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Everything posted by bosslorenz

  1. Try this function wantedLevelChange(attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss) local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( attacker ) if playerTeam then local teamName = getTeamName(playerTeam) if ( teamName ~= "Police" ) then setPlayerWantedLevel(attacker, 3)--If team not "Police", sets the wanted stars to 3. else setPlayerWanted(attacker, 0)--If team "Police", sets the wanted stars to 0. end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), wantedLevelChange)
  2. Yes, the 2 files were in type LUAC. This is only the exported function getGangInfo getGangColour getGangLeader getAccountGang
  3. 1) Does anyone know how can I adjust the tab length for *GANGS* by "ahmedfef"s groups-system. --RESOURCE LINK-- https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=8036 --IMG LINK-- Problem: Some gang names with much characters cant be seen fully, so how can i adjust this? 2) Turf system compatible with his groups-system?
  4. You haven't understood him well, he asked can he run the MTA Client two or more times. Exactly. Because without virtual machine, you cant run 2 mta client at a time on 1 pc because a program will pop-up if you want to terminate the running GTASA program. Thats why Im asking for some ISO needed in virtual machine. Like WindowsXPSP3.iso.
  5. Can you give me a link of some ISO programs like WindowsXP. Im using VMWare workstation but cant get it working. It says it doesnt recognize when I try to add new virtual machine. I downloaded the ISO here http://www.microsoft.com/en-ph/download/details.aspx?id=25129
  6. Is there a way to open 2 mtasa on 1 pc? For scripting test
  7. Zombies by slothman. 1) Is there a way to spawn zombies only in a Radar Area? But still the streaming is == 1. 2) If I set to streaming == 2, the zombies gets stucked on a spawnpoint. Since I dont want too many spawnpoints. They just spawn in 1point.
  8. LINE NUMBER ON/OFF | EXPAND/CONTRACT | SELECT ALL function onPedClick(button, state, absX, absY, wx, wy, wz, player) local pTeam = getPlayerTeam ( player ) if pTeam then local tName = getTeamName(pTeam) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player) if ( tName ~= "Criminal" ) then cancelEvent() outputChatBox("You must be criminal .",255,0,0) else if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, wx, wy, wz)<=3 then guiSetVisible(Window,true) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientClick", getRootElement(), onPedClick)
  9. bosslorenz


    local markers = { {1368.45532, -1279.79651, 13.54688, "arrow", 2, 230, 0, 0, 180}, {777.17426, 1871.52454, 4.90737, "arrow", 2, 230, 0, 0, 180}, }--add more markers here if u want. function markerscreate() for i , m in pairs (markers) do marker = createMarker (v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4]) end end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", root(), markerscreate)
  10. bosslorenz


    Try this one function markerscreate () createMarker( 1368.45532, -1279.79651, 13.54688, "arrow", 2, 230, 0, 0, 180) createMarker( 777.17426, 1871.52454, 4.90737, "arrow", 2, 230, 0, 0, 180) end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, markerscreate)
  11. Try this. function onPedClick(button, state, absX, absY, wx, wy, wz, element) local pTeam = getPlayerTeam ( element ) if pTeam then local tName = getTeamName(pTeam) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(element) if ( tName ~= "Criminal" ) then cancelEvent() outputChatBox("You must be criminal .",255,0,0) else if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, wx, wy, wz)<=3 then guiSetVisible(Window,true) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientClick", getRootElement(), onPedClick)
  12. CLIENT-- local client = getLocalPlayer( ) local rootElement = getRootElement() local marker = nil local blip = nil addEvent("bus_set_location",true) addEventHandler("bus_set_location",rootElement, function (x, y, z) marker = createMarker(tostring(x), tostring(y), tostring(z)-1, "cylinder", 3.5, 255, 255, 0, 170) blip = createBlipAttachedTo( marker, 0, 2, 255, 255, 0, 255 ) addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit",marker,onBusStopHit) end) function onBusStopHit(hitPlayer) if not hitPlayer == client then return end triggerServerEvent("bus_finish",client,client) if isElement(blip) then destroyElement(blip) end if isElement(marker) then removeEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit",marker,onBusStopHit) destroyElement(marker) end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit",rootElement, function () if isElement(marker) then removeEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit",marker,onBusStopHit) destroyElement(marker) end if isElement(blip) then destroyElement(blip) end end) SERVER-- local rootElement = getRootElement() local Bus = createTeam("Bus Driver", 0, 255, 255) local busses = {[431] = true, [437] = true} local busTable = { [1]={1812.65198, -1889.86047, 13.41406}, [2]={1825.22791, -1635.03711, 13.38281}, } function getNewBusLocation(thePlayer, ID) local x, y, z = busTable[ID][1], busTable[ID][2], busTable[ID][3] triggerClientEvent(thePlayer,"bus_set_location",thePlayer,x,y,z) end function onVehicleEnter(thePlayer) if not busses[getElementModel(source)] then return end if not getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) then return end if getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(thePlayer)) == "Bus Driver" then local x, y, z = getNewBusLocation(thePlayer, 1) setElementData(thePlayer,"busData",1) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter",rootElement,onVehicleEnter) addEvent("bus_finish",true) addEventHandler("bus_finish",rootElement, function (client) if not isPedInVehicle(client) then return end if not busses[getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(client))] then return end givePlayerMoney(client, 100) if #busTable == tonumber(getElementData(client,"busData")) then setElementData(client,"busData",1) else setElementData(client,"busData",tonumber(getElementData(client,"busData"))+1) end getNewBusLocation(client, tonumber(getElementData(client,"busData"))) end) Need help with this, when Im done on marker 1 and on my way to marker 2 and I accidentally press ENTER and got out of the car. And when I get back to the bus, the locations is restarted and I have to go to 1st location again. Pls help me with this. Wanna save the last location to be delivered.
  13. This should be working server side script.
  14. Can anyone help me here. Its working if i put source == veh1, since I dont want to do the function 1by1 per vehicle so i managed to make tables but its not working..
  15. Someone help me with this? Having problem with creating the tables and cant get it working on source = *the table*
  16. No option for that. Since the MTA server is needed to connect players. But you can still restart some resources. But the MTA server if closed, the players will be disconnected.
  17. No errors in debug. But when Im on Team A it doesnt give me the outputChatBox, and beside from Team A, it allows me still to enter Thanks in advance. Maybe the problem is just the table. Can anyone help me with this. So that I wont make a function onVehicleStartEnter one by one. listveh = { veh1 = createVehicle( 602, 1681.0999755859, 999.59997558594, 10.7 ), veh2 = createVehicle( 602, 1676.0999755859, 999.59997558594, 10.7 ), veh3 = createVehicle( 602, 1671.0999755859, 999.59997558594, 10.7 ), } function lockteamAcars( player, seat, jacked ) if ( source == listveh ) then local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( player ) local oldTeamName = ( playerTeam and getTeamName ( playerTeam ) or "" ) if ( oldTeamName ~= "Team A" ) then cancelEvent ( ) outputChatBox ( "This vehicle is only available for Team A", player, 255, 0, 0, false ) else outputChatBox ( "Have a safe trip BLAHAHASHDHAS", player, 0, 255, 0, false ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), lockteamAcars )
  18. bosslorenz


    Try this on server side. And tell what is still the problem............. function Location1() deliverycarlocation1 = createVehicle (482,1605.42, -1472.97, 13.58,0,0,0) warpPedIntoVehicle (source,deliverycarlocation1) markerlocation1 = createMarker (1602.38, -1448.85, 12.55, "cylinder", 2, 255, 0, 0, 255) blipLS = createBlipAttachedTo (markerlocation1, 51) setElementVisibleTo ( "blipLS", root, false) setElementVisibleTo ( "blipLS", source, true) end addEvent ("setLocation1", true) addEventHandler ("setLocation1", root, Location1) function location1cash (player) if (player) and (player ~= source) then givePlayerMoney(player, 2000) setPlayerWantedLevel(player, getPlayerWantedLevel(player)+1) destroyElement(markerlocation1) destroyElement(blipLS) destroyElement(deliverycarlocation1) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", markerlocation1, location1cash )
  19. Just give the code of your GUI window. How are we supposed to check if you dont let us see the script of yours.~!!!!!!!!!! Post the script here where the GUIwindow is created.
  20. bosslorenz


    Do this on your client side scripts with the GUI addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", marker, function ) marker = createMarker (x,y,z,type,r,g,b,a) <<-----the marker you want only the GUI will show. function = the function that will show upon the addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", marker, function ) is triggered. Get some infos here https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Main_Page Im also learning in scripts so you should do the same. I already gave you the the eventHandler on your Criminal mission addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", markerlocation1, location1cash ) so you should just take a look on the similarities of it with your openGui onClientMarkerHit
  21. bosslorenz


    Change this line on your function location1cash addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", root, location1cash ) to his addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", markerlocation1, location1cash ) setElementVisibleTo ( "the blip name", root, false) setElementVisibleTo ( "the blip name", player, true) This sets the blip invisible to everyone but visible to the player.
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