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Everything posted by SpoC^

  1. SpoC^

    ~ Closed

    #Banex ~ I love you man, peace and love
  2. SpoC^

    ~ Closed

    #The Don - Good Job, work
  3. You shouldn't speak english when you simply can't it Não posso falar inglês ? onde isso está escrito ?
  4. @Cadu está parecendo Politico, promessas atraz de promessas até ser eleito, e quando é eleito, simplesmente senta na cadeira, e soma nas estatisticas. . .
  5. Function incomplete please post all function
  6. Go [DayZ-MTA] > DayZ > survivorSystem_client.lua Look for function scoreBoard Full function that will probably be on your survivorSystem_client.lua function scoreBoard() if getKeyState("tab") == false then return end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "logedin") then local offset = dxGetFontHeight(1.55, "default-bold") dxDrawImage(screenWidth * 0.15, screenHeight * 0.2, screenWidth * 0.7, screenHeight * 0.2 + yA, "images/window_bg.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255)) dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.15, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2, screenWidth * 0.7, screenHeight * 0.0025, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 220)) dxDrawText("Name", screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, tocolor(50, 255, 50, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") w1 = dxGetTextWidth("Name", 1.5, "default-bold") dxDrawText("Murders", screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, tocolor(50, 255, 50, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") w2 = dxGetTextWidth("Murders", 1.5, "default-bold") dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 - w2 * 0.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2, screenHeight * 0.2, screenWidth * 0.0025, screenHeight * 0.2 + yA, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 220)) dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2, screenHeight * 0.2, screenWidth * 0.0025, screenHeight * 0.2 + yA, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 220)) dxDrawText("Zombies Killed", screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, tocolor(50, 255, 50, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") w3 = dxGetTextWidth("Zombies Killed", 1.5, "default-bold") dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2, screenHeight * 0.2, screenWidth * 0.0025, screenHeight * 0.2 + yA, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 220)) dxDrawText("Alive Time", screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, tocolor(50, 255, 50, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") w4 = dxGetTextWidth("Alive Time", 1.5, "default-bold") dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1 + w4 + w2 * 0.1, screenHeight * 0.2, screenWidth * 0.0025, screenHeight * 0.2 + yA, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 220)) dxDrawText("Players:" .. #getElementsByType("player"), screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1 + w4 + w2 * 0.1 + w4 / 3, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, screenWidth * 0.8, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset, tocolor(50, 255, 50, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") playerInList = false local playerAmount = #getElementsByType("player") if playerAmount > 10 then playerAmount = 10 end for i = 1, playerAmount do yA = i * offset local offset2 = dxGetFontHeight(1.5, "default-bold") local player = getRankingPlayer(i) or false if not player then break end r, g, b = 255, 255, 255 if getPlayerName(player) == getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()) then r, g, b = 50, 255, 50 playerInList = true end dxDrawText(i, screenWidth * 0.155, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") dxDrawText(string.gsub(getPlayerName(player), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") local murders = getElementData(player, "murders") dxDrawText(murders, screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") local zombieskilled = getElementData(player, "zombieskilled") dxDrawText(zombieskilled, screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") local alivetime = getElementData(player, "alivetime") or 0 dxDrawText(formatTimeFromMinutes(alivetime), screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + yA, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + yA, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") end playerLocalAdd = 0 if not playerInList then playerLocalAdd = offset r, g, b = 50, 255, 50 dxDrawRectangle(screenWidth * 0.15, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + (playerAmount + 2) * offset - offset / 2, screenWidth * 0.7, screenHeight * 0.0025, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 220)) local rank = getElementDataPosition("alivetime", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "alivetime")) dxDrawText(rank, screenWidth * 0.155, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") dxDrawText(string.gsub(getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") local murders = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "murders") dxDrawText(murders, screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") local zombieskilled = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "zombieskilled") dxDrawText(zombieskilled, screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 - screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") local alivetime = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "alivetime") or 0 dxDrawText(formatTimeFromMinutes(alivetime), screenWidth * 0.3 + w1 * 1.6 + w2 * 1.1 + w3 + w2 * 0.1 + screenWidth * 0.0025 / 2 + w2 * 0.1, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset * 2 + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, screenWidth * 0.175, screenHeight * 0.2 + offset + (playerAmount + 2) * offset, tocolor(r, g, b, 200), 1.5, "default-bold") end yA = playerAmount * offset + playerLocalAdd end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), scoreBoard)
  7. Stir in java color Example 18 - guiLabelSetColor(player.gui.mapLabel, 255, 255, 255)
  8. this function is on freeroam in fr_client ... you searched for?
  9. Try this function updatePlayerBlips() if not g_PlayerData then return end local wnd = isWindowOpen(wndSpawnMap) and wndSpawnMap or wndSetPos local mapControl = getControl(wnd, 'map') for elem,player in pairs(g_PlayerData) do if not player.gui.mapBlip then player.gui.mapBlip = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 9, 9, elem == g_Me and 'localplayerblip.png' or 'playerblip.png', false, mapControl) player.gui.mapLabelShadow = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, 100, 14, player.name, false, mapControl) local labelWidth = guiLabelGetTextExtent(player.gui.mapLabelShadow) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor (elem) guiSetSize(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, labelWidth, 14, false) guiSetFont(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, 'default-bold-small') guiLabelSetColor(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, r, g, b) player.gui.mapLabel = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, labelWidth, 14, player.name, false, mapControl) guiSetFont(player.gui.mapLabel, 'default-bold-small') guiLabelSetColor(player.gui.mapLabel, 0, 0, 0) for i,name in ipairs({'mapBlip', 'mapLabelShadow'}) do addEventHandler('onClientGUIDoubleClick', player.gui[name], function() server.warpMe(elem) closeWindow(wnd) end, false ) end end local x, y = getElementPosition(elem) x = math.floor((x + 3000) * g_MapSide / 6000) - 4 y = math.floor((3000 - y) * g_MapSide / 6000) - 4 guiSetPosition(player.gui.mapBlip, x, y, false) guiSetPosition(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, x + 14, y - 4, false) guiSetPosition(player.gui.mapLabel, x + 13, y - 5, false) end end @Walid I was going to say the same lines 15 - guiLabelSetColor(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, r, g, b) 18 - guiLabelSetColor(player.gui.mapLabel, 0, 0, 0)
  10. Do you speak it? you choose a color? of for
  11. SpoC^

    Help please

    where are the mistakes? No Errors , No Solutions...
  12. SpoC^

    helps ped please

    I believe you stole it from someone !? try this local function setPedAttackPlayer(thePed) if(attacking[thePed] == true) then return end attacking[thePed] = true attackTimer[thePed] = setTimer(function() if(getElementHealth(thePed) < 1) then killTimer(attackTimer[thePed]) else local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition(thePed) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local rot = math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / math.pi rot = rot-90 if(isLineOfSightClear(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, true, false, false, false, false, false, false)) then setPedRotation(thePed, rot) setPedAimTarget(thePed, getElementPosition(localPlayer)) setPedControlState(thePed, "aim_weapon", true) setPedControlState(thePed, "fire", true) setTimer(setPedControlState, 100, 1, thePed, "fire", false) else setPedControlState(thePed, "aim_weapon", false) setPedControlState(thePed, "fire", false) end end end, 500, -1) end
  13. I believe that you are in the wrong place, here is HELP in Possible errors with SCRIPTING...
  14. SpoC^


    Lack Shader... I think what you seek you find here. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=7255 I tested and it worked!
  15. SpoC^


    You are putting on which side? Client or Server
  16. SpoC^


    Does the command "/load" work when you use it in F8? The command is in server side or client side? Yes work in f8, but my intention is to facilitate the work to the player by placing directly to perform clicking 'Login' ...
  17. SpoC^


    Yeah, complete my function please...
  18. SpoC^


    Type /debugscript 3 Errors ? try with one --Client addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart" , getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource ( ) ) , function ( ) exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 2290.2392578125, 2430.31640625, 16, 16 , "img/iconlvpd.png" ) end )
  19. SpoC^


    Hi guys, I want adaptation in my login panel, after clicking the 'Entrar' = 'Login' button "auto execute" a command, ie when player click the button, the bind command, Example: /load execute... someone please help? shLogin = guiCreateStaticImage( X + 309, Y + 94, 100, 40, "txd/3.png", false ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",shLogin,onClickBtnLogin) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter",shLogin,LoginSH) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",shLogin,SErem)
  20. You tried this? function checkHand( key, keyState) local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) if ( theVehicle ) then --outputChatBox("you press space brake") playSound("files/handbrake.wav") end end bindKey ( "handbrake", "down", checkHand )
  21. local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() local px,py = 1280,720 local x,y = (sx/px), (sy/py) local handbrake = false local x2, y2, x3, y3 = 0, 0, 0, 0 local playing = false -- set to false function speed() local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) if ( theVehicle ) then if ( getControlState ( "handbrake" ) ) then dxDrawImage(x*960+x2, y*470+y2, 306, 232, "files/2/hb2.png", 0,0,0, tocolor(255, 255, 255 , 255)) if ( handbrake == false ) then handbrake = playSound("files/handbrake.wav") handbrake = true end else dxDrawImage(x*960+x2, y*470+y2, 306, 232, "files/2/hb.png", 0,0,0, tocolor(255, 255, 255 , 255)) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, speed ) addEventHandler("onClientSoundStopped",root, function() if source == handbrake then handbrake = false end end )
  22. @xXMADEXx , @Roots only just want the sound to be enabled once, after entering the vehicle
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