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  1. as well as the script everyone has to download more is not on fire!
  2. I have script meteor else happens the stone falls, comes more not on fire which function to the stone falls on fire
  3. the stone falls more falls not on fire, most can not explossion ;x
  4. radius = 14 explosionType = 10 timerSeconds = 3000 showTheCredits = function(l_1_0) outputChatBox("Meteor-Rain script was created by Seers!", l_1_0, 200, 200, 30, true) end addCommandHandler("meteor", showTheCredits) rainOnAllPlayers = function() for l_2_3,l_2_4 in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do fallMeteo(l_2_4) end end CheckTheFallingRocks = function() for l_3_3,l_3_4 in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if getElementModel(l_3_4) == 564 and getElementData(l_3_4, "meteor") == 1 and getElementData(l_3_4, "exploded") == 0 then new1 = getElementData(l_3_4, "z-koord") + 3 if new1 <= getElementData(l_3_4, "z-koord") then createExplosion(x, y, z, explosionType, nil) setElementData(l_3_4, "exploded", 1) theFallingRock = getElementData(l_3_4, "attachedRock") setTimer(destroyElement, 5000, 1, theFallingRock) end end end end setTimer(CheckTheFallingRocks, 50, 0) thisResourceStarts = function() if tonumber(get("secondsWhenTheNextStoneFalls")) and tonumber(get("secondsWhenTheNextStoneFalls")) >= 1 then timerSeconds = tonumber(get("secondsWhenTheNextStoneFalls")) * 1000 else outputDebugString("Invalid seconds number in settings. Please check meta.xml") timerSeconds = 3000 end if tonumber(get("fallRadius")) and tonumber(get("fallRadius")) >= 0 then radius = tonumber(get("fallRadius")) else radius = 14 outputDebugString("Invalid fall radius in settings. Please check meta.xml") end setTimer(rainOnAllPlayers, timerSeconds, 0) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, thisResourceStarts) fallMeteo = function(l_5_0) if getElementInterior(l_5_0) == 0 and getElementDimension(l_5_0) == 0 and getElementHealth(l_5_0) >= 1 then x, y, z = getElementPosition(l_5_0) x1 = x - radius x2 = x + radius y1 = y - radius y2 = y + radius x = math.random(x1, x2) y = math.random(y1, y2) theMeteo = createVehicle(564, x, y, z + 60, 30, 30, 30) setElementData(theMeteo, "meteor", 1) setElementData(theMeteo, "z-koord", z) setElementAlpha(theMeteo, 0) theRock = createObject(3930, 0, 0, 0) setElementData(theMeteo, "attachedRock", theRock) attachElements(theRock, theMeteo, 0, 0, 0) if isPedInVehicle(l_5_0) then vx, vy, vz = getElementVelocity(getPedOccupiedVehicle(l_5_0)) setElementVelocity(theMeteo, vx, vy, -5) end end end displayVehicleLoss = function(l_6_0) if getElementModel(source) == 564 and getElementData(source, "meteor") == 1 and getElementData(source, "exploded") == 0 then x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) createExplosion(x, y, z, explosionType, nil) setElementData(source, "exploded", 1) theFallingRock = getElementData(source, "attachedRock") setTimer(destroyElement, 5000, 1, theFallingRock) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage", getRootElement(), displayVehicleLoss)
  5. http://imgur.com/0z8Tgoc look I already have the script else happens that it falls not on fire, you know what function to fall on fire ?
  6. yes more is to send script photo here ? you have to see how the script ?
  7. more I know not create it need scripting help, I am Brazilian .. not know much yet please add me skype
  8. is a meteor script with functions [yes, simple objects don't have gravity, so i attached the meteor objects to a small, invisible vehicle, so they can fall down] they fall from the sky, with command / meteor Look at this video :
  9. yes I need to add me on skype to send script Photo ;c
  10. this is the script please look at video and then contact my skype
  11. Hey, I need help with a script add : skype = karina.ramos697
  12. someone help me create script meteor skype : karina.ramos697
  13. someone help me create script meteor my skype : karina.ramos697
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