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About Ryosuke

  • Birthday 15/07/1998


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  1. Hi, I'm facing a problem!. I bought a new notebook Acer E5 553G T4TJ, when I enter servers with panels in "DX", it ends up causing an extreme lag on my computer, running at 5 fps, I've tried everything any solution??
  2. It is not my friend. this map I'm modeling especially for mta sa I plan to use it for an open world racing server
  3. Thank you very much, it helped me solve a big problem. Thanks
  4. Hi, I modeled a map and would like to break the field-of-view limit. there is a limit of 300 units of the distance object, how can I make to make all objects visible from a greater distance? txd = engineLoadTXD ( "1.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 1515 ) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "1.dff" ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 1515 ) col = engineLoadCOL( "1.col" ) engineReplaceCOL( col, 1515 ) engineSetModelLODDistance(1515, 300)
  5. Hello, I need help to complete a slow idle script for the vehicle, but I just could not get a good result, if you can help me, thank you! RX7_sound = { {"001.wav",494}, } function replacesound(player) for i,OBJ in ipairs(RX7_sound) do vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle (OBJ[2]) if vehicle then sound = playSound (OBJ[1],looped = true) setSoundVolume(sound, 0.5) setSoundMaxDistance(sound,25) end end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",root,replacesound)
  6. that's right I needed, thank you just finished saving me worked perfectly
  7. Hi, I'd like some help solving the problems in my script. it substitutes objects per table, but I can not verify the name and ID and give the correct functions to run everything, someone to help? Garage_OBJ_COL = { {"garage_1.col",1484}, {"garage_2.col",1485}, } function replacemodels(player) for i,OBJ in ipairs(Garage_OBJ_COL) do table.insert (engineLoadCOL,{OBJ[1]}) table.insert (engineReplaceCOL,{OBJ[2]}) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",root,replacemodels)
  8. to work I just need to make it check the name and ID and give the function, just do not know why it does not work function replacemodels(player) for i,OBJ in ipairs(Garage_OBJ_COL) do table.insert (engineLoadCOL,{OBJ[1]}) table.insert (engineReplaceCOL,{OBJ[2]}) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",root,replacemodels)
  9. I need help to create this script that replaces objects across a table, thus getting more practical and quick to convert objects Garage_OBJ_DFF = { {"garage_1.dff",1455}, {"garage_2.dff",1455}, } Garage_OBJ_TXD = { {"garage_1.txd",1455}, {"garage_1.txd",1484}, } Garage_OBJ_COL = { {"garage_1.col",1484}, {"garage_2.col",1484}, } function replacemodels(player) for i,object1,object2 in ipairs(Garage_OBJ_DFF) do table.insert(object1[1],object2[2]) object1 = engineLoadDFF object2 = engineReplaceModel end for i,object1,object2 in ipairs(Garage_OBJ_TXD) do table.insert(object1[1],object2[2]) object1 = engineLoadTXD object2 = engineImportTXD end for i,object1,object2 in ipairs(Garage_OBJ_COL) do table.insert(object1[1],object2[2]) object1 = engineLoadCOL object2 = engineReplaceCOL end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,replacemodels)
  10. Hi, I need help creating a DX bar that when moved by the mouse it changes the acceleration of the vehicle function bar move () move = dxDrawImage(x*35, y*60, x*230, y*58, "bar.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) setVehicleHandling(v, "engineAcceleration", move ) end
  11. function musicStartFunc() local stream = playSound("") local theVeh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) local getComponent = getVehicleComponents(theVeh) if (theVeh) then for k in pairs (getComponent) do local x, y, z = getVehicleComponentPosition(theVeh, stream) local fftTable = getSoundFFTData(theVeh,stream, 2048, 257) if not (fftTable) then return false end for i = 1, 256 do setVehicleComponentPosition(fftTable,'bump_rear_dummy', x+5, y+0, z+0) end end end end bindKey("9","down",musicStartFunc) What is problem ?? Help pls
  12. I do know however how to modify for a component of the vehicle?
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