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  1. I need to get rid of the standard internal.db cuz it so slow and migrate accounts and userdata from that datebase to new sqlite db
  2. Hello. How to migrate accounts and userdata from internal.db to sqlite or mysql ?
  3. After update my server to build 1.5.1 7809 i saw this: Resource bone_attach flooding errors in console(1 error per second) ERROR: bone_attach/attach_func.lua:116: cannot resume dead coroutine [string "?"] Before the that flooding, i saw this error ERROR: bone_attach/attach_func.lua:116: invalid key to 'next' [string "?"] Here is a function,errors in last line(116) function forgetNonExistingPeds() local checkedcount = 0 while true do for element,ped in pairs(attached_ped) do if not isElement(ped) then clearAttachmentData(element) end checkedcount = checkedcount+1 if checkedcount >= 1000 then coroutine.yield() checkedcount = 0 end end coroutine.yield() end end clearing_nonexisting_peds = coroutine.create(forgetNonExistingPeds) setTimer(function() coroutine.resume(clearing_nonexisting_peds) end,1000,0) Thanks for any support
  4. Hello, how i can rewrite a bank script to my money (ElementData)
  5. Hello, how to change loading files screen, like this?
  6. its for images only (
  7. Hello, How i can protect my textures and images from thieves?
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