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About GabWas

  • Birthday November 1

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  1. Well, I have to look for alternative. Anyway, thanks for the reply
  2. Hi there, I have a problem with setModelHandling option. I want to change "monetary" property, but it looks like it's not working. My script: function handlingChange() veh=418 --moonbeam setModelHandling(veh, "monetary", 250) veh2=404 --perennial setModelHandling(veh2, "monetary", 300) veh3=410 --manana setModelHandling(veh3, "monetary", 400) veh6=478 --walton setModelHandling(veh6, "monetary", 400) veh4=436 --previon setModelHandling(veh4, "monetary", 600) veh5=401 --bravura setModelHandling(veh5, "monetary", 650) veh7=479 --regina setModelHandling(veh7, "monetary", 750) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, handlingChange) On MTA Wiki page of this function, there is a note, that monetary property: "Get works, set is disabled." That's why it's not working? Can you enable it somehow?
  3. Okay then. Anyway, thank you for your help
  4. Thank you, it's working like a charm! But one more problem is, that you can create only one car at the time. Is there any way to create multiple cars? For example there is an event and administrator is creating cars for players. Is there any way to do it like that? Because I saw that on some servers.
  5. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but it's not working. We tested that out with friend; he created car first, I did it after him, and on leaving - his car disappear, not mine.
  6. Hi there, I have a problem with my script for temporary cars. After leaving them, they should be gone and it's working fine, but when someone else create other temporary car, previous one doesn't disappear. I think that I must use tables, but I don't understand them. The tutorials aren't helping me. Here is the code: function cmd_veh(plr, cmd, ...) local vehicleName = table.concat({...}, " ") local vehicleID = getVehicleModelFromName(vehicleName) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(plr) if isPedInVehicle(plr) then outputChatBox ("#C80000✖ #E7D9B0Get out of the vehicle first.", plr, 255, 255, 255, true) return end if vehicleID then newVehicle = createVehicle (vehicleID, x, y, z, 0, 0, 0) warpPedIntoVehicle(plr, newVehicle) outputChatBox ("#04B404✔ #E7D9B0You created a temporary vehicle named " .. vehicleName .. "#E7D9B0.", plr, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("veh", cmd_veh) function deleteTempVeh(plr, seat, jacked) if not (newVehicle) then return end if (newVehicle) then destroyElement(newVehicle) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleExit", getRootElement(), deleteTempVeh)
  7. Thanks for your idea, it helped me a lot! I used onVehicleStartExit and it's working fine
  8. Hi guys! I want to make some kind of blockade, that you can't get out of the vehicle, if you're not in the right area. Is there any way to do it? I don't have idea what functions I can use, so maybe you guys know?
  9. He can make it client-side, or maybe he need the bomb to be planted by only one player like in CS. Yes, something like that Do you maybe have idea about defusing? I thought about defusing, when a player is in invisible marker (created with model of bomb), but I just don't know how to do it. I tried onMarkerHit, but I've got an error with addEventHandler
  10. You can be surprised, but that's what I needed
  11. That will help a lot, thank you!
  12. How can that help me? I don't get it
  13. Hi there! I'm new at scripting and I'm making my first script (bomb). It's maybe a little complicated for a beginner, but how hard could it be? So, I have a question. Is there any way to put 2 functions into 1 command using CommandHandler? Because when the bomb is planted, you can plant another one, but then you can't detonate previous one. I need some kind of blockade, so you can plant only one bomb at the time. I would be very thankful for your help, guys
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