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Everything posted by Dolinho

  1. Because when I try to use a modified clothes I'm being disconnected? I'm not wearing clothes, this is first i want to modify txd = engineLoadTXD("Vforvendetta.txd") engineImportTXD(txd, 30247) dff = engineLoadDFF("Vforvendetta.dff", 30247) engineReplaceModel(dff, 30247) meta: "Vforvendetta.txd" /> "Vforvendetta.dff" />
  2. what should I use to get to my gun lock at 0-0. whenever I have my ammo 0 disappears the gun. toggleControl i not want to use because i use an Turf that makes Unblock weapons ????
  3. Dolinho


    is server.lua and the resource is working just onWeaponFire not work either.
  4. Dolinho


    So when can I use my gun does not appear anything in the chat?
  5. Dolinho


    because this resource does not works. I already did everything for this to work well, someone help me? addEventHandler( "onWeaponFire", root, function () if ( isElement( source ) ) and ( getElementType( source ) == "player" ) then outputChatBox( "You fired a weapon!", source, 0, 225, 0 ) end end )
  6. only with vps? There is another way?
  7. Has some way to use URL instead of IP? mtasa:// example: mtasa://rpgam.systes.net:22003
  8. Thank you very much, helped me a lot. I'm glad you guys help me if not getElementData ( value, "TimeVip") then return end
  9. time does not diminish, can anyone help me? Client time = guiCreateLabel ( 10, 360, 290, 18, "", false ) guiSetFont(time,"default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(time,0,255,0) setTimer(function() guiSetText ( time,"Tempo Restante do seu vip: "..getElementData( localPlayer,"TimeVip" ).."") end,50,0) Server: addEvent('AddPlayerVip', true) addEventHandler('AddPlayerVip', root, function(wantedToApply,player) playeraccount = getPlayerFromName ( wantedToApply ) setElementData(playeraccount,"VipTimeADD","VIP-Simples") setElementData(playeraccount,"TimeVip",1000) triggerEvent ( "testetimefuture", player ) local acc = getPlayerAccount ( wantedToApply ) setAccountData(acc,"VipTimeADD",getElementData(wantedToApply,"VipTimeADD")) end) -------------Here erro ------------- function TimerCount ( ) setElementData(source,"TimeVip",getElementData(source,"TimeVip")-1) setElementData ( source, "TimeVip", Counte-1 ) end setTimer ( TimerCount, 1000, 0 )
  10. Dolinho

    clothes Xml

    i want to use xml to avoid adding clothes to stay on the panel. only I know not use xml someone help me? Client: function replaceTXD() txd = engineLoadTXD("bbjackrim.txd") engineImportTXD( txd, 30239) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, replaceTXD) local marker = createMarker( 662.257, -1864.015, 4.461, "Cylinder", 1.5, 0, 255, 0, 150) function guiMyCwindow(w,h,t) local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() return guiCreateWindow((x-w)/1,(y-h)/2,w,h,t,false) end Clothers = guiMyCwindow(470,490,"Roupa para o CJ") guiSetAlpha(Clothers, 1) guiSetVisible(Clothers, false) air = guiCreateButton(255,455,305,25,"Sair",false,Clothers) guiSetProperty(air, "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0000") guiSetFont(air,"default-bold-small") aire = guiCreateButton(255,420,305,25,"Colocar esta item",false,Clothers) guiSetFont(aire,"default-bold-small") --clothes Drawclothes = guiCreateGridList(10, 22, 240, 500, false, Clothers) players = guiGridListAddColumn(Drawclothes,"Roupas personalizadas para cj",0.85) for i = 1, 90 do guiGridListAddRow(Drawclothes) end guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,0,1,"Shirt player_torso (sem camisa)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,1,1,"Shirt vestblack (Regata Preta)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,2,1,"Shirt vest (Regata Branca)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,3,1,"Shirt tshirt2horiz (Camisa Listrada)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,4,1,"Shirt tshirtwhite (Camisa Branca)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,5,1,"Shirt tshirtilovels (Camisa I Love LS)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,6,1,"Shirt tshirtblunts (Camisa da Homies)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,7,1,"Shirt shirtbplaid (Camisa Chadrez Red)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,8,1,"Shirt shirtbcheck (Camisa C.. Azul)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,9,1,"Shirt field (Camisa de Campo)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,10,1,"Shirt tshirterisyell (Camisa Verde)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,11,1,"Shirt tshirterisorn (Camisa Laranja)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,12,1,"Shirt trackytop2eris (Camisa Style)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,13,1,"Shirt bbjackrim (Blusa Red)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,14,1,"Shirt bballjackrstar (Blusa RS)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,15,1,"Shirt baskballdrib (baskball Red)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,16,1,"Shirt baskballrim (baskball Branca)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,17,1,"Shirt sixtyniners (Camisa Azul)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,18,1,"Shirt bandits (Camisa de baseball)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,19,1,"Shirt tshirtprored (Camisa Pro Red)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,20,1,"Shirt trackytop1pro (Camisa Pro Blk)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,21,1,"Shirt tshirtproblk (Camisa Pro 1)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,22,1,"Shirt hockeytop (Camisa de hockey)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,23,1,"Shirt bbjersey (Camisa de Pro Verde)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,24,1,"Shirt shellsuit (Camisa Baitola)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,25,1,"Shirt tshirtheatwht (Camisa Branca)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,26,1,"Shirt tshirtbobomonk (Camisa Monk)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,27,1,"Shirt tshirtbobored (Camisa Red 80)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,28,1,"Shirt tshirtbase5 (Camisa Branca 5)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,29,1,"Shirt tshirtsuburb (Camisa SubUrban)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,30,1,"Shirt hoodyamerc (Camisa Amerc)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,31,1,"Shirt hoodyabase5 (Camisa Base 5)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,32,1,"Shirt hoodyarockstar (Camisa RS Branca)",false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(Drawclothes,33,1,"Shirt wcoatblue (Camisa Coat Blue)",false,false) function click1() local row,col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( Drawclothes ) if source == aire then if ( row == 0 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 1 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete1",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 2 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete2",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 3 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete3",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 4 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete4",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 5 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete5",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 6 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete6",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 7 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete7",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 8 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete8",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 9 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete9",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 10 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete10",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 11 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete11",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 12 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete12",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 13 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete13",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 14 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete14",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 15 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete15",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 16 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete16",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 17 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete17",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 18 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete18",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 19 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete19",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 20 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete20",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 21 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete21",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 22 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete22",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 23 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete23",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 24 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete24",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 25 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete25",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 26 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete26",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 27 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete27",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 28 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete28",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 29 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete29",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 30 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete30",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 31 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete31",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 32 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete32",localPlayer) elseif ( row == 33 ) and ( col == 1 ) then triggerServerEvent("helmetCapacete33",localPlayer) end end end addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, click1) function Battles(hitElement) if getElementType(hitElement) == "player" and (hitElement == localPlayer) then if not guiGetVisible(Clothers) then guiSetVisible(Clothers, true) showCursor(true) guiGridListClear(gridecvermelho) guiGridListClear(gridec) end end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", marker, Battles) function Battle() guiSetVisible(Clothers, false) showCursor(false) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", air , Battle, false) Server: function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "player_torso", "torso", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "vestblack", "vest", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete1", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete1",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "vest", "vest", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete2", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete2",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "tshirt2horiz", "tshirt2", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete3", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete3",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "tshirtwhite", "tshirt", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete4", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete4",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "tshirtilovels", "tshirt", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete5", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete5",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "tshirtblunts", "tshirt", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete6", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete6",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "shirtbplaid", "shirtb", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete7", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete7",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "shirtbcheck", "shirtb", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete8", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete8",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "field", "field", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete9", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete9",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "tshirterisyell", "tshirt", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete10", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete10",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "tshirterisorn", "tshirt", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete11", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete11",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "trackytop2eris", "trackytop1", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete12", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete12",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "bbjackrim", "bbjack", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete13", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete13",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "bballjackrstar", "bbjack", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete14", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete14",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "baskballdrib", "baskball", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete15", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete15",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "baskballrim", "baskball", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete16", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete16",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "sixtyniners", "tshirt", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete17", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete17",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "bandits", "baseball", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete18", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete18",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "tshirtprored", "tshirt", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete19", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete19",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "tshirtproblk", "tshirt", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete20", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete20",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "trackytop1pro", "trackytop1", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete21", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete21",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "hockeytop", "sweat", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete22", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete22",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "bbjersey", "sleevt", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete23", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete23",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "shellsuit", "trackytop1", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete24", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete24",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "tshirtheatwht", "tshirt", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete25", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete25",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "tshirtbobomonk", "tshirt", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete26", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete26",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "tshirtbobored", "tshirt", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete27", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete27",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "tshirtbase5", "tshirt", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete28", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete28",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "tshirtsuburb", "tshirt", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete29", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete29",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "hoodyamerc", "hoodya", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete30", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete30",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "hoodyabase5", "hoodya", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete31", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete31",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "hoodyarockstar", "hoodya", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete32", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete32",root,joinPilot) function joinPilot() addPedClothes ( source, "wcoatblue", "wcoat", 0 ) end addEvent("helmetCapacete33", true) addEventHandler("helmetCapacete33",root,joinPilot) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root, function() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then local cTable = {} for i = 0, 17 do local texture, model = getPedClothes(source, i) if texture and model then table.insert(cTable, {texture, model, i}) end end setAccountData(account, "Clothes", toJSON(cTable)) end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() if not isPedDead(source) then givePlayerClothes() else addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", source, givePlayerClothes) end end) function givePlayerClothes() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if account and not isGuestAccount(account) then local data = getAccountData(account, "Clothes") if (data) then local cTable = fromJSON(data) if cTable and type(cTable) == "table" then local cSkin = getElementModel(source) setElementModel(source, 0) for _, value in ipairs(cTable) do addPedClothes(source, value[1], value[2], value[3]) end
  11. Dolinho


    when I try to create a gang with this system. "ERROR this group is found change name" already added to the ACL and did not work
  12. Dolinho


    what should I use to create a group system with Turfs? And how to save the existing gangs?
  13. thank you helped me a lot
  14. guys when I access this link by a browser it asks login and password for my server but I never experienced it, anyone know where I can password? ""
  15. I tested with a friend, but this msg appearing for everyone and not only for those who mind this in the group
  16. thank you helped me a lot
  17. if I use that goes for all of the specific team for _,v in ipairs (getPlayersInTeam (getTeamFromName("Novo Jogador do BMV"))) do outputChatBox ( "Ola novo jogador", v ,0,255,0,true) how will I do for getElementData ? for _,v in ipairs (getElementData("Red")) do outputChatBox ( "Ola novo jogador", v ,0,255,0,true) ?????????????? If a player has Element Red so he would receive a msg
  18. thank you,I got perfectly thanks to all
  19. I want a player to stay in a special screen Until the complete dowload How do?
  20. worked perfectly, thank you ...
  21. can you help me? I'm not making money by killing a player addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(), function(client) if getElementData( source, "Occupation", "AZUL") ~= true then takePlayerMoney ( source, 1200 ) givePlayerMoney ( client, 1200 ) end end )
  22. I created a team, I want that a particular group is not visible on the scoreboard I need the team to check how many players are in them.
  23. good, it worked ... How can I make a team not stay in fisivel scoreboar for certain players?
  24. how to prevent a player to leave your boat? I'm trying this but not sure. for _,v in ipairs (getPlayersInTeam (getTeamFromName("Grupo Azul"))) do local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( v ) setVehicleLocked ( vehicle, true )
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