity)", false, DrugBuyWindow) WeedPriceLabel = guiCreateLabel(67.5, 58, 205, 15, "$900", false, DrugBuyWindow) WeedBuyEdit = guiCreateEdit(47.5, 88, 75, 18, "0", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiLabelSetColor(WeedBuyLabel, 251, 213, 3) guiLabelSetColor(WeedPriceLabel, 0, 255, 0) GodBuyLabel = guiCreateLabel(235, 38, 205, 15, "God (Increased max health)", false, DrugBuyWindow) GodPriceLabel = guiCreateLabel(280, 58, 205, 15, "$3000", false, DrugBuyWindow) GodBuyEdit = guiCreateEdit(260, 88, 75, 18, "0", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiLabelSetColor(GodBuyLabel, 0, 253, 5) guiLabelSetColor(GodPriceLabel, 0, 255, 0) -- SpeedBuyLabel = guiCreateLabel(25, 125, 205, 15, "Speed (Faster action)", false, DrugBuyWindow) SpeedPriceLabel = guiCreateLabel(67.5, 145, 205, 15, "$1100", false, DrugBuyWindow) SpeedBuyEdit = guiCreateEdit(47.5, 175, 75, 18, "0", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiLabelSetColor(SpeedBuyLabel, 250, 2, 194) guiLabelSetColor(SpeedPriceLabel, 0, 255, 0) LSDBuyLabel = guiCreateLabel(235, 125, 205, 15, "LSD (Hallucination)", false, DrugBuyWindow) LSDPriceLabel = guiCreateLabel(280, 145, 205, 15, "$2000", false, DrugBuyWindow) LSDBuyEdit = guiCreateEdit(260, 175, 75, 18, "0", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiLabelSetColor(LSDBuyLabel, 0, 248, 251) guiLabelSetColor(LSDPriceLabel, 0, 255, 0) -- SteroidsBuyLabel = guiCreateLabel(25, 212, 205, 15, "Steroids (+2 hp every 8seconds)", false, DrugBuyWindow) SteroidsPriceLabel = guiCreateLabel(67.5, 232, 205, 15, "$800", false, DrugBuyWindow) SteroidsBuyEdit = guiCreateEdit(47.5, 262, 75, 18, "0", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiLabelSetColor(SteroidsBuyLabel, 2, 248, 60) guiLabelSetColor(SteroidsPriceLabel, 0, 255, 0) HeroinBuyLabel = guiCreateLabel(235, 212, 205, 15, "Heroin (Semi invincibility)", false, DrugBuyWindow) HeroinPriceLabel = guiCreateLabel(280, 232, 205, 15, "$4000", false, DrugBuyWindow) HeroinBuyEdit = guiCreateEdit(260, 262, 75, 18, "0", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiLabelSetColor(HeroinBuyLabel, 201, 48, 196) guiLabelSetColor(HeroinPriceLabel, 0, 255, 0) guiCreateStaticImage(450, 50, 125, 125, "drug.png", false, DrugBuyWindow) Total = guiCreateLabel(410, 200, 35, 16, "Total:", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiSetFont(Total, "default-bold-small") TotalLabel = guiCreateLabel(450, 200, 94, 16, "$0", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiSetFont(TotalLabel, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(TotalLabel, 0, 255, 0) BuyDrug = guiCreateButton(400, 250, 90, 35, "Buy", false, DrugBuyWindow) CloseBuyDrugPanel = guiCreateButton(500, 250, 90, 35, "Close", false, DrugBuyWindow) function showBuyDrug() guiSetText(TotalLabel, "$0") guiSetText(WeedBuyEdit, "0") guiSetText(GodBuyEdit, "0") guiSetText(SpeedBuyEdit, "0") guiSetText(LSDBuyEdit, "0") guiSetText(SteroidsBuyEdit, "0") guiSetText(HeroinBuyEdit, "0") guiSetVisible(DrugBuyWindow, true) showCursor(true) if drugDealer then guiSetText(DrugBuyWindow, "Buying drugs from "..getPlayerName(drugDealer)) else guiSetText(DrugBuyWindow, "Buying drugs from drug Dealer Ped") end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", guiRoot, function() if drugDealer then if getElementData(drugDealer, "DurgsDealer") then MaxWeed = (getElementData(drugDealer, "Weed") or 0) + (getElementData(localPlayer, "Weed") or 0) MaxGod = (getElementData(drugDealer, "God") or 0) + (getElementData(localPlayer, "God") or 0) MaxSpeed = (getElementData(drugDealer, "Speed") or 0) + (getElementData(localPlayer, "Speed") or 0) MaxLSD = (getElementData(drugDealer, "LSD") or 0) + (getElementData(localPlayer, "LSD") or 0) MaxSteroids = (getElementData(drugDealer, "Steroids") or 0) + (getElementData(localPlayer, "Steroids") or 0) MaxHeroin = (getElementData(drugDealer, "Heroin") or 0) + (getElementData(localPlayer, "Heroin") or 0) else exports.GTWtopbar:dm("This player does not sell drugs anymore!", 255, 0, 0) drugDealer = nil guiSetVisible(DrugBuyWindow, false) showCursor(false) end else MaxWeed = 10000 MaxGod = 10000 MaxSpeed = 10000 MaxLSD = 10000 MaxSteroids = 10000 MaxHeroin = 10000 end local Text = guiGetText(source) local Text = tonumber(Text) if source == WeedBuyEdit then local Amount = getElementData(localPlayer, "Weed") or 0 if not Text then guiSetText(source, "0") elseif Text+Amount > MaxWeed then guiSetText(source, MaxWeed-Amount >= 0 and MaxWeed-Amount or "0") end WeedCost = tonumber(guiGetText(source)) * tonumber(string.sub(guiGetText(WeedPriceLabel), 2)) elseif source == GodBuyEdit then local Amount = getElementData(localPlayer, "God") or 0 if not Text then guiSetText(source, "0") elseif Text+Amount > MaxGod then guiSetText(source, MaxGod-Amount >= 0 and MaxGod-Amount or "0") end GodCost = tonumber(guiGetText(source)) * tonumber(string.sub(guiGetText(GodPriceLabel), 2)) elseif source == SpeedBuyEdit then local Amount = getElementData(localPlayer, "Speed") or 0 if not Text then guiSetText(source, "0") elseif Text+Amount > MaxSpeed then guiSetText(source, MaxSpeed-Amount >= 0 and MaxSpeed-Amount or "0") end SpeedCost = tonumber(guiGetText(source)) * tonumber(string.sub(guiGetText(SpeedPriceLabel), 2)) elseif source == LSDBuyEdit then local Amount = getElementData(localPlayer, "LSD") or 0 if not Text then guiSetText(source, "0") elseif Text+Amount > MaxLSD then guiSetText(source, MaxLSD-Amount >= 0 and MaxLSD-Amount or "0") end LSDCost = tonumber(guiGetText(source)) * tonumber(string.sub(guiGetText(LSDPriceLabel), 2)) elseif source == SteroidsBuyEdit then local Amount = getElementData(localPlayer, "Steroids") or 0 if not Text then guiSetText(source, "0") elseif Text+Amount > MaxSteroids then guiSetText(source, MaxSteroids-Amount >= 0 and MaxSteroids-Amount or "0") end SteroidsCost = tonumber(guiGetText(source)) * tonumber(string.sub(guiGetText(SteroidsPriceLabel), 2)) elseif source == HeroinBuyEdit then local Amount = getElementData(localPlayer, "Heroin") or 0 if not Text then guiSetText(source, "0") elseif Text+Amount > MaxHeroin then guiSetText(source, MaxHeroin-Amount >= 0 and MaxHeroin-Amount or "0") end HeroinCost = tonumber(guiGetText(source)) * tonumber(string.sub(guiGetText(HeroinPriceLabel), 2)) end local TotalCost = (WeedCost or 0) + (GodCost or 0) + (SpeedCost or 0) + (LSDCost or 0) + (SteroidsCost or 0) + (HeroinCost or 0) guiSetText(TotalLabel, "$"..TotalCost) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, function() if source == BuyDrug then local WeedAmount = tonumber(guiGetText(WeedBuyEdit)) local GodAmount = tonumber(guiGetText(GodBuyEdit)) local SpeedAmount = tonumber(guiGetText(SpeedBuyEdit)) local LSDAmount = tonumber(guiGetText(LSDBuyEdit)) local SteroidsAmount = tonumber(guiGetText(SteroidsBuyEdit)) local HeroinAmount = tonumber(guiGetText(HeroinBuyEdit)) local Cost = tonumber(string.sub(guiGetText(TotalLabel), 2)) if Cost > 0 then if drugDealer then if getElementData(drugDealer, "DurgsDealer") then MaxWeed = getElementData(drugDealer, "Weed") or 0 MaxGod = getElementData(drugDealer, "God") or 0 MaxSpeed = getElementData(drugDealer, "Speed") or 0 MaxLSD =
  17. sec = {{{{{{},{},{},{}}}}}} local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") GUIEditor = { label = {} } DrugUseWindow = guiCreateWindow(227, 111, 357, 332, "", false) guiWindowSetSizable(DrugUseWindow, false) guiSetAlpha(DrugUseWindow, 0.00) guiSetVisible(DrugUseWindow,false) UseDrug = guiCreateButton(335, 370, 118, 73, "", false) guiSetAlpha(UseDrug, 0.00) GUIEditor.label[6] = guiCreateLabel(483, 415, 91, 18, "© Ja[b]er[X]Pro", false,DrugUseWindow) WeedRadioButton = guiCreateCheckBox(236, 160, 189, 15, "Weed (جاذبية منخفضة)", false, DrugUseWindow) guiSetFont(WeedRadioButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(WeedRadioButton, "NormalTextColour", "FF50DD2F") GodRadioButton = guiCreateCheckBox(236, 194, 189, 15, "God (دم 200)", false, DrugUseWindow) guiSetFont(GodRadioButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(GodRadioButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFFD0E0E") SpeedRadioButton = guiCreateCheckBox(236, 227, 189, 15, "Speed (سرعة كبيرة)", false, DrugUseWindow) guiSetFont(SpeedRadioButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(SpeedRadioButton, "NormalTextColour", "FF2ACCE0") LSDRadioButton = guiCreateCheckBox(236, 261, 189, 15, "LSD (تشويش الرؤية)", false, DrugUseWindow) guiSetFont(LSDRadioButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(LSDRadioButton, "NormalTextColour", "FF93B950") SteroidsRadioButton = guiCreateCheckBox(236, 294, 189, 15, "Steroids (كل 8 تواني +2 دم)", false, DrugUseWindow) guiSetFont(SteroidsRadioButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(SteroidsRadioButton, "NormalTextColour", "FF1478F4") HeroinRadioButton = guiCreateCheckBox(236, 328, 189, 15, "Herion (يجعل تقشيرك صعب)", false, DrugUseWindow) guiSetFont(HeroinRadioButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(HeroinRadioButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFEFE718") bindKey("F2", "down", function DxOpen() if getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) and not guiGetVisible(DrugUseWindow) then outputChatBox("You can not use drugs while in a vehicle!",source, 255, 0, 0) return end dxDrawLine(228 - 1, 112 - 1, 228 - 1, 146, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, true) dxDrawLine(578, 112 - 1, 228 - 1, 112 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, true) dxDrawLine(228 - 1, 146, 578, 146, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, true) dxDrawLine(578, 146, 578, 112 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, true) dxDrawRectangle(228, 112, 350, 34, tocolor(224, 226, 28, 255), true) dxDrawLine(229 - 1, 113 - 1, 229 - 1, 443, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine(579, 113 - 1, 229 - 1, 113 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine(229 - 1, 443, 579, 443, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine(579, 443, 579, 113 - 1, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, false) dxDrawRectangle(229, 113, 350, 330, tocolor(247, 17, 17, 100), false) dxDrawText("Drug System", 301, 103, 406, 141, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 3.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, true, false, false) dxDrawRectangle(340, 377, 103, 56, tocolor(239, 231, 24, 170), true) dxDrawText("Use", 368, 387, 473, 444, tocolor(183, 55, 207, 255), 2.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, true, false, false) guiSetVisible(DrugUseWindow, not guiGetVisible(DrugUseWindow)) showCursor(guiGetVisible(DrugUseWindow)) end ) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, DxOpen) DrugBuyWindow = guiCreateWindow(sx/2-(550/2), sy/2-(310/2), 600, 310, "Drugs by Price for GTW-RPG", false) guiWindowSetSizable(DrugBuyWindow, false) guiSetVisible(DrugBuyWindow, false) guiSetAlpha(DrugBuyWindow, 0.98) WeedBuyLabel = guiCreateLabel(25, 38, 205, 15, "Weed (Low gravity)", false, DrugBuyWindow) WeedPriceLabel = guiCreateLabel(67.5, 58, 205, 15, "$900", false, DrugBuyWindow) WeedBuyEdit = guiCreateEdit(47.5, 88, 75, 18, "0", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiLabelSetColor(WeedBuyLabel, 251, 213, 3) guiLabelSetColor(WeedPriceLabel, 0, 255, 0) GodBuyLabel = guiCreateLabel(235, 38, 205, 15, "God (Increased max health)", false, DrugBuyWindow) GodPriceLabel = guiCreateLabel(280, 58, 205, 15, "$3000", false, DrugBuyWindow) GodBuyEdit = guiCreateEdit(260, 88, 75, 18, "0", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiLabelSetColor(GodBuyLabel, 0, 253, 5) guiLabelSetColor(GodPriceLabel, 0, 255, 0) -- SpeedBuyLabel = guiCreateLabel(25, 125, 205, 15, "Speed (Faster action)", false, DrugBuyWindow) SpeedPriceLabel = guiCreateLabel(67.5, 145, 205, 15, "$1100", false, DrugBuyWindow) SpeedBuyEdit = guiCreateEdit(47.5, 175, 75, 18, "0", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiLabelSetColor(SpeedBuyLabel, 250, 2, 194) guiLabelSetColor(SpeedPriceLabel, 0, 255, 0) LSDBuyLabel = guiCreateLabel(235, 125, 205, 15, "LSD (Hallucination)", false, DrugBuyWindow) LSDPriceLabel = guiCreateLabel(280, 145, 205, 15, "$2000", false, DrugBuyWindow) LSDBuyEdit = guiCreateEdit(260, 175, 75, 18, "0", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiLabelSetColor(LSDBuyLabel, 0, 248, 251) guiLabelSetColor(LSDPriceLabel, 0, 255, 0) -- SteroidsBuyLabel = guiCreateLabel(25, 212, 205, 15, "Steroids (+2 hp every 8seconds)", false, DrugBuyWindow) SteroidsPriceLabel = guiCreateLabel(67.5, 232, 205, 15, "$800", false, DrugBuyWindow) SteroidsBuyEdit = guiCreateEdit(47.5, 262, 75, 18, "0", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiLabelSetColor(SteroidsBuyLabel, 2, 248, 60) guiLabelSetColor(SteroidsPriceLabel, 0, 255, 0) HeroinBuyLabel = guiCreateLabel(235, 212, 205, 15, "Heroin (Semi invincibility)", false, DrugBuyWindow) HeroinPriceLabel = guiCreateLabel(280, 232, 205, 15, "$4000", false, DrugBuyWindow) HeroinBuyEdit = guiCreateEdit(260, 262, 75, 18, "0", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiLabelSetColor(HeroinBuyLabel, 201, 48, 196) guiLabelSetColor(HeroinPriceLabel, 0, 255, 0) guiCreateStaticImage(450, 50, 125, 125, "drug.png", false, DrugBuyWindow) Total = guiCreateLabel(410, 200, 35, 16, "Total:", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiSetFont(Total, "default-bold-small") TotalLabel = guiCreateLabel(450, 200, 94, 16, "$0", false, DrugBuyWindow) guiSetFont(TotalLabel, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(TotalLabel, 0, 255, 0) BuyDrug = guiCreateButton(400, 250, 90, 35, "Buy", false, DrugBuyWindow) CloseBuyDrugPanel = guiCreateButton(500, 250, 90, 35, "Close", false, DrugBuyWindow) function showBuyDrug() guiSetText(TotalLabel, "$0") guiSetText(WeedBuyEdit, "0") guiSetText(GodBuyEdit, "0") guiSetText(SpeedBuyEdit, "0") guiSetText(LSDBuyEdit, "0") guiSetText(SteroidsBuyEdit, "0") guiSetText(HeroinBuyEdit, "0") guiSetVisible(DrugBuyWindow, true) showCursor(true) if drugDealer then guiSetText(DrugBuyWindow, "Buying drugs from "..getPlayerName(drugDealer)) else guiSetText(DrugBuyWindow, "Buying drugs from drug Dealer Ped") end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", guiRoot, function() if drugDealer then if getElementData(drugDealer, "DurgsDealer") then MaxWeed = (getElementData(drugDealer, "Weed") or 0) + (getElementData(localPlayer, "Weed") or 0) MaxGod = (getElementData(drugDealer, "God") or 0) + (getElementData(localPlayer, "God") or 0) MaxSpeed = (getElementData(drugDealer, "Speed") or 0) + (getElementData(localPlayer, "Speed") or 0) MaxLSD = (getElementData(drugDealer, "LSD") or 0) + (getElementData(localPlayer, "LSD") or 0) MaxSteroids = (getElementData(drugDealer, "Steroids") or 0) + (getElementData(localPlayer, "Steroids") or 0) MaxHeroin = (getElementData(drugDealer, "Heroin") or 0) + (getElementData(localPlayer, "Heroin") or 0) else exports.GTWtopbar:dm("This player does not sell drugs anymore!", 255, 0, 0) drugDealer = nil guiSetVisible(DrugBuyWindow, false) showCursor(false) end else MaxWeed = 10000 MaxGod = 10000 MaxSpeed = 10000 MaxLSD = 10000 MaxSteroids = 10000 MaxHeroin = 10000 end local Text = guiGetText(source) local Text = tonumber(Text) if source == WeedBuyEdit then local Amount = getElementData(localPlayer, "Weed") or 0 if not Text then guiSetText(source, "0") elseif Text+Amount > MaxWeed then guiSetText(source, MaxWeed-Amount >= 0 and MaxWeed-Amount or "0") end WeedCost = tonumber(guiGetText(source)) * tonumber(string.sub(guiGetText(WeedPriceLabel), 2)) elseif source == GodBuyEdit then local Amount = getElementData(localPlayer, "God") or 0 if not Text then guiSetText(source, "0") elseif Text+Amount > MaxGod then guiSetText(source, MaxGod-Amount >= 0 and MaxGod-Amount or "0") end GodCost = tonumber(guiGetText(source)) * tonumber(string.sub(guiGetText(GodPriceLabel), 2)) elseif source == SpeedBuyEdit then local Amount = getElementData(localPlayer, "Speed") or 0 if not Text then guiSetText(source, "0") elseif Text+Amount > MaxSpeed then guiSetText(source, MaxSpeed-Amount >= 0 and MaxSpeed-Amount or "0") end SpeedCost = tonumber(guiGetText(source)) * tonumber(string.sub(guiGetText(SpeedPriceLabel), 2)) elseif source == LSDBuyEdit then local Amount = getElementData(localPlayer, "LSD") or 0 if not Text then guiSetText(source, "0") elseif Text+Amount > MaxLSD then guiSetText(source, MaxLSD-Amount >= 0 and MaxLSD-Amount or "0") end LSDCost = tonumber(guiGetText(source)) * tonumber(string.sub(guiGetText(LSDPriceLabel), 2)) elseif source == SteroidsBuyEdit then local Amount = getElementData(localPlayer, "Steroids") or 0 if not Text then guiSetText(source, "0") elseif Text+Amount > MaxSteroids then guiSetText(source, MaxSteroids-Amount >= 0 and MaxSteroids-Amount or "0") end SteroidsCost = tonumber(guiGetText(source)) * tonumber(string.sub(guiGetText(SteroidsPriceLabel), 2)) elseif source == HeroinBuyEdit then local Amount = getElementData(localPlayer, "Heroin") or 0 if not Text then guiSetText(source, "0") elseif Text+Amount > MaxHeroin then guiSetText(source, MaxHeroin-Amount >= 0 and MaxHeroin-Amount or "0") end HeroinCost = tonumber(guiGetText(source)) * tonumber(string.sub(guiGetText(HeroinPriceLabel), 2)) end local TotalCost = (WeedCost or 0) + (GodCost or 0) + (SpeedCost or 0) + (LSDCost or 0) + (SteroidsCost or 0) + (HeroinCost or 0) guiSetText(TotalLabel, "$"..TotalCost) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, function() if source == BuyDrug then local WeedAmount = tonumber(guiGetText(WeedBuyEdit)) local GodAmount = tonumber(guiGetText(GodBuyEdit)) local SpeedAmount = tonumber(guiGetText(SpeedBuyEdit)) local LSDAmount = tonumber(guiGetText(LSDBuyEdit)) local SteroidsAmount = tonumber(guiGetText(SteroidsBuyEdit)) local HeroinAmount = tonumber(guiGetText(HeroinBuyEdit)) local Cost = tonumber(string.sub(guiGetText(TotalLabel), 2)) if Cost > 0 then if drugDealer then if getElementData(drugDealer, "DurgsDealer") then MaxWeed = getElementData(drugDealer, "Weed") or 0 MaxGod = getElementData(drugDealer, "God") or 0 MaxSpeed = getElementData(drugDealer, "Speed") or 0 MaxLSD =
  18. تمت اضافة شرح للاستضافةة .. للعلم انا الدعم الفني الخاص به : --- يمكنك اللان اعلان سيرفرك معنا !
  19. تمت اضافة شرح للاستضافةة .. للعلم انا الدعم الفني الخاص به : --- يمكنك اللان اعلان سيرفرك معنا !
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  21. نسيت #العم_معيض جايك يولد جايك
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