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Everything posted by CrosRoad95

  1. example button=guiCreateButton(...) button:on("click",function() outputChatBox("lel") end) button=guiCreateButton(...) button:on("change",function() outputChatBox("lel") end)
  2. for example <filefolder src="folder/blips/.*" /> -- select folder and include all files using regex .* and can be attribute subfolders="true" then include all folder like script/folder/blips/subfolder it will be awasome, now i must look that http://screenshot.sh/oB6bqJi4YdTba yes, i can create php script, module, use bash etc to get all files in folder
  3. It's possible to add new operators like ! ? @ $ & | ` which can be edited by setmetatable?
  4. enable option to popup notification like this http://jsfiddle.net/SiamKreative/8W8XK/
  5. example: returnFromLoadString,Something=loadstring("a=1;b=2;c=function()end")() iprint(a,b,c) -- print: 1,2,functionHandler unloadstring(Something) iprint(a,b,c) -- print: nil,nil,nil Or add client-side startResource && stopResource ( example for disable admin feature for the selected player ) and event serverSide event like "onClientStopResource" & "onClientStartResource"
  6. give me example code, use only 1 object
  7. setObjectAnimated(Element object,bool) -- turn off or turn on object animations ( eg. chicken on north san andreas ), freeze on current frame setObjectFrame(Element object,int frame) -- set object frame setObjectAnimatedSpeed(Element object, float speed) -- set object animation speed setObjectAnimatedEasing(Element object, string easting type) -- set easing from this https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Easing i can make building, when i enter, building start demolish ( eg in battlefield 4 etc. )
  8. be awesome if have been added function like modifyOutputChatBox(string tag,string newContent) e.g: outputChatBox("Something [myTag]in tag[/myTag] Something") // on chat looks like: Something in tag Something modifyOutputChatBox("myTag","new content") // on chat looks like: Something new content Something and exited message will be updated. for client and server will be awasome
  9. hi how create ml_base.so from source files on linux ( debian 8 ) ? i tried using 'make' command but dont work ml_base from this link http://www.mediafire.com/file/b8b3asgegn0xkm4/ml_devkit.zip
  10. CrosRoad95


    Hi It proposes to add modules that can be files .lua or add function to set global function without using meta exports
  11. PL Mój pomysł jest taki aby w configu mta była opcja dodania seriali których nie będzie można wyżucić z servera (kick) i seriali których nie można zbanować ( ban ) ENG My idea is to mta config option was added serials which can not be wyżucić the server (kick ) and series you can not ban ( ban)
  12. Witam jaka funkcja lub jak pobrać który od góry item na grid liscie zaznaczyłem ? mam np. takie cos: TEST1 TEST2 TEST3 TEST4 i po kliknieciu TEST3 odsyla mi 3, a po kliknieciu TEST2 odsyla 2 jak to zrobić ?
  13. could you sell me source code of this script ?
  14. how can i get list of all gangs ?
  15. Witam Chcialbym zaprosić wszystkich graczy mta sa na moj server zombi o nazwie: .: Polski Server Zombi :. Znajdują sie na nim: - Zombi ( to chyba oczywiste ) - PKT za zabicie zombi ( 1 pkt / 1 zombi ) - Sklep ( zeby w nim kupic trzeba miec odpowiednio duzo pkt ( pkt = exp ) - System lvl ( aktualnie jest 50lvl / poziomow ktore mozna zdobywac, 50lvl za 10tys exp ) - Areny ( narazie 8 a bedzie 36 ) - Zestaw komend typu: /hpmax /max itp ( wiecej info w panelu F2 ) I wiele wiecej! Zobacz moj server i go ocen
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