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tysanio's Achievements

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody.

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54)



  1. Well i start with difficult thing to do after it easy for me ^^
  2. Got this error ERROR: "systemforfaction line 800": attempt to compare number with nil local mostRecentWeek = 0 local currentWeek = 0 if query then while true do row = mysql:fetch_assoc(query) if not row then break end local id = tonumber(row["id"]) local amount = tonumber(row["amount"]) local time = row["newtime"] local week = tonumber(row["week"]) currentWeek = tonumber(row["currentWeek"]) [i]this line[/i][b]if (week) > mostRecentWeek then mostRecentWeek = week end [/b] if not transactions[week] then transactions[week] = {} end local type = tonumber(row["type"]) local reason = row["reason"] if reason == mysql_null() then reason = "" end local from, to = "-", "-" if row["characterfrom"] ~= mysql_null() then from = row["characterfrom"]:gsub("_", " ") elseif tonumber(row["from"]) then num = tonumber(row["from"]) if num < 0 then from = getTeamName(exports.pool:getElement("team", -num)) or "-" elseif num == 0 and ( type == 6 or type == 7 ) then from = "Government" end end if row["characterto"] ~= mysql_null() then to = row["characterto"]:gsub("_", " ") elseif tonumber(row["to"]) and tonumber(row["to"]) < 0 then to = getTeamName(exports.pool:getElement("team", -tonumber(row["to"]))) end if tostring(row["from"]) == tostring(-factionID) and amount > 0 then amount = amount - amount - amount end table.insert(transactions[week], { id = id, amount = amount, time = time, type = type, from = from, to = to, reason = reason, week = week }) --outputDebugString("transactions["..tostring(week).."]="..tostring(#transactions[week])) end I dont know what wrong i'm new to Scripting lua i just pickup ressource and look how its work.
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