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Everything posted by huyjvguyen

  1. which is shader to draw a text on object?
  2. huyjvguyen


    how can i dx a text and add it to object? i mean look like shader,
  3. huyjvguyen

    PHP SDK?

    hi, i tried send mail from server side by php sdk but it's not work, i can callRemote to mailer.php! Can you help me? php file; <?php include( "sdk/mta_sdk.php" ); $input = mta::getInput(); $subject = $input[0]; $email = $input[2]; $message = $input[3]; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= $input[1] . "\r\n"; $mailSent = mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers); if ($mailSent) { mta::doReturn("Email sent to ".$email); echo "\r\nMail sent to $email with text: $message!"; } else { mta::doReturn("Failed to send email to ".$email." - Unknown error, restart script and check webpage!", 2); } ?> lua file: function toSQL(stuff) return mysql:escape_string(stuff) end local randomMails = {"[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"} function fromRandom() return randomMails[math.random(#randomMails)] end function sendCustomMail(subject, header, sendto, mail) outputDebugString("ok") local header = "From: "..subject.." <"..(header or fromRandom())..">" callRemote("http://gtavlife.net/MTA/emailer.php", returns, subject, header, sendto, mail) -- This website is not available any more so add the PHP files in your own website and put URL here. outputDebugString(sendto) end addEvent("sendEMail", true) addEventHandler("sendEMail", root, sendCustomMail) function returns(msg, num) if msg == "ERROR" or (not msg) then outputDebugString("E-Mail not sent due to webpage errors, check the script and/or page provided.", 2) else outputDebugString(msg, num or 3) end end how about acl.xml
  4. hmm.. i mean , Can we save this image in folder on server? take player screen and save this in server's folder
  5. no,i mean the folder on server, because this function take play screen and send to server! https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ta ... ScreenShot This function forces a client to capture the current screen output and send it back to the server. The image will contain the GTA HUD and the output of any dxDraw functions that are not flagged as 'post GUI'. The image specifically excludes the chat box and all GUI (including the client console). The result is received with the event onPlayerScreenShot.
  6. Hello everybody, i hope you have a good day! My question is: When i use function takePlayerScreenShot on sever then how to find this image? i mean the folder.
  7. how to cancel /reconnect or /quit ?
  8. My question is: how to find rotation of a element to a element. it is difficult to understand my question, so example: i have two position. my vehicle have rotation is (0,0,45) and have position one, then my second postion on the left side of the old position. If my vehicle want to see it, i have to set rotation to vehicle is (0,0,X). So the problem is how to calculate the second rotation(i mean fond "X")!
  9. I'm want to do a patch.exe. Although tried many times without success. At the installation is completed, the game is not on. It just missing file error message something !!! Someone help me,please!!!
  10. Hi, I'm want to mod the color of the path becomes newer, but I did not find any related scripts. Someone help me!
  11. huyjvguyen

    TOP mysql

    hello, i making a rank script, but i don't know how to get in lua program! this is my mysql code: "SELECT * FROM `characters` ORDER BY `characters`.`money` DESC LIMIT 0 , 16"
  12. ok, thank everybody, i will try to find this command , and fix bug
  13. getKeyBoundToCommand("reconnect") your mean .... ???
  14. But I just want to delete the command, ban will be take my mem
  15. No , i mean how to delete this command , because my member will use this to Bug or hack item, i need delete it
  16. Hi, im create this topic to ask how to fix this bug. When i use "/bind = reconnect in" server , I click = I will reconnect, but took a long time, in terms of time that I spent that day backpack items from the car, after reconnect to the items in the backpack I was still, but the car still neck. So i need to remove the command "/ bind = connect". someone can help me, please!!
  17. i start but i don't know how to use! somebody can teach me use this ressource! tks
  18. can you make an example.
  19. this function not work. i was tried
  20. huyjvguyen


    i created a browser , the video is active but its sound is very loud , go around the map are heard , I want to limit sound in a certain range so how . this is code: local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local webBrowser = createBrowser(screenWidth, screenHeight, false, false) function webBrowserRender() dxDrawMaterialLine3D (1804.8203125, 795.5458984375, 15,1804.8203125, 795.5458984375, 11,webBrowser, 7, tocolor(255,255,255,255)) end addEventHandler("onClientBrowserCreated", webBrowser, function() loadBrowserURL(webBrowser, "https://www.youtube.com/embed/w7gOcSps1OM?autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3&enablejsapi=1&fs=0&theme=light") addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, webBrowserRender) end )
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