1,862 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Rockyz
You could use callbacks to avoid that an example from the wiki: local dbConnection = dbConnect("sqlite", "sql.db") function onServerCallback(queryHandler, extraData) local queryResult = dbPoll(queryHandler, 0) print(extraData) if type(queryResult) == "table" then print("queryResult == table") if #queryResult > 0 then print("#queryResult > 0") else print("#queryResult == 0") end else print("queryResult ~= table") end end dbQuery(onServerCallback, {"Extra data :)"}, dbConnection, "SELECT * FROM `Players` WHERE `playerName` = ?", "playerName")
function stringToMS(str) local ms = 0 str = str:lower(); ms = ms + tonumber(str:match("(%d+)%s*s") or "0") * 1000 -- Seconds ms = ms + tonumber(str:match("(%d+)%s*m") or "0") * (1000 * 60) -- Minutes ms = ms + tonumber(str:match("(%d+)%s*h") or "0") * (1000 * 60 * 60) -- Hours ms = ms + tonumber(str:match("(%d+)%s*d") or "0") * (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) -- Days ms = ms + tonumber(str:match("(%d+)%s*y") or "0") * (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365) -- Years return ms end
Then what about that function guiLabelGetTextHeight(label) local text = guiGetText(label) local height = guiLabelGetFontHeight(label) return ((text:len()-text:gsub("\n", ""):len())*height)+height end I haven't test it tho
That might help you guiLabelGetFontHeight
استخدم https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Matrix local forwardPosition = player.matrix.position + player.matrix.forward * 2
For better performance, create an element and set it as the parent for the markers instead of adding an event for every single marker. local markersParent = createElement("markersParent") local t = { {2450, -1670, 12}, {2455, -1670, 12}, {2460, -1670, 12} } addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for i = 1, #t do local v = t[i] local marker = createMarker(v[1], v[2], v[3], "cylinder", 2.5, 255, 255, 255) setElementParent(marker, markersParent) end end) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", markersParent, function(hitElement) if getElementType(hitElement) == "player" then if isPedInVehicle(hitElement) then outputChatBox("Vehicles not allowed.", hitElement) else setElementPosition(hitElement, 2400, -1650, 12) outputChatBox("You're spawned.", hitElement) end end end)
You're getting this error because you've missed a bracket on the end of the db string: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vehicles` (id INT, model INT, x FLOAT, y FLOAT, z FLOAT)
I don't know what are you trying to do, but anyways try to replace the db string with this: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vehicles` (id INT, model INT, x FLOAT, y FLOAT, z FLOAT)
الخطأ غالبا بسبب انك مررت الأرقمنتات في التايمر اخر سطر
تقدر تختصر كل هذا table.insert(table, 1, value)
وين مشكلتك بالضبط واطرح جدول players
جرب كذا local TiempoPr = getTickCount() addEvent("onPlayerSpray", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerSpray", root, function(rockets) local tick = getTickCount() if (tick - TiempoPr > 5000) then outputChatBox("Player #FFFFFF"..getPlayerName(source).." #FFFFFFhas shot #aacccc["..rockets.." #ffffffrockets in #ffffff"..math.floor((tick - TiempoPr) / 1000).." #ffffffseconds]", root, 255, 255, 255, true) TiempoPr = tick end end)
حاول تعدل اسلوبك اذا تبي احد يساعدك المهم, سويت لك الكود على حسب الي فهمته منك ما جربته local tick = getTickCount() local from, to = test.moveX, 1; addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() local currentTick = getTickCount() local progress = (currentTick - tick) / 2000 local position = interpolateBetween(from, 0, 0, to, 0, 0, progress, "Linear") dxDrawText("FOR TESTING A SOMETHING ALPHA 1.0", sX*0.35-position, sY*0.15, 250, 250, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 2.00, "default-build", "left", "center", false) if progress >= 1 then tick = currentTick from, to = to, from end end)
Could you explain what is the problem ?
local multiline = [[... multiline string ... ... ]]
Here you go: characters = {"a", "b", "c"} function test(username) if string.find(username, "["..table.concat(characters, "").."]") then end end
Use triggerClientEvent
اتوقع هذا الي تبيه, جرب : allowedwps = { [1] = true, [2] = true, [3] = true, [5] = true, [6] = true, [7] = true, [8] = true, } addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch", root, function(previous_weapon, next_weapon) if getElementData(localPlayer, "nodm") == true then if not allowedwps[next_weapon] then cancelEvent() local current_weapon = (next_weapon+1)%13 while current_weapon ~= next_weapon do if allowedwps[current_weapon] then setPedWeaponSlot(localPlayer, current_weapon) break end current_weapon = (current_weapon+1)%13 end end end end)
function replaceText() local text = guiGetText(source) local replacedText = text:gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9%._@]", "") if text ~= replacedText then guiSetText(source, replacedText) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", login_edit, replaceText, false)
getTickCount interpolateBetween
Which code were you using, maybe you used the first code that I gave you not the second.
Sorry, I missed up a little bit on the previous code and I didn't notice. Use this code instead : addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local accounts = getAccounts() local accountsList = {} for index = 1, #statsList do accountsList[statsList[index][1]] = {} end for index = 1, #accounts do local account = accounts[index] for index = 1, #statsList do local key = statsList[index][1] local data = exports["ZA-account"]:getAccountData(account, key) local name = exports["ZA-account"]:getAccountData(account, "nick") if tonumber(data) then table.insert(accountsList[key], {name, tonumber(data)}) end end end for index = 1, #statsList do local accountsCount = #accountsList[statsList[index][1]] local accounts = {} if accountsCount >= 1 then table.sort(accountsList[statsList[index][1]], function(a, b) return a[2] > b[2] end) accounts = {unpack(accountsList[statsList[index][1]], 1, math.min(20, accountsCount))} end statsList[index][4] = accounts end end)
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local accounts = getAccounts() local accountsList = {} local keys = {} for index = 1, #statsList do accountsList[statsList[index][1]] = {} table.insert(keys, statsList[index][1]) end for index = 1, #accounts do local account = accounts[index] local toRemove = {} for index = 1, #keys do local key = keys[index] local data = exports["ZA-account"]:getAccountData(account, key) local name = exports["ZA-account"]:getAccountData(account, "nick") if tonumber(data) then table.insert(accountsList[key], {name, tonumber(data)}) if accountsList[key] >= 20 then table.insert(toRemove, index) end end end for index = 1, #toRemove do table.remove(keys, toRemove[index]) end end for index = 1, #statsList do table.sort(accountsList[statsList[index][1]], function(a, b) return a[2] > b[2] end) statsList[index][4] = accountsList[statsList[index][1]] end end)