client --
GUIEditor = { label = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() Window_VS = guiCreateWindow(108, 108, 596, 401, ":: Vehicle Systeam ::", false) guiWindowSetSizable(Window_VS, false) guiSetVisible(Window_VS ,false) Grid_VS = guiCreateGridList(9, 24, 314, 350, false, Window_VS) guiGridListAddColumn(Grid_VS, "Vehicle", 0.3) guiGridListAddColumn(Grid_VS, "Price", 0.3) guiGridListAddColumn(Grid_VS, "Healthy", 0.3) Button_VS_sn = guiCreateButton(393, 24, 179, 38, "Spawn Vehicle", false, Window_VS) guiSetProperty(Button_VS_sn, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") Button_VS_dy = guiCreateButton(393, 72, 179, 38, "Destroy Car", false, Window_VS) guiSetProperty(Button_VS_dy, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") Button_VS_lk = guiCreateButton(393, 116, 179, 38, "Lock/Unlock Vehicle", false, Window_VS) guiSetProperty(Button_VS_lk, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") Button_VS_lt = guiCreateButton(393, 160, 179, 38, "Light/Unlight Vehicle", false, Window_VS) guiSetProperty(Button_VS_lt, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") Button_VS_bp = guiCreateButton(393, 203, 179, 38, "Mark/Unmark Vehicle", false, Window_VS) guiSetProperty(Button_VS_bp, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") Button_VS_Spc = guiCreateButton(393, 245, 179, 38, "Spectate Vehicle", false, Window_VS) guiSetProperty(Button_VS_Spc, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") Button_VS_sl = guiCreateButton(393, 293, 179, 38, "Sell Vehicle", false, Window_VS) guiSetProperty(Button_VS_sl, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") Button_VS_close = guiCreateButton(393, 336, 179, 38, "X", false, Window_VS) guiSetProperty(Button_VS_close, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(10, 374, 201, 17, "#Created By FawaD | v3.4.1", false, Window_VS) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 255, 0, 0) end ) function updateGridList() local data = getElementData(localPlayer, "VehicleInfo") if data then local rw, cl = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Grid_VS) guiGridListClear(Grid_VS) for i, data in ipairs (data) do local carName = getVehicleNameFromModel(data["Model"]) local ID = data["ID"] local Cost = data["Cost"] local HP = math.floor(data["HP"]) local PreCost = math.ceil(Cost*.9*HP/100/10) local row = guiGridListAddRow(Grid_VS) guiGridListSetItemText(Grid_VS, row, 1, carName, false, true) guiGridListSetItemData(Grid_VS, row, 1, ID) guiGridListSetItemText(Grid_VS, row, 2, PreCost, false, true) guiGridListSetItemText(Grid_VS, row, 3, HP.." HP", false, true) end guiGridListSetSelectedItem(Grid_VS, rw, cl) end end bindKey("F4", "down", function() if getElementInterior(localPlayer) == 0 and getElementDimension(localPlayer) == 0 then if getElementData(localPlayer, "MissionWarProtection") and getElementData(localPlayer, "MissionProtection")then return end guiSetVisible(Window_VS, not guiGetVisible(Window_VS)) guiSetVisible (Window_CHK, false) showCursor(guiGetVisible(Window_VS)) end end) triggerServerEvent("onOpenGui", localPlayer) addEventHandler("onClientElementDataChange", root, function(dd) if getElementType(source) == "player" and source == localPlayer and dd == "VehicleInfo" then local data = getElementData(source, dd) if data then updateGridList() end end end) function WINDOW_CLICK_VEHICLE (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) local id = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Grid_VS) local ID = guiGridListGetItemData(Grid_VS, id, 1) if source == Button_VS_close then guiSetVisible(Window_VS, false) showCursor(false) end if (source == Grid_VS) then if id == -1 and idd then guiGridListSetSelectedItem(Grid_VS, idd, 1) return false else idd = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Grid_VS) end elseif id == -1 then elseif (source == Button_VS_sn) then if not isInColExport () then triggerServerEvent("SpawnMyVehicle", localPlayer, ID) end elseif (source == Button_VS_dy) then triggerServerEvent("DestroyMyVehicle", localPlayer, ID) elseif (source == Button_VS_lt) then triggerServerEvent("LightsMyVehicle", localPlayer, ID) elseif (source == Button_VS_bp) then triggerServerEvent("BlipMyVehicle", localPlayer, ID) elseif (source == Button_VS_lk) then triggerServerEvent("LockMyVehicle", localPlayer, ID) elseif (source == Button_VS_sl) then guiSetVisible(Window_CHK, true) local carName = guiGridListGetItemText(Grid_VS, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Grid_VS), 1) local carprice = guiGridListGetItemText(Grid_VS, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(Grid_VS), 2) guiSetText(Label_CHK, 'Are you sure you want to sell this Vehicle "'..carName..'" for $'..carprice) elseif source == Button_CHK_Y then triggerServerEvent("SellMyVehicle", localPlayer, ID) guiSetVisible(Window_VS, false) guiSetVisible(Window_CHK, false) showCursor(false) elseif source == Button_CHK_N then guiSetVisible (Window_CHK, false) elseif source == Button_VS_Spc then if getElementInterior(localPlayer) == 0 then if getElementData(localPlayer,"Stats") < 2 then SpecVehicle(ID) end end elseif source == Button_VS_Fix then triggerServerEvent("FixMyVehicle", localPlayer, ID) elseif source == Button_VS_Warp then if not isInColExport () then triggerServerEvent("WarpMyVehicle", localPlayer, ID) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", resourceRoot, WINDOW_CLICK_VEHICLE) function SpecVehicle(id) if spc then removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, Sp) setCameraTarget(localPlayer) if isTimer(freezTimer) then killTimer(freezTimer) end freezTimer = setTimer(function() setElementFrozen(localPlayer, false) end, 2500, 1) spc = false return end for i, vehicle in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if getElementData(vehicle, "Owner") == localPlayer and getElementData(vehicle, "ID") == id then cVeh = vehicle spc = true addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, Sp) guiSetVisible(Window_VS, false) showCursor(false) break end end end function Sp() if isElement(cVeh) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(cVeh) setElementFrozen(localPlayer, true) setCameraMatrix(x, y-1, z+15, x, y, z) else removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, Sp) setCameraTarget(localPlayer) if isTimer(freezTimer) then killTimer(freezTimer) end freezTimer = setTimer(function() setElementFrozen(localPlayer, false) end, 2500, 1) spc = false end end ShopMarkersTable = {} local ShopTable = { [1] = {ID = {{491, 1441400} ,{540, 1436800} ,{401, 1430000} ,{546, 1527700} ,{505, 1414000} ,{500, 1402600} ,{463, 1659300} ,{492, 1459300} ,{547, 1429600} ,{586, 1629600} ,{467, 1354300} ,{479, 1244800} ,{404, 1059900} ,{410, 946200} ,{471, 593600} ,{418, 300000} }, vPosX = 2134, vPosY = -1170, vPosZ = 28.15, PosX = 2133, PosY = -1149, PosZ = 23.4, CamX = 2134.1, CamY = -1160, CamZ = 35, lookAtX = 2133.3, lookAtY = -1168, lookAtZ = 28}, [2] = {ID = {{516, 1819800} ,{458, 1815300} ,{580, 1801600} ,{421, 1801600} ,{527, 1667300} ,{581, 2151400} ,{409, 1744500} ,{585, 1696600} ,{474, 1573800} ,{419, 1539500} ,{436, 1539500} ,{545, 1530400} ,{466, 1616700} ,{529, 1580200} ,{550, 1473400} ,{468, 1966500} }, vPosX = 552, vPosY = -1288, vPosZ = 18, PosX = 562, PosY = -1270, PosZ = 16, CamX = 552, CamY = -1275.82, CamZ = 21.61, lookAtX = 552, lookAtY = -1276.77, lookAtZ = 21.29}, [3] = {ID = {{533, 1973100} ,{555, 1943400} ,{507, 2041200} ,{521, 2427500} ,{461, 2427500} ,{566, 1995500} ,{551, 1972700} ,{400, 1970400} ,{558, 1863600} ,{549, 1824800} ,{579, 1902000} ,{576, 1797400} ,{526, 1781400} ,{517, 1772300} ,{575, 1763200} ,{561, 1822100} }, vPosX = 1942.5, vPosY = 2052, vPosZ = 11, PosX = 1946, PosY = 2068, PosZ = 10, CamX = 1930.36, CamY = 2052.78, CamZ = 14.71, lookAtX = 1931.36, lookAtY = 2052.78, lookAtZ = 14.43}, [4] = {ID = {{536, 2201300} ,{567, 2258000} ,{602, 2135100} ,{534, 2128300} ,{426, 2214600} ,{439, 2114600} ,{412, 2114600} ,{587, 2087200} ,{565, 2084900} ,{589, 2082600} ,{542, 2071200} ,{496, 2043900} ,{535, 2043900} ,{405, 2127900} ,{445, 2107300} ,{518, 1980000} }, vPosX = -1950, vPosY = 266, vPosZ = 36.2, PosX = -1954, PosY = 299, PosZ = 34, CamX = -1960.18, CamY = 266.06, CamZ = 37.94, lookAtX = -1959.2, lookAtY = 266.06, lookAtZ = 37.73}, [5] = {ID = {{411, 3000000} ,{429, 2765000} ,{541, 2746700} ,{451, 2739900} ,{415, 2593800} ,{480, 2536800} ,{402, 2525400} ,{477, 2484300} ,{562, 2456900} ,{506, 2365600} ,