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About N9.Xzi

  • Birthday December 27


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    Number Nine Group
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  1. Hello! You can draw some dx functions on ur vehicle/infernus textures with using renderTarget and getFFTdata (fast fourier transform) functions. Contact me by skype for more info: xzibit199808.
  2. Can't convert map with this console error: "ERROR: requiring more valid model ids", what is it?
  3. rotX and rotY is work! Only rotZ don't want. I came here for help, not advice.
  4. I'm create the vehicle from map: createVehicle(randomSpawn[1], randomSpawn[2], randomSpawn[3], randomSpawn[4], randomSpawn[5], randomSpawn[6], randomSpawn[7]) randomSpawn[1], randomSpawn[2], randomSpawn[3], randomSpawn[4], randomSpawn[5], randomSpawn[6], randomSpawn[7] = model, x, y, z , rx, ry, rz. And this don't work.
  5. Don't work, debug string is: " ["?" boolean value] ".
  6. This is my script for race spawn vehicles, but RotZ (randomSpawn[7]) for vehicle don't want to work: local spawns = getElementData(Race.currentMap, "spawnPoints") spawnID = spawnID + 1 if spawnID > #spawns then spawnID = 1 end local randomSpawn = spawns[spawnID] local raceVehicle = getElementData(player, "raceVehicle") if isElement(raceVehicle) then destroyElement(raceVehicle) end raceVehicle = createVehicle(randomSpawn[1], randomSpawn[2], randomSpawn[3], randomSpawn[4], randomSpawn[5], randomSpawn[6], randomSpawn[7], string.sub(getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), 1, -- s8) -->) outputChatBox("veh: "..randomSpawn[1], player, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox("x: "..randomSpawn[2], player, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox("y: "..randomSpawn[3], player, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox("z: "..randomSpawn[4], player, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox("rx: "..randomSpawn[5], player, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox("ry: "..randomSpawn[6], player, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox("rz: "..randomSpawn[7], player, 255, 255, 255, true) What I missed or did not write correctly? Help please, do not load a spawn for vehicle (randomSpawn[7]).
  7. I'm need syntax for replace the model only for ACL group Admin, other players don't have replace the model, need work for admins, other players don't get change self infernus and can look only admin infernus model.
  8. One question. This code will allow me model infernus only for admin ACL, and other players may look at it, but do not get model himself? I'm need the only model install for admins, but other players can watching the admin model, and dont't get himself.
  9. Have lags with model: This give many lags, debug is say nothing. Help!
  10. Hey guys, i'm have the code for infernus model replace only acl group admin vehicle, code: Client side: function enterveh () triggerServerEvent("check",localPlayer) txd = engineLoadTXD("infernus.txd", 411 ) engineImportTXD(txd, 411) dff = engineLoadDFF("infernus.dff", 411 ) engineReplaceModel(dff, 411) end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), enterveh ) Server side: function permission (source) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then triggerClientEvent("check",localPlayer) end end addEvent("check", true) addEventHandler("check",root,permission) I don't know why this don't work, debugscript is not have error and etc. Please help, guys!
  11. Hello guys. I'm want to remove the original download progress line, how I can make this?
  12. Hello guys! I'm have problem with the replace car model for admin player. What the code for replace car model txd and dff only for admin or only team, please help!
  13. Hey guys, I'm have the scoreboard problem. If I'm run gamemode "race" my scoreboard add new column "state" and disable colored names. If I'm restart resource "scoreboard", columns is don't show. Colored names is not can show, all default setting is "true", all settings have "true". Screens: I'm enable scoreboard and then enable race: If restart scoreboard, when all actions with 1st screen: Guys help! Debug say nothing!
  14. I'm change this value from ttcounter To tonumber(ttcounter) And this debug call me the same error. What is happened? Can I'm send to you this script, and you edit? Open code. Please I'm need this.
  15. Hey guys. I'm now install toptime addon for race mode. And have this two debug errors: The serverside: function onUpdateLine (number) ttcounter = tostring(tonumber(number)) triggerClientEvent ("onUpdateLine", getRootElement(), ttcounter) end function onTTcounterUpdate (check) if (not ttcounter) then ttcounter = 0 end if(check)then triggerClientEvent (source,"onUpdateLine", getRootElement(), ttcounter) else triggerClientEvent ("onUpdateLine", getRootElement(), ttcounter) end end addEvent ( "onTTcounterUpdate", true) addEventHandler ( "onTTcounterUpdate", getRootElement(), onTTcounterUpdate) The clientside: addEvent("onUpdateLine", true) function onUpdateLine (number) ttcounter = tostring(tonumber(number)) end addEventHandler("onUpdateLine", getRootElement(), onUpdateLine) META file: <script src="_common_tt.lua" type="server"/> <script src="util_tt_server.lua" type="server"/> <script src="databasetable_server.lua" type="server"/> <script src="maptimes_server.lua" type="server"/> <script src="toptimes_server.lua" type="server"/> <script src="_common_tt.lua" type="client"/> <script src="util_tt_client.lua" type="client"/> <script src="toptimes_client.lua" type="client"/> What the problem I'm have? Guys help please!
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