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Everything posted by nk0zkh0z

  1. MTA Server: "debugscript: Incorrect client type for this command"
  2. I tried the code above but it still does not work
  3. I do not understand you
  4. I've filled all on meta.xml -- You can give me a template? meta.xml
  5. I downloaded the script 'customblips' Now how can I create a new blip? But it does not work. Help me please local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2290.2392578125, 2430.31640625, 16, 16, "img/iconlvpd.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2474.3134765625, 1024.2529296875, 16, 16, "img/iconbank.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2322.4189453125, 549.408203125, 16, 16, "img/iconbencang.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1072.3876953125, 2310.4091796875, 16, 16, "img/iconrrr.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 21044.53125, 1015.2919921875, 16, 16, "img/iconthuvien.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1675.0947265625, 1447.7275390625, 16, 16, "img/iconsanbay.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2462.111328125, 2243.763671875 ,16, 16, "img/iconjobphongvien.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1756.859375, 2077.61328125, 16, 16, "img/iconsocuuhoa.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2330.890625, 2165.7734375, 16, 16, "img/iconcasino.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) hb29 = createBlip(2362.6865234375, 2758.666015625, 10.8203125, 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) hb30 = createBlip(1442.5205078125, 2360.15625, 10.8203125, 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --Chìa Khóa hb31 = createBlip(2457.3740234375, 2008.8544921875, 11.0625, 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --donut job hb32 = createBlip(1354.6318359375, 1155.4326171875, 10.8203125, 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --Trộm Xe hb33 = createBlip( 2716.31640625, 861.9873046875, 10.8984375, 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --- dozer hb34 = createBlip( 1318.69921875, 1254.0732421875, 14.273136138916, 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --Máy Bay hb35 = createBlip( 2220.375, 2124.12109375, 10.8203125, 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --Máy Bay hb36 = createBlip( 2191.7822265625, 921.4111328125, 10.942937850952, 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --- Chu buon hb38 = createBlip( 2375.0595703125, 2762.3251953125, 17.364303588867, 51, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --Trucker hb40 = createBlip( 2094.634765625, 2122.8642578125, 10.8203125, 39, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --Xăm hb41 = createBlip( 307.6142578125, 2544.123046875, 15.816335678101, 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --Trucking hb42 = createBlip( 2461.341796875, 1332.6416015625, 14.273136138916, 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --Máy Bay hb50 = createBlip( 1743.5498046875, -1861.2001953125, 13.577806472778, 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --Taxi LS hb54 = createBlip( 388.2734375, -1854.8916015625, 7.8359375, 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --Chìa Khóa LS hb52 = createBlip( -382.419921875, -1442.349609375, 25.7265625, 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --Farm hb53 = createBlip( -34.427734375, 40.0703125, 3.1171875, 56, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 300) --Farm hb54 = createBlip( -1060.2939453125, -1200.818359375, 129.21875, 56, 2, 255, 255,255, 255, 0, 300) --Farm local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2090.4736328125, 2224.69921875, 16, 16, "img/iconshopaoquan.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1239.4306640625, 329.0986328125, 14, 14, "img/iconbenhvien.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -2196.4345703125, -2293.7900390625, 14, 14, "img/iconbenhvien.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -1514.6904296875, 2520.1123046875, 14, 14, "img/iconbenhvien.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -315.353515625, 1050.310546875, 14, 14, "img/iconbenhvien.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2041.5693359375, -1409.357421875, 14, 14, "img/iconbenhvien.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1173.171875, -1327.583984375, 14, 14, "img/iconbenhvien.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -2664.126953125, 634.154296875, 14, 14, "img/iconbenhvien.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1582.0078125, 1768.919921875, 14, 14, "img/iconbenhvien.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1362.81873, 2649.46753, 16, 16, "img/iconjobbus.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1168.5498046875, 1361.7314453125, 16, 16, "img/icontaplaixe.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2538.658203125, 2083.791015625, 14, 14, "img/iconshopsung.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -2625.8701171875, 208.2353515625, 14, 14, "img/iconshopsung.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -2093.65234375, -2464.9453125, 14, 14, "img/iconshopsung.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -1508.8154296875, 2610.6982421875, 14, 14, "img/iconshopsung.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2333.0380859375, 61.5634765625, 14, 14, "img/iconshopsung.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1968.6904296875, 2295.8681640625, 16, 16, "img/icongym.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1368.93359375, -1279.7646484375, 14, 14, "img/iconshopsung.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -316.1611328125, 829.86523437, 14, 14, "img/iconshopsung.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1693.6640625, 2209.091796875, 16, 16, "img/iconnhahang.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2247.6103515625, 2396.169921875, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2546.51953125, 1972.6650390625, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2187.7099609375, 2469.669921875, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2097.6396484375, 2224.7001953125, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1937.830078125, 2307.2197265625, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2194.7373046875, 1990.8818359375, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2810.98828125, 1987.734375, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2117.3544921875, 896.77734375, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 663.0458984375, 1716.283203125, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -180.728515625, 1034.7529296875, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -1271.37890625, 2713.1533203125, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -2032.974609375, 161.380859375, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -1676.166015625, 432.1904296875, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -2442.6455078125, 755.41796875, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -2420.1552734375, 969.6640625, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -3563.76171875, -1118.1253662109, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -3933.8557128906, 2078.5832519531, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2424.2197265625, -1742.8037109375, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1928.583984375, -1776.228515625, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1833.775390625, -1842.51953125, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1352.373046875, -1759.25390625, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 875.765625, -1565.0244140625, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 667.2607421875, -1770.248046875, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1315.5615234375, -897.681640625, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1000.5810546875, -919.890625, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 691.8623046875, -583.32421875, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -78.4169921875, -1170.00390625, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -225.72793579102, -486.255859375, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2246.34765625, 52.7187, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2318.779296875, -88.6591796875, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -1562.4169921875, -2733.2685546875, 16, 16, "img/iconcuahangcuaminh.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -1987.8876953125, 1118.0712890625, 14, 14, "img/icondinhhon.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2514.02734375, -1781.0498046875,14, 14, "img/icontramxang.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1757.9736328125, -2623.36328116, 14, 14, "img/jobmaybaythaposter.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2446.216796875, 2377.12890625,16, 16, "img/iconcityhall.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -240.951171875, -489.4130859375,14, 14, "img/icontramxang.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2364.3193359375, 2377.580078125,14, 14, "img/iconthuvien.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2202.646484375, 2475.599609375,14, 14, "img/icontramxang.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2147.74609375, 2748.0302734375,14, 14, "img/icontramxang.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip (2115.375, 919.7822265625,14, 14, "img/icontramxang.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2639.71875, 1106.296875,14, 14, "img/icontramxang.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1596.0126953125, 2198.904296875,14, 14, "img/icontramxang.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -1678.6240234375, 410.1630859375,14, 14, "img/icontramxang.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1672.490234375, 1307.3203125,14, 14, "img/icondauxe.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1799.7431640625, -1900.6669921875,14, 14, "img/icondauxe.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -1626.5341796875, 159.806640625,14, 14, "img/icondauxe.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -1421.3916015625, -294.267578125,14, 14, "img/icondauxe.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -2280.9580078125, 2288.3046875,14, 14, "img/icondauxe.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -2093.7734375, -2252.3017578125,14, 14, "img/icondauxe.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2292.634765625, 524.951171875,14, 14, "img/icondauxe.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1347.7275390625, 1258.376953125,14, 14, "img/icondauxe.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2861.2978515625, 2422.140625,16, 16, "img/iconshopvip.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2127.34375, -1135.9296875 ,14, 14, "img/iconcarshop.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2962.302734375, -1479.8369140625 ,14, 14, "img/iconcarshop.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( -1976.6259765625, 289.1064453125 ,14, 14, "img/iconcarshop.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1047.1826171875, -901.09375 ,14, 14, "img/iconcarshop.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2124.0712890625, 1415.052734375 ,14, 14, "img/iconcarshop.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1737.748046875, 1887.404296875 ,14, 14, "img/iconcarshop.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 383.18359375, -2029.615234375 ,14, 14, "img/iconduquay.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100)
  6. nk0zkh0z


    Please help me, it does not work ( I want to change blip on the map with my images. ( local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2290.2392578125, 2430.31640625, 16, 16, "img/iconlvpd.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2474.3134765625, 1024.2529296875, 16, 16, "img/iconbank.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2322.4189453125, 549.408203125, 16, 16, "img/iconbencang.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1072.3876953125, 2310.4091796875, 16, 16, "img/iconrrr.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 21044.53125, 1015.2919921875, 16, 16, "img/iconthuvien.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1675.0947265625, 1447.7275390625, 16, 16, "img/iconsanbay.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2462.111328125, 2243.763671875 ,16, 16, "img/iconjobphongvien.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 1756.859375, 2077.61328125, 16, 16, "img/iconsocuuhoa.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100) local shit = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2330.890625, 2165.7734375, 16, 16, "img/iconcasino.png" ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius(shit, 100)
  7. nk0zkh0z


    Someone please help me find.
  8. nk0zkh0z


    This script is what?
  9. But.. انا مبتدء لا حد يطنز LuaQ 2 @C:\Users\xbost\Desktop\crap\lua\speed_client.lua ” @ E€ \ € € €€ À À À€ G€ @ @ €B E€ M€Â G@ €€ À € @ À @ €D @ À @E ÀE‹ ÀEŒ €ĂŒ €C Ç ÇÀ @ ÀG ÀG €È ÀÇ‘ @E’ @Å’ €É‰ €Ă“ ÀG”€ € @ À € @ À € @ À € @ À € @ À € AÀ À Á€ Á €€@ € AÀ À ÁÀ Á €€ € AÀ À ÁÀ €€@ € A€ € Á€ Á €€À @ € € À $ $@ @ $€ € À A …À äÀ @ À A@ …À ä @ À A€ …À ä@ @ À AÀ … ä€ @ $À $ @ À A€ … ä@ @ $€ À $À @ A€ ¤ @€ € W rRoot getResourceRootElement getThisResource sRoot getRootElement sw sh guiGetScreenSize csw csh @`@ lp getLocalPlayer xAngle đ? frame >@ scale ”@ crack on w Àr@ h s r x @@ y settings ào@ g b br spin mph info a imgBG img/speed_bg.png imgL img/speed_labels.png imgHP img/speed_hp.png imgBGG img/speed_bg_glow.png imgIR img/speed_innerring.png imgOR img/speed_outerring.png imgN img/speed_needle.png imgNS img/speed_needle_s.png imgCV img/speed_cover.png imgCR img/speed_crack.png labelColor tocolor Àk@ brightness white Àh@ black ddcSW drag spinner xml renderSpeed getSpeed getHealth addEventHandler onClientVehicleEnter onClientVehicleExit onClientPlayerWasted onClientResourceStart loadSettings saveSettings onClientResourceStop openSettings ddcSpeed addCommandHandler spds X G €€ E@ \€€ €À €A€ …À € € €…À A‡À @Á € ƒÎ@Á Á N AB@ €BÀ €AÁ € @€ CÀ €AA € À€ ‡@ €Á À €E € \ €EA @‰€ €EA MÄGA EA B LGA €‰ €À E \€ ZA À €EA \€ Z €E Á Å Â ‚ŒÍ‚‚ E NB‚BE … ‚‚ŒL‚‚…‚ ŠΆÂÅ Ă ‚AC ƒ \A E \€ Z €E Á Å Â ‚ŒÍ‚‚ E NBBE … ‚‚ŒL‚‚…‚ ŠΆÂÅ Ă ‚AC ƒ \A À€EA FÈ ÁÀ€E Á Å Â ‚ŒÍ‚‚ E NB‚BE … ‚‚ŒL‚‚…‚ ŠΆÂÅ Ă ‚AC ƒ \A EA FÉZ €EA … ÅÁ ÎÁŒÁÅ Â ‚ŒÍ‚ “E NB“… Á‚ ƒ Aƒ … ÅC ÆCÊD „JED FÄÊ K €…Ä DK Œ„ D € €…Ä DK Œ„–œ€\A €€EA … ÅÁ ÎÁŒÁÅ Â ‚ŒÍ‚ “E NB“… Á‚ ƒ Aƒ … € –€ €Á ÚC €À À –€ € bsp;\A€ € V getSpeed getHealth frame đ? @ ~@ scale math floor $@ 00 Y@ 0 Àr@ OMG tostring xAngle €v@ @p@ isConsoleActive isChatBoxInputActive dxDrawText " Right click: move, Scroll: resize csw `@ csh €b@ white default-bold center Double click: options `@ settings info > Press ~ or F8 and double-clickspeedometer to change settings spin dxDrawImage p@ imgBGG tocolor r g b ào@ @ spinner @ imgOR brightness imgBG imgL labelColor €A@ €B@ *@ imgHP À_@ _@ imgNS imgN @ imgCV 4@ N@ €Q@ black à? bankgothic €M@ P@ imgIR €†@ crack on random s @@ w y@ h x y imgCR G ! ! ! 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  10. I have a script 'fuel-system'. So I want to convert the speedometer. Transition from 'health measurements vehicles' >> 'measure gasoline' Sorry for my English is not good
  11. I want to switch from a health measure measuring vehicle into gasoline ._.
  12. I'm looking for car repairs script across the map. Auto repair vehicle and automatically charges. Someone please help me. Thanks a lot
  13. Thank you very much
  14. I'm looking for speed gauges as in the photo. Someone please share them with me.
  15. irc://irc.multitheftauto.com/mta.scripting it does not work
  16. I want to change the time afk. So here '600000' is how many seconds? local pending = {} function checkAFK() for thePlayer, isPending in pairs(pending) do if (getPlayerIdleTime(thePlayer) > 600000) then if exports.global:isPlayerFullAdmin(thePlayer) then if getElementData(thePlayer, "adminduty") == 1 then exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, "adminduty", 0, false) exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("AdmDuty: " .. getPlayerName(thePlayer):gsub("_", " ") .. " went off duty (AFK).") exports.global:updateNametagColor(thePlayer) end else triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "accounts:logout", thePlayer, "You have been put to the character selection for being AFK.") end else pending[thePlayer] = nil end end
  17. I do not know their IDs. I want to change some billboard in Las Venturas
  18. The billboards in the game, how to change? it's like this.
  19. How to change the billboard?
  20. displays the name and blood of the player. I do not find it it like this
  21. no, it is used to show the name and player's health bar.
  22. someone please help me find script 'nametag' this
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