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' A F .

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Everything posted by ' A F .

  1. تأكد من لوحة آلادمنيه للمره المليون خليك بموضوع واحد مو 1000 موضوع !
  2. روح لـ قروب Console وحط فيه user.Console
  3. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewto ... 61&t=90512 واذا تبي تسويه من نفسك executeSQLQuery setPlayerMuted
  4. آلعفو حيآك آلله <3
  5. showPlayerHudComponentVisible -- wanted
  6. local Vehicle = { }; addEvent ( "Cars", true ) addEventHandler ( "Cars", root, function ( iD, Money, player ) if ( tonumber ( Money ) ) then if ( getPlayerMoney ( player ) >= tonumber ( Money ) ) then takePlayerMoney ( player, tonumber ( Money ) ) outputChatBox ( "* [ "..tonumber ( Money ).." ] بـ هذا المبلغ [ "..getVehicleNameFromID ( iD ).." ] لقد اشتريت السيارهـ", player, 0, 255, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ( "* لا تملك المال الكافي لـ شراء سيارهـ", player, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end if ( isElement ( Vehicle[source] ) ) then destroyElement ( Vehicle[source] ) end local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( player ) Vehicle[source] = createVehicle ( iD, x, y, z ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( player, Vehicle[source] ) end )
  7. يعطيك العافيه , بس يوم عطلته عطل الكيبورد الخارجي معه ضضَ
  8. ترآ انت جآبر برو شوف توقيعك ضض
  9. هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه
  10. ^ انت مافهمت هو وش يبي , يبي يغير خط الشات
  11. السلام عليكم انا ي جمآعه فيه 3 ازرار مهمة بالكيبورد الي هي الاسهم تو انتثر عليها عصير شريت لي كيبورد جديد آقدر آعطل الكيبورد الاساسي ؟؟
  12. i edited code you can test new code
  13. you are welcome test this function onPedClick(button, state, absX, absY, wx, wy, wz, element) if (element and getElementType(element) == "ped" and state=="down") then if ( getPlayerTeam ( localPlayer ) and getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( localPlayer ) ) == getTeamFromName('Criminals') ) then return outputChatBox("Drug Delivery: You must be criminal.",255,0,0) end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) if (element == ped) then if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, wx, wy, wz)<=3 then guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], true) showCursor (true) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, onPedClick)
  14. test this local Peds = { -- id skin , x,y,z , Rotation {14,1536.6, -1663.82, 13.55,260}, {14,1536.6, -1663.82, 13.55,260}, } for _,v in ipairs ( Peds ) do Ped = createPed(v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],v[5]) end function onPedClick(button, state, absX, absY, wx, wy, wz, element) if (element and getElementType(element) == "ped" and state=="down") then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) if (element == Ped) then if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, wx, wy, wz)<=3 then guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], true) showCursor (true) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, onPedClick)
  15. local Peds = { -- id skin , x,y,z , Rotation {14,1536.6, -1663.82, 13.55,260}, {14,1536.6, -1663.82, 13.55,260}, } for _,v in ipairs ( Peds ) do createPed(v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],v[5]) end this is you want ?
  16. سسكربت حلو عندي لـك اقتراح انك تضيف زر Mute Serial حلؤ وتسوي قريد ليست وتجيب الاعبين المصكوكين ميوت سيريال وتحطم بالقريد ليست + تجيب حألة الاعب هل هو Online Or Offline
  17. أنت عندك خطا بـ الترايقر انت حاط الكولمن خطأ حاط الداتا حق الصور مو حق الايدي ضض ملخبط بـ Colmuns
  18. addEvent("WeaponsShop:BuyWeapon", true) addEventHandler("WeaponsShop:BuyWeapon", root, function (id , price , Ammo) if ( tonumber ( price ) ) then if ( getPlayerMoney ( source ) >= tonumber ( price ) ) then takePlayerMoney ( source, tonumber ( price ) ) giveWeapon ( source, id , Ammo ) outputChatBox( "#FFFF00* [ WeaponsShop ] :#ffffff You Have Buy " ..getWeaponNameFromID(id).."", source , 255 , 0 , 0 , true ) else outputChatBox ("#FFFF00* [ WeaponsShop ] :#FFFFFF You Don't Have" .. price .. "$" , source , 255 , 0 , 0 true) end end end )
  19. addEvent("WeaponsShop:BuyWeapon", true) addEventHandler("WeaponsShop:BuyWeapon", root, function (id , price , Ammo) if ( getPlayerMoney ( source ) >= tonumber ( price ) ) then takePlayerMoney ( source, tonumber ( price ) ) giveWeapon ( source, id , Ammo ) outputChatBox( "#FFFF00* [ WeaponsShop ] :#ffffff You Have Buy " ..getWeaponNameFromID(id).."", source , 255 , 0 , 0 , true ) else outputChatBox ("#FFFF00* [ WeaponsShop ] :#FFFFFF You Don't Have" .. price .. "$" , source , 255 , 0 , 0 true) end end ) جـرب !
  20. local Marker, Started = createMarker( 2226.77954,1838.84619,9.82031, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 250, 0, 100 ) local Positions = { { 2220.82104, -1152.29944, 1025.79688 }, { 2223.53076, -1146.58630, 1025.79688 }, { 2228.42969, -1140.57678, 1029.79688 }, { 2231.60132, -1150.41760, 1029.79688 }, { 2237.60278, -1159.64636, 1029.79688 }, { 2245.54712, -1189.38806, 1029.80432 }, { 2240.68823, -1189.95288, 1033.79688 }, { 2226.09644, -1181.82043, 1029.79688 }, { 2209.90698, -1192.10559, 1029.79688 }, { 2229.25854, -1188.43433, 1029.79688 }, { 2241.62891, -1189.13782, 1029.79688 }, { 2231.00024, -1170.52417, 1029.79688 }, { 2203.62476, -1144.56409, 1033.71802 } } addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", Marker, function( HitElement ) if ( getElementType( HitElement ) == "player" ) then if ( Started ) then setElementInterior( HitElement, 15, unpack( Positions[math.random( #Positions )] ) ) end outputChatBox( Started and "تم الدخول للمهمة|You Enter To Mission" or " The Mission Dont Started|لم تبدأ المهمة بعد", HitElement ) setPlayerTeam ( HitElement, getTeamFromName ( "Mission" ) ) end end ) function StartMission() Started = true if ( isTimer( DisablingMission ) ) then killTimer( DisablingMission ) end if ( isTimer( RestartMission ) ) then killTimer( RestartMission ) end DisablingMission = setTimer( function() Started = false RestartMission = setTimer( StartMission, 1200000, 1 ) end, 120000, 1 ) end addCommandHandler( "start1mission", function( Player ) StartMission() outputChatBox("The Mission Started|المهمة بدأت", root, 255, 0, 0) end ) local Mission = "Mission" addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", root, function ( _,killer ) if ( killer and killer ~= source and getElementType ( killer ) == "player" ) then if ( getPlayerTeam ( killer ) and getPlayerTeam ( killer ) == getTeamFromName ( Mission ) and getPlayerTeam ( source ) and getPlayerTeam ( source ) == getTeamFromName ( Mission ) ) then givePlayerMoney ( killer, 1000 ) end end setPlayerTeam ( source , nil ) end ) createTeam ( Mission ,255,250,0) setTimer ( function ( ) for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if ( getElementInterior ( v ) == 15 ) then setElementPosition(v,2202.63672,1846.10718,10.82031) outputChatBox("The Mission End|المهمة انتهت",v,250,255,0) end end end,600000,1) Timer = setTimer ( function ( ) for i,v in ipairs ( getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName('Mission')) ) do if ( #getPlayersInTeam ( getTeamFromName('Mission') ) <= 1 ) then givePlayerMoney ( v , 50000 ) killTimer ( Timer ) end end end,5000,0) جرب
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