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Everything posted by LoOs

  1. if getElementTpe(thePlayer) == "player" then getElementTpe ? Replace getElementType
  2. edit :# local X = 0.375 local Y = 0.375 local Width = 0.25 local Height = 0.25 local alap = guiCreateWindow(X, Y, Width, Height, "Please Log In", true) local userNameClick = guiCreateEdit(60, 60, 250, 30, "Username", false, alap) guiSetAlpha(userNameClick,1) local passWordClick = guiCreateEdit(60, 120, 250, 30, "Password", false, alap) local loginClick = guiCreateButton(80, 160, 200, 50, "Log In", false, alap) -- x, y, z, meret local timeElapsed = 0 guiSetInputMode("no_binds") fadeCamera(true, 0.5) showCursor(true) local userNameTable = {} local passWordTable = {} function cC() for i = 0, 25 do outputChatBox(" ") end outputChatBox("#FFFFFFÜdvözöllek a #217AA2Core Game System #FFFFFFszerveren " .. getPlayerName(localPlayer) .. ".", 0, 0, 0, true) end function windowHandler( ) local playername = getPlayerName(localPlayer) guiSetText(userNameClick, "") guiSetText(userNameClick, "") guiSetText(userNameClick, playername) guiSetText(userNameClick, playername) guiSetVisible ( alap, true ) guiSetInputEnabled(true) showCursor ( true ) end function onClickBtn ( button, state ) if button == "left" and state == "up" then if (source == loginClick) then local username = guiGetText(userNameClick) local password = guiGetText(passWordClick) if username and password then showChat(true) triggerServerEvent ( "logIn", getRootElement(), localPlayer, username, password ) else outputChatBox ("Enter unsername and password!",255,0,0) end end end end function hideLGP() guiSetInputEnabled(false) guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor_Window[1], false ) showCursor ( false ) end addEvent( "hideLGP", true ) addEventHandler( "hideLGP", getRootElement(), hideLGP ) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), windowHandler ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", loginClick, onClickBtn, false )
  3. use :# dxDrawMaterialLine3D
  4. easy : # local start = getTickCount() local one, one1 = 0, 0 ---- The coordinates of the beginning local two, two1 = 319, 109 ---- The coordinates of the end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() local now = getTickCount() local x,y = interpolateBetween(one, one1, 0, two, two1, 0, (now - start) / ((start + 1500) - start), "Linear") dxDrawRectangle(x,y, 680, 750, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 130), false) end)
  5. example : # local start = getTickCount() local one, one1 = 0, 0 local two, two1 = 750, 680 addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() local now = getTickCount() local width, height = interpolateBetween(one, one1, 0, two, two1, 0, (now - start) / ((start + 1500) - start), "Linear") dxDrawRectangle(319, 109, width, height, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 130), false) end)
  6. كل واحد وله راي ,
  7. ميتا ايش , اقولك xml < مب بس ميتا , xml فهمت ؟ https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=164&t=91650 ^ شرح عن وظائف xml لعلك تفهمها ,
  8. ^ يقدر يسويها xml , بعد
  9. ^ مب كود الانشاء , يقصد اسامي الازرار والقريد ليست الاسم بس , مب كود الانشاء ,
  10. Mod theft and edit panel https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... s&id=11963 < This should be deleted https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... s&id=11851
  11. فكرة جميلة , بس كاني شايفها بسيرفر اجنبي بس الفرق انك تقدر تغير اللون هنا , فكرة مميزة بالتوفيق لك , استمر يابطل ,
  12. كودك ناقصة اند , + وش يقولك بالديبوق ,
  13. problems have Fixed but also did not work! + Table in the xml file
  14. local name = v[1] debugscript , and , Thanks
  15. Hello I put in the panel edit and gridlist And the role of research in the edit gridlist I tried to do the piece using string.find But that does not work and some of the figures shows a list of times But the text does not appear I extracted the table from xml Search in gridlist table Code: # function loadHandling (radia, names, st) stationsNames = names stations = st for i,v in ipairs(stationsNames) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(handling_grid) guiGridListSetItemText(handling_grid,row,handling_column2,""..i.."",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(handling_grid,row,handling_column2,v[1],false,false) guiGridListSetItemData(handling_grid,row,handling_column, v[2]) guiGridListSetItemColor(handling_grid,row,handling_column2,255,0,0) guiGridListSetItemColor(handling_grid,row,handling_column,0,255,10) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged",root, function (radia, names, st) stationsNames = names stations = st if ( source == handling_editsearch ) then local text = guiGetText(handling_editsearch) if ( text == "" ) then loadHandling() else guiGridListClear(handling_grid) for i,v in ipairs(stationsNames) do if string.find(string.upper(name),string.upper(guiGetText(handling_editsearch))) then local row = guiGridListAddRow(handling_grid) guiGridListSetItemText(handling_grid,row,handling_column2,v[1],false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(handling_grid,row,handling_column,v[2],false,false) end end end end end ) and , Thanks ,
  16. في مود اسمه editor تقدر تحط فيه اسلحة او تستخدم createWeapon
  17. local screenWidth,screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() panel = guiCreateStaticImage ( screenWidth/2 - 50, 300, 500, 600, 'hatter.png', false) showCursor(true) hiba = guiCreateRadioButton (100,115,40,40,"",false,panel) otlet = guiCreateRadioButton (100,215,40,40,"",false,panel) kuld = guiCreateButton (30,500,155,85,"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",false,panel) bezar = guiCreateButton(260,500,220,85,"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",false,panel) addCommandHandler("tutoka2", function () guiSetVisible(panel,true) end) function kuldes () outputChatBox("megy") end function bezarom () showCursor(false) guiSetVisible(panel, false) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", kuld, kuldes) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", bezar, bezarom)
  18. تعريف control وحقاته في اف 1 Code : # function getControlData(...) local lookIn local currentData local args = { ... } if type(args[1]) == 'string' then currentData = _G[args[1]] else currentData = args[1] end for i=2,#args do if args[i] == '..' then currentData = currentData.parent else lookIn = currentData.controls or currentData.tabs if not lookIn then return false end currentData = false for j,control in pairs(lookIn) do if control.id == args[i] then currentData = control break end end if not currentData then return false end end end return currentData end function getControl(...) if type(({...})[1]) == 'userdata' then -- if a control element was passed return ({...})[1] end local data = getControlData(...) if not data then return false end return data.element end function getControlText(...) return guiGetText(getControl(...)) end function getControlNumber(...) return tonumber(guiGetText(getControl(...))) end function getControlNumbers(...) -- getControlNumbers(..., controlnames) -- ... = path to parent window -- controlnames: array of control names -- returns a list value1, value2, ... with the numbers entered in the specified controls local args = {...} local controlnames = table.remove(args) local result = {} for i,name in ipairs(controlnames) do result[i] = getControlNumber(unpack(args), name) end return unpack(result) end
  19. Hello , I have encountered a problem when creating freeroam dx When you press a button to open the panel open with no problems But when you press the close button closes the grid list But dx does not close Please note that I used removeEventHandler Code: # local button = getControl ( wndMain, "شخصيات" ) guiSetAlpha ( button, 0.0 ) local button2 = getControl ( wndMain, "إنتحار" ) guiSetAlpha ( button2, 0.0 ) local button3 = getControl ( wndMain, "حركات" ) guiSetAlpha ( button3, 0.0 ) local button4 = getControl ( wndMain, "ملابس" ) guiSetAlpha ( button4, 0.0 ) local button5 = getControl ( wndMain, "أدوات" ) guiSetAlpha ( button5, 0.0 ) local button6 = getControl ( wndMain, "إنتقال" ) guiSetAlpha ( button6, 0.0 ) local button7 = getControl ( wndMain, "حفظ المكان" ) guiSetAlpha ( button7, 0.0 ) local button8 = getControl ( wndMain, "playergrav" ) guiSetAlpha ( button8, 0.0 ) local button9 = getControl ( wndMain, "الحالة" ) guiSetAlpha ( button9, 0.0 ) local button10 = getControl ( wndMain, "setpos" ) guiSetAlpha ( button10, 0.0 ) local button11 = getControl ( wndMain, "createvehicle" ) guiSetAlpha ( button11, 0.0 ) local button12 = getControl ( wndMain, "تعديلات" ) guiSetAlpha ( button12, 0.0 ) local button13 = getControl ( wndMain, "setinterior" ) guiSetAlpha ( button13, 0.0 ) local button14 = getControl ( wndMain, "ألوان" ) guiSetAlpha ( button14, 0.0 ) local button15 = getControl ( wndMain, "إصلاح" ) guiSetAlpha ( button15, 0.0 ) local button16 = getControl ( wndMain, "إنقلاب" ) guiSetAlpha ( button16, 0.0 ) local button17 = getControl ( wndMain, "الهاك" ) guiSetAlpha ( button17, 0.0 ) local set = getControl ( wndSkin, "set" ) guiSetAlpha ( set, 0.0 ) local c = getControl ( wndSkin, "close" ) guiSetAlpha ( c, 0.0 ) addEventHandler("onClientClick",root, function () if ( c ) then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),Skin) end end ) addEventHandler("onClientClick",root, function () if ( button ) then addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,Skin) end end ) and , Thanks
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