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Punk-@ss B*tch

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  1. I got a server from 2/3 years , this server got closed in 2017 , now someone called Zelda made a resources and used my server name to Bring players or i don't know why he wants to open a server using my server name, in 2018 i decided to open my server back and improving it , now this guy opened a local mta server from his pc and working on it , Can someone stop him ?
  2. bindKey(source,"f", "down", detach)
  3. function detach() local attachedelem = getAttachedElements ( source ) for i,v in ipairs ( attachedelem ) do detachElementFromElement(v, source) end end bindKey("f", "down", detach)
  4. only change the positions and the size of the line.
  5. +1 @SuperCroz , using colshapes easier. check this topic you will find a resource to make col shapes and you will find all the instructions you need.
  6. you can edit it from <allow_gta3_img_mods>none</allow_gta3_img_mods> in ur mtaserver.conf file. [only if u wanna prevent players who are using mods to join.] or if u wanna restore it then use engineRestoreModel(id) like what @SuperCroz said.
  7. try this: and don't forget to change positions. function line3d() dxDrawLine3D(-1196.956, -1065.557, 128.218, -1196.686, -909.289, 128.200, tocolor(255, 255, 0, 255 ), 3) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, line3d)
  8. DonOmar

    Wasted script

    @viktoras705 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=8085
  9. DonOmar

    [HELP] Save

    Only Giving more info @LopSided_
  10. DonOmar

    [HELP] Save

    this is a simple code to save : local redfirst,greenfirst,bluefirst,redsecond,greensecond,bluesecond,redthird,greenthird,bluethird,redfourth,greenfourth,bluefourth = getVehicleColor(veh, true) local color = toJSON({redfirst,greenfirst,bluefirst, redsecond,greensecond,bluesecond, redthird,greenthird,bluethird, redfourth,greenfourth,bluefourth}) and this is a code to load the color: local redfirst,greenfirst,bluefirst,redsecond,greensecond,bluesecond,redthird,greenthird,bluethird,redfourth,greenfourth,bluefourth = unpack(fromJSON(color)) setVehicleColor(veh, redfirst,greenfirst,bluefirst,redsecond,greensecond,bluesecond,redthird,greenthird,bluethird,redfourth,greenfourth,bluefourth)
  11. DonOmar

    [HELP] Save

    I don't understand you but you can use [ setAccountData ]
  12. Use DB Browser for SQLite program and edit the database with it then reupload it to your ftp.
  13. Thanks @TheMOG and Everyone tried to help me. i used SQL saving better .
  14. When i reconnected while dead i lost my weapons .
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